Branches include Morrisby/Alomes/Smith/Bellett Very Intertwined in the Jillett/Bradshaw Family Tree
Solving Family Jigsaw Puzzles
"In my mind, family history is like an ever-expanding jigsaw puzzle with no edge pieces. Each piece represents a real, living, breathing person who contributed to future generations. But what if your ancestors weren’t the most moral and functional people?
My maternal grandfather didn’t tell anyone about his family. We had basic details like his birth date, his mother’s name, and the name of his birthplace, but wars in Europe changed borders and names many times over many decades.Bombs destroyed records, and people long passed became lost in history. They were missing puzzle pieces.
I love jigsaw puzzles, and once I get going I can’t stop. I realized that no one had been able to find the location of Alfred’s birthplace, and that was the key to unlocking any further information.
With the internet, it didn’t take me long to find the location of the town. This led to finding an online archives library for that country, which led to an index of church records for that town, which led to a trip to the Czech Republic to make copies of those records.
Those records are just quick snapshots of these people at various times in their lives. When I weave together those snapshots, I see a family that was troubled. There must have been a lot of heartache behind closed doors. It made sense to me why my grandfather had left it all behind.
All the same, when I opened those record books I could feel the joy and relief of those lost souls. Someone had come looking for them. Someone had pushed hard enough at all the roadblocks in order to find them. Someone was going to give them the opportunity to be forgiven of their sins through sacred ordinances. Someone had placed their pieces into the puzzle.
It’s comforting to know that so many people that I’ll meet on the other side one day will be familiar because I took the time to get to know them. My heart has been turned to my father's (and mothers), and I don’t want any of them to be missing pieces, lost to history."
—Kori Russell is a member of the Washington Fields 8th Ward, St. George Utah Washington Fields Stake.
Her words express in so many different ways, the ways that were.
The Morrisby Family
While it is not possible to research the lives of all Morrisby family, those who have links to the Jillett/Bradshaws have been attempted.
The norm at the time was to often have multiple relationships, this family was no exception.
Beginning with Convict Ann Brookes who married or had a relationship with James Morrisby and Simon Lavender
The links begin with the following of Ann's children:
1. Grace Morrisby who married George Smith
2. Henry Morrisby who married Elizabeth Mack and Christine Smith
3. John Morrisby who married Emmaline Alomes
1. Grace Morrisby and George Smith - Son
William Henry Smith who married Charlotte Daisy Jillett/Ann Belbin/Mary Bradshaw
2. Henry Morrisby and Elizabeth Mack and Christine Smith
Christine was the sister of George Smith and Elizabeth Mack was Rev Knopwood's adopted daughter
Henry and Elizabeth's daughter was Elizabeth Morrisby who married Daniel Stanfield.
Henry and Christine's daughter was Eliza Walker Morrisby who married David Calvert
Henry and Christine's daughter Caroline Morrisby married his brother William Calvert
William Calvert and Caroline Morrisby's daughter Hannah Calvert married Lionel Young
William's brother Alfred Calvert married Lena Mary Young
3. John Morrisby and Emmaline Alomes son Tasman Morrisby married Rosetta Belbin
John Morrisby and Emmaline Alomes daughter Constance Morrisby married William Butler
That is a very broad outline of some of the Morrisby Family, and their lineage within the Jillett/Bradshaw Family.
Grace Morrisby Lineage
Grace was born on Norfolk Island 1797. She was the daughter of Ann Brooks and James Morrisby
Now the story is like a jigsaw puzzle.
Ann Brooks and James Morrisby
Ann was a convict on the Lady Julianna, part of the second fleet, and was sent to Norfolk Island. She had been tried twice in the Old Bailey, the second time she faced transportation.
She was sent with her son William Brooks to Norfolk Island aboard the Surprize in August 1790.
Records from Old Bailey:
ANN BROOKS, Theft housebreaking, 18th April 1787.
425. ANN BROOKS was indicted for feloniously breaking and entering the dwelling-house of Elizabeth Coney , about three in the afternoon, on the 2d day of April , the said Elizabeth, and divers other persons being therein, and stealing a pair of women's stays, value 12 s. a striped cotton petticoat, value 8 s. a linen shirt, value 4 s. a shift, value 2 s. four children's shifts, value 3 s. two frocks, value 2 s. two pin-cloths, value 18 d. one child's bordered dimity cloak, value 5 s. one bedgown, value 18 d. one cap, value 12 d. a muslin handkerchief, value 4 s. a pillowcase, value 12 d. a check muslin apron, value 2 s. two check lawn aprons, value 4 s. a pair of pockets, value 12 d. two white linen handkerchiefs, value 4 s. two table-cloths, value 2 s. two pair of muslin robbins, value 12 d. one pair of lawn ruffles, value 2 s. a pair of cotton stockings, value 12 d. three yards of linen cloth, value 12 d. the property of John Leathers .ANN LEATHERS sworn.
I live in Drury-lane ; we are lodgers; on the 2d of April this house was robbed, between two and three in the afternoon; I went out at half past two, and returned by four; when I returned, I found the door had been broke open, and the things taken out, I left nobody in my apartment; the people were in the house; I examined the door when I returned; I locked the door when I went out, and tried it; the things I missed were in a box, in the room that was broke open; that is up one pair of stairs; the door up stairs was the only door I fastened; I missed the things mentioned in the indictment.
I produce this bundle; on the 2d day of April I saw the prisoner coming up Wild-street; I followed her, and apprehended her about twenty minutes after three; she had these things loose in her apron; I have had the things in my care ever since; I secured her directly.
(The things deposed by Mrs. Leathers.)
Mrs. Leathers. This gown I know by a piece of callico behind.
What is the value of that? - Five shillings; here is a shirt; I know it; I put a collar to it.
What is the value of that? - Four Shillings.
I suppose you put the lowest value upon all the things? - Yes.
I only assisted to take her into custody.
The prisoner was taken by Beamish first; I took her again.
We took her, and discharged her over night; the property was not produced; we discharged her through humanity, she having a child.
I only took her into custody with Young.
Court to Mrs. Leathers. You are sure all these things were in your box when you went out of your house? - Yes; that was about half past two; I do not know the prisoner.
On the 2d of March I was going up to Westminster, to pay a Mrs. Cordy eight shillings; I deal in Rag Fair, and I met a man I deal with, and bought those things of him; I gave him twenty-five shillings for them; I was going to the fair that very same day.
Court to Beamish. When you stopped her, she had a child with her? - No; she offered me a guinea, besides the property, to let her go; going along in a court by Parker's-lane, where she lives, she called out to some women, and they brought her the child into Parker's-lane, and she took it.
Prisoner. That man said if I would give him a guinea, he would let me go; I have sent for my witnesses to give me a character.
Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before Mr. Baron HOTHAM .
ANN BROOKS, Theft > burglary, 12th December 1787.
Reference Number: t17871212-60
Offence: Theft > burglary
Verdict: Guilty > lesser offence
Punishment: Transportation
Offence: Theft > burglary
Verdict: Guilty > lesser offence
Punishment: Transportation
65. ANN BROOKS was indicted for burglariously and feloniously breaking and entering the dwelling of William Gould , about the hour of nine in the night, on the 15th of November last, and burglariously stealing therein, two linen sheets, value 5 s. his property .
The prosecutor took the prisoner with the property on her, just coming out of the house.
GUILTY Of the stealing, not of the burglary .
Ann married William Brooks in England and their son, William, accompanied her on the voyage to Australia. The Lady Julianna arrived in Sydney on 3rd June 1790.
However, Ann Brooks must have been pregnant before the ship left Sydney.
Therein lies another mystery. Many researchers have linked Ann Brooks with a convict Simon Lavendar. He arrived in Sydney on the Surprise, which also landed in June 1790.
Children of Ann Brooks on Norfolk Island.
Richard Brooks 25Apr 1791 1849 m Anne Kidner
George Brooks 25 Nov 1793 1826
Grace Morrisby 28 Jan 1797 1827 m George Smith
Diana Morrisby 4 Dec 1799 1875 m Thomas Risby
Henry Morrisby 11 May 1803 1856 m Christina Smith
John Morrisby 9 Dec 1805 1852 m Elizabeth Mary Mack
m Emmaline Alomes
Ann was married in November 1791 to James Morrisby, by Reverend Richard Johnson.
Now obviously Richard could not have been fathered by James Morrisby unless they had a fling in Sydney, and given he was already on Norfolk Island, that rules him out as the father.
There is an entry for William Broske, August 1790, which bodes with his being William Brooks.
James Morrisby
James was born in Cawood, Yorkshire, and died in Clarence Plains, Tasmania. He became a blacksmith by trade and later joined the guards. A James Morrisby from Cawood had enlisted in the Scots Guards on 3 Apr 1776, he was aged 19, 5 feet 7 inches tall and had brown eyes.He was transferred from prison to the hulk "Censor" on 6 Sep 1787 and on 24 Feb 1787 he was transported by wagon for embarkation on the "Scarborough", three days later.
On 7 July 1784 he was convicted at the Old Bailey of stealing with force and arms an iron bar valued at 10d. He was sentenced to 7 years transportation and left Portsmouth on the 'Scarborough', one of the 11 ships of the First Fleet, on 27 Feb. 1787.
The Fleet, under the command of Captain Arthur Philip, carried 717 convicts, and travelled via Tenerife, Rio de Janeiro and Cape Town, arriving at Botany Bay between 18-20 Jan. 1788. The land there was considered unsuitable for settlement, so they headed for Port Jackson, a little further north.
James arrived on Norfolk Island, aboard HMS Sirius in
March 1790, embarking on HMS Sirius in Sydney on 5 March 1790, disembarking at
Cascade Norfolk Island on 14 March 1790
where he became a model settler. In 1791 he had 12 acres of land and this more than doubled in later years. As well as farming his land, he spent about a month as a crewman on the 'Reliance' in the late 1790s, and in 1802 became a constable.
From the Old Bailey
JAMES MORRISBY, Theft > theft from a specified place, Theft > theft from a specified place, 7th July 1784.
Reference Number: t17840707-34
Offences: Theft > theft from a specified place; Theft > theft from a specified place
Verdicts: Guilty
Punishments: Transportation
694. JAMES MORRISBY was indicted, for that he on the 6th of July , with force and arms one iron bar, weight 10 lb. value 10 d. belonging to Thomas and William Morris , affixed to their dwelling house, feloniously did steal .Offences: Theft > theft from a specified place; Theft > theft from a specified place
Verdicts: Guilty
Punishments: Transportation
Another Count, for that he, a certain other iron bar, value 10 d. belonging to them, affixed to their dwelling house, feloniously did break, with intent to steal .
I am a servant to the prosecutor, I got up to washing about half after three, I lighted my fire, and then I went down into the cellar and fetched up some coals, and as I went down I saw some dirt come through one of the windows, then I stopped to see what was the matter, and I saw a stick put under the iron bar, it was an iron bar against Paul's Chain, it was moved, the bar was not broke, it was fastened to the wall with nails at each end, it was to secure the window, there are several bars there, somebody held the stick in the street,
I set down the candle, it was quite day-light, it wanted about a quarter of four, it was held with intent to wrench it out, but was not wrenched out, then there came a cart, they could not see my candle; the person returned and put the stick under it again, and wrenched it so far that he could pull it up with his hand, and when he got his hand upon it, I I went up and alarmed the man.
Court. Did he fairly take it out of the place? - Yes, he took it out from the window, where it is to support the window, I gave the alarm, and one John Olds came down, and we went into the street, and the man was gone; then I went up in the dining room and opened the window, which is just over this cellar window, the prisoner came again and we went out to him, he had taken the bar away, which the constable found, I called my master, and I saw my master take a stick from him.
What man was he that was brought in by your master? - It was the watchman, the prisoner is a watchman.
Was the man your master brought in the same man that pulled out the bar? - Yes, by his coat, there was No. 11, on his coat.
Whose house is this? - Mine and my brother's, Thomas Morris , I was alarmed by the last witness, I came down stairs and went into the street, and one of our apprentices was standing by the prisoner; these bars were fixed to the kirb that gives light to the cellar, they were fixed at both ends, the kirb was fixed to the house; I said to him, what have you been doing, he said, nothing; says I, what are you a watchman? seeing him have a coat on, he said, yes; what, and belonging to us? he said, yes; I looked at his staff which he was leaning on, and saw it burst and split;
says I, friend give me your staff, I said now we will go to the watch-house together, I left him at the watch-house and went to look for the bar, we came back to the watch-house, I told
him he must go to the counter, says he, that will be very cruel, I have a wife and five children, he said if you will excuse me now, I never will do the like again; I told him I could not, I did not promise him an thing, the constables found the bar.
I went round the beat to cry the half hour, and this gentleman came down and said, watchman, did you see anybody breaking in, says I, is there anybody in the cellar, he said, stop till my master comes down, so I stopped; I have been between nine and ten years in the guards.
The prisoner called three witnesses, who gave him a good character.
GUILTY . Transported for seven years .
Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before Mr. Justice HEATH.
There are some puzzling aspects when dealing with the Morrisby/Brookes relationships.
With the assistance of Cathy Dunn from, and a very experienced Norfolk Island Researchers, some answers can be confirmed
James was transported on the Scarborough, of the First Fleet, and arrived on 26th January 1788
He was sent to Norfolk Island aboard the Sirius, in March 1790. The Sirius was wrecked at Norfolk Island on 19th March 1790.
In 1795, James Morrisby a Settler was on rations.
In December 1796, James Morrisby was granted Lot 57, 20 acres, which is located on the north-west of the corner of Taylor Road and Queen Victoria Road Burnt Pine, Lot 57 adjoins Lot 52 the first block that Elizabeth Jillett owned on Norfolk Island, separated by a small creek and adjacent to the Tin Shed's. Once again the Bradshaw/Jillett children and the Morrisby children must have played with each other!
Also in 1796, George James Morrisby who would have been 3 years old, was granted land.
In July 1804, James Morrisby household consisted of one maile (himself) one female Ann, and five children, with three swine on a 23 acre lease.
That would account for the first 5 children.
In 1805 James Morrisby - Settler from convicts, off stores.
1805 Ann Brooks Woman from sentences expired, off stores.
They owned 7 hogs and held 200 bushels of maize in store. Their buildings were valued at £90 included a house 12ft x 26ft, boarded floored and shingled, two floored barns and one outhouse.
James and Ann with five children left Norfolk Island, for Hobart on board the Porpoise, in December 1807 and they settled at Clarence Plains.
So how did the other two children get to Hobart?
In 1811 James Morrisby was living in Hobart
In 1811 Ann Brooks was also living in Hobart
Ann died February 1813, in Hobart and was buried at St David's Cemetery
Ann Brooks became known as Ann Lavendar in the Musters.
Richard Brookes became known as Richard Lavendar and Richard Larsom
Grace Brooks was Grace Lavendar in the Musters.
Cathy advises that in Norfolk Island, the women and children are listed by the mother's conviction name, so in the stores they are listed as Lavender, but she was convicted as Brooks.
The only explanation is that she was married to Simon Lavendar in England, however there are no records to confirm that.
On looking at Nobbs, I note a convict SIMON LAVENDER off the "Surprise" arrived Norfolk Island on 11 Sept, 1791 and departed 7 March, 1795. He is noted as the de-facto to the "elder" of the two Ann Brooks, she off the "Lady Juliana". Noted on online forum
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In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.60)
On list of persons owing quit rents in Van Diemen's Land; for land in the District of Gloucester (Fiche 3270; X19 p.16)
MORRISBY, George James
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1796 Dec 30
On list of all grants and leases of land registered in the Colonial Secretary's Office; at Norfolk Island (Fiche 3267; 9/2731 p.76)
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In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.59)
On list of persons owing quit rents in Van Diemen's Land; for land in the District of Clarence Plains (Fiche 3270; X19 p.16)
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1796 Dec 30
On list of all grants and leases of land registered in the Colonial Secretary's Office (Fiche 3267; 9/2731 p.76)
1802 May 30
Lease of 34 acres of land at Norfolk Island to renewed by Governor King for 14 years (Fiche 3267; 9/2731 p.75)
By early December, James and Ann occupied 12 acres at Mt. Pitt Path (lot # 57) on Norfolk Island and this had increased to 37 acres by 1796.
They left behind them 55 acres of land, 14 of which were sown in grain, 10 in pasture and the rest fallow. They owned 7 hogs and held 200 bushels of maize in store. The buildings were valued at 90 pounds including a house 12 x 26 feet, boarded floors and shingled, two floored barns and one outhouse.
The Governor’s offered 80 acres of land in Van Diemen’s Land in exchange for his land on Norfolk Island, and the family, except for William and Richard, left Norfolk Island in December 1807 on board the 'Porpoise', His land was at Clarence Plains.
In 1816 James married Eleanor (Alice) Murphy, an Irish convict who arrived at Port Jackson on the 'Catherine' in May 1814 and was later transferred to the 'Kangaroo' and sent to Van Diemen’s land. She died in 1821 – they had no children.
His Land Grants 80 acres at 10shillings. Granted in 1813
Simon Lavender What role did he play in the relationships?
From The Old Bailey
193. SIMON LAVENDAR was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 6th of February , a woollen hammer cloth, value 42 s. the property of James Exeter .
I am foreman to Mr. Exeter, coach-maker , I only prove the property.
I am a butcher; opposite Great Garden-street, Whitechapel, about fifty or sixty yards from Mr. Exeter's, on Wednesday the 6th of February, I saw two men stealing some beef from my stall; the prisoner was one, I followed him for a mile and a quarter, he was never out of my sight, I took him with this hammer-cloth under his arm.
(The cloth produced in Court, and deposed to by Taylor.)
I was going a voyage, and came ashore to buy some things I wanted; I met with a young fellow I had known two years before, he took me up to Whitechapel, and asked me to carry this cloth for him, when Scott took me.
The prisoner called four witnesses, who gave him a good character.
Transported for seven years .
Tried by the second Middlesex Jury before Mr. ROSE.
Departed Dec 1789 arrived June 1790
November 1791 - Sent to Norfolk Island from Sydney Simon Lavender
24 April 1792 - Tried for stealing potatos. He was sentenced to 25 lashes
4 May 1793 - tried for a robbery committed on a visiting merchant ship, the 'Shah Hormuzar'. He was sentenced to confinement in the lock-up house and to receive 300 lashes. He received 39 of these before the flogging was halted
March 1795 - Returned to Sydney on the 'Fancy' Simon has not been traced in later colonial records and it is possible he left the colony using his skills as a seaman in order to secure a passage[1]
24 April 1792 - Tried for stealing potatos. He was sentenced to 25 lashes
4 May 1793 - tried for a robbery committed on a visiting merchant ship, the 'Shah Hormuzar'. He was sentenced to confinement in the lock-up house and to receive 300 lashes. He received 39 of these before the flogging was halted
March 1795 - Returned to Sydney on the 'Fancy' Simon has not been traced in later colonial records and it is possible he left the colony using his skills as a seaman in order to secure a passage[1]
Justices' Working Documents
The Informations of Richard Scott and
Christopher Taylor Taken before us two of His Majestys Justices of the Peace in and for the said County against Simon Lavender on Suspicion of Felony
Christopher Richard Scott of White Chapel road Butcher being on his Oath Saith That he did this day apprehend the Person now present who sayshis Name is SimonSamuelLavender with the Hammer Cloth now produced in his Possession that he was in Company with another person who got away
Richard Scott
ChristopherScottTaylor on his Oath saith that he is Foreman to Messrs Exeter & Co. Coachmakers on White Chapel Road . That the Hammer Cloth now produced is the property of the Said James Exeter and was this day Stolen from off the Box of a Coach belonging to himher said master and is of the Value of Two Guineas
The above Deposition taken and both the Informants sworn before us the 6th day of February 1788.}
Christopher Taylor
John Staples
Wm. Queerrill
Wm. Queerrill
The aforesaid SamuelSimon Lavender on his Examination Saith that his companion John Welson who got away when he this Examinant was apprehended metthishim this day in Rosemary Lame that they went to a Public House on [..] White Chapel Read and had a Pot of Beer that he does not know where the said John Wilson got the Hammer Cloth now produced but he delivered the same to him this Examinant after he came out of the public House and desired this Examinant to carry the same forthis Examinant [..] the said John Wilson and follow him where he was going Lastly Saith he thought the Bundle was a Greenland Jacket until they were pursued & this Examinant apprehended.
Simon Lavendry
Taken and Signed before us
the 6th day of Febby. 1788
the 6th day of Febby. 1788
John Staples
Wm Quarrill
Wm Quarrill
So was he really Simon Lavender, Simon Lavendry, Samuel Lavender?
Being a seaman, he could be assured of changing his name to whatever he pleased!
There does not appear to be a christening record for a Simon Lavendar, there is one for a Samuel Lavender, and the date of birth would match.
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He arrived in Australia and then seems to have vanished from records.
Christina Smith m Henry Morrisby
Henry was the brother of Grace Morrisby who married Christina's brother William Henry Smith
In 1831, Henry and his brother John were executors of a will of Robert Evans.
It would appear that the newspaper announcement of their marriage was incorrect in details.
The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (Hobart Town, Tas. : 1832 - 1834) Tuesday 8 October 1833
Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Thursday 20 March 1856, page 3
Decease of Mr. Henry Morrisby. The numerous friends and connections of Mr. Henry Morrisby were painfully affected to hear it announced in the early part of the week that he had departed this life, at Woodlands, Muddy Plains, after a very brief illness, on Saturday last, in the 53rd year of his age. Mr. Morrisby was a colonist of Tasmania of 50 years' standing, having arrived here a child of three years of age in 1803.He had during his lengthened sojourn, earned himself the deep respect of an extensive circle of acquaintances, who valued his friendship, not only for the sincerity and truthfulness which marked his character, but as well for the soundness of his views and political principles, the latter of which have been often brought before the public in a contemporary Journal, under the signature of "A Colonist of 1803."
Grace Smith m William Stanfield
William Stanfield was also born on Norfolk Island, the son of Daniel Stanfield and Alice Mansfield. They married in 1828
William died in 1838, and she married James Staples. His father Daniel Stanfield was also a Marine, who was sent to Norfolk Island
STANFIELD, Daniel. May be more than one person
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In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.87)
On list of persons who have had lands measured in Van Diemen's Land but have not received their grants (Reel 6048; 4/1742 p.296)
1819 Oct 21
Arrived from Van Diemen's Land per "Prince Leopold" on the prosecution of the King v Morgan. On list of persons who have obtained passage to Van Diemen's Land per "Prince Leopold" on account of Government (Reel 6006; 4/3500 p.311)
1822 Feb 25-Mar 27
Of Bagdad, Van Diemen's Land. John Williams and William Smith convicted by Court of Criminal Jurisdiction of stealing Stanfield's sheep (Reel 6023; X820 p.41)
1822 Mar 14
Passage to Van Diemen's Land provided for on "Royal George" (Reel 6009; 4/3505 pp.18-9)
1822 Mar 14
William Smith convicted of stealing his goods (Reel 6054; 4/1758 p.157)
The Stanfield family had a long association with Clarence Plains.
STANFIELD, Daniel (Senior). Marine and settler
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Arrived with the First Fleet; served on Norfolk Island; discharged 1794; farmed on Norfolk Island and made a constable; arrived at Hobart in October 1808; acquired land by grant and purchase
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1795 Oct 9
Sold sixty acres of land at Norfolk Island by Richard Knight; appears as Standfield (Fiche 3267; 9/2731 p.67)
1795 Oct 15
On list of all grants and leases of land registered in the Colonial Secretary's Office; appears as Standfield (Fiche 3267; 9/2731 pp.58, 66)
1805 Aug 18
Re deficiency from expired leases (Reel 6040; ML Safe 1/51 p.38)
1810 Mar 16
Re remuneration for stock left on Norfolk Island (Reel 6020; 4/6977A pp.87-8)
1813 Feb 15
On list of property at Norfolk Island belonging to settlers now at the Derwent (Reel 6020; 4/6977A p.26)
1813 Feb 15
On list of settlers who have left livestock at Norfolk Island (Reel 6020; 4/6977A p.27)
In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 pp.81, 84)
1815 Aug 19
Requesting iron for completion of mill he was erecting at his own expense at Clarence Plains (Reel 6045; 4/1733 p.171)
On list of persons owing quit rents in Van Diemen's Land; for land in the District of Melville (Fiche 3270; X19 p.22)
STANFIELD, Daniel (Junior)
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1810 Mar 21
Re remuneration for stock left on Norfolk Island (Reel 6020; 4/6977A pp.83-4)
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1813 Feb 15
On list of settlers who have left livestock at Norfolk Island (Reel 6020; 4/6977A p.27)
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In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 pp.81, 83, 84, 85, 88)
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On list of persons owing quit rents in Van Diemen's Land; for land in the District of Clarence Plains (Fiche 3270; X19 p.22)
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In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 pp.82, 87)
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On list of persons owing quit rents in Van Diemen's Land; for land in the District of Strangford (Fiche 3270; X19 p.22)
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In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.82)
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On list of persons owing quit rents in Van Diemen's Land; for land in the District of Strangford (Fiche 3270; X19 p.22)
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William Stanfield and James Crahan, were committed for trial in a case against two persons, one who assaulted a young child.
Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (Tas. : 1821 - 1825), Saturday 9 August 1823, page 2At a full Bench of Magistrates, held at the Court-house, Hobart Town, on Saturday last, the Rev. ROBERT KNOPWOOD, M. A. presiding in the absence of the Deputy Judge Advocate ; ——
James Crahan and William Stanfield, free, were committed for trial before a Court of Criminal Jurisdiction, on the charges of assaulting and beating Antonio Bucknall and Bastian Suez, of New Norfolk ; and of forcibly entering and detaining possession of the dwelling-house of the said A. Buckhall.—
Anthony Fletcher, free, was charged with purchasing a part of the necessaries of William Mitchell, a soldier in His Majesty's 48th Regiment of Foot, contrary to the Articles of War; and pleading guilty, was fined in the penalty of £5.—
Antonio Baptista, convict, was found guilty of violently assaulting Susannah Robertson, an infant of three years of age, and was sentenced to receive 100 lashes.—
Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (Tas. : 1821 - 1825), Friday 18 June 1824, page 2
MONDAY. - William Stanfield, a farmer, and James Crahan, a labourer, both late of New Norfolk, were arraigned for arson. The indictment charging, that, feloniously and with malice, on the 7th of July last, about 7 at night, they had set fire to a barn, situate at New Norfolk aforesaid, then being the property of Antonio Buckall. all. Plea - Not Guilty.
The Attorney-General described the prosecutor as a poor foreign black, who many years ago had arrived here from Norfolk Island, and had ever since on a small farm derived from Government, laboured with proverbial industry and perseverance.
Mr. Solicitor DAWES, for the prisoner Stanfield, strove to establish the validity of a deed, by which the prosecutor was stated to have transferred half his said farm, and the barn in question, to Oscar Davis, by whom they had been passed into the possession of the prisoner.
And the Jury, after receiving from His Honor the CHIEF JUSTICE, an argumentative and impartial summary of all the circumstances, pronounced an - Acquittal.
There must have been bad blood between the settlers and Antonio Baptista
Colonial Times (Hobart, Tas. : 1828 - 1857), Tuesday 27 October 1840, page 5
The Insolvent Court. Before His Honor Mr. Commissioner Anstey,
Wednesday, 21st October, 1840.
The Court opened soon after 10 o'clock, when Mr. William Stanfield of Clarence Plains, applied to be declared Insolvent, and stated, that his debts amounted to the sum of £1400, which he had contracted upon the faith of a promise made by his father, that on his marriage he would give him 3000 acres of land, this, his father had failed to do, and he was compelled to seek the protection of that Court. Mr Crombie was appointed Provisional Assignee, and a day was appointed for the first meeting of his creditors.
Before Mr. Commissioner Anstey.
In re William Stanfields insolvency, of Clarence Plains, farmer. ...
Mr. J. C. Macdougall deposed to a debt of £11. 12s. 6d., due on 21st October last, for newspapers, for which he had received a bill of exchange one month after date.
Mr. Anstey-Is that correct Mr. Stanfield? please do attend to what is going on. Reply-Yes-Debt proved.
Messrs. J. and W. Robertson deposed to a debt of £30 13s. 3d. due by the insolvent, being principal and interest on a bill of exchange, drawn by him and accepted in the usual manner.
The correctness of the debt being admitted, the Commissioner said, I shall enter this as a distinct proof.
John Thomas and Co. deposed to a debt of £18 5s. 5d. for goods sold and delivered, and to which there was no set off. Debt proved. The Commissioner said he would then proceed to the election of a permanent assignee, and Andrew Crombie, Esq., was voted to that office.
Mr. Daniel Stanfield, the father of this insolvent, was examined before the Commissioner. He acknowledged to have entered into an agreement, dated 3rd March, 1835, to make over to his son certain lands at the Eastern Marshes, with a quantity of farming materials, working oxen, &c., to set him up in the world on his marriage together with £100 in money.
The Court-Was your son ever put into possession of these things, wholly or in part? Never, properly. He was merely living on the property with my consent for a period of about two years ; I never considered myself out of possession of the property ; he went away somewhere and left the place altogether ; he was not compelled to leave the premises by me ;
I acknowledge having thrown out his furniture and effects ; this was four or five months after he left the place, because he agreed to stop at my place at Clarence Plains [twelve] months, and remained there only four; I mean on the 3000 acres at the Eastern Marshes ; the crops that my son had were sold by an, execution; after this the ground was ploughed, and produced nothing but wild oats ; my son never sowed 20 or 30 acres with oats to my knowledge ; I gave him £20 for what little crops remained on the ground after he left ;
I believe he removed the greater part of his furniture in Mr. Nicholl's farm, lest it should be sold ; after my son's marriage he built a house upon the property at the Eastern Marshes, but I cannot speak to its value; I think £150 to be its worth ; it was a weather-boarded house, and brick nogged, having five rooms in it ; I have been applied to by my son for the fullilment of the original agreement, but I peremptorily refused to comply ; this was about two or three years after he married, and it was his first application ; previous to which he was living upon the property, and had been for eight or nine mouths ; but I never gave him bona fide possession ; only simply permission to go and live there, and in pursuance of that he went there soon afterwards.
By the Court-Are you aware that the relatives of Miss Nicholls would not let her marry your son without certain conditions ?
My son told me so some time before the marriage ; the marriage was never put off on this account to my knowledge ; my son told me he wanted to show Mr. Nicholls some document, that he could support a wife. The agreement previously alluded to was prepared by Edward Hobson ; in consequence of what my son told me, and by my directions, I gave Mr. Hobson the particulars of the property, lands, &c. ; what I told my son was, that he had liberty to go on the farm, if he would cultivate it ; my son said he would consult with Miss Nicholls's mother-in-law on the subject; from that time to fourteen months after-wards, I heard nothing farther about it; during this fourteen months my own assigned servants were at work on the place, upon my own account.
After an examination of the insolvent, relative to a debt of £881 15s. 6d., and of £112 5s. to Michael Steele of Hobart, Mr. Stanfield senior was once more examined ; after which the Commissioner appointed the 9th December next, for the insolvent to appear in Court to obtain his discharge.

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Land in town next to Elizabeth Jillett's |
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Norfolk Island Land and overview |
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Old Cemetery at Norfolk Island |
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Old Headstones |
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Early Settlement |
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The Government Offices and Settlement |
Daniel Stanfield, (1766–1826)
This article was published in Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 2, (MUP), 1967
Daniel Stanfield (d.1826), marine and settler, was reputed to have come from an English naval family. He arrived at Port Jackson with the First Fleet as a private in the marines. He was promoted corporal and on 15 October 1791 at St Philip's married Alice, widow of Thomas Harmsworth who had died at Sydney in 1788. In less than a month Stanfield was on duty at Norfolk Island. By 1794 he was discharged from the marines, sworn in as a constable, had begun to farm at Little Cascade and received two goats from Lieutenant-Governor Philip Gidley King, who described him as a deserving settler. In March Stanfield was robbed and with other islanders petitioned Lieutenant-Governor Francis Grose for restoration of the arms of which they had been deprived by government order. Stanfield also talked of enlisting in the New South Wales Corps, and in November he sailed in the Daedalus for Port Jackson.However keen and determined, Stanfield did not find life easy; he sailed with his family in the City of Edinburgh and arrived at Hobart Town in October 1808. Next month he took up land at Green Point near Bridgewater and built a weatherboard house which he valued at more than £2000 and which stood for over a cent
There Stanfield's industry and enthusiasm brought him better results than in Norfolk Island: by February 1825 he had been granted 1200 acres (486 ha) in widely separated areas, had purchased 890 (360 ha) more and claimed to have 1000 cattle, 800 sheep, 10 horses, a flour-mill and other capital. His only grievances were that Michael Howe had raided his stock-yard and other bushrangers had plundered his properties, though he was sometimes compensated for these deprivations by more land. In 1826 he was summoned to Hobart to give evidence against the receivers of goods stolen from him, but he died there suddenly on 4 February, leaving 'a very numerous and opulent family'.
Stanfield improved his properties and became well known as a stock-breeder. In 1828 he was one of the first in Van Diemen's Land to export apples to Britain; one specimen was a foot in diameter, but the shipment did not carry well. Like his father he had trouble with bushrangers and by 1825 had been to Sydney twice to give evidence at the trials of some culprits. Again like his father he had a large family: in Hobart in January 1816 he married Maria Kimberley (d.1851), the daughter of a transported convict; according to one report, they had eight children by 1831. He died on 28 March 1856.
There was another person who arrived in the First Settlers of Hobart. Her name was Maria Stanfield. She also came from an English family with links to Naval activities, better known as Maria Sargeant.
3. Emmaline Allomes
Emmaline was the daughter of Robert Carter Alomes and Elizabeth Bellert.
Elizabeth was the daughter of Jacob Bellett and Ann Harper Harris.
Jacob Bellett
Jacob BELLETT, born 1765 London. Crime: Jacob Billett – Stealing silk and clothes lining. Tried: London Old Bailey, 12 Jan 1785. Sentence: 7 years transportation.[1] He arrived in NSW aboard the Scarborough 1788. Jacob arrived on Norfolk Island aboard the Supply in March 1790.Jacob and Ann were one of the many couples married by Reverend Richard Johnson in Nov 1791 on Norfolk Island.
In 1795 Jacob Bellett was recorded as a Settler on rations.
30 Dec 1796: Jacob received a 12 acres land grant being Lot 25, on Norfolk Island, which he had settled on in 1791. Today this land is located at Music Valley, just northeast of Kingston, just past Bloody Bridge along Driver Christian Road.
Ann Harper in her own name was also granted the adjoining block of 39 acres on Norfolk Island in Dec 1796, being Lot 37. 9½ acres of this property was sold by Ann Harper to John McMahon in Feb 1805.[2]
Image: The ruins of their stone cottage home, stands today on Norfolk Island at Music Valley, being one of the very few relics of the first Settlement on Norfolk Island.
1802 – 1808 Jacob Billett: Constable (1805), Settlers from Convicts, on stores (departed stores 8 Sept 1808).
1802 – 1808 Ann Harper: Free Woman, Sentence Expired (departed stores 8 Sept 1808).
The list of settlers with their families who were remove to Port Dalrymple and Hobart Town on the terms proposed by Government as stated in the General Order of the 17 Sep 1807 records Jacob Billett (sic) with seven children.[3]1807: Jacob Billet (sic) 42 acres (Lots 37 and 25).
Jacob, and his family travelled to Hobart aboard the City of Edinburgh in Sept 1808. Jacob Bellett was classified as a second class landholder, leaving behind 42 acres of land on Norfolk Island and a buildings worth £60 in addition to stock. Land: 24.5 acres cleared, 17.5 acres uncleared. Two storey house boarded and shingled, 26 X 12ft. A barn floored and boarded all over 12 X 12ft and two log outhouses.
Second class land holder Jacob Bellett is noted with eight children in all four versions of the City of Edinburgh, yet all other research show there was only seven children in his household at the time.
Upon arrival at Hobart he received land grants of 45 acres at Queenborough and a further 40 acres at Gloucester. As Jacob Billet, he regularly requested compensation for livestock that he left on Norfolk Island like others who went to Tasmania as part of the closure of Norfolk Island settlement.[4]
May 1809 River Derwent Muster: Sandy Bay with wife and seven children.
1811 Jacob Billett: abode Hobart.
1811 Ann Harper: abode Hobart.
Jacob died 2 Dec 1813 Hobart, buried St David’s Cemetery Hobart.
Ann died 10 Sept 1842, age 70 years, Sorell buried Henry St, Sorrell Cemetery. Headstone: Ann HARRISON, Relict of Jacob BELLETT
Children of Jacob and Ann BELLETT
- Elizabeth HARPUR – BELLETT, born 18 Jan 1792 Norfolk Island.
1802 Elizabeth Harper: Child over 2 years, on stores.
1808: Norfolk Island to Hobart aboard the City of Edinburgh.
She married Robert CARTER – ALOMES, 21 Aug 1809 St David’s Hobart. Elizabeth died 24 Dec 1866 South Arm Tasmania, buried Rokeby. - Susannah HARPUR – BELLETT, born 1 Feb 1794 Norfolk Island.
1802 Susanah Harper: Child over 2 years, on stores.
1802 – 1805 Susan Harper: Child over 2 years, on stores.
1806 – 1807 Susanna Harper: Child on two years on half rations.
1808 Susan Harper: departed the stores on 8 Sept 1808.
1808: Norfolk Island to Hobart aboard the City of Edinburgh.
Susannah Bellett married John BIRCHALL, 24 Oct 1809 St David’s Hobart. They settled at Sorell where John had received a land grant. She died 6 Jan 1871 in Sorell, Her death notice appeared in the Mercury, 9 January 1871: Susannah, relict of the late John Birchall, sen., aged 77, deeply regretted by a great number of descendants and friends. The funeral will move from her late residence for Sorell at noon on Tuesday, 10th instant, when friends are respectfully invited to attend. New Zealand and Melbourne papers please copy. - Mary HARPUR – BELLETT, born 30 April 1796 Norfolk Island.
1802 – 1805 Mary Harper: Child over 2 years, on stores.
1806 – 1808 Mary Harper: Child on two years on half rations.
1808: Norfolk Island to Hobart aboard the City of Edinburgh.
She married James GARTH, (born 9 Apr 1791 Norfolk Island, son of Edward GARTH and Susannah GOUGH), 22 Sept 1818 St David’s Hobart. James died 5 October 1782 and Mary died 23 January 1877, both at Port Cygnet Tasmania. - Ann BELLETT, b c1798 Norfolk Island. 1802 Ann Harper: Child over 2 years, on stores.
1805 Ann Harper: Child above 2 years, on stores.
1808: Norfolk Island to Hobart aboard the City of Edinburgh.
She married Edward GARTH (born 1795 Norfolk Island, son of Edward GARTH and Susannah GOUGH), 4 Nov 1816 St David’s Hobart. Edward died 21 July 1873 Hobart, age 78 years, his death noticed appeared in The Mercury, 22 July 1873: GARTH: On the 21st July, at his residence, Sandy Bay Road, Edward Garth, in the 78th year of his age. Friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, which will move from his late residence on Wednesday, the 23rd inst., at 12 o’clock.
Ann died 29 Apr 1896 Hobart, buried Sandy Bay Cemetery Tasmania. Her death notice appeared in The Mercury, 30 April 1896: GARTH – On April 29, at 170 Liverpool street, (Hobart) the residence of her grandson, Ann Garth, widow of the late Edward Garth, in the 100th year of her age. - John BELLETT, born 8 Aug 1800 Norfolk Island.
1802 – 1804 John Harper: Child under 2 years, on stores.
1806 – 1808 John Harper: Child over two years on half rations.
1808 John Harper: departed the stores on 8 Sept 1808.
1808: Norfolk Island to Hobart aboard the City of Edinburgh.
John married Susannah GARTH (born 1804 Norfolk Island, daughter of Edward GARTH and Susannah GOUGH), 27 Jan 1822 Hobart. Susannah died 5 May 1871 in Sorell, her death notice appear in The Mercury, 6 May 1871: Bellette -On Friday morning, 5th May, at the Sorell Rivulet,in the 68th year of her age, Susanna, the beloved wife of John Bellette, senr. The funeral will move from her late residence, at one o clock p.m. on Monday, and will rest at the bridge, Sorell, at two p.m. John died 24 Jan 1877, age 77 years, Sorell. - Jacob BELLETT, born 7 Dec 1802 Norfolk Island, baptised16 Jan 1803 Norfolk Island by Rev Fulton, with parents recorded as Jacob Belett and Ann Belett.
1805 Jacob Harper: Child of all descriptions, off stores.
1808: Norfolk Island to Hobart aboard the City of Edinburgh.
Marriage 1: Mary FISHER, 29 Dec 1824 Hobart. Mary died 19 Feb 1826, Clarence Plains.
Marriage 2: Susanna FREE (born 25 July 1801 Norfolk Island, daughter of Samuel Israel – Free and Eliza Smith) 16 Apr 1827 Clarence Plains. Susanna died in childbirth 6 Jan 1833 Clarence Plains. There has been a rather disgraceful circumstance happened at Clarence Plains lately. About fourteen days since, a young woman, the wife of Mr Jacob Bellett, died in child bed – about four days after she was interred, it was discovered that the vault had been opened and the body disturbed, with the grave clothes lying beside her; everything was put to rights again by her friends; but on Saturday night last, the vault was again opened by some persons, and the body of the deceased cut and mangled in a shocking state – the scene was distressing to any person – for her friends and relations are very numerous in that settlement. I leave you to make what remarks you think proper, if you deem it worth notice in your paper; my brother has been a witness to what I have stated. No doubt is entertained that it has been some Surgeon who has committed this daring outrage, from the manner in which the body was cut and mangled. A great sensation has been produced in this neighbourhood.[5]Jacob died 20 May 1835 Rokeby, buried Clarence Plains. - William BELLETT, born 30 June 1805 Norfolk Island, baptised27 Mar 1806 Norfolk Island by Rev. Fulton with parents recorded as Jacob Bellett and Ann his wife.
William married Catherine IRWIN, 2 June 1828, Sorell. He died 27 May 1875 Sorell Tasmania. His obituary appear in The Mercury, 3 June 1875: Mr. William Bellette, who expired at his residence, Sorell, on the 27th May, and whose remains were interred in the family vault on Monday last, adds one more to the many “old identities” who have lately passed to that “bourne whence no traveller returns.” The deceased, although not a native of Tasmania, was a colonist of 67 years standing, having arrived with his father, the late Mr. Jacob Bellette from Norfolk Island (of which place he was a native) so far back as the year 1808, in the City of Edinburgh. The name of Bellette (favourably known throughout Tasmania), like that of Garth, Fisher, Chaffey, Lucas, Flexmore, Kidner, Anderson, and others, throws the mind back on the first settlement of the pretty spot then known as Sandy Bay, but which now bears the more euphonious name of Queenborough, for it was there the immigrants from Norfolk Island were allotted their first grants. For some few years the deceased resided with his parents at Crayfish Point, and afterwards with his brothers removed to Sorell, where John, Jacob, William, James, and George are amongst the early tillers of the soil, Sorell then being known as the Garden of the South. The deceased had, however, for some years past ceased to plough, and almost to within the last month was the manager of Betts’ (now Noye and Mant’s) stores at the Sorell Wharf. The deceased was of quiet and retiring habits, but was respected wherever he was known. He leaves a widow, two sons, and four daughters, who all occupy respectable positions in life. - James BELLETT, born 19 Oct 1809 Sandy Bay, baptised 12 Nov 1809 Hobart. James died 15 June 1837 Sorell.
- George BELLETT, born 1812 Hobart, born 1812 Hobart, baptised Mar 1812 Hobart, died 16 March 1885 Sorrell, age 73 years. George married Jemima LARSON, 11 Feb 1835 Clarence Plains. She was the daughter of Richard LARSON and Ann KIDNER, born 24 Nov 1818 Clarence Plains
- HM Supply Norfolk Island March 1790
- Surprize to Norfolk Island August 1790
- Marriages November 1791 Norfolk Island
- List of Settlers names 1795: Norfolk Island
- Some births on Norfolk Island between October 1796 – June 1800
- Muster of Settlers and Land Holders on Norfolk Island 1807
- People of the City of Edinburgh 1808
- City of Edinburgh 1808 to Hobart Town passenger numbers
- City of Edinburgh 1808 Norfolk Island
- First Fleeters aboard the City of Edinburgh in September 1808
- Landholders aboard the City of Edinburgh to VDL Sept 1808
- Edward GARTH and Susannah GOUGH
- 2nd and 3rd Fleeters aboard the City of Edinburgh from Norfolk Island to Hobart Town in Sept 1808
Cite this article as: Cathy Dunn, 'Jacob Bellett, Convict Scarborough 1788 – Ann Harper, Convict Lady Juliana 1790', Australian History Research,, accessed 15th September 2017
Robert Alomes
Robert CARTER or ALOMES. Born ca.1770 Dublin, Ireland.
Robert Alomes claimed to be the son of a Colonel Carter who had married a Miss Alomes. Records suggest that they were not married. Robert received a good education in Dublin, becoming a medical student, but due to a family quarrel, he enlisted under his mother's name, and after service at Gibraltar, became a sergeant in the Royal Marines. He arrived after various Explorations with David Collins at the Risdon settlement of Lieutenant Bowen in Van Diemens Land on the "Ocean", on the 15th February 1804. Collins was displeased with the settlement, and formed a new on at Sullivans's Cove, where Robert Alomes was Reputed to be the first to raise the Union Jack.
On the 21st of August 1809, while a sergeant of the Royal Marines, Robert Carter married Elizabeth BELLETT (or Billett), the daughter of Jacob BELLETT of Sorell and acquired considerable real estate and settled there. Jacob Bellett (senior or junior) and Francis Barnes were witnesses to the marriage, which was celebrated by Rev. R. Knopwood. They were church of England.
Robert Alomes' first farmed at Sorell and his name appears on the Landholder's Muster of 1819 for Buckingham as the owner of 30 acres in the Pittwater district with a wife and 5 children.
Robert Alomes died on the 31st of August and buried on the 5th September 1853, described as a farmer aged 83.[2]
Robert Alomes' first farmed at Sorell and his name appears on the Landholder's Muster of 1819 for Buckingham as the owner of 30 acres in the Pittwater district with a wife and 5 children.
Robert Alomes died on the 31st of August and buried on the 5th September 1853, described as a farmer aged 83.[2]
According to his records at ADM 158/194 Description of Royal Marines at Portsmouth, he was 20, in 1800 and was a dentist.
On 16 Feb 1804 he arrived at Risdon Cove, near Hobart, Tasmania in the Ocean. He stepped ashore with the British flag and planted it on behalf of Lieutenant-Governor David Collins, where Hobart is now built. The first reference to him is in The Historical Records of Australia Series III Vol.1, p.10 7 where he is included in a list of persons victualled on 17 October 1803, described as a Sergeant.
He was stationed on Norfolk Island on military duties sometime after coming here in 1804. By the Governor’s orders he was brought her to Van Diemen’s Land and was married on 21 Aug 1809 in St. Davids Church, Hobart Town. They were one of the first couples married in Tasmania and when the event took place they were entertained to a wedding breakfast by Governor Collins at Government House, the latter on that occasion presented him with 50 sheep, including several lambs.
He received a grant of land at Pittwater 2 miles from Sorell and was a prosperous colonist. He became a farmer at Pittwater owning 30 acres in 1809. As Robert Carter he married Elizabeth Bellett.
To understand the relationship, William Henry Smith, Rosetta Belbin and were all first cousins of each of the Morrisby relationships, the numbers were incredibly large, with around 60 just in the Morrisby lineage.
One of their cousins was George he had 17 children!
John Morrisby (1805-1852)
Emmaline Sophia Carter Alomes (1810-1898)
Sarah Ann Wood (1829-1876)
Married 1853 |
Hannah Winspear (1851-1912)
Married 1877 |
George Morrisby married Sarah Ann Wood and Hannah Winspear, he had in total 17 children in 38 years.
Frederick Charles Morrisby was born on 20 Feb 1856 in Clarence Plains, Tasmania. Frederick married Maria Rosina Alomes, daughter of Robert Charles Alomes and Jane Wood, on 17 Dec 1879 in Clarence Plains, Tasmania. Maria was born on 10 Sep 1854 in Spring Bay, Van Diemen's Land, Australia and died in 1917 at age 63. Another name for Maria was Maria Rosina Morrisby. They had seven children: Opal Freda, Lyndon Robert, Vera Rosabelle, Frederick, Merton Roy, Gladys Evelyn and Althea Inez.
James Belbin, Convict Salamander 1791 – Ann Meredith, Convict Neptune 1790
James Belbin at the age of 16 years was tried with burglary at Old Bailey, 9 Jan 1788. Sentence: Death commuted to seven years transportation on 18 April 1788.[1]He arrived in NSW aboard the Salamander 1791 and he then travelled to Norfolk Island aboard the Salamander in Sept 1791.
1802: Free Man from Sentence Expired, Constable.
1802 Ann Meredith: Free Woman from Sentence Expired.
Ann died 31 May 1805, aged 35 years, Norfolk Island; cause of death was childbirth/childbed. She was buried 1 June 1805 Norfolk Island. Ann is listed as Anne MERDITH in the Rev Fulton’s burial records. Her headstone stands today at the Norfolk Island Cemetery simple has her initials as A M B. In James Belbin’s 1808 – 1809 notebook her name is recorded as “Ann Meredith Belbin”. Ann is buried with her is her daughter Harriett born 1798 Norfolk Island, who died 19 June 1805 Norfolk Island.
1805 James Belbin: Sentence expired, off stores.
The return of Norfolk Island Settlers on 2 Aug 1807, two years after the death of Ann Meredith, shows that James Belbin has 32 acres of land, 16 hogs, and a crop 120 bushels of maize. He again has a wife and the children have increased to 9, although daughter Harriet had died in June 1805. James had obviously acquired a new wife or relationship who had brought several of her own children into the Belbin home.
James Belbin’s notebook tells us that Mary Brooks Belbin was born 31 July 1807, so there is no certainty that she was included as one of the nine children. The new wife (defacto), Ann Brooks, may then have arrived with either two or three children excluding baby Mary. Although Belbin may have had up to 10 or 11 different children in his household at various times on Norfolk Island, perhaps only six of them by Ann Meredith and one by Ann Brooks could strictly be classed as his own offspring.[2]
As a 2nd class land holder James Belbin and five of his children (Elizabeth, Sarah, Catherine, James and Susan) left Norfolk Island aboard the City of Edinburgh in Sept 1808. His land size is not recorded in any of the four version of the City of Edinburgh shipping manifests. His buildings were a Single storey, shingled boarded 16 x 10, barn single boarded floored. Value £50. In his pocket book journal he recorded that his party embarked aboard the City of Edinburgh on 3 Sept 1808, departing from Norfolk Island on 9 Sept 1808, on 28 Sept 1808 the ship arriving off VDL and anchoring in the harbour on 2 Oct 1808, disembarking on 3 Oct 1808 and been taken off the stores on 5 Oct 1808.[3]
James Erskine Calder in 1879 wrote “James Belbin’s troubles in Tasmania”, from narratives given to him by James Belbin jnr. (born 1803 Norfolk Island, the son of James Belbin and his defacto wife Ann Meredith). Belbin Snr. and his five children were aboard the City of Edinburgh for the voyage to Hobart Town in September 1808:
It is known that the forced removal of this (sic) people from their happy island home and pleasant little homesteads to commence life a new in a land of convicts and savages, was most displeasing to them; and some of them even ventured to resist or rather to evade the Imperial mandate for their expulsion … they were hunted down by the crew of the boat employed to take them on board the vessel … that was sent thither to remove them, on to the decks of which they were finally pitched like a couple of dogs; and in this manner it was they were embarked.[4]
James Belbin’s Pocket book details his departure from Norfolk Island, arrival in Hobart and events in Hobart. He noted the arrival and departures of ships including the arrival of Governor Bligh in the ‘Porpoise’. Interspersed a bit haphazardly amongst these regular entries were personal memoranda, such as his arrest for support of Governor Bligh on the 24 Apr 1809. Inside the cover he entered the dates of birth of himself and children and the death of his wife and a daughter at Norfolk Island. [5]
In 1809 … he got into trouble for his support of the deposed Governor William Bligh who had come to Hobart. Twice arrested, Belbin refused to acknowledge any person but Bligh as governor-in-chief of New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land. He was ordered 500 lashes but, because of his poor physical condition after a month in gaol he was incapable of receiving more than fifty. His only offence had been in persisting in his loyalty to the King’s representative. After ten weeks in custody he was released but was victimized by having his children and himself removed from the list of persons entitled to rations. He decided to seek justice in London. Accompanied by his son he sailed from Hobart on 16 Nov 1811, working his passage to England; there he petitioned for the restoration of his rights as a free settler. On Bligh’s recommendation, the Colonial Office ordered that Belbin and his son be given free passages back to Hobart, and a land grant and the other concessions to which he was entitled as a Norfolk Island evacuee. In June 1813 he sailed in the Earl Spencer and obtained letters about his grant from Governor Lachlan Macquarie before proceeding to Hobart; for all that, it took him two years to get his affairs settled. He received land at Cambridge, between Hobart and Pittwater, where he built a home, made a prosperous farm and brought up a second family. In 1819 he was appointed stock inspector and in 1844 was given a pension of £75.[6]
Whilst in England James married Elizabeth POULTER, 1813 Clements Danes Church London. She travelled to Australia with James aboard the on the Earl Spencer in 1813, and she bore him another family, Maria 1814, Frances 1817, Ann 1819, Jane Mary 1822 and William 1825. James died 8 May 1848 Hobart, buried St David’s Cemetery Hobart. His death was reported in the Colonial Times 9 May 1848: Again have we to record the demise of one of our oldest colonists in the death of Mr. Belbin, senior, who departed yesterday, at the good old age of 78, at his residence in Macquarie-street, after being confined to his bed for several months. Mr. Belbin had filled the office of Inspector of Stock for up- wards of twenty-five years, and performed its duties not only to the satisfaction of the public, but with the strictest integrity and zeal towards the Government. On his retirement he was granted a pension, which he enjoyed to the time of his decease.
James Belbin recorded the names of his Norfolk Island family, with some birth and death dates in his 1808 – 1809 Notebook and these dates differ from the 1792 – 1796 Norfolk Island Victualing Book and other sources. His dates that differ from other primary records are noted as JB below.
Children of James Belbin and Ann Meredith and their other relationships:
- Mary Ann MEREDITH, born 5 Feb 1793 Norfolk Island. (JB: 10 February 1793). Her father was George PLYER. Mary left Norfolk Island aboard Lady Nelson for Port Jackson, with Private 102nd Regiment Thomas ASHBURY – ASTBURY – ASBURY, in April 1810. Thomas arrived on Norfolk Island in July 1800 with Joseph Foveaux NSW Corps .Thomas was transferred to the Veterans Company, and was posted to Windsor.
- Elizabeth Ann MEREDITH, born 21 Mar 1795 Norfolk Island. (JB: Elizabeth 26 Feb 1795). Victualled from 1 June 1805: Child above the age of two years, noting her mother died 31 May 1805. 1808: Norfolk Island to Hobart aboard the City of Edinburgh. Elizabeth disappeared from the records Mar 1814 as she travelled to England aboard the General Hewitt, whilst her father James Belbin was in London, with Private Benjamin HANSLOW of the 73rd Regiment who she later married in 1817 England. After several fruitless attempts Benjamin and Elizabeth Hanslow eventually returned to VDL in 1836 aboard the Amelia Thompson with nine children. Benjamin died 4 Nov 1860, age 73 years. Richmond, Tasmania. Elizabeth died 13 Feb 1877, age 82 years, Richmond. They are both buried at St Luke’s Cemetery, Richmond Tasmania.
- Sarah BELBIN, born 29 Jan 1797 Norfolk Island.
- Victualled from 1 June 1805: Child above the age of two years, noting her mother died 31 May 1805.
- 1806 Sarah Meredith: Orphan child on 2/3 rations.
- 1807 Sarah Meredith: orphan child on rations.
- 1808: Norfolk Island to Hobart aboard the City of Edinburgh.
- Sarah married Thomas WILLIAMS (born 8 Nov 1795 Norfolk Island, son of Isaac WILLIAMS and Rachel HODDY), 9 Sept 1816, St David’s Hobart. He also had travelled aboard the City of Edinburgh from Norfolk Island to Hobart.
- Catherine MEREDITH, born 12 Sept 1798 Norfolk Island, twin to Harriet.
- Victualled from 1 June 1805: Child above the age of two years, noting her mother died 31 May 1805. July 1807 Cath Meredith: orphan on rations.
- 1808: Norfolk Island to Hobart aboard the City of Edinburgh. She married Richard BERROSS – BEACROFT – BEXCROFT, 9 Sept 1816 Hobart Town, although the Hobart Town Courier and Knopwoods’s diary give his name as Richard BROWN – BEROSS. Richard drowned 7 Feb 1820 in a boating accident leaving 3 children and a pregnant widow. Catherine then married Samuel COLLINGS, 27 May 1823 Hobart.
- Harriet MEREDITH, born 12 Septr 1798 Norfolk Island, twin to Catherine.She died 19 June 1805 Norfolk Island, listed as Harriet MEREDITH, daughter of BELBIN, child in the Rev Fulton burial records. Harriet was buried with her mother Ann who had died two weeks beforehand. Her headstone on Norfolk Island simple has her initials as H B. James Belbin’s notebook gives an age of six years, 9 months and seven days.
- Susannah (Susan) MEREDITH, born 27 June 1801, Norfolk Island.
- 1808: Norfolk Island to Hobart aboard the City of Edinburgh.
- She married John HANSON, 24 July 1820 Hobart Town.
- James MEREDITH, born 30 Aug 1803, Norfolk Island.
- 1808: Norfolk Island to Hobart aboard the City of Edinburgh.
- James did travelled with his father, first to Port Jackson and then to England, returning to Hobart in Apr 1814. James married Caroline NICHOLS, Feb 1824 Hobart, Caroline died 1854. He married again to Eliza WILLIAMS, 27 Feb 1855 Hobart. James died 10 July 1884, Cambridge Tasmania.
- Stillborn child MEREDITH, Mother Ann Meredith died31 May 1805 Norfolk Island from childbirth/childbed.
- Mary Brooks BELBIN, born 31 July 1807 Norfolk Island. She left at Norfolk Island with her mother (Ann BROOKS) in 1813.
[2] Return of Settlers, 2 August 1807,TNA, CO 201/14, p. 292.
[3] James Belbin, Convict James Belbin’s Pocket Book, Van Diemen’s Land 1808-1810. University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection, Australia,
[4] James Erskine Calder, ‘A Topographical and Historical Sketch’, The Mercury, 2 April 1880, p. 3,, accessed 15 August 2017.
[5] Belbin, James Convict James Belbin’s Pocket Book, Van Diemen’s Land 1808-1810. University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection, Australia,
[6] F. C. Green, ‘Belbin, James (1771–1848)’, Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,
Thomas Ashbury, NSW Corps, Surprize 1790
Surprize to Norfolk Island August 1790
Muster of Settlers and Land Holders on Norfolk Island 1807
People of the City of Edinburgh 1808
City of Edinburgh 1808 to Hobart Town passenger numbers
City of Edinburgh 1808 Norfolk Island
Landholders aboard the City of Edinburgh to VDL Sept 1808
2nd and 3rd Fleeters aboard the City of Edinburgh from Norfolk Island to Hobart Town in Sept 1808
Cite this article as: Cathy Dunn, 'James Belbin, Convict Salamander 1791 – Ann Meredith, Convict Neptune 1790', Australian History Research,, accessed October 2017
From the marriage of James Belbin to Elizabeth Poulter the following children were born
1. Maria Belbin 1814 m James Gartside
2. Frances Belbin 1817 - 1899 m Richard Fleming
3. Ann Belbin 1819 - 1868 m William Henry Smith
4. Jane Mary Belbin 1822 - 1884 m William Short
5. William Belbin 1825 - 1892 m Rebecca Dowdell 1825 - 1888 and Mary McMahon 1851 - 1925
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