Places of Interest
Jillett/Bradshaw Family
Island and Whaling
Charles Dowdell
a doubt the one piece of research that astounded both myself and my fellow
researcher, Sue Collins, when the
Jillett Family website was being prepared, was the story of Charles Dowdell.
It all
began by a google search on the ship "Dragon". At the time, I was trying to find what had
happened to him. He simply vanished off
the face of the earth. As he was
involved with whaling, it occurred that perhaps his ship had been sunk. A google search found a story from a lady in
Europe whose family member was part of the crew. Like the good researcher I was, I forgot to
print off what I had found, and then when I went to find it again, it was lost
in cyber-space.
ensure that I was on the correct path, I sought some assistance with Dr Paul
Moon, a New Zealand expert on the
practices of the Maoris in that period.
He assured me that what I thought had happened would not have
occurred. He also told me if it did, it
would be printed in the Sydney newspaper.
And it
was. But it took us weeks and weeks of
reading every story ever printed with the word dragon in it. Suffice to say, the crew were cannibalised
and the ship burnt. Dr Moon was equally
The Dragon
left Tasmania on January 7th 1832, bound for New Zealand. Then it vanished.
were no newspaper reports concerning the loss of the Dragon. Ship losses seemed
to be a given, as per the following account in 1831.
The Sydney
Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842) Saturday 26 February
than 12 months later, there was a sad report in the newspapers.
A letter has been received in
Hobart Town, dated on board the brig Amity, 2nd of April, when lying of Clark's
Reef. The brig had 100 barrels of oil on board, and the Lindsays 370 barrels.
The latter vessel had picked up in an open boat, at sea, a New Zealand lad, who
had witnessed the capture, by the blacks, of the brig Dragon. He states the
vessel was burnt, and all the crew were put to death and afterwards eaten. The
attack first commenced when the crew of the whaler had made fast to a fish, and
had run it into a small inlet where the numbers of the natives soon overpowered
them, and the disastrous sequel too easily was effected.
Colonial Times 25th May 1833
The Hobart Town
Chronicle (Tas. : 1833)
Tuesday 28 May 1833 p 2
It was
said the story was too gruesome, which it was.
mention of it was made in June 1833, in reference to the sad state of Capt
Rattenbury's family.
Hobart Town Chronicle (Tas. : 1833), Tuesday 4 June 1833, page 3
The proverbial sympathy and benevolence to be
pointed out to insure their contributions. The instance, indeed, we are about
to bring before their notice is one of unparalleled misfortune. The reader will
recollect the ship Waterloo which touched at this port some years ago, when the
master died on board in the harbour. Capt. Rattenbury, the chief officer, then
succeeded to the command of the vessel which afterwards suffered shipwreck. On
arriving in London Capt. Rattenbury made an engagement with Mr. Bethune to navigate
the ship George, which was to be entered as a colonial vessel and to be engaged
in the sperm fishery.
Agreeably to this intention, the vessel was fitted out and the
unfortunate catastrophe that overtook Capt. Rattenbury and his crew in the
total loss of the shin will be but too well remembered by many
After innumerable hardships Capt. Rattenburv at last found his way to
Hobart town. Being then entirely out of employment or the means of providing
for himself and family he would have fallen into absolute destitution had not
Mr.MacLachlan engaged him to the command of the Dragon which he fitted out
expressly for the sperm fishery.
The awful termination of this expedition in the seizure of the ship and
massacre of every soul on board with the exception of a New Zealand boy, by the
savages of one of the Solomon islands already communicated to our readers, Mrs.
Rattenbury is in consequence in addition to-the weight of the dreadful,
calamity , deprived of every means of support, unless her fellow townsmen contribute
something to alleviate her distress.
For this purpose Mr. Kemp and Mr.
Maclachlan have kindly volunteered to receive subscriptions for the afflicted
widow, and we are sure will besides generously set the example by contributing
handsomely in the first instance themselves.
Then his only child died in 1834.
Some interesting facts about the ships and whaling
can be found at
Crew of Dragon
William 2nd Mate Dragon 4 Jan 1832
Hobart New Zealand
Barlow Crew - boy Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Brown Manuel Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Butterworth William Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Clements George Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Cuthbert John Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Dowdell Charles Mate Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Francis George Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Garraty Charles Crew - boy Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Gifford George Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Harwood Arthur Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Hog John Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Hosie James Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Johnston Gabriel Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Jukes William Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Mayberry William Boatsteerer Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Nash John Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Rattenbury John Crew - boy Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Rattenbury Samsom William Mr Master Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Renny Robert Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Barlow Crew - boy Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Brown Manuel Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Butterworth William Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Clements George Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Cuthbert John Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Dowdell Charles Mate Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Francis George Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Garraty Charles Crew - boy Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Gifford George Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Harwood Arthur Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Hog John Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Hosie James Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Johnston Gabriel Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Jukes William Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Mayberry William Boatsteerer Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Nash John Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Rattenbury John Crew - boy Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Rattenbury Samsom William Mr Master Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Renny Robert Seaman Dragon 4 Jan 1832 Hobart New Zealand
Charles Dowdell was born in Sydney, the son of a
fisherman, and he was involved in the shipping industry.
Life on Bruni Island
Lawrence lived on Brunie Island.
One of the most fascinating sites
on the north of the island is St Peter's church, the first church built south
of Hobart. It was designed by the
Anglican bishop of Tasmania at the time, Francis Nixon, and constructed in the
1840s by local resident William Lawrence.
"He had the convicts, the workforce and the materials," said
Suzanne Smythe, manager of the Variety Bay Historic Site and tour guide.
"He really didn't pay for anything," she said. "His wife did the decorating and he even had a timber pit to do the pews."
Ms Smythe said the church was officiated by a visiting minister at specific times of the year and for special religious ceremonies. "[Lawrence] was very concerned for the moral wellbeing for the people of Bruny Island," Ms Smythe said. In its heyday, St Peter's performed weddings, baptisms and funerals. Overlooking the water, it appears to be in an oddly isolated place for a busy church. "What people forget is worshippers came by water," Ms Smythe said.
Horse and cart was another method of travel for many on the island, while some locals walked to church and back for lack of other options. For nearly 50 years St Peter's served the population of Bruny Island until it was replaced by a church at Barnes Bay.
is uncertain why St Peter's was abandoned but local legend suggests it was
destroyed by a bushfire in 1892. Ms
Smythe said the most likely reason, however, was due to disuse and the fact St
Peter's was so far off the beaten track.
The church is now in ruins, with most of the damage attributed to time
and neglect.
[1]But some damage has been done by the locals. There was a rumour surrounding churches that
they were built with sovereigns buried in the corner foundations. To test this tale it is said some locals
dynamited one corner of the church only to discover no such monetary windfall
has been done to stabilise the remains of the building to prevent any further
damage to a unique and little known aspect of Tasmanian history.
and Susannah are buried at the Barnes Bay Cemetery on Bruni Island. Without a doubt a visit to Bruni Island and a
trip to the Southern Ocean is a "Bucket List Must Do".
Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Saturday 18 July 1846,
page 2
We should do an injustice to our readers and to the friends of the Lord
Bishop of Tasmania, were we not to give some short account of the circumstances
of his final departure from his Diocese, which took place at 3 o'clock on
Wednesday morning. The Arequipa left her moorings at half-past 8 A.M. on
Tuesday, and proceeded with a fair light wind down the river until mid-day,
when it fell calm, and His Lordship was invited by the pilot Mr. Lawrence, to
proceed in boats with his party to the pilot station, a few miles lower down,
for the purpose of laying the foundation stone of the Church on Bruni Island,
to the history of which His Lordship alluded on a late public occasion.
Upon landing, His Lordship inquired for the Missionary Chaplain of the
Bruni Disrict, whose head-quarters are usually fixed at this pilot station, but
was disappointed to learn that he was absent in a part of the district too
distant for timely notice. "My Lord," said the pilot, "I have
asked him why he need be knocking about at this season of the year, when he
might as well be quiet at home till the weather improves ; but he asked me what
I should think of a pilot who, when a ship was coming in, would not go out to
bring her up till the weather mended." The afternoon was far spent before
all the preparations were completed, and the party assembled at the spot chosen
as the site on the dividing range of Bruni Island, with the sea on both sides
in full view.
When the Bishop, accompanied by the Arch-deacon, and three of the clergy
in attendance, arrived at the site, the assembled people joined in singing the
hundredth psalm, after which His Lordship read certain suitable sentences of
Holy Writ and an exhortation. Prayer succeeded, in which all joined with much
devotion, and then the foundation stone was laid by the Bishop himself,
assisted by Mr. Lawrence, the founder of the Church, which is named St.
Peter's. At this part of the proceedings another hymn was sung, and an act of
solemn thanksgiving made by the Bishop and all the people. A few words, more
especially suggested by the occasion, were then added by His Lord-ship, who
appeared to survey with peculiar interest and affection the little flock
assembled for prayer and praise in a spot where these sounds were now first
heard since the beginning of time.
When he had delivered his
address, he let them depart with his blessing, the last he pronounced upon
these shores. The concluding hour of daylight thus spent, seemed an appropriate
conclusion to his episcopal career for the present, and could not but leave an
impression upon his mind, which will contribute to alleviate the anxieties and
pangs of departure.
Indeed, we are truly glad to
understand that the events of the last few days, and the interest which all
classes have shown in his welfare, have exercised a most con-genial influence
upon a mind which is perhaps too much alive to the responsibilities incident to
the episcopal office, and too easily cast down by its anxieties.
He goes from among us with the
prayers and good wishes of all true-hearted colonists, and we trust that years
to come will once more see him at his post, maintaining as resolutely as ever
all that is right in sentiment and sound in feeling among the people of this
Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Wednesday 31 March
1954, page 20
ISLAND has an historic church, built by convict labour 108 years ago, which
could be-come a great asset when tourists flock to the island with the advent
soon of the vehicular ferry service.
However, although the ruins could remain as such and have an appeal
similar to those which attract thousands of tourists to Port Arthur, residents
claim that the work of restoring the old building would be worthwhile.
The old shell, on rising ground surrounded by bush and scrub, stands at
Variety Bay. Named because of the variety of scenery it offers, the bay could
become one of the island's greatest tourist attractions.
Beautifully designed and sturdily built by convicts, thousands of whose
hand-made bricks are stacked at a nearby kiln, most of the framework of the old
church remains intact, but the roof and part of one wall are heaps of rubble.
The church was built in 1846 by K. M. Stewart for Capt. Lawrence, and
the stone bearing this inscription is among the mass of collapsed brick work
within the interior, of the building. The church was the first to be built on
Bruny, and the first service was held in it in 1847, during the convict days.
The church and brick kiln could be made easily accessible. A
representative, of "The Mercury," who recently visited the big
muttonbird rookery on Cape Frederick Henry, reached the place in a touring car
with a high undercarriage clearance.
Bruni Island
In 1902, an historical account of
Bruni Island was printed in the newspapers
Bay -
How or when Barnes Bay on of North Bruny's most important and best known
inlets first received its name, does not appear to be known. An old pruner by the name of Barnes visited
the place some years ago, and in talking about Bruny Island, referred to Barnes
Bay as having been so called after his father, who was the first with man or
one of the first white men to settle there.
Be that as it may, it is certain that it was called so as far back as
1829, because the black station was recommended by Robinson to be shifted from
the little cove on the western and inner side of Bruny Island, to there in that
year. As Bonwick state:-
locality of the depot (the little cove above-mentioned) did not furnish
sufficient means for the location of his charge and the superintendent (George
Augustus Robinson) represented the necessity of removal to Barns' Bay
in Martin Cash's personal narrative of his exploits as a bushranger, in 1843-4,
etc, we find this interesting record.
obliged to remain in Hobart Town for six weeks, in consequence of bad weather,
at the end of that time we packed up our things and started for the Huon,
stopping for a few days at Mr. Llyod's at the Snug whose property joined a farm
occupied by a Mr Phillip Dennehee, who was a very recent importation from the
Emerald Isle, and at that time luxuriating in the bark edifice some two hundred
yards from Mr. Lloyd's. the latter
gentleman, having informed me that I might likely get employment from Mr
Mitchelmore, who with his two sons, was then building a craft opposite Barnes'
Bay. I started early in the
morning....." That was in 1837.
Old Anglican Church
the most historic ruin on North Bruny Island is the old Anglican Church built
by Captain Lawrence in 1846, only the brick walls of which remain to mark the
first church erected on Bruny Island. A
photo of this historic ruin appeared in the "Weekly Courier"
(Launceston) issue of December 23, 1915.
Roberts Point
Point, North Bruny, in the vicinity of which the steamer Huon foundered on
April 3, 1914, resulting in three passengers being drowned, derived its title
from a Mr Roberts, who had sale works there in 1829.
Nebraski Beach
this North Bruny beach, a write remarks:-
is a magnificent beach on the Channel shore, just below Denne's Point, some two
miles long, and at certain tides, 70 yards wide3, and, by the way, there is a
romance attached to this very beach, for it is said that when the ship Hope was
wrecked, in the early days, near the Derwent lighthouse, the cash brought out
from England to pay the garrison, and amounting to several thousands of pounds,
was brought in a small boat to this spot, and buried, for the time being, in
the sand. However, it has never been
recovered, though the beach has been literally torn to pieces, from end to end
by treasure-seekers, for the last thirty years."
North Bruny
"Cradoc' in the "Weekly Courier" (Launceston) of June 11, 1914:-
along the road (leading to Denne's Point) the scenic grandeur of the coastline
reveals itself at intervals. Waterview
was passed, once the home of the Hayle family.
Mrs. Hayle was a daughter of Captain Kelly, whose name is intimately
associated with the early days of Bruny Island, and with coastal survey work in
Tasmania. Kelly Basin, on the west coast
was named after this intrepid pioneer.
Bull Bay, a most picturesque locality, was a much frequented spot in the
long ago. On the shores, the Messrs.
Young, who are grandsons of the late Captain Lawrence, have properties.
Denne's Point
a most enjoyable drive we arrived at Denne's Point.... On this historic point
is the residence of Mr Harry Denne, a gentleman whose name is intimately
connected with yachting in Tasmanian waters..The Dennes have been connected
with Bruny Island for generations.
Captain Kelly first took up land at the point; then the late Messrs.
Darcy Denne and Harry Denne purchased it from him between 70 and 80 years ago. Subsequently the estate passed to Mr John
Denne, and now Mr Harry Denne is in possession." Mr Harry Denne has since disposed of the
property to Mr. W. R. M. Corney.
Captain Kelly
"The History of Tasmania" page 31 - "No one but the
harbourmaster (William Collins) and a pilot was allowed to board any vessel
arriving on the river (Derwent) and these drastic orders remained in force
until the year 1813. On arrival at the
north part of Bruny, the farms of Mr Kelly, the pilot peeped out, beautifully
sloping down to the water's edge. Kelly
was in the habit of boarding the ships as pilot and bringing with him for sale
a basket containing eggs, vegetables, fruit and milk. He was a big burly man, who mounted the
vessel's side with difficulty and was scanty and short of breath; so much so
that he laboured like a frigate before he could cry, "Square the

of the deposition of Thomas Shone
That, about four
months since, three desperate characters, named Cash, Jones, and Kavenagh,
escaped from Port Arthur, and forthwith commenced plundering, in a most
systematical manner, the settlers in the districts of Brighton and New Norfolk,
not unfrequently by drafts huddling together into one room from five to twenty
persons, whom they have usually bound, and threatened with immediate death if
the least resistance should be made; that armed bodies of free and convict
constables have been used to pursuit of these men: that, on one occasion, five
armed constables were stationed to protect an inn called "The
Woolpack," which the three bushrangers daringly gave notice that they
intended to attack: and that, nevertheless, these desperate men did attack the
inn, and bound the inmates together, and then fired upon the armed constables,
who hurriedly returned the fire, when one of the bushrangers was seen by a
constable to drop, from a bullet he received; yet with the advantage of five to
two, the armed constables almost immediately ran way, when one received a wound
in the back, and another a wound in the fleshy part of the leg.
The Bruny Island Quarantine
Station was built near Barnes Bay in the mid 1880s. With the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the
quarantine station was used for containing more than diseases. It was built to
protect Tasmania from diseases, became a place to "protect" the state
from the Germans during World War I, and yet many people have never heard of it
A German ship, the SS Oberhausen, just happened to be
moored at Port Huon in southern Tasmania when war was declared. Housed in the Bruni Island Historical Bligh Museum are pages and pages of notes on the families.
whaling to agriculture, the Island has changed.
Cheese and cherries, huge ones, and fast boats replace the harpoons and
whale pots of the past, not forgetting the Neck, penguins, dolphins, scenery,
wines and seafood!
Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Saturday 5 July
1924, page 57
NOWADAYS the name of Sunny Tasmania is generally associated with apples
and pears and memories of enjoyable holidays, but there was a time, not so very
many years ago, when to mention Tasmania was to think of not apples, but
whales. In years gone by the whaling industry was the mainstay of Tasmanian
commercial prosperity, but it is has long since been dead. Early last century,
when whaling was at its height, it was commenced in Tasmanian waters by vessels
from England and New South Wales.
At first whales were very numerous around the coast and in the many bays
and inlets, and these were attacked from shore whaling stations for the most
part, although several small brigs and vessels of that kind were engaged in the
trade. This coast whaling was known as bay whaling, and was very prosperous for
many years. The first vessels fitted out as bay whalers from Hobart Town (as
Hobart was known in those days) were two small brigs, owned respectively by
Captain Fane and an American negro of the name of Hazard. These two vessels
worked the waters of Frederick Henry Bay, a few miles from the port, but
teeming with whales.
The first shore whaling station was established about the year 1836 at
Droughty Point, in the Derwent, and shortly afterwards stations were
established at Tinder Box Bay, Trumpeter and Adventure Bays, on the eastern
shore of Bruny Island, and at Southport and Recherche Bay at the mouth of
D'Entrecastea'ux Channel. Whales were exceedingly plentiful, the business prospered
greatly, and many residents were induced to risk their capital in the
prosecution of this exciting business.
Whaling stations were established on the East Coast at Lagoon, Blackman,
Oyster, and Spring Bays, at Maria and Schouten Islands, as far north as
Eddy-stone Point and south as far as Recherche Bay,in the neighbourhood of the
Witches. Naturally the industry found great favour in the eyes of the young
manhood of Tasmania, because of its exciting and perilous adventure and its
appeal to the sporting and hunting instincts of man. One of the earliest -
perhaps the very earliest - of Tasmanian headsmen was Mr: James Foley, who was
killed near Brown's River in an encounter with a stray whale (probably a
fighting bull) after the regular season was over. His death was witnessed by
his wife, who, powerless to aid, was watching from the shore close by. Captain
James Kelly, who was appointed harbourmaster and pilot at Hobart in 1819,
Captain Fane, Sherbett, and W Young were among the earliest Tasmanian headsmen,
and were famed far and wide for their daring, their many thrilling adventures and
their success.
When this industry of bay whaling was at its height the usually quiet
and placid waters of the bays and estuaries where stations were established often
presented wonderfully animated scenes of racing whale boats, fighting whales,
and daring men. Competition in the capture of whales was very keen. It is on
record that many as 21 whale boats have started in chase at the one time from
the look-out at Recherche Bay. Twenty-four whales were secured one winter by a
single boat. For each whale taken a notch was cut in the loggerhead of the
boat, and of these notches the headsmen and their crews were as proud as Indian
warriors of their scalps. It is recorded that Messrs. McLachlan and Young
secured 800 tuns of oil and a proportionate quantity of bone in one season. As
many as four whales have been captured by one boat in a single day.
The constant harassing and destruction of the whales, and the killing of
the calves, had the effect of either exterminating them or causing them to
leave Tasmania's shores, for by 1843 their numbers had declined greatly, and in
1847 bay whaling may be said to have died out.
Mr. G. Watson, it is believed, was the last who fitted out a shore
party. Captain Kelly, Dr. Imlay, Messrs. Kerr, Alexander and Co., Petchy,
Johnston, Gardiner, and G. Watson were the most prominent of the bay whaling
owners. This important industry gave employment during the winter months to a
great number of men who in the summer were engaged in agricultural and other
After the rise and fall of bay whaling and the extermination or driving
away of the black whales, ships were fitted out to prosecute sperm whaling.
Just before the discovery of gold the Tasmanian fleet numbered 40 sailing
ships, carrying 200 boats, casks for 2,000 tons of oil, and crews numbering in
the aggregate 1,000 men. Great success attended the industry, and many splendid
voyages were made.
One of the best cargoes in the shortest time was that secured by the
whaler Grecian when she was under the command of one of Hobart's most noted
whalers, Captain John Watson. In three days 39 tons of oil were secured - a
fabulous quantity in those times.
Besides being the home port of so large a fleet of whalers, Hobart was
also a great station for the refitting of whaling ships of foreign
nationalities. On Good Friday, 1847, there were no fewer than 37 foreign
whalers refit-ting at Hobart. The discovery of gold in 1851 had the effect of
dispersing the Hobart fleet, but the industry was resuscitated in 1862, in
which year the whalers belonging to this port numbered 25. The low price of oil
and bad voyages brought about the failure of one of the largest owners and the
withdrawal into the merchant service of several other ships belonging to
different owners reduced the number of whalers to five. Towards the seventies
the increasing value of sperm whale oil caused other vessels to be fitted out,
and the fleet then numbered eight. The introduction of mineral oils was a
primary factor in the decadence of the industry.
In the nineties the barque Waterwitch, which had been many years in the
whaling trade, was withdrawn and broken up. In 1894 the barque Helen was fitted
out as a four-boat ship, and made several voyages with varying success until
1900, when she was withdrawn into the merchant service. She was the last of the
old whalers in Australasian waters. In 1899 Captain Folder, who was in command
of the Helen, discovered the haunt of the black whale at Campbell Island, but
the want of steam power and appliances greatly militated against success.
The barque Helen, the last of the old Whaling Fleet, landing a cargo of
102 tons of sperm and black oil-a record for the old whaling days-at Hobart
Williamson photo.
It may be mentioned that for many years the whale oil was shipped to
England in casks made of English oak, but Mr. Archibald Johnston, father of a
well-known Hobart Bench Clerk (now dead), successfully introduced Tasmanian
blackwood staves for the casks, and thenceforward the receptacles were made
exclusively of this wood. The value of black and sperm whale oil shipped from
Hobart since 1840 is estimated at about two-and-a-half million pounds sterling.
In an old publication it is recorded that in 1820 it was positively dangerous
to cross from Hobart to Kangaroo Point (now Bellerive) owing to the numerous
whales in the Derwent.
Up to the beginning of the thirties comparatively little had been done
in whaling from Hobart Town. A whaler known as the Clarence, which was owned
jointly by several merchants, had made one good voyage, and the Deveron, owned
by Mr. W. Wilson, was in 1828 being fitted out for the same employment. Sperm
oil at that time fetched a high price in the English market. Consignments sent
to England, if accompanied by a certificate guaranteeing the oil to have been
secured by British vessels, were charged only 1s. per ton import duty, as
against £26 12s. charged on American oil.
According to the "Colonial Times" the Caroline was the first
deep-sea whaler equipped from Hobart for the sperm fishery. The following is an
extract from that paper, dated Hobart, January 9, 1829:-
Sailed on Sunday last (January 4), the brig Caroline, Captain Smith,
belonging to John Lord, Esq., for the sperm fishery, this being the first
vessel which has ever been equipped out of this port for the sperm fishery, a
salute of 15 guns was fired by the Caroline on her departure. We trust the
enterprise of Mr. Lord upon this occasion will be an inducement to other merchants
to fit out vessels for the sperm fishery.
Thus commenced the Tasmanian whaling industry, which was destined to
prosper and flourish and rise to so great heights only to collapse and sink
into oblivion as the years rolled on. But there is yet another chapter to add
before the story of whaling as connected with Tasmania is brought to a close.
Twice since 1900 Hobart has been visited by whalers, but not by old whalers of
the type which used to be so well-known here. In 1913 the Norwegian whaling
ship Mimosa, with the steam whaler Tasmania, called at Hobart on a whaling
cruise of the Southern Ocean, during which she cruised around part of
Tasmania's shores, the Tasman Sea, the south of New Zealand, and Campbell
She was very different from the well-known old whalers, Helen and
Waterwitch. Again, last year, the port of Hobart was privileged to see the
gathering together and setting out for the unknown of the greatest and most
dangerous whaling expedition ever organised in the history of the world,
comprising the Norwegian steamer, Sir James Clark Ross and the five small steam
whalers, Stars I., II.,III., IV., and V. - an expedition destined to be-come
famous in the eyes of the world. How infinitely different are the modern
whaling fleets of to-day, with their guns and their little steamers and their
wonderful mechanical appliances for the rapid rendering of oil, from the
clean-lined, wooden-hulled old sailing ships of yesterday!
Through the enterprise of "The Mercury" in sending a special
correspondent with the expedition the stirring story of its adventures has
already been fully told in its columns.
It is useless to regret, vain to wish back the old. The days of the old
whaling industry are gone forever. There are men in Hobart to this day-not many
of them, it is true--who served in those old whalers; men who remember the time
when Hobart harbour was full of whalers flying different flags, and Prince's
Wharf was stacked high with the rich casks of oil. They were indeed great days,
those days of a bygone era," when swarthy ear-ringed men from
Mediterranean lands mixed in the streets with fair Norsemen from the North, and
all was merry with wine and song when the home-ward-bound whaler came
flag-bedecked into port. They were the "good, old days," the romantic
days when sailing ships were supreme upon the ocean and whaling was the life
for the most adventurous of the adventurous, the hardiest of the hardy. And now
they are gone forever. A.J.V.
Colonial Times (Hobart, Tas. : 1828 - 1857),
Friday 21 August 1829, page 3
The Derwent Whalers
We hear that Messrs. YOUNG and WALFORD purpose sending above 300 tons to
London themselves, by the first vessel and getting a return in goods; by which
they will have, the benefit of the highest price, and perhaps a profit upon the
return cargo. We rather think it would be more prudent of them to get out
money, than to take them off their
valuable branch of industry, by embarking in general commerce which requires so
much judgment in the selection of goods both as to quantity and quantity. Those
young men have suffered a loss of £150 this season repairing their vessel,
which met some accident and foundered.
We sincerely hope Messrs. KELLY and LUCAS, and Messrs. WALFORD and
YOUNG, (all natives of the Colony, will, be enabled by the profits of their
fishing this season, to build vessels of a larger size next year, and try the
sperm fishing, this being by far the most valuable-one or two successful
seasons would realize a fortune.
If this Colony afforded no other
industry than this one, the whale and sperm fishery, it would give profitable
employment to the greatest population this Colony is likely to possess for a
century to come. What would not a little encouragement accomplish both in our
population and industry, if the British Government removed our peculiar
situation ; and granted us those Institutions to which Britons are entitled ;
the want of which alone retards our growth ? We trust they will look to it, and
not continue to persist in so discouraging a policy as they have hitherto
They were rewarded with their enterprise with 1250 acres of
land on Bruni Island.
Times (Hobart,
Tas. : 1828 - 1857), Friday 1 May 1829, page 2
A fine vessel, called the
Industry, built by Mr. GRAY on the Wharf, next Captain Bell's store, for
Messrs. YOUNG and WALFORD, was launched in
fine style on Tuesday. It is intended, we learn, for the whale fishery, in
which desirable undertaking industry must prosper.
Times (Hobart,
Tas. : 1828 - 1857), Friday 19 March 1830, page 2
We are glad to see that our Colonial craft
for the ensuing whale season, are already in a, forward state of preparation.
Messrs. Mawle, who have entered into this promising speculation, for the first
time, have already dispatched a part of their establishment to the station they
have selected in Research Bay. The fine vessel now building by these gentlemen
for the fishery, is expected to be completed so as to be launched into the
Derwent by the middle of May. Messrs. Walford and Young. Mr. Mayaock, and
Messrs. Lucas and Kelly, are also upon the alert, and it is expected that the
whole' of their respective establishments will all be equipped in the best
possible style, by the time the first of our valuable visitors approach the
mouth of the River; and, as, considerable experience has now been had by some
of the parties, we anticipate very advantageous results from their enterprise,
during the ensuing season. . ,
Advertiser (Tas. :
1829 - 1846), Monday 19 April 1830, page 3
We have the greatest satisfaction to announce, that the same success by
which our gallant and industrious native Youths were distinguished last year in
that great source of our national wealth, the whale fishing, has again attended
them. Yesterday, Messrs. Walford & Young had a trial of strength (boat
race) with Messrs. Lucas &. Kelly. In the evening they bad an entertainment
at Mr. Watford's house, the Turk's Head Tavern. While they were in the height
of their conviviality, news Arrived that a whale had been, seen off the South
Arm. Not a moment was lost. Two boats were instantly afloat nobly manned and
fully equipped for action, and their activity was rewarded by the capture of a
ten Ton Whale. Thus the season has commenced, by the fortunate success of our
enterprising native Youths, whom we heartily congratulate on the excellent omen
with which their first effort has been attended.—
In 1831, he was listed with Bernard Walford as
a publican also involved in whaling., someone stole their fat!!!
In April 1831 he transferred the
license to Anthony Fox.
Tasmanian (Hobart Town, Tas. : 1827 - 1839), Saturday 15
October 1831, page 4
We regret that a typographical error of considerable importance passed
unnoticed in our last number. In the article in our fifth page, headed "
STAPLE EXPORTS," we stated that those industrious and enterprising
Colonists, Messrs. Kelly and Lucas, conjointly with Messrs. Young and Walford,
had obtained " one hundred tons" of oil. This was a mistake, it
should have been " one thousand tons," and this is, we rejoice to
state, a very low estimate of the result of the fishery of the above parties
If to this be added, the oil obtained by Messrs. Mawle, Mr. Meredith,
and the other Colonists, who have so meritoriously and so successfully for the
Colony embarked in that trade, we believe we do not over-rate the produce of
the season at fifteen hundred tons, being, including whalebone, an absolute
addition to the capital of the Colony of FIFTY THOUSAND POUNDS! What a rich and
happy Colony this would be was it not for the accursed RUM !
Tasmanian (Hobart Town, Tas. : 1827 - 1839), Saturday 15
October 1831, page 4
We regret that a typographical error of considerable importance passed
unnoticed in our last number. In the article in our fifth page, headed "
STAPLE EXPORTS," we stated that those industrious and enterprising
Colonists, Messrs. Kelly and Lucas, conjointly with Messrs. Young and Walford,
had obtained " one hundred tons" of oil. This was a mistake, it
should have been " one thousand tons," and this is, we rejoice to
state, a very low estimate of the result of the fishery of the above parties
If to this be added, the oil obtained by Messrs. Mawle, Mr. Meredith,
and the other Colonists, who have so meritoriously and so successfully for the
Colony embarked in that trade, we believe we do not over-rate the produce of
the season at fifteen hundred tons, being, including whalebone, an absolute
addition to the capital of the Colony of FIFTY THOUSAND POUNDS! What a rich and
happy Colony this would be was it not for the accursed RUM !
There was a system in Queensland, whereby Mr Jordan, the Immigration Agent, visited UK to entice settlers to take up new lands in Queensland. This shipment was wrecked.
Ballarat Star (Vic. : 1865 - 1924), Tuesday 31 July 1866, page 4
(From the Herald 30th July.)
Since the wreck of the unfortunate steamer Admelia at Caps
Northumberland, no maritime catastrophe on these coasts has created so large an
amount of painful interest as that which has been attached to the lass of the
immigrant ship Netherby on King's island, It was only late on last Saturday
night week that the first intelligence of the wreck was brought to Melbourne,
and through the great promptitude exhibited by the Government in this matter,
the whole of the passengers have now been safely conveyed to these shores and
comfortably housed in the Exhibition Building and Immigration Depot, where they
have since become the objects of public sympathy. Nearly the whole of the
immigrants have come out under the " land order system," that is,
they, or other persons for them, pay their own passage money and receive orders
for laud from the Queensland Government.
This system extends to all classes of the passengers, whether in the
cabin or the steerage. Mr Jordan, the agent for the Queensland Government in
England, does not appear to have been very happy in his selection of the
immigrants to settle in the colony which he represents. Great complaints have
been made as to the manner in which some of the steerage passengers conducted
themselves on the voyage out, and if the statements of their fellow travellers
are in any way to be relied upon, the Netherby was conveying to Queensland a
number of very low-class people, and of this lot, it is said, that when the
vessel first struck they were down on their knees with fear; but when the
actual danger was over, they did not scruple, in the bustle and excitement
which prevailed, to break open boxes and appropriate articles which did not
belong to them. Although, as may readily be supposed, the people have not saved
much of their personal property, still there are very few amongst their number
who have not contrived to bring off something, and when the men marched from
the lighthouse to the place of embarkation, at the yellow rock, the large
majority of them had something in the way of effects to carry; The chief
officer (Mr Jones) has lost his all, money included, to that, really public
sympathy in his case would be .veil bestowed. At the time of the accident he
was engaged at his duties, and therefore, unlike the passengers, had no time to
look after his worldly goods. With the large subscription which has been
already raised, and the quantity of clothing which has been collected (or the
passengers, the great proportion of the immigrants will, when the distribution
comes to be made, find themselves better off than if they had proceeded on
their voyage without coming to these shores.
They have been feasted with all sorts of good things sent in by way of
donations, and the fortunate female who increased the population at the camp on
the island has become the object of the greatest solicitude, while the number
of baby clothes which have been presented to her would be enough for a score of
new-born babes.
At the King's Island Light-house the 117 single men found most
comfortable quarters, which, they were most lothe to leave; indeed the
intimation, which was conveyed to them by Dr Webster, on Thursday, that early
on the following morning they would he required to march, was received with
anything but satisfaction.
The King's Island Lighthouse is situated on Cape Wickham, and is the
great height of 370 feet above the sea level, so that the light can be seen at
times from Cape Otway. The superintendent is -Mr Edward Nash Spong, who has
three assistants under him. The position of a lighthouse-keeper residing on
some out of-the-way land has often been a subject of commiseration, but the
little community on King's Island are perfectly happy and contented with their
lot in life. The superintendent resides in a good well-built eight roomed stone
house, and has all his family around him. The assistants have also stone
cottages of their own, neatly and comfortably furnished. There are a few cows,
pigs, fowls, &c , which belonged to the superintendent, and at a short
distance from the habitations there are several gardens, in which a few flowers
and vegetables of all kinds are grown. The island is full of kangaroo and
wallaby, which the assistants hunt three times a week, and any number of black
swans and wild duck can be obtained for the trouble of shooting them, so that
perhaps under all these circumstances Mr Spoil , the superintendent, might
quote from "Gil Bias," and say, " I am quite my own master,
agreeably lodged, perfectly easy in my circumstances. I am contented with my
situation, and happy because I think myself so."
A small church, built in the orthodox ecclesiastical style, and with a
steeple too, has been constructed, and in this edifice the islanders assemble
for prayers every Sunday morning. The country is very undulating, and in parts
thickly wooded with a sore of white maple and blackwood. The scrub, which consists of brushwood and
ti-tree, about 9 ft. high, is very thick, and difficult of penetration. We saw
some very picturesque spots in oar journey from the rock to the lighthouse, which
reminded us of a gentleman's park in the old country, with the undulations and
thick belts of timber. There is a large fresh water lake on the island about a
mile long, and this we passed close to in the course of our tour.
From being altogether unacquainted with the country and the whereabouts
of the lighthouse, we made our journey rather a long one, by striking inland
for a short cur, and the consequence was, that we made the distance twice as
long as we should have done, besides having to cross two rivers, a swamp, and
force our .way through a quantity of thick bush. Upon returning we had Mr Spong
for a guide, and therefore were enabled to reach the rock much more comfortably
in about half the time that we took to go.
All along the route signal fires
were lighted by the party, and these were seen from the Victoria, then lying in
Franklin roads, so that boats were sent ashore, and the embarkation was
effected at an early hour. The surf was so great that the boats could not come
within fifty yards of the shore, so that the men had to wade through the water
before reaching the boats. At the scene of the wreck at Fitzmaurice Bay, the
passengers had formed a camp, consisting of tents made from the sails of the
ship, the signal flags, and brushwood.
The camp was surrounded by thick timber and brushwood. The tents
extended nearly round the circle forming the bay, while the stranded vessel
was-before she went to pieces impaled on a. rock in the centre of the bay,
which is almost barred by rocks rising out of the sea, and long reefs running
out from the land into the water.
The passengers made themselves as comfortable as they could under the
circumstances, and employed their time in collecting all they could from the
wreck as the articles were washed ashore. In this way some of the cabin
passengers have been enabled to recover a good deal of property; but it is much
Mr Parry, the second officer, and a seaman named McFadden, remain at the
wreck to collect as much property as they can, and this will probably be
brought up to Melbourne so soon as a sufficient quantity can be got together.
Mr Parry will have to make his way up in the best manner he can, but it is
expected that Captain Leggett-who has purchased the wreck of the Arrow, now
ashore on the island-will shortly be proceeding to the spot, and that
opportunity will afford the two the means of getting off.
In the meantime they have ample provisions to last them for a
considerable time, with a liberal choice of liquors. Within 400 yards of this
camp there is a tomb", covered with an iron tablet, and the inscription on
this informs the reader that it was Greeted in memory of some 320 persons who
were lost on this spot in the year 1852, upon which occasion only nine lives
were saved.
It was a female immigrant ship, and one of the first that came out to
the colony. The salvation of the lives of the 450 persons on board of the
Netherby was indeed providential, and the passengers have indeed much to be
thankful (or, when the whole of the circumstances of the vessel striking on a
rock at night, and in this most dangerous locality, are taken into
consideration. Captain Norman, in the Victoria, had to exercise the greatest
caution in visiting this spot, in consequence of the sunken rocks which abound
all along this coast. The Victoria has performed the service well, and her
ability for this sort of business is an additional reason why she should be
maintained on an efficient footing.
To-morrow morning those of the Netherby immigrants who wish to depart
from Victoria will leave Melbourne by the steamer City of Melbourne, for
Brisbane. During yesterday, divine service was conducted in the Exhibition
building by the Rev. Mr Johnston, of the Floating Chapel in Hobson's Bay in the
morning, and the Rev. Mr Cope in the afternoon. A substantial dinner was provided
at two o'clock, and the passengers were regaled with beer. The men afterwards
received pipes and tobacco" which of course were not used inside the
building! The poor people, when leaving this city, will receive the bed they
have been using and a pair of blankets. The hon. Mr Francis visited the
Exhibition yesterday afternoon, and expressed himself highly satisfied with the
arrangements nod the appearance of the building, The Netberby was the
seventy-seventh vessel dispatched to Australia under the land order
regulations. We understood that the gentlemen's committee are about to search
the "kits," in order to discover if there is any property that is
owned by their shipmates. The passengers who decide to stay in Victoria will be
treated in a similar manner to other Government immigrants.
Shipping Movements and
Activities of William Young - from his
File of extracts from Archives Office of Tasmania [CUS 38 Register
of Colonial Vessels of the Port of Hobart] (see photocopy)
Archives Office of Tasmania : File LSD 1/115 - List of Whaling
1837 Vol. 92, Folio 28/29 W. Young Schouten Island
1837 Vol.92, Folio 28/29 W. Young Wine Glass Bay
1841 Vol.33, Folio 145 W. Young Adventure Bay
Also, longer-term lease of whaling sites at Cookville, Adventure
Bay, Bruny Island (also
Charles Dowdall, once held lease at Cookville - brother-in-law,
husband of Susannah)
(note: other grants to William Young -1280 acres X2 at Trumpeter
Bay, Bruny Island, also standard 3 acre whaling site De Witt Is.)
Archives Office of Tasmania, File CSO 50/1, Effort on Whaling -
Total Whales
Year Ships Boats Black Sperm
1832 8 27 195 2
1833 8 25 237
1834 9 34 257 35
1835 7 24 207
18365ships,2brigs, 7schooners,4sloops 16 -54 270 35
1837 ---1838
6 barques, 3 brigs, 5 schooners 15 63 645 8
1839 1 ship, 2 barques, 3brigs, 8 schrs 14 55 542 1
1840 2barques, 4 brigs, 8 schnrs 14 71 542 1
1841 16ships? 16 87 465 25
1842 12 67 219 12
1843 8 78 120 88
1844 11 33 1845
25 82 194 40
1846 22 85 245 ?
1847 5 ships, 7 brigs, 3 schooners 15 - 85 37
1848 25 92 99 113
1849 37 136 69 107
1850 36 124 24 110
1851 31 108 45 156
1852 21 73 30 86
see - Lawson, Bluegum Clippers (copy at hand)
see - O May, Whale ships and Whalers out of Hobart Town (copy at
see --Crowther, W.L. 1920, on history of whaling in Tasmanian
waters. Papers and Proceedings of the
Royal Society of Tasmania (for 1919), p.130.
Davis, B. 1990. Guide to Bruny Island History. 2nd edition. Bruny
Island Historical Society, 1990.
40pp (not a great deal of useful information - see handwritten
Gray, F. Oliver, 1978. Recollections of North Bruny Island.
Richard Lord and Partners, Taroona,
Tasmania. 58pp.
[various detailed reminiscences of Young family descendants and
their associations with Trumpeter Bay where William Young received two land
grants of 1280 acres each.
At Trumpeter Bay there was a Young whaling Station. Also,
"William Young owned a fleet of sailing ships. He brought a consignment of
filters from Norfolk Island, carrying them as ballast in one of his boats. Many
of these filters ended up on North Bruny. We have one that came from the old
Pybus home at Sacriston". These "filters" were apparently large
stone vessels carved out of sandstone at the Norfolk Island quarries and used
for carrying water. There is a photograph of one in the book. ]
Pybus, Richard Cobden (compiler) 1988. South Bruny
Island-Tasmania. A brief history of its settlement. R.C. & BJ. Pybus,
Blackoaans Bay, Tasmania, 256pp.
p.4 "Bay whalers found the shores of Bruny Island, South
Bruny in particular, and ideal staging post for their operations. In Adventure
Bay, Cloudy (then called Bad) Bay and no doubt at other locations to a lesser
extent they set up their camps." - also early sealing.
"Unlike the whaling fleet those engaged in taking seals did
not need a land base for their operations but could remain at sea during their
visits, using boats to hunt the seals and bringing them back to the ships. John
Gray launched the 3 8 t schooner Industry in 1825 (sic) for the whaling firm of
Young and Walford operating out of Adventure Bay (AOT)".
- small lots (1-3 acres) allocated on the eastern shore at
Cookville. Those to obtain such grants were: Captain James Kelly (1829), Thomas
Lucas (1829), William Young (1829), Bernard Walford (1829), Charles Dowdall
(1830), Thomas Mason (1830) and William Mawle (1831). [Survey Section, Lands
(p.3) Visitor (Geo. A. Robinson) in August 1829 recorded by N.
J.B. Plomley in his book
"Friendly Mission": "Here is a large establishment
consisting of three firms: Messrs Kelly & Lucas, Messrs Young & Walford
and Mr Maycock. The number of men collectively employed were from eighty to
ninety in number; and there are two schooners, two sloops and a large number of
(p.5) [AOT NP 29/6] "Whaling did not stop at this stage as
indicated by the log of the barque Augustus, Captain William Young, on a
whaling voyage out of Hobart in 1850:
" Friday 3rd May 1850 made sail and stood in for Adventure
Bay "
" Saturday 3rd May - saw two Right whales, lowered the boat
and went in chase. The Captain succeeded in getting up to them but his boat
steerer missed. At sunset the boats returned to the ship ".
(p5/6) on 14 Feb 1839, when a group of 8 escaped convicts from
Port Arthur visited Adventure Bay, a statement was later taken from a John Sherherd
- headsman in charge of Captain William Young s whaling station at Adventure
Nicholson, I. H. 1985. Shipping arrivals and departures. Tasmania,
Vol.II, 1834 -1842 (Parts I, II, &
HI), and Gazetteer of Tasmanian Shipping 1803 - 1842 (Part IV).
Roebuck Society Publication No.33,
- "Mary & Elizabeth", arr Hobart Town 12SEP1834, Jas
(sic) Young, Master, NZ plundered by Maoris at Admiralty Bay o n 10AUG last by
a young chief who had recently spent some months in Hobart Town.
- Young, Jas. Mary & Elizabeth (Master), dep 6 June 34,
arr. 12 Sep 34
[There were probably at least two Youngs, masters of vessels, as
too it seems there were two vessels named Industry.
- Young, William of Hobart Town, arrivals & (departures)
o Tasmanian Lass
(joint owner) 25.2.37; Owner 15..4.39 & 21.2.41, wreck**.
o Bandicoot (joint
owner) - (27.3.39)
o John (owner) -
o Highlander (owner)
1.3.37, [not owner according to Register - see below].
o Camilla (master) -
(21.2.38); M. 22.7.38; agent & part owner 23.1.39
o Vestal master
o Bandicoot-owner,
30.12.41, forNZ, sundrys
o Fortitude - Young,
master (Askin Morrison, owner/agent) 3.2.42, for NZ whaling grounds & whaling stores; arr. HT 31.10.42, (Young)
from whaling, with black oil and bone.
o Wallaby -Young
master, 31.10.42, forNZ, had arrived from NZ 14.10.42 (L. Bailey, master) from whaling inc. Lord Howe for
- arrivals & (departures) from and to New Zealand,. Vessels
connected in some way, owner or master, with William Young 1834 -1842).
- Tasmanian Lass (8.5.33), 1.4.34.
-Industry 23.9.34, 23.12.34, (8.1.35), 7.4.35, 15.6.36.
- Highlander (note arr. 1.3.1837 above, under W. Young, presumably
from elsewhere other than NZ) (2.11.37), 25.10.39, 28.10.41
- Wallaby (23.10.40), 31.10.42 (Note, this arrival (L. Bailey,
master), is on the same day as Wm Young arrived from NZ, master of the
Fortitude with black oil and bone),
- Fortitude 31.10.42 Wm. Young master, from NZ with black oil and
- Bandicoot (30.12.41), 23.3.42
Parsons, Ronald.(comp.). 1980. Tasmanian Ships Registered
1826-1850. Full details of every ship enrolled be the Registrar of British
Ships at the ports of Hobart Town and Launceston. Printed and published by
Ronald H. Parsons, Magill, SA 5072. (Copy in Genealogical Society of
(Dates of financial interest by William Young in parentheses).
[NB: Highlander and Fortitude never owned in whole or in part by
William Young, according to register - see notes at end]. W=wooden, m=masts,
sch=schooner, bgn=brigantine, etc.
o 4/1829 INDUSTRY
W 1m sloop, 38
1/2 tons. B. 1829 by Mr Grey (sic), the Jetty, Hobart Town. Owners: B.
Walford & Win
Young: Jan 1832 Chas McLachlan & Wm Young: April 1840 Wm Chamberlin [last entry Nov 1845
Richard Griffith: register closed with "lost", and not dated]. (Note: there was at least one other Industry, a
2m brig, B 1827 Quebec, registered 14/1835 Hobart,
transferred in December 1836 to Launceston).
o 1/1831 TASMANIAN
LASS (1830-1846)
W 1m sloop:
re-rigged 1840 - 2m sch: 47 1/4 tons: 477" x 15 10" x 9 0
1/2": B. 1830 John Gray,
Hobart Town: Owners: Bernard Walford & William Young; 1840 William Young: Register closed 1846. (Wrecked Wine
Glass Bay, VDL, early 1841)
o 2/1838 CAMILLA
(formerly 48/1831 of Greenock)(1838-1844) W2rnbgn, 261 tons. 96T x25 4" x 157". B. 1827
YarmouthNS. Owners: Charles McLachlan: June 1838 Charles McLachlan & William Young.
[Latter maintained 1/2 ownership until vessel lost and register cancelled 1845. Lost at Streakey
Bay, SA in 1844].
o 7/1833 JOHN
W 1m ctr, 34 1/3
tons, 41!9" x 14 9" x 6 . B 1833, ; May 1940 William Young; lost as
per list of 1855.
o 11/1839 SHAMROCK
(April-Nov 1841)
W 1m sloop. 31
tons, 46 6" x 15 0" x 7 5". B. 1832 Macquarie Harbour, VDL, for Government, now sold: April to Nov
1841 William Young: sold to Duncan McPherson.
o 10/1838 WALLABY
W 3m bq, 284 tons
87 5" x 23 8" x 16 3". B. 1838 Port Arthur, VDL, for the
Sold out of
service Oct 1838. Owners: , March 1843 Askin Morrison (Hobart) & Arthur Willis (London); March 1843 Askin
Morrison (24), William Young (24) & Robert Gardiner (16): April 1848 Askin Morrison (40) William Young (24):
cancelled 1853. Ashore, salvaged, renamed
"Charlotte" of Samoa. [NB: A log for the Wallaby (1840-42) is to be
found in the Tasmanian State Library, according to Morton in The
Whale s Wake.]
o 23/1840 ABEONA
W 2m bgn, 96 2/3
tons. 62 . ; April 1845 Richard Griffiths (32) William Young (16) & Louis Nathan (16) to Oct 1847.
o 19/1844 ELIZABETH
REBECCA (1844-1845)
W 2m brig, 99
tons, 57 x 19 x 10 . B. 1828 Macquarie Harbour, VDL, for the
government, Sold Nov 1844.
Owners: William Young (32) James Gardiner (16) & Nathan, Moses & Co (16), Lost, register cancelled 1845.
o 2/1845 HARJETTE
NATHAN ON31951 (1845-1856)
W 3m bq, 126
tons, 81 7" x 21 3" x 9 3", B. 1844 William Williamson, Hobart
Owners: William
Young (32) Charles Gardiner (20) & Nathan, Moses & Co (20); sold My 1856, missing in 1868 on voyage New
Zealand - Tasmania.
o 33/1846 AUGUSTUS
(formerly 6/1844 of Melbourne)( 1846-1853)
W 3m bq, 138
tons, 78 . B. 1813/14 in Java, rebuilt Calcutta 1838. Owners: (Nov 1846)
William Young
(32), Bums, White & Co, transferred to Geelong in 1853.
[ NB: log 1850,
Tasmanian State Library.]
o 6/1842
W 3m ship. 189
tons, 80 x 23 x 13 . B 1826 St. Martins NB, , , August 1848
William Young
(32) Burns, White & Co (32): wrecked June 1849 in New Zealand.
o 4/1849
(1849-1854, 1855-1861)
W 3m ship. 230
tons. 91 x 23 x 13 . B. Henry Degraves, Hobart Town. Owners:
William Young (32) Burns,
White & Co (32); ; 1853 William Young snr (48) & jnr (16); Oct 1854 sold . 1855 to May 1861 Wm Young
& partners
o 9/1847 PRYDE(1851)
W 2m brig. 205
tons, B. Quebec 1842. Jan -Feb 1851 William Young.
o 36/1848 STRUGGLER
W 1m sloop. 26
tons, 40 . July 1853 to Aug 1853, William Young jnr & snr: August 1853
Thomas Merzger
(sic) & Christopher Bastian, wrecked Wine Glass Bay, Tas, Nov 1855.
o 50/1858 TERROR
W 3m ship, 257
tons, 96 . B. 1840 Cork: Owned Feb 1856 William Young & T.J. McGrath.(wrecked Chathai±L Islands,
NZ, Feb 1859).
[NB: logs,
1848-49 VanDiemen s Land Folk Museum, 1852-53 Mitchell library, Sydney.]
NB:The following ships appear to have never been owned in whole or
in part by William Young, though it seems he had some associations with both.
B 1819, New
Providence. Owners: 1837, Win Morgan Orr & John Lovitt: Oct 1839 W.M. Orr:
W Ipi ctr, 26.5
tons, 43 . B. William Tuck, Bruni, VDL.
[But see:
Nicholson, I. H. 1985. Shipping arrivals and departures. Tasmania,
o Fortitude - Young,
master (Askin Morrison, owner/agent) 3.2.42, for NZ whaling grounds & whaling stores; arr. HT 31.10.42,
(Young) from whaling, with black oil and bone].
[ NB: Log of the Fortitude (1843-47) is to be found in the
Tasmanian State Library, according to Morton in The Whale s Wake.]
Note: Askin Morrison had interests in the following vessels:
13/1835 MARIA,
1/1837 EUDORA, 21/1837 ELIZABETH, 13/1838 WALLABY, 2/1840 AGNES & ELIZABETH, II1844
JOANNA, 33/1845 ARIEL, 30/1846 MACQUARRIE, 37/1846
FLYING Clifford.
Copping, R. A narrative of Captain R. Copping of Hobart Town
(typescript), W.L. Crowther Library,
State Library of Tasmania, Hobart. - quoted from p.3 in H. A.
Morton The Whale s Wake,
"An old Australian whaling captain, reminiscing about his
youthful days on the whaleship Tasmanian Lass, said how interesting it was to
watch his captain bargaining with Maoris for pigs in the early 1830s. One chief
he found amusing: he would appear to get into [a rage] at some offer from
the Captain, and only after if he thought he had got the best he would laugh
and shout and tell all the
Smith, A.G.E. 1986. Ships employed in the South Sea trade 1775
-1861, compiled from Lloyds List and other contemporary publications. Roebuck
Society Publication No. 36. [much useful information on shipping movements and
Boultbee, J. 1986. Journal of a rambler: the journal of John
Boultbee. ed. June Stark, Auckland:
Oxford University Press. - to be read, especially for descriptions
of shore whaling at Bruny Island,
Begg, A. Charles & Begg, Neil C. 1979. The world of John
Boultbee, including an account of sealing in Australia and New Zealand.
Whitcoulls, Christchurch, NZ.
o detailed
description of bay whaling at Bruny Island 1829
o index - Young,
William, sealer, whaler and ship owner
p. 199 "In July [1827] Hokianga was visited by another
Grono-built brig, the Industry, under
Captain William Young, which took Kent* as a passenger to Port
Jackson, arriving there on 1 September 1827, with a cargo of 16 tons flax, 12
tons potatoes, 3 tons pork and 5 tons of Salt".
(Sydney Gazette 05SEP1827).
o Kent, master of
the Elizabeth, on which Boultbee made an extended visit to NZ
[Note: Kangaroo
Island, off South Australia, was the principle source of salt in the region according to Eric Guiler].
op.3 00 -
reference to a visit from TeRauparaha from Kapiti in 1825-to trade. "Then
went for Q. Charlotte s Sound [from
Chatham Is.]. Beginning of Feb 26 / Rauparaha came out with canoes locally manned with natives
who had come across from Katpiti to war with the South natives. Wanted powder and muskets but give them iron hoop for
potatoes. Next day stood for Taranaki
close to Sugar Loaves".
Tonnessen, J. N. & Johnsen, A.O. 1982. The history of modern
whaling. [Translated from the
Norwegian by R.I. Christophersen]. C. Hurst & Co. London,
Australian National University Press,
Canberra, 798pp.
p.220. - precis. Up to the end of the 1820 s- mainly sperm whales-
from c. 1830 right whales played a much greater part - whaling ships anchored
up in bays - i.e. "bay whaling" - golden age in 183O s, culminating
in 1840, when several hundred vessels are reported to have operated around the
coast of NZ and adjacent grounds in the Pacific.
The first shore stations were built in Tasmania in 1804 - in 1841
there were 35 stations on this island (VDL) - many others in SW Australia and
in NZ. In the course of 10 yrs right whales were hunted to the verge of
extinction, their near extermination being cynically undertaken.
George Guest,
(1767–1841) by E. R. Pretyman
George Guest (1767-1841), convict and
settler, came from Gloucester, England, where on 24 March 1784 he was sentenced
to transportation for seven years. He sailed in the Alexander in the
First Fleet for New South Wales. On 17 March 1790 he arrived at Norfolk Island.
After his sentence expired he became a settler there and received rations until
1794. In December 1796 Guest was granted fourteen acres (5.7 ha) at Norfolk
Island, and later he supplied pork and maize to the government. When plans for
the transfer of Norfolk Island settlers to Van Diemen's Land were announced he
had 600 ewes and 342 wethers, and was recommended by Major Joseph Foveaux as a most industrious settler.With his wife Mary Bateman, a convict from the Lady Juliana, and six children, and 300 ewes, Guest went to Port Dalrymple but, not wishing to join the five Norfolk Islanders already at Norfolk Plains (Longford), they continued to the Derwent and landed there in September 1805. Thus he was the first Norfolk Islander to settle in the south and the first to introduce sheep into Van Diemen's Land, though he had lost a 'considerable part' of them en route.
He was offered accommodation at New Town but preferred to use a warehouse built by William Collins and lent by Captain Forrest, while he began negotiations for 424 acres (172 ha) to which he considered he was entitled. On 1 January 1806 he was granted twenty-four acres (10 ha) near Macquarie Point, but since there was no school for his children he proposed to return to England. Stating that he would come back, he departed with his family for Sydney almost immediately, and arrived there on 15 February. He was there to sign an address to Governor William Bligh in September 1806; some time afterwards he returned to Hobart Town. On 12 September 1808 his daughter, after whom Sarah Island in Macquarie Harbour was named by James Kelly in 1815, was married to Thomas Birch. On 8 July 1809 Bligh, on board the Porpoise at the Derwent, recorded that Guest and another had supplied them with fresh provisions.
After Governor Lachlan Macquarie arrived Guest was constantly engaged in controversy over claims for land. For three years he occupied a farm belonging to a settler named Pitt thinking that formalities for its transfer to him were being completed in Sydney; then he found that the title meantime had been vested in another and he received little compensation for the improvements he had made.
About 1812 he let several small houses, on allotments near the Town Rivulet opposite the site of the market, to the government as barracks for the 73rd Regiment. During one of his frequent absences in Sydney and at the time of the detachment's departure these building were demolished, the land remeasured and wrongly conveyed to S. Gunn, Anthony Fenn Kemp and George Gatehouse.
He sought compensation for this and for land taken to widen streets and open new ones. On 1 May 1818 by decision of a board of inquiry he was to receive £400, 300 acres (121 ha), cattle, other town allotments and a year's rations for his family to cover all his claims, but he remained dissatisfied. On 21 December Macquarie wrote to Lieutenant-Governor William Sorell: 'I regret to find that the claims of that tiresome man George Guest are yet unadjusted to his satisfaction … I shall most readily approve of your final decision on this Man's Claims as I have now been sufficiently plagued and tormented with them for nearly these last nine years'. Sorell at least was still being 'tormented' in March 1820 and, after applying for further grants in 1825, Guest was still negotiating in 1828.
By that time his wife was in the Insane Asylum at Liverpool, New South Wales. In 1825 Guest appears to have opened the Seven Stars Inn in Campbell Street, Hobart[3]. He died on 23 March 1841.
Mary Bateman (1773-1829) born in London, and as a 15 year old was tried at the Old Bailey on 7 May 1788 for the theft of a silver watch. She was sentenced to 7 years transportation to New South Wales and travelled with the Second Fleet on Lady Juliana arriving in Sydney Cove on 3 June 1790 and later sent with other female convicts to Norfolk Island on 7 August 1790 aboard Surprise.
On 5 November 1791 George and Mary were married by the Reverend Richard Johnson and had five children by 1804. George and Mary with Edward Risby were independent of stores of meat by September 1792 because a sow he provided for 4 pounds produced a litter of ten.
By October George was settled on 12 acres, six of which was plough-able and sold his lot in November 1794 for 22 pounds. Over the next few years he bought and sold leases and grants, sold stores to government and increased his stock of animals. In earlier years he had suffered floggings for a variety of small crimes, neglect of duty, once for employing two convicts without leave, an early sign of his developing entrepreneurial skills.
In 1805 with his wife Mary Bateman, four children, Sarah b 1792, George b 1794, John born 1799, William b1804 (baby Mary died in 1804) and 300 ewes, George went to Port Dalrymple (Launceston Tasmania), but not wishing to join the five Norfolk Islanders already at Norfolk Plains (Longford), they continued to the Derwent on the Sydney with Lt Lord and landed there in November 1805. So George was the first Norfolk Islander to settle in the south and the first to introduce sheep into Van Diemen’s Land
Life of the
Harbour Masters
Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954),
Saturday 4 November 1922, page 11
The name of Captain James Kelly, who in 1815 took part in the discovery
of Port Davy and Macquarie Harbour, has been revived upon a suggestion
emanating from the Hobart Marine Board, that the monument to his memory in St
David's old burial ground should be moved to another site in view of the steps
now being taken to convert the burial ground into a public park, and his early
association with the port as harbourmaster.
At a recent meeting of the Marine Board it was decided to obtain notes
on the life of Captain Kelly. The assistance of Mr. J. Moore-Robinson was
secured, with the result that he was able to furnish the biographical sketch
below, which came before members of the Board at its meeting yesterday. The
secretary of the Board, Mr. Hawson, intimated that control of Captain Kelly's
monument had by Act of Parliament been vested in the City Corporation, along
with several other historical monuments standing in St. David's burial ground. In the circumstances, the Board decided it
could play no part in the removal of Captain Kelly's monument.
(Compiled by Mr. J. Moore-Robinson.)
Captain James Kelly was born in Parramatta, N.S.W., on Christmas Eve,
1791. His parents were in the most humble circumstances and he received
practically no education. His earliest inclinations led him to a life of
adventure, and was scarcely ten years of age when he shipped as a boy on one of
the small colonial vessels trading out of Sydney. Naturally smart, he quickly
acquired proficiency in seamanship, and ultimately became one ot the most
notable sailors of a rough and ready school.
For six years he was engaged in the coastwise trade, and then in 1807
made his first long sea voyage. This was in the Sydney-built ship, King George,
owned by Messrs Kable and Underwood. On this ship he voyaged to Fiji, returning
to Sydney with a cargo of sandalwood.
Immediately after this he obtained a position as a subordinate officer
in a whaling ship, and during the next five years was engaged in various
whaling, sealing, and trading enterprises - which took him not only north and
south of Sydney on the Australian coast, but as far as New Zealand and Van
Diemen's Land. There is no record so far as I know of the name of the ship in
which he first visited the latter island. In giving evidence before the
Imperial Royal Commissioner, Mr. J. T. Bigge, in May, 1830, Captain Kelly said
that he had commanded whalers for seven years prior to his appointment as
Harbourmaster at Hobart
(See Historical Records of Australia, Series III, Vol . [ III, page ?? )
This would make him only 21 years of age when he became master. Much of that
period of seven years was spent in Tasmanian waters.
In 1815 he was associated with Mr. T. W. Birch in a memorable voyage
round the West Coast of Tasmania, in the course of which Port Davey and
Macquarie Harbour were discovered. This was the second occasion on which the
island had been circumnavigated, the first having been the more memorable
voyage of Matthew Flinders and George Bass in 1798.
Three accounts of this voyage of Kelly's are extant, and all three
differ materially. One account by T. W. Birch states that the expedition sailed
in his (Birch's) schooner Henrietta Packet as far as Port Davey, which they
discovered, after which Kelly went northwards in a whaleboat, discovering
Macquarie Harbour. The other two accounts are in the form of M. S. S. journals.
One of these is in the possession of the Royal Society of Tasmania, and the
other is in the Mitchell Library, Sydney. The former is undoubtedly in Kelly's
handwriting, while the latter is signed but not written by him.
While both accounts state with much circumstantial detail that the whole
voyage round Tasmania was accomplished in a whaleboat, they differ in regard to
various dates in December, 1815, and January, 1816, during which months the
voyage was accomplished. It is impossible at present to determine which account
is correct, but it is worthy of note that the V..D.L. Government granted T. W.
Birch exclusive trading rights to Macquarie Harbour and Port Davey for twelve
months from July 1, 1816, as a reward for his discovery.
The official record of this grant contains no reference to Captain
(See "Hobart Town Gazette" of September 14, 1816.)
In May, 1817, Kelly was master of T. W. Birch's brig Sophia, and we find
him taking an active part in the proceedings connected with the notorious visit
to the Derwent by Lieutenant Charles Jeffreys, of His Majesty's brig Kangaroo,
on contraband service. He also traded to New Zealand, and in 1817-18 had two
stirring adventures at Port Daniel (Otago) with the Maoris. During the years
1817-18-19 he assisted in the pursuit and capture of runaway convicts, who had
seized several vessels, including the Young Lachlan.
Probably because of his daring in these exploits, Governor William
Sorell, in a despatch dated April 6 1819, nominated Kelly as Harbourmaster at
Hobart, a post previously first held by William Collins, who was appointed by
Governor David Collins in July 1804, and Governor Macquarie, accepting the
nomination, appointed him Harbourmaster and Joint Pilot, at a salary of £30 per
annum and the usual fees.
The Joint Pilot with him was
Michael Mansfield, who came out as A.B. with David Collins in the Ocean. This
was in a despatch dated May 13, 1819. (The appointment was gazetted June 19,
1819. q.v.) It is interesting to note that Kelly's duties as Harbourmaster were
"To moor and unmoor vessels at Hobart, to inspect Government ships, to
certify requisitions for their stores and to command expeditions round the
shores of the rivers." He remained as Harbourmaster master until about
1831, when he became well off and retired from public life, until losses made
an appointment desirable, and in 1838 he was appointed wharfinger by the newly
created Marine Board. The offer of the appointment is contained in the minutes
of a meeting of the Marine Board held on July 2, 1838. The minute reads -
"That Mr. Kelly be offered a permanent appointment under the Board at a
salary of £75 p. a. to look after the swing bridge and to keep the dock and
wharf in the immediate neighbourhood in good order."
In September, 1820 Kelly, as Harbour-master, was allotted an official
seat in St. Davids Church, then being built. Prior to that he had been granted
100 acres of land at the north end of Bruny Island, the place being still known
as Kelly's Point. He did nothing towards cultivating or improving his land
until after 1830. While Harbourmaster he built the house known as Rock House,
portion of which is still standing and which may be seen on the bank of the
rivulet in Campbell-street, at the back of the General Hospital.
In this house he and his family lived, and it was also used for
commercial purposes. He also lived in the house in Lower Macquarie-street,
lately used as tramway offices, and in a house in Brisbane street. He had left
his house (Macquarie-street) on April 30, 1839, about 10 in the morning for the
New Wharf, and walked up Argyle-street in company with Mr. Lawrence and Mr.
Holland. At a point just opposite the Synagogue he fell to the ground in a fit.
Although at once removed to the General Hospital, he expired on his way thither
and on arrival was pronounced dead by Dr. Turnley.
He was aged 68 years. At the inquest a verdict of death by apoplexy was
returned. He was buried in St. David's Cemetery on April 23. Mrs. Griffiths,
wife of Captain Griffiths (his brother-in-law, for he married Miss Elizabeth
Griffiths in Sydney in 1814) was buried at the same time. One of his daughters
married Mr. A. C. C. Ashton of Hobart, and another Captain John Halle
During the decade 1821-31 Kelly acquired considerable wealth, which he
lost during the latter years of his life. He acquired a large block of land at
Battery Point, portion of which still preserves his name in Kelly-street and
Kelly's Steps. This notwithstanding, he died in poor circumstance though much
esteemed by his fellow citizens. Of his large family (four sons and three
daughters), two met with tragic fates, records of which may be seen by the
curious on a tombstone in St. David's old cemetery. One of these was James
Bruni, the eldest son, killed by a blow from a whale on August 16, 1841, aged
21 years. The other was Thomas, third son, drowned by a boat upsetting in the
Derwent, October 18, 1842, aged 16 years.
James Kelly retained office as Harbourmaster until 1831, when he was succeeded
by Francis Pitt, who had been Water Bailiff. In 1830 James Hobb was wharfinger,
and the Joint Pilots were James Kelly and John Lovett, (appointed January 24
In 1833 Pitt was still Harbourmaster and the pilots were James Lucas
(buried in St. George's old cemetery), William Lawrence and James Aldridge.
Captain William Moriarty R.N., had then been appointed as Port Officer. From
1831 until about 1850 he was engaged in mercantile pursuits, making money and
losing it with equal facility.
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