Mary Higgins
Janet Gordon
Exactly Who were they?
Maternal lineages of the Thomas
Triffitt Family
In 2012, a book was written about the Triffitt Family Ancestors.
That book can be read online.
My personal opinion is that the book is in very bad taste and very
disrespectful to the women associated with this family
Did the writer have some problem with women? Initially I was rather disgusted as his
descriptions of Phoebe Triffitt, and did not read any more.
However, I had no idea he had followed that same pattern into Mary
Triffitt, and all the ladies that formed part of the Triffitt Family Heritage.
However, now it can be revealed the "author" has died, and a
quick look at his biography really does prove his carried a very large
"chip" on his shoulders.
He has however, provided an in depth study of the origins of the
Triffitt Family.
There are, some parts which may or may not be correct. Certainly the life in Australia, at New
Norfolk, is how he has written, and how it is presented, good and bad.
But proving the relationships with Mary Higgins, may leave some room for
Mary Whiston from Walsall
Contemporary Triffitt Genealogy provide information that Mary Triffitt
was born Mary Whiston, who had a child with Samuel Higgins, and more children
with James Harrold.
Baptismal records confirm the births of Sarah, Ann, Betty, Mary and John
Transcriptions of the name Whiston vary greatly.
The family lived in the village of Walsall. She was born in 1757
At the beginning of the 18th century the population of Walsall was just
over 5,500, almost twice what it was 100 years earlier.
In January 1701 Walsall Corporation acquired the old manorial corn mill
by The Bridge, from the lady of the manor, Dame Elizabeth Wilbraham, on a 500
year lease, at an annual rent of two shillings. The building was in a poor
condition and the Corporation agreed to repair it and to give any profits from
grinding to the poor. Repairs were made, and small sums of money earned, but by
1763 the building had been demolished or converted to other uses.
Difficult times for the Corporation
During 18th century the Corporation faced many problems. Its popularity
was at an all time low, there were difficulties in recruiting members, financial
crises, and hostilities between the Borough and the Foreign.
Many of the burgesses were tradesmen, who were not prepared to be
members of the Corporation, in case they had to make unpopular decisions that
might prejudice their business interests. Foreigners, Nonconformists,
Catholics, and High Tories were excluded from the Corporation, and until 1741
the Mayor received no payment for his duties. After 1741 any mayor who served
for two consecutive years would receive a payment of £15, from then on most
mayors served a double period.
Corporation membership was lower than ever, with rarely more than 12
members. In the twenty years up until 1708, thirty Capital Burgesses had been
appointed to the Corporation, but in the next twenty years only eleven were
willing to serve on the Corporation.
There were financial difficulties, particularly over the poor rate.
People in the Borough were paying three times more than those living in the
Foreign, which led to resentment, and the call for a general rate for everyone
in the town. In 1752, in an attempt to overcome the problem, the magistrates
appointed four overseers for the whole town, in the hope that his would lead to
the establishment of a general rate. Previously there had been separate
overseers for the Borough and the Foreign.
Walsall in about 1796. Stebbing Shaw.
The people in the Foreign would have none of this, and one of the
Foreign overseers, Samuel Wilkes of Bloxwich went to prison rather than handing
his books over to the magistrates. The leading inhabitants of Bloxwich took
their case to the Court of the King’s Bench on two occasions, each time
achieving a judgement against the magistrates. In 1756 the magistrates finally
gave-in and reinstated the old system.
One of the Corporations’ most serious problems was maintaining law and
order. There were a many disturbances by large disorganised crowds,
demonstrating against political parties, the established church, Methodism, the
crown, or more usually high food prices. During one riot in 1750 an effigy of
King George II was hung on Church Hill.
In the latter half of the 18th century many people were unemployed and
could not afford to properly feed themselves and their families. The price of
wheat had escalated, and so people took to the streets, attacked millers, food
wholesalers, and even market traders. They believed that they could force
traders to reduce prices by rioting. Things were so bad that in 1776 over
twenty people were sworn-in as constables to protect the market traders from
rioting crowds, who frequently attacked them, and were dissuading them from
coming to the market.
In 1780 a hundred coal miners invaded the corn mill at Bescot, and
forced the miller to sell them wheat at five shillings a bushel. They then
marched to Walsall market and forced the traders to do likewise.
The system of law and order was inadequate to cope with the problem,
which was made worse by the rising population. The magistrates held a petty
session each week, and a Court of Quarter Sessions. The town gaol was insecure
and many prisoners escaped, some being sent to Wolverhampton for tighter
Relief for the poor
In 1723 poor relief legislation was passed under the terms of the
Workhouse Test Act which stated that anyone wanting to receive poor relief had
to enter a workhouse and undertake a set amount of work. The legislation was
intended to prevent irresponsible claims on a parish's poor rate. By 1750 there
were 600 parish workhouses in England and Wales.
In 1717 Walsall Corporation purchased three cottages on Church Hill,
near the church, from Mr. Thomas Harris of Worcester. By 1732 the cottages had
been converted into Walsall’s first workhouse, with accommodation for 130
people. The first governor, Simon Cox was followed by Richard Lambert,
appointed in 1781 at a salary of £25. He was given the following instructions, which
were recorded in the vestry book:
In 1799 the workhouse was enlarged to accommodate over 200 people. It
had a large dining room, 42 feet long by 15 feet wide, with two very pleasant
and airy lodging rooms above, and a large workroom with facilities for spinning
wool and linen. The poor were expected to work there and make their own
clothes. The building was inconveniently situated, being on top of the hill.
Water for drinking and washing had to be carried there by hand. There was also
a workhouse at Bloxwich capable of holding around 100 people. Most of the poor
were given outdoor relief, and lived away from the workhouse. They received
payments for rent, fuel, clothing, and medical expenses. In 1742 the
expenditure for the poor amounted to £338.17s.2½d. By 1810 this had increased
to around £2,000.
Many people insured themselves against unemployment and sickness by
joining clubs and benefit societies. By the end of the century there were 20 of
them in the town, more than anywhere else in Staffordshire. They had around
1,800 members, who in times of need received between 6 and 8 shillings a week,
plus medical treatment.
A Municipal Cemetery and a Racecourse
By 1750 there was almost no space left in St. Matthew’s graveyard for
burials and so the Corporation purchased land off Bath Street known as Windmill
Field, and built what was called the Old Burial Ground, Walsall’s first
municipal cemetery. It was surrounded by a brick wall, the first bricks being
laid at a ceremony in March 1751 by Mr. A. Bealey, Mrs. Elizabeth Cox, and the
Rev. Robert Felton.
Walsall racecourse and grandstand. From Thomas Pearce's History and Directory of Walsall.
Long Meadow in between Walsall Brook and the mill stream was the site of
the town’s racecourse which opened in 1777. Meetings were held annually during
the Michaelmas Fair, and a grandstand was added in 1809.
Trades in 1767
Sketchley’s Directory published in 1767 contains the first detailed list
of Walsall trades. It listed 84 buckle makers, 66 chape makers, 38 publicans,
19 spur and rowel makers, 13 snaffle makers, 10 ironmongers, 8 stirrup makers,
7 chapmen and merchants, and several awl-blade makers, blacksmiths, chandlers,
curriers, fellmongers, gunsmiths, locksmiths, nailers, skinners, tanners, and
Inns and Hostelries
In 1774 the owner of the New Inn on the left-hand side of Park Street
(looking towards Town End) was looking for a new tenant. The pub was described
in Aris’s Birmingham Gazette on the 19th of September, 1774 as follows:
Behind the inn was a well known cock pit used for the sport of cock
fighting. The sport was very popular during the 18th century, especially during
race meetings. Higher up Park Street, on the other side was Hancox and
Clibury’s Bell Foundry at Pott House. In 1634 they cast the great bell for St.
Mary’s Church in Lichfield. By the latter half of the 18th century, Park Street
had become one of the most important streets in the town, which resulted in it
being paved in 1776.
Other local pubs included the Angel in Park Street, the Woolpack, and
the Talbot, both in Digbeth, the Three Swans in Peal Street, and the Bull’s
Head in Upper Rushall Street. The Woolpack, a timber-framed building dating
from the 15th century, was originally one of the finest houses in the town. By
the 17th century it had been divided into an inn and a shop. The inn greatly
prospered because of its central position, and became one of the main centres
for cock fighting. It survived until February 1964 when the area was
The Green Dragon Inn in High Street had been an inn since around 1707
and became the centre of the town's social, and political life, due to its
close proximity to the Guildhall. It had as large bowling green, 55 yards long,
and assembly rooms which were used as the town's first theatre from around 1787
until 1803.
Improvements and Industrial Uncertainty
By this time more traffic was coming into the busy town centre. In order
to improve access from Birmingham Road, Bridge Street (originally called New
Street) was constructed in 1776. Until this time, all traffic to Birmingham had
to go through Digbeth and High Street to the top of the town, and through
Rushall Street. This was treacherous, if not impossible in the winter months, due
to snow and ice.
Market house at the top of High Street, built around 1589 was demolished
in 1800. By the 1760s its position in the centre of the road, close to the
turning into Rushall Street, made it an obstruction to traffic. It was replaced
in 1809 by a smaller house further up the hill, near to the church steps. By
the 1830s it was little used, and became a store for market stalls. It was
demolished in 1852.
In 1778 the Corporation added extra pumps to the
piped water supply that had been in use since 1676. The new pumps were in
Ablewell Street, and Hill Top. There were pumps in each of the main streets,
and a wash house on The Bridge, fed by lead water pipes from the source of the
supply at Caldmore, known as the ‘Spouts’. A workman was paid an annual
allowance of 10s.6d. to keep the pumps in good repair.
By the latter part of the 18th century the main industries in the town
were chape making, and buckle making. In 1792 it looked as though buckle making
would soon come to and end, because buckles were rapidly going out of fashion,
due to the use of shoe laces, then known as shoestrings. The Walsall buckle
makers sent a deputation to London, who were introduced to King George III by
prominent parliamentarian, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, member of parliament for
Stafford. The King was sympathetic to their cause and told the principal
officers of his court that they must continue to use buckles instead of
Other members of the royal family did the same, and the deputation,
which included buckle makers from Wolverhampton, Birmingham, and London,
invited the chief members of the royal household to a splendid dinner to
celebrate their success. In reality they were just delaying the inevitable.
By 1820 the King and his
household had ceased to wear buckles, and a local newspaper announced that
“Walsall was ruined.”
The George Hotel, Volunteers, and Increasing Population
The George Hotel opened in 1781. It was built by Thomas Fletcher who had previously been landlord of the Green Dragon in High Street. It became the most important coaching inn in the town. At the height of the coaching era it could stable 106 horses. Many coaches stopped there daily, and many distinguished people stayed at the hotel. Thomas Fletcher actively campaigned for local roads to be improved, and helped to encourage the series of Road Improvement Acts that were passed by parliament in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. He continued as proprietor of the hotel until his death in 1811, when he was succeeded by his son, Richard. In later times the hotel was greatly enlarged and modified.
Walsall Volunteer Association was formed in 1798 at a time when France
was threatening to invade the country. People from all over the country were
volunteering for the British army, and Walsall was determined not to be left
out. A public subscription raised the necessary funds, and a meeting was held
in the Guildhall on May 12th, 1798, during which a letter from the Marquis of
Stafford was read. Forty three of the men who attended the meeting joined the
volunteers, who were led by Joseph Scott, their captain. The colours were
presented at a ceremony held at Barr Beacon on September 23rd, 1799. Afterwards
the officers and men were entertained at the George Hotel by the Corporation,
at a cost of 100 guineas.
Another association, the Queen’s Own Royal Yeomanry, formed on July 4th,
1794, included a troop from Walsall, under the command of William Tennant. In
September 1800 the Walsall troop, under the command of Sir Nigel Gresley,
helped to suppress riots at Walsall and Wolverhampton caused by the high price
of corn.
By 1801 the population had grown to 10,399, divided
almost equally between the Borough and the Foreign (5,177 people lived in the
Borough, and 5,222 lived in the Foreign). The Borough contained 1,013 houses,
135 of which were uninhabited. There were 941 houses in the Foreign, only 50 of
which were uninhabited. There were more women than men living in the Borough,
and more men than women in the Foreign.
Since the beginning of the century the population had almost doubled, as
it did in the previous century, and Walsall had grown into a sizeable
Staffordshire town. The rate of population growth hadn’t changed for two
hundred years, but in the next century things would be very different as people
flocked to the area to find employment in the new industries that soon
appeared. By the middle of the next century there would be around 30,000 people
living in the town.
Walsall (/ˈwɔːlsɔːl/ (
listen) or /ˈwɒlsɔːl/)
is an industrial town in the West Midlands of England. It is located 8
miles north-west of Birmingham and 6 miles east of Wolverhampton. Historically part of Staffordshire, Walsall is a component area of the West Midlands

parents were purported to be the descendants of Reynolds of Rushall
The high quality limestone which lies very near the surface at Rushall
was first exploited by the Romans who valued it for their elegant villa's and
bath houses.
Again during the Industrial Revolution the use of limestone in the
smelting of iron led to an expansion in its mining. New settlements developing
in the Daw End, Hay Head and Linley workings. Eventually the Hall's park
workings collapsed and flooded to create the Park Lime Pits, which today is a
nature reserve.
Although Butts (an ancient area set aside in many English towns and
villages where men in the middle ages were obliged to practise their archery
skills), and Ryecroft are technically part of the parish of Rushall, they
developed more as suburbs of Walsall. Rushall proper was established on the
Lichfield Road at its junction with Pelsall Lane, Daw End Lane and Coalpool
Lane (Station Road). Here a toll-bar was set up when the road was turnpiked in
Sometime during the 300 years from their inception, the Settlement
Documents relating to the occupants of Walsall Borough and Foreign have been
lost or destroyed. It was therefore with delight that I came across the
following list in one of the parish books belonging to Rushall, now in the safe
keeping of Stafford Record Office - I hope it helps some of you to trace the
movements of your forebears before they arrived at Rushall.
John Reynolds

By 1588 Reynold's
Hall included hall, parlour, kitchen, and outbuildings. In 1588-9 a further
three-storeyed and jettied timber-framed block with a short range joining it to
the old hall was built. It included kitchen, larder-house, and boulting-house
on the ground floor, two chambers above with dormer-windows, and a cock-loft
with three 'clerestories'. A porch was built at either end, with a study over
the one facing the town. The old kitchen, apparently also timber-framed, was
rebuilt and extended, and a new timber-framed barn, gatehouse, and brick and
timber dovecot were constructed. (fn. 81) The house included at least 30 rooms in 1639, (fn. 82) and in 1749 20 rooms were mentioned. (fn. 83) It was still occupied in 1784 but had been demolished by
1800. (fn. 84)
Reynold's Hall Farm,
south of the former hall and east of Persehouse Street, existed by 1819. (fn. 85) It occurs as Reynold's Hall in 1864 and Reynold's Hall Farm
from 1882. It was occupied by tenants in the mid and later 19th century and was
demolished in 1897 for the building of Foden Road
St Michael, Rushall.
{Registers date from 1686}
Registers at:
Stafford Record Office.
Lichfield Joint Record Office.
Walsall Local History Centre.

Lack Of Source
There are no source documents as
yet digitised for a marriage of Mary Whiston to anyone named Samuel Higgins, in
Walsall. There are records for a Dick
Higgins who had children with a Mary.
The children were Sarah born in 1772 and Tom born in 1775.
There are no source documents as
yet digitised for a marriage of Mary Whiston to anyone named James Harrold,
although a James Harrold, who was born in London in 1756 son of William
Harrold, did have children baptised, showing their mother as Mary.
There is however, a marriage
record for a Mary Whiston who married in 1770 a Thomas Lucas, in St Andrew,
Holborn. There was a family of Elizabeth
Whiston, in London, and Elizabeth ran a boarding house, her children were
Joseph and Jane.
A Mary Higgins was arrested in
Birmingham for stealing. Her identity
was prisoner 2044. Clearly Birmingham
and Staffordshire are in close proximity.
There is however no date.
Perhaps this is the real Mary
Higgins, and she was shipped out to the Colony.
There are records showing that
Mary Higgins was twice in a Workhouse, and a Mary Higgins stole 12 handkerchiefs
and was placed in Prison for 6 months.
When Mary was charged with
stealing the silk, she had already paid for some of the goods.
She was
then, not destitute.
Some researchers indicate she has
a sister Lona (Eleanor) Whitson. There
are records which show Eleanor was sent to Newgate Prison.
Whiston's in Court records, Elizabeth is the owner of a
Boarding house, her daugher is Jane.
If Mary Higgins, was in jail in
1784, Harrold/Herrold could not have been
the father of a child attributed to him named Ann.
In 1777
a Mary Whiston was Discharged from the
Work House
Mary Whitton/Higgins married James Triffitt son of William Triffitt
and Susan Slingsby of Yorkshire.
They had
a large family, and Phoebe Trififtt, who married John Jillett is their
With such an unusual name it
would not be anticipated that she would have relatives join in the long trip
south. Thomas Whiston, deceased, his wife Eliza and two children are
on a Convict log.
Mary Higgins arrived with a child
named Ann. Now Mary was arrested in
1784, and stayed in Prison for years before she was sent on the Juliana. The reports of the Juliana show that 36
children were conceived during the 9 month journey, no doubt young Ann Higgins
was one of them.'
She died
in Sydney, not long after the arrival.
son Thomas married Mary Scattergood in 1815 in Hobart.
Mary was
not the daughter of William Scattergood, as some researchers imply.
Who then
was her father?
Her mother was Janet Gordon. Janet married in 1811, in Tasmania William
Scattergood. They settled in New
Norfolk. But probably Janet married
William for protection, or convenience, as living in a cosy arrangement was
frowned upon.
Almost every couple, complete
with children, were married when they returned to Tasmania after leaving
Norfolk Island.
The reasons for some were simply
so they could retain land in their own name, as was the case with Robert
Jillett. Previously all land grants were
in Elizabeth's name, as she arrived free.
Mary was born on Norfolk Island,
around 1799. Unfortunately she is most
probably another missing statistic on the records. She is not accounted for in records
associated with Janet Gordon, whatever name she was using.
The Triffitt research indicates a
John Taylor as the father. That might be
correct, but where did John go? There is
a records of a marriage in Hobart in 1809 of a John Taylor and an Ann Wilson.
Could this be her father?
Her mother Janet Gordon was born
in 1766 in Inverness in Scotland. There
were only two Janet Gordon's born at that time, so following the established
research, her parents were Adam Gordon and Mary McKenzie.
She was baptised in December
1766. Like all Scottish girls, there was
a need to marry, so not to be supported by family. There is a marriage for a Janet Gordon to a
Dougald McKillican in December 1782.
From that marriage there are 4
children before the trial date, then another set later. Janet was arrested, and placed inside the
Tower Prison, where she remained for years, before being sent to Australia.
Whatever her crime, there are no
records available, there is mention of some microfisched records, but the
prison was removed many years ago.
Her husband remarried. He no doubt needed a babysitter, and did what
was the custom, he replaced the wife.
Then he chose another a few years later!
of Inverness.Rec # 72/1811 RGD 36 (roll 36/1) until her trial on 27th Sep 1789
Mary's father was John Taylor, there are a lot of possibilities for the
1794 Nov 19
On list of all grants & leases of land
registered in the Colonial Secretary's Office (Fiche 3267; 9/2731 p.36)
1801 Jun 20
Charged with selling slop clothing issued from
the Stores (Reel 6037; SZ988 p.32)
1802 Mar 26
Copy of the protest of the Commander & crew
of the colonial brig "Norfolk" respecting the loss of said vessel
(Reel 6041; 4/1719 pp.109-12)
1806 Oct 14
Giving evidence re the identity of Thomas Mills,
deceased (Reel 6041; 4/1719 p.1j)
1811 Mar 2
Purchased goods at an auction by John Howe at
Windsor; sold for Revd Cartwright (Reel 6040; ML C197 p.23)
TAYLOR, John. Of Port Dalrymple
1812 Jun 25
New settler. On list of names of persons residing
in Port Dalrymple to whom the Governor had promised grants of land there in
1812 (Fiche 3266; 9/2652 p.12)
On list of persons who have had lands measured in
Van Diemen's Land but have not received their grants (Reel 6048; 4/1742
In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land
(Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.89)
On list of persons owing quit rents in Van
Diemen's Land; for land at Port Dalrymple (Fiche 3270; X19 p.44)
1813 Feb 15
On list of persons given certificates for stock,
wheat & maize, furniture & equipment turned over to the Government
(Reel 6020; 4/6977A p.8)
TAYLOR, John. May be more than one person
In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land [Sep
1813] (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.89)
On list of persons owing quit rents in Van
Diemen's Land; for land in the District of Melville (Fiche 3270; X19 p.23)
1814 Jan 8
Servant to Lieutenant Colonel Geils in Van
Diemen's Land (Reel 6044; 4/1729 p.227)
1814 Jan 10
Proceeding to Sydney to attend, as witness,
prosecution of L Fosbrook (Reel 6044; 4/1729 p.257)
TAYLOR, John. Of Broken Bay
1816 Jan 16
On list of persons to receive grants of land in
1816; at Pitt Water (Fiche 3266; 9/2652 p.28)
1821 May 25
Indebted to the Government at Hobart (Reel 6054;
4/1757 p.64c)
1821 May 31
Labourer; at Samuel Stevens house. Evidence at
inquest on Isabella Johnson (Reel 6021; 4/1819 pp.349-50)
1821 Sep 8
Stonemason. On list of all persons victualled
from H.M. Magazines; two of (Reel 6016; 4/5781 pp.72, 104)
1821 Sep 8
Employed at Grose Farm. On list of all persons
victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.109)
1821 Sep 8
Wheelwright. On list of all persons victualled
from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.112)
Janet Gordon and William
Scattergood came back from Norfolk Island on the City of Edinburgh in
1808. But was Ann Wilson who married,
John Taylor the daughter of Peter Wilson?
Peter Wilson and Elizabeth Munday
left Norfolk Island on 24 Oct 1805 leaving behind a house valued at £4 with
their child Ann and Elizabeth first child Jonas recorded as John Munday. Peter
Wilson and Elizabeth Munday married 1 February 1807 St Phillips
Sydney, the witnesses were Nathaniel Fowler and Margaret Hall, all parties
marked the name with an X.
Peter Wilson joined the NSW
Corps on Norfolk Island in September 1797. In June 1798 Peter Wilson
travelled back to Sydney aboard HMS Reliance. He returned to Norfolk
Island aboard HMS Porpoise in January 1801 with the NSW Corps.
Peter was transferred to the 73rd
Regiment in Apr 1810, and they left the colony aboard the Wyndham in
Apr 1814, after being transferred to Ceylon with the 73rd Regiment. It is
presumed that his wife Elizabeth Wilson and her children travelled
with him to Ceylon.
William Scattergood, Convict, Matilda 1791
William Scattergood was tried on 24 Mar 1787 at
Coventry Warwickshire, he received a sentence of 7 years transportation. He
arrived in NSW aboard the Matilda 1791.William arrived on Norfolk Island aboard the Mary Ann in Aug 1791 and received rations till 1795 as recorded in the 1792 – 1796 Victualling Book. However William Scattergood was taken of the stores 14 Jan 1792 to work for Andrew Goodwin.
In 1804 William Scattergood was purchasing swine from settlers in Norfolk Island.
1805: Labourer from sentence expired off the stores.
In 1806 he signed the petition requesting an increase in the prices of grain and swine flesh necessary because of the failure of the crops for two seasons. Proving that at some stage he was working land.
William Scattergood left Norfolk Island aboard the City of Edinburgh in Sept 1808 as an individual holding no land in no family group.
Jane Gordon (convict Royal Admiral 1792) who also travelled to Hobart aboard the City of Edinburgh of New Norfolk married William Scattergood, both recording their abode as New Norfolk, 21 Dec 1811 New Norfolk. William Scattergood signed his name whilst Jane marked her name with a X.
Janet Scattergood died 13 Dec 1838, age 95 years (born 1743), Back River New Norfolk VDL. Her death notice appear in the Colonial Times: As a tolerable proof of the salubrity of our climate, amongst several other persons whose thread of life has worn well amongst us, Mary (sic) Scattergood, who was born in Scotland in the year 1745, was sent early to New South Wales, thence to Norfolk Island, thence to this Colony on its first settlement, died at New Norfolk last week, aged 93 years (sic).[2] Whist William died 7 Jun 1842, Hobart, farmer, age 82 years, (born c1760) buried at St David’s Hobart VDL.
A Mary Scattergood, age 16 years married Thomas Triffitt age 18 years (from Norfolk Island and the City of Edinburgh voyage), 14 Oct 1815 Hobart. Some family history researchers are of the opinion that Mary Scattergood, is a child of Jane Gordon born c1799 – 1800 Norfolk Island. There is no child Mary or even unnamed Gordon or Scattergood listed in the 1805 Muster, plus Janet/Jane would have been in her mid-50s at the time of birth. Given Janet/Jane birth year of 1743 – 1745, any child birth for Jane implausible in the colony and there is no evidence to support that Jane had two children on Norfolk Island.
[1] List of Persons taken off the Stores, December 1791 to 5 May 1792 Norfolk Island, TNA, CO/201, pp. 126 – 127. Includes dates on when convicts were out of their time, taken off the stores (rations) and placed in employment or given grounds to cultivate.
[2] Colonial Times, 18 December 1838, p. 7.
Jane Gordon, Convict, Royal Admiral 1792
People of the City of Edinburgh 1808
City of Edinburgh 1808 to Hobart Town passenger numbers
City of Edinburgh 1808, individuals not holding land
City of Edinburgh 1808 Norfolk Island
2nd and 3rd Fleeters aboard the City of Edinburgh from Norfolk Island to Hobart Town in Sept 1808
Cite this article as: Cathy Dunn,
'William Scattergood, Convict, Matilda 1791', Australian History Research,, accessed (2nd June 2018)
William did own land on Norfolk
Island, under the name of Scattergut, and the previous owner was Cullen.
1813 Jan 3
Evidence at inquest on James Maggs (Reel 6021;
4/1819 pp.430-1)
1801 Sep 12
Sold land at Norfolk Island by James Bryan
Cullen; appears as Scattergut (Fiche 3267; 9/2731 pp.69, 77)
In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land
[1813] (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.81)
On list of persons owing quit rents in Van
Diemen's Land; for land in the District of New Norfolk (Fiche 3270; X19 p.22)
SCATTERGOOD, William. Ticket of leave
1822 Jun 25
Permission to employ for the procurement of cedar
from the Five Islands sought by Thomas Sanders of Prospect (Reel 6055; 4/1760
p.140). Granted, 29 Jun (Reel 6009; 4/3506 p.7)
1823 Jun 30
James Jenkins of Cockle Bay permitted to employ
for the procurement of cedar in the District of Illawarra (Reel 6010; 4/3508
He and Janet were
married in New Norfolk. He was not
however the only William Scattergood in the Colony.
William was having some issues
about his lands in New Norfolk, as the following letters shows
[3] Orders to
constable Murphy.
Hobart Town, 7 Deer.,
m Scattergood having
complained that he has suffered repeated interruptions on his occupation
ground* from Mr. Barker as his Stockkeeper, you are to inform Mr. Barker
that his location not being measured the limits cannot be defined until the return
of the Depy. Surveyor; therefore he is not to give any molestation to running on
grazing ground.
» • s s BV Command of His
Honor the Lt. GOVT.
[4] Lieutenant
Robinson to Mr. R. Barker.
cy,.. Secretary's
Office, 16th December, ISIS.
I am directed to
acknowledge and reply to your letter of this date.
The Lieutenant
Governor, in the absence of the Deputy Surveyor, cannot know the precise
circumstances under which the Land located to you was fixed; but, with regard
to William Scattergood, he holds this year precisely the same Ticket; of Occupation that he
did the last, without any complaint or discussion, and consequent is authorized to graze to the same., extent, and no further. On his part, it is jgig averred you have moved your limits, that his
Flock never was on your location, and ig D
that from such charge arises the dispute. However
this may be, it is not in the 'Lieutenant Governor's power to know the precise limits of division till Mr. Evans Disputed shall arrive, and as the impounding of
Scattergood's Sheep must necessarily become a .grazing rights question before the Lieutenant Governor's
Court, the Lieutt. Governor leaves the °matter to the decision of that Tribunal, to the extent connected
with that action; and as soon as the Deputy Surveyor return, his first duty shall be to proceed to
New Norfolk,
mark the
limits of your ground in a manner to preclude all possibility of future misunderstanding. I am, Sir,
H. E. R O B I N S O N
, Secy.
There were quite a few members of the Scattergood family who saw
the inside of 4 prison walls.
The earliest William
Scattergood, was to be hanged or shipped in 1750, presumably he went to
But poor Robert
Scattergood, he was sent on the Alexander in the First Fleet, for sealing a
live goose.
He died in transit.
b1751, Tutbury, Stafford. d1787 at sea. Convicted Stafford in 1785 for theft of
a live goose. Married Elizabeth in England.
Gordon's death, the age is incorrect
Hobart marriage of Mary Scattergood.
The Proceedings of
the Old Bailey Ref: t17890909-2
He arrived on Norfolk Island in
September 1791.
Why the name Daniel? Perhaps
because there is another John Taylor on the island from August 1792 till Mar
1793– or a Jos Taylor since 1790. I don’t know. It’s no good getting anal about
stuff like this. Maybe he just felt like a new name. Anyway, Jane Gordon meets Dan
Taylor on Norfolk Island and marries him on November 19th, 1794, according to
the records of St. Phillip’s church. Then his name reverts back to John.
Janet arrived in NSW aboard the Royal Admiral in 1792. As Jane Gordon, she travelled to Norfolk Island aboard the Supply in Oct 1795. Norfolk Island and received rations till 31 Dec 1795 with the status of a convict.
In 1805 as Jane Gordon she is recorded as a Woman from sentence expired, off the stores. Jane left Norfolk Island by herself for Hobart aboard the City of Edinburgh in Sept 1808 recorded as (Jano) an Individual not holding land.
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