Oatlands Tasmania
200 Year
With the Jillett Family
Macquarie first passed through the district in 1811. However it was not until ten years later on
June 3, 1821, that Macquarie named the site “Oatlands” as he considered it “a
very eligible situation for a town, being well watered and in the midst of rich
fertile country.”
1827 Oatlands remained little more than a site with a board bearing the name
given by Macquarie. There were some
early settlements, including a military detachment station in 1825.
the eye of Governor Arthur, streets were marked out, trees and scrub cleared
away and a detachment of troops was sent to guard the farmers and tradespeople
who were beginning to settle the area.
The troop’s main duty was to guard the 35 skilled tradesmen, who had
been sent to lay the foundations of the new village, against the natives. When the threat passed, the troop was
disbanded. Later some of these men
returned to make Oatlands their home, and of those who did return some were
skilled stonemasons and carpenters, whose work is still admired in the old buildings
The goal
and houses for the staff, as well as accommodation for the chain gang working
on the main road had been constructed before the soldiers departed.
Macquarie saw the need for a road to join the northern and southern settlements
during his first visit in 1811. The next
year he sent James Meehan, his surveyor general to peg out and chain the road
from Port Dalrymple (now George Town) to Hobart, marking four sites along the
road which he had chosen to be military posts.
These included Launceston, Perth, Oatlands and Brighton. This road was not completed until 1837, but
was used well before that time.
By 1829,
several very respectable” people had applied to the government for building
blocks, and a local brewery was under construction. With the abundance of good cheap building
material close at hand, buildings took shape at great speed.
In 1832
a survey of the town was undertaken by Surveyor Sharland, who marked out over
50 miles and 400 acres of streets, as he had visualised Oatlands to be the
capital city of Tasmania.
Much of
Oatlands development took place in the 1830’s and today many residents still
live in these historic buildings. Stone
for building was available in almost unlimited quantities, and was quarried
near the edge of Lake Dulverton at Mill Point, and clay for brick making was
discovered in land later to be named Burbury’s Hill. Oatlands remains one of the finest examples
of an historic village in Australia.
Municipality of Oatlands was proclaimed in 1861, and remained until 1993 when
it was absorbed into the Southern Midlands Council.
In 1877,
Oatlands boasted seven hotels, three breweries and an aerated water factory
above information from Heritage Highway Visitor Centre, High Street Oatlands.
information from Heritage Tasmania reveals that “It is believed that the town
has the largest number of intact examples of Georgian sandstone architecture in
any village in the southern hemisphere.
The military precinct buildings – the jail, courthouse, watch house,
superintendent’s quarters cottage and commissariat are examples of this.” Built in 1834 the jail was built to house 200
offenders but never held more than 70 prisoners. It was the largest regional colonial jail in
Van Diemen’s Land and 18 inmates were hanged before the facility was
downgraded. It was demolished in 1937 –
and the town pool was built over the site in 1954!
Most of
the buildings in the High Street are Heritage Listed, and it is a fine example
of a heritage town, where one feels as though they have just stepped back in
time. It really is a delightful place to
Jillett owned the Callington Mil and numerous buildings in the town in the mid

Springfield Home of Thomas and Mary Ann Jillett, only half the
house was constructed by Thomas.
Albert Jillett, grandson of John
Jillett lived at 90 High Street Oatlands.
The building had been known as the Midland Hotel. It was last used in 1895/6. Albert was a skin and hide buyer, and
together with his sister Alice, they lived in the house. There is a sign outside which is a little
commemoration of the centenary of the Oatlands Municipality, fifth oldest of
Tasmania's rural municipalities, is an event of unique importance. The Oatlands Story dates back to the very
first years of the settlement of the colony, and its growth has been influenced
by pioneers and settlers, who have in their turn played a major role in the
story of Tasmania.
was proclaimed a rural municipality on November 29th, 1861, and by a strange
coincidence the Warden of the centenary year, Mr. W. A. Webster, is a kinsman
of the first Warden, Mr. J.L.B. Tabart, elected 100 years ago. By an even stranger coincidence Mr Webster's
ancestor was the first person in Tasmania to give hospitality to Governor
Lachlan Macquarie of New South Wales, on his historic visit in 1811.
first election of Councillors took place on January 9th 1862, and Messrs J.R.
Roe, J.L.B. Tabart, T. Burbury, J. Lord, G. Wilson, Jnr, and W. Barwick, were
elected the first Council. Mr. J.L.V.
Tabart was elected Warden at £100 per annum, and Mr. Z.W. Davis was appointed
Council Clerk.
that time the successive Wardens have been:
Messrs. J.L.B. Tabart (1861 -
68); J.R.Roe (1868 - 70); T.Littlechild (1870 - 71); J.R. Roe (1871 - 73); A.T.
Pillinger (1873 -75); J.R.Roe (1875 - 1877); G. Wilson (1877 - 78); R.D. Lord
(1878 - 79); A.T. Pillinger (1879 - 80); J.C. Lord (1880 - 83_; T. Littlechild
(1883 - 86) E. Archer (1886 - 87); W. Burbury (1887 - 93); G.E. Butler (1893 -
95); G. Nettlefold (1895 - 97); W. Jones (1897 - 1903); A.T. Gibson (1903 -
05); R. Harrison (1905 - 07); G. Nettlefold (1907 - 1910); J.N. Propsting (1910
- 13); T.J. Burbury (1913 -15); H. Fisher (1915 - 17); W.M. Lester (1917 -19);
A.J. O'Connor (1919 - 21); T.J. Burbury (1921 -23); W.M. Lester (1923 - 27); J. Weeding (1927 - 31);
W. M. Lester (1931 - 2); A.R. Fisher (1942 - 58); D. L. Burbury (1959 - 60) and
W. A Webster, the present occupant of the office.
Council Clerks have been: Messrs. Z.W. Davis (1861 - 1865); W. Gerrard (1865 -
1873); D. McPherson Jnr. (1873 - 80);
F.L. T. Bowden (1880 - 83); J.L.B. Tabart (1883 - 91); L.E. Chambers (1891 -
99); G. Burbury (1899 - 1913); W. Rust (1913 - 1931); W.J.B. Temple (1931 -
1937); D.G. Dudgeon (1937 - 41); (On War Service); G.H. Waterworth (Acting)
1941 -44; D.G. Dudgeon (1944 - 48); G.H. Waterworth, the present Council Clerk,
who was appointed in 1948.
Oatlands is presided over by a Council consisting of Messrs. R.C. Nettlefold,
J.V. Early, W. Dunbabin (Tunnack), W.A. Webster, D.R. Gregg,, D.L. Burbury
Tunbridge) Mr K.H. Taylor, A.R. Harris, R.J. Fish (Dulverton). Mr G.H.
Waterworth is Council Clerk, having held the position since 1948. Altogether, he has served local government
for almost a quarter of a century.
Council of 1861 had a heavy responsibility.
The Police Force of the district was placed under it. Mr Edward Cole was the Superintendent of
Police, and he also was Watch House Keeper.
At the outset the police were under the direct control of the Warden.
Council had to assume responsibility for such properties as the Police Stations
at Tunbridge, Melton Mowbray, Spring Hill and Antill Ponds. Other properties, which came under control of
the Council were the racecourse and the Bluff Watch House.
So from
this nucleus Local Government developed.
Space does not permit of adequate reference for tributes to the many men
who, without thought of reward, have given their services voluntarily to the
The real
beginning of Oatlands has been lost in obscurity, and the Council hopes that a
search can be made for the early records of the settlement.
One of
the first white men to penetrate the area was a Hugh Germaine, a Marine of the days
of Lieut. Governor David Collins. He
went exploring with a copy of the Bible and the Arabian Nights and names the
places discovered alternatively out of each book. Hence, such names as Jericho, Bagdad, River
Jordan and Jerusalem, now Colebrook. His
grave may still be seen in St. David's Park in Hobart, and it would make a
worthy addition to Jericho's landmarks if it was placed at that township.
In 1807
Lieut Thomas Laycock, of the New South Wales Corps, made the first journey
overland between Port Dalrymple and Hobart Town, as it was then, and he would
have crossed through the Oatlands district.
first of the notorious bushrangers, Richard Lemon, roamed the area between 1806
and 1808, that is why Lemon Springs is so called. Lake Tiberias was once known as Lemon's
Lagoon, and Lemon Hill was another place name recalling the desperado.
was taken in 1808 and his head was brought to Hobart Town. Scantling was another escaped convict, an
associate of Lemon. His name was
perpetuated in Scantling Plains, re-named by Governor Lachlan Macquarie in
1811, 150 years ago this month, as York Plains, in honour of the then Duke of
Macquarie came to Tasmania in November 1811, the settlements were just
beginning to spread out. There had been
earlier visitors to the district, but as yet not a great deal has been
discovered to give a lead to the origin of some of early place names.
Hill', mentioned in Macquarie's Journal, was named very early, possibly after a
colonist of that name,. "Constitution Hill" is also of early origin.
the real funder of Oatlands, arrived at Hobart Town on November 23rd 1811, and
began his journey north early in December.
December 3rd, he stopped at a place he called "Governor Macquarie's
Resting Place," 4.5 miles from Spring Hill. His Journal mentioned the naming of
"Prospect Hill" and the entries for December 5th, record the naming
of "York Plains," "Antill Ponds" after Capt. Antill, of the
73rd Regiment, "MT Henrietta", after his wife, and "Macquarie's
Springs" or "Governor Macquarie's Second Resting Place." On December 6th, "Epping Forest"
was named.
same year saw the first journey overland from Hobart Town of Port Dalrymple of
the pioneer Chaplain, the Rev Robert Knopwood.
a New South Wales aborigine, was transported to Tasmania in 1813, and he was
assigned to a Mr Kimberley at Antill Ponds, from where he broke away on a wild
rampage which ended up on the gallows.
In 1814,
the Rev. Robert Knopwood made a second journey to the North, this time with a
Macquarie's visit in 1811, James Meehan, the Surveyor, who had accompanied him,
was sent to Tasmania to survey a line of road between the two settlements of
Hobart Town and Port Dalrymple. It is to
his credit that except for some deviations, including the Bridgewater Causeway
in place of the ferry at Austin's Ferry, his original route has been closely
Edward Lord, second in command at the founding of Hobart Town, had stockmen in
the Oatlands area as early as 1813. This
borne out by evidence taken before the Rev. R, Knopwood, J.P. from Cpl. T.
Feutrill, of the 73rd Regiment, and Pte. W. Marry, of the same Regiment, in
August, 1814. This told of a journey
from Launceston to Hobart Town, and of clashes with bushrangers at Epping
River, on which Tunbridge now stands, was mentioned, as also a meeting with
Lieut. Edward Lord's stockmen at York Plains, where two tents had been
erected. His overseer was named Yorke. It was at the Ovens in the Oatlands area that
an encounter took place with bushrangers under the notorious Michael Howe. It is interesting to note that this
bushranger sent his famous message to the Lieut-Governor as "Governor of
the Ranges" from Scantling Plains in 1817.
He was taken in 1818.
The Main
Road was completed as far as Bridgewater or Black Snake in 1819 but another 13
years were to pass before a coach could run to Launceston.
1821 was
the year of the naming of Oatlands.
Governor Lachlan Macquarie came on his second visit in April 1821. On the way North by carriage, which he had
brought from Sydney, he stopped at a hut at Jericho Plains on the first stage
of the journey. It was on the occasion
of this second visit that he named "Tin Fish Holes" Sorrell Springs,
Mount Stewart, Roebeck and Wylde's Hill.
Wright's Farm, where he stayed on his return journey at the beginning of
June was renamed "Meadow Bank" at his suggestion.
was named on June 3rd, 1831`. In his
journal Macquarie wrote:-
is a very eligible situation for a town, being well watered and in the midst of
a rich fertile country. I afterwards
named a pretty valley, connecting Westmorland with Woodford Plains, Gordon
Valley in honour of the late Countess of Westmorland's maiden name."
He also
spoke of the appalling road down Sprung Hill.
was so called because the fine open plain reminded Macquarie of his native
Scotland and the grain, which grey there.
Some years were to elapse before any attempt was made to found the town,
although Bent's Almanac of 1825 mentioned a military detachment being stationed
As late
as 1827 Oatlands was still a site, with a board bearing the name given by
Macquarie. In the meantime, Jericho had
developed, and it is known that by the early twenties pioneer grants included
Meredith, Pike, Hudspeth, Gregson, Cogle and Page.
early grants were listed for the Oatlands district. These were those of Messrs. Weeding, Salmon
and Mackersey. The William Pike referred
to came to Jericho soon after his arrival in 1823, and he became the local
Catechist. The Church had developed
sufficiently for the Rev Samuel Marsden to hold a service at Jericho on
February 23, 1823.
George Lindley, who was tutor attached to Mr. Pike's family, became the teacher
of one of Oatlands' first private schools.
Mr J.H.
Hudspeth, an ancestor of Canon F. Hudspeth and the late Mr Wilfred Hudspeth, of
Hobart, also came to Jericho to found Bowsden about 1823. Mr. T.G. Gregson, who was destined to become
one of the first Premiers of Tasmania, had already taken up his grant at
could be written of these early settlers, but this is the story of Oatlands
Municipality, and the emphasis must be kept on that aspect.
Francis Desailly, an early Medical Officer in the district, arrived from
England in 1821. He was granted 300
acres at Jericho, which he later exchanged for land at Bagdad. Returning in 1824, he entered into
partnership with Mr Peter Harrison, and they had a public licence granted to
them in 1824. They separated after two
years, and doctor turned his attention to the Eastern Marshes.
Mr Peter
Harrison arrived from England in 1822.
He was one of the first hotel pioneers in the Municipality. He was surpassed possibly by Mr. William
Presnell, who had an inn at Sorell Springs as early as 1820, and it was the
by-passing of this by alterations to the road, that he was led to build the
White Hart at Antill Ponds in 1830. This
is better known as the Halfway House.
This historic Georgian building has been ravaged by vandalism. It was raided by bushrangers five times.
At the
time when Lieut-Governor Arthur began to take an interest in the future of
Oatlands, there were a number of settlers in the area. Mr. James Weeding, of Surrey, England,
arrived in Tasmania in 1823, and he obtained his grant known as
"Weedington" soon afterwards, and it is claimed that his family is
the only pioneer family still occupying the original grant.
Thomas Anstey, who landed at Hobart Town in 1823, was given a grant of 2,000
acres on a tributary of the River Jordan, about three miles from the lagoon,
known as Lake Dulverton. Stones from his
original homestead are being used to build the Centenary Gates and Wall for the
Recreation Ground. One of his servants,
and afterwards a field policeman, was the celebrated Jorgen Jorgenson,
ex-convict king, who made himself Lord Protector of Iceland.
In 1826,
hen Arthur divided Tasmania into Police Districts, he resolved on the founding
of Oatlands, and appointed Mr Thomas Anstey as the first Police Magistrate.
Arthur's orders men were sent to mark out streets and generally clear the
site. For their protection he sent along
a detachment of the Royal Staff Corps,
under Lieut Wilford, to protect road parties and the farmers from attacks by
roving bushrangers and blacks. The
military tents were situated close to where the old flour mill now stands.
the supervision of the military the early buildings were erected. After the completion of these works the
military were withdrawn, and the corps was disbanded. Many of the soldiers returned to live at
account of a visit to Van Diemen's Land by Widowson, published in 1828,
contains interesting references to Jericho and Oatlands. In regard to Jericho he referred to the
prison built before 1825, and the fact that the guard of soldiers occupied huts
with the Commanding Officer in a
weatherboard cottage.
were made to the homes of Dr. Desailly, Messrs. T.G. Gregson, J. and E. Bryant
and grove House, an inn. The famous
Mudwalls of Jericho are the remains of the old Probation station, which once
adorned the roadside.
the tier of hills, Widowson mentioned the grant of Thomas Anstey.
regard to Oatlands, he wrote -
original road runs through the township of Oatlands, a few sod huts mark the
site of the palace. Only a few soldiers
are to be seen, and a miserable gang of prisoners working in chains."
the right of this place is an extensive country called Blue Hills, where the
cattle of Mr David Lord principally browse.
Eleven miles from the township, passing for a few miles over short stony
hills and an immense plain, you arrive at Tin Dish Holes; the plain is known as
York Plains...to the right of these plains are the grants of Mr. Russell, Mr.
J. Lord and others."
also spoke of "Presenell's Inn".
This was the White Hart at Antill Ponds.
Mr. J.H. Wedge, the surveyor, mentioned a visit thee in 1824, but this
was possibly on the earlier site.
By the
time Mr Robert Harrison was occupying his grant at Woodbury, and a Mr Kimberley
still had a property on the road to Tunbridge at Blackmann's Bridge. By this time there were several houses at
Tunbridge, and a bridge, 100 feet long.
In 1829,
Dr. James Ross, the pioneer printer, wrote of a journey to the North. Of Oatlands he said:-
is 52 miles from Hobart Town. It is on
the borders of a fine lagoon now called Lake Frederick, which is about four
miles round with a small island in the centre.
But the water, although deep, is overgrown with rushes, giving it the
appearance of a verdant plain. Several
cottages are already erected, also an excellent soldiers' barracks and
officers' quarters. These were built by
the Royal Staff Corps, and a church and gaol are in progress.
Anstey is the Police Magistrate of this district. His residence, Anstey Barton, is about three
miles to the west of the township. Near
it are the stock farms of Mr Mackersey, Mr Weeding and Mr Salmon.
the east of Oatlands, is a rough road leading to a large extent of open
country, called the Eastern Marshes and Blue Hills. However, the distance of the fine tract of
country is too far from the Hobart Town Market for it to be used for anything
but grazing. Mr David Lord, Mr Bisdee,
Mr Earle, Mr. R.W. Loane, Mr Bryant and Mr Hobbs all have huts for stockmen at
this place.
Oatlands the traveller has the choice of two roads to Launceston. The new road through St. Peter's Pass and the
old original road that goes to the right and for two miles is very hilly. The dividing range between Hobart Town and
Launceston crosses the island at this point, the waters running North and South
from this same hill. A few miles to the
right are the sources of several streams that find their way into the eastern
seat at Oyster Bay. Two miles from
Oatlands the beautiful tract of country called York Plains is entered. This is thinly wooded country with
picturesque groups of trees in the midst of verdant lawns. Conical shaped hills covered with grass to
the summit may be seen, the principal one being called the Handsome
Sugarloaf. Mr Murdoch has a grazing farm
at the foot of the hill, and Mr Benjamin Stokes has an inn at the Northern end
of the plain.
road left Oatlands at the Red Rocks, and passed through Weedington and
Springfield, now part of the St. Peter's Pass Estate to the Big Hill then to
Sorell Springs and Antill Ponds. To the
west the old road from Jericho and the Lemon Springs Hotel passed to Anstey Barton. The present St. Peter's Pass deviation was
the last undertaken.
By 1829,
a brewery was being built in Oatlands.
The Military buildings were almost completed, and a hotel was being
built. Weedington was in course of
construction. Applications were coming
in for household sites and for shops.
The year
in which the first coach ran to Launceston, 1832, saw the first proper survey
of Oatlands undertaken by Surveyor W. Sharland.
He was certainly an optimist for he predicted a brilliant future,
visualising Oatlands growing into a city.
He had
an extensive acreage marked out with many miles of streets. Sharland's map indicated the Gaol, Court
House, Church and Inn at the corner of High and Church Streets. The latter was called the Kentish Hotel.
By 1841,
when Surveyor Sprent came, Oatlands had a Police Office, Officers' Quarters,
Superintendent's Quarters, Sentry Box, Stocks and a sundial all in the one
block between High Street and the Lake.
Most of
the major development of Oatlands took place during the thirties. The gaol was built in 1834. The old flour mill, known as "Callington
Mill" was built by John Vincent, and the first school, "The Albany
Academy," was opened by George Lindley in 1833. Courts of Quarter Sessions were being held in
1836. A post office was operating under
Mr Edward Antice, at a salary of £26 per annum and Mr Thomas Salmon was Chief
Constable at £75 per annum, with two Div-Constables, 11 Special Constables and
22 ordinary Constables under him.
Dr F.J.
Park was listed as Assistant Surgeon at £4/15/- per annum. An Agricultural Society was formed in
1839. The churches had begun to grow.
Peter's Church of England was begun in 1838 and was completed in 1839. The plans were drawn by Mr. John Lee Archer,
but the church was not officially dedicated until 1844, when the ceremony was
performed by the first Bishop of Tasmania (Dr. F.R. Nixon).
first Rector was the Rev. George Morris.
He was appointed by Archdeacon W.G. Broughton, of New South Wales, at a
time when the church was still a part of the Diocese of Calcutta.
committee for the building of the church included many well-known pioneers -
Messrs. Thomas Anstey, James Weeding, Robert Harrison, James Maclanachan, Peter
Murdoch, W. Berthon, Daniel O'Connor, of St Peter's Pass, Thomas Browne and
William Nicholls.
first Presbyterian Minister was the Rev. Thomas Dove, who arrived in 1837. The first church "Campbell's Free
Church," was opened in 1856.
Subsequent faults in construction led to the rebuilding in 1859.
first Catholic Church of St. Paul's was begun in 1850, the foundation stone
being laid on April 10th of that year. A
Methodist Chapel was built at Oatlands in 1841, and another at Tunbridge in
Such in
brief are highlights of Oatlands early years.
The town
was well served by a Road Trust and the Council until the establishment of
Local Government in 1908.
sport, Oatlands had the distinction of being the venue for the first North v
South cricket match in 1850, when the North won by 12 runs. A Victorian eleven played at Oatlands in
On the
Waverley Estate may be seen the grave of "Assyrian", winner of the
1882 Melbourne Coup, who was bought by Mr. C.S. Agnew.
It is
not well known but the Tasmanian Turf Club was formed at Jericho in 1826. Mr James Cox presided, and it was the first
official use of the name "Tasmanian" to a colonial society.
events and historic happenings have highlighted Oatlands' hundred years.
One of
the strange identities of the early town was Solomon Blay, the public hangman,
whose services were used both in Hobart Town and Launceston.
Two of
the early Canadian rebels transported to Tasmania in 1838, were located at
Oatlands, as was Mr. Kevin O'Doherty, the Irish exile. Meetings between the exiles took place under
the bridge at Tunbridge.
Oatlands; many public benefactors, space does not permit of adequate reference
so an early opportunity will be taken to refer to the pioneers of the school,
the Area School, the Hospital, the Country Women's Association, and other
bodies through the medium of the local press.
has been represented in three wars, and many of her sons have risen to fame and
The late
Sit Thomas Nettlefold, former Lord May of Melbourne, gave the Municipality a
wading pool in memory of Mary Fisher's devotion to his mother.
Mr. A.T.
Pillinger served in two Ministries as Minister for Lands and Works, and his
name is perpetuated in the Pillinger Drive on Mt. Wellington.
James Maclanachan, who died in 1882, had a distinguished political career.
John and James Lord also became stalwarts of the political arena.
has many historic landmarks worthy of being listed as Tourist attractions, and
the colourful story of Samuel Page, who ran the coaches between Hobart and
Launceston in competition with Mr. Thomas Burbury, is one, which could be given
great prominence, particularly if one of the old coaches could be returned to
Page was the owner of the Oatlands Hotel in 1839, and he started his coach
service from Oatlands in 1845, and in 1848 took over Mrs. J.E. Cox's service to
Launceston. At one stage he owned
Northumbria, Stonehenge, Anstey Barton, Trefusis, Kelvin Grove, Forton,
Woodlands, Ellenthorpe and Fonthill. His
flocks were estimated at about 63,000 sheep.
He is said
to have employed 300 horses for his coaching service, each coach being driven
by six and the journey is said to have been made twice daily between Hobart and
Launceston. The rivalry between the two
coaching services brought the fare down to £1 between the two main centres of
Hobart Town and Launceston.
Let us
on the occasion of the centenary pause for a moment to reflect on the
achievements of the past and take stock as we plan anew for a new centenary,
confident in the knowledge that Oatlands' future is safe in the hands of good
men and true.
Lake Dulverton
stands on the shore of Lake Dulverton, previously known as The Big Lagoon,
Stinking Lagoon and later Lake Frederick.
Once a popular fishing area and host to many aquatic events it was dry from 1994 to 2001 due to the
drought. It covers 233 hectares, and
approximately 1 hectare of the lake has been filled using bore water and
contained by a bund wall. The area has
been re-stocked for fishing and to encourage the return of native birds back to
the sanctuary. The island in the centre
is known as Mary’s Island, as it was named after Mary Anstey (wife of Thomas
Anstey, the Police Magistrate).
A Pictorial look at Oatlands, from images at Tasmania Linc
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Oatlands Racecourse |
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Oatlands School c 1872 |
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Oatlands Hunt |
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The Oatlands Court House |
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The Oatlands Hotel |
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The Pharmacy |
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The School |
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Oatlands Town Hall |
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The Oatlands Train |
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The Town, when the Midland Hotel was operating 1872 |
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Martin Cash at St Peter's Pass |
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St Peter's Anglican Church |
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The Old Goal |
Peter’s commenced services in 1827, when the catechist, William Pike came from
Park Farm near Jericho to conduct services.
The Rev. Drought also drove up from Green Ponds (Kempton) whenever
In those
times between 100 and 130 people used to attend the services either under a
shady tree or any other likely spot. It
was not a good place to be when the cold piercing southerly winds raced over
the high plains. So William tried to
obtain government aid in putting up some sort of shelter for the shivering congregation. Governor Arthur’s reaction was very
satisfactory, and he ordered on 30th April 1827 a little stone and
clay chapel to be built, but when more
space was used for larger congregations, the Court House was used.
years later 100 people, met at the Court
House to discuss the matter of building a worthy chuch and between them they
agreed to give 350 pounds for that purpose.
The population of Oatlands was increasing with the new road making
Oatlands an important centre. The first
minister was Rev. George Morris. With
the rush of building at that time in the colony, the tenders for the church and
the manse were not called until September 1838.
Rev Morris left for England before the church was finished in November
governor instructed the architect John Archer to draw the necessary plans and
Cleghorn and Anderston the contractors, began work with Mr Aitcheson in charge
of the stonemasons.
A report
in the Hobart Town Crier of 1841
reported that St. Peter’s had been completed.
It sat within six acres of land.
In September 1844, Tasmania’s first Bishop, Dr Russell Nixon blessed the
church and opened it officially, with a packed congregation of over 300 at that
Information written about St
Peter’s indicates that among the graves of well-remembered pioneers of the
district are those of Robert Jillett and
Elizabeth Jillett.
It is necessary now to correct
some historical notes previously sourced by the Jillett family researchers, and
indeed other contributors to the stories of early Tasmania, because Robert
Jillett died in 1832, and Elizabeth died in 1842. Neither were buried in the cemetery. It is thought that they both lie in the
cemetery at Back River, where they lived and worked. There are no markers at all visible to
indicate where the graves are located.
However, many of their
descendents are buried in the cemetery.
In 1859, when Thomas and Mary Anne lost 3 of their young children to the
scarlet fever epidemic which spread across Tasmania, Thomas erected a crypt and
monument to his children, and he had inscribed on the side panels of the crypt,
the names of both his parents, who had died before the cemetery began.
The Cemetery is now Heritage Listed with
Heritage Tasmania
St Peter's Church of England Oatlands.
Notes from Joan Jillett - from a Book regarding Oatlands.
soon as the first town buildings were erected in 1827William Pike the
catechist, started coming up from Park Farm near Jericho to conduct services,
the Rev. Dr. Drought driving up from Green Ponds (Kempton) whenever necessary.
verandah of the barracks, a shady tree, or any likely spot served as a meeting
place for the 100 to 130 people who used to attend these services. The fervour of their devotions however, was
chilled at times by piercing southerly winds that in season came racing over
the high plains. So the catechist
invoked the help of Mr Anstey to obtain government aid in putting up some sort
of shelter for his shivering flock.
Nothing elaborate was expected, perhaps a rough little chapel of split
logs, say thirty feet by twenty feet would be enough, and the chain working in
the neighbourhood could be expected to put it up in no time. Governor Arthur's reaction to Anstey's plea
when he presented it way very satisfactory, and he ordered (30/4/1827) a little
stone and clay chapel to be built which was used until St. Peter's was
finished, but at times when a large congregation could be expected, marriages,
Christmas, Easter, and so forth the Court House was used, and we hear no more
of Mr. Pike's troubles with the weather.
six years later one hundred and ten interested people met at the Court House
(6th July, 1833) to discuss the matter of building a worthy church, and between
them agreed to give £350 for that purpose, knowing that almost certainly the
government would back it poind for pound.
The population was increasing rapidly now and the new road was making
Oatlands so important a centre that everyone concerned felt optimistic. The committee consisted of nearly everyone of
importance in the district; Thomas Anstey, James Weeding, Robert Harrison, Dr
Hudspeth; Peter Harrison, James MacLanachan, Peter Murdoch, W. Berthon, Daniel
O'Connor of St. Peter's Pass, Thomas Browne, William Nicholls and others;
Thomas Browne being secretary and Robert Harrison treasurer.
meeting (17th April, 1834) agreed to ask Governor Arthur to send up a fully
ordained man as soon as the foundations were laid. Arthur very sensibly handed over this
petition to Archdeacon Brughton who sent the Rev George Morris to get the
parish in running order. There was such
a rush of building going on in the colony at that time that tenders were not
called for building the cHurch and parsonage until 21st September, 1838, but Mr
Morris had arrived in December, 1836, and left for England before the church
was finished in November, 1839. Another
cause of dely was the Legislative Council's inability to vote the necessary
£350 towards the work until this time.
governor had instructed the excellent architect, John Lee Archer, to draw the
necessary plans, and with these in hand Cleghorn and Anderson, the contractors,
who had already built several other satisfactory churches in the island got to
work, with G. Aitcheson in charge of the stonemasons.
in 1841, the Hobart Town Courier was able to speak of St. Peter's as having
been completed. Six acres for the church
and its parsonage had been allotted by order of St John Franklin in 1838, on
the application of Archdeacon Hutchins.
was September 1844, when Tasmania's first Bishop, Dr Russell Nixon blessed St
Peters and opened it officially, with a packed congregation of over 300
people. The Rev. Gregory Bateman was the
rector at that time, and he was followed in September two years later by Sir
Richard Dry's brother William.
Rev. Mr Dry had money of his own, an d, being generous added (in conjunction
with other church members) many finishing touches to the church, including pews
in place of benches, an organ, and floor covering, towards which he gave £65
out of his own pocket.
In 1853, the Rev J.L. Ison, B.A.
(C. of E.) had an average congregation of 16 at each of the three Sunday
services. £200 was contributed towards
his stipend annually by the Colonial Treasury.
Annual offertory £42. Pew rents
£12, 37 baptisms, 23 marriages, 27
The Cemetery
Peter's cemetery is one of the best kept and most pleasant in Tasmania with
carefully trimmed grass right up to the headstones that come close to the
Church walls. Among the graves of
well-remembered pioneers are those of:-
Harrison, Esq, JP formerly of Rockford Hall, England, and for the last 37 years
a resident at Woodbury in this Colony.
He died at the advanced age of 91 years, 14th July 1860.
beloved wife of the above, died 21st July 1860, in the 88th year of her
John Park, assistant colonial surgeon, and for 13 years medical officer at
Oatlands. Died, aged 42, 31st August
1847, to the regret of a numerous circle of friends."
Jones, died 14th February 1888, aged 97."
The most important man of his day
also rests here:

tablet in the church in memory of him reads:
friends recall with affectionate memory his acute intellect, his well-stored
mind, his manly independence, his genial kindness. His sons would here fondly trace a record
(alas too brief!) of their heavy debt to his paternal love and of their
grateful reverence for the memory of their beloved father and friend". His
memorial was erected by the citizens of Oatlands
Jillett d. 3rd November, 1852, aged 72, also Elizabeth Jillett d. 9th March,
1842, aged 67. (1832 not 1852)
are several Jillett graves). Among the
many other names in the cemetery are those of:
Davidson d. 23rd September, 1854, aged 56.
John Riching Adams d 1886. Edward
Francis Sanderson d 18/1/63, aged
39. Virtue Maria Sanderson d.
11/1/52. Sixteen or more grave stones
commemorate members of the Barwick family; that of Joseph Barwick d 3/7/1863,
seeming to be the oldest. The names of
Hawkins, Sturgeon, Fleming, Maher, Nathaniel Williat d 20/7/75. Cuppaidge (formerly of Athlone d. 11/11/69,
aged 62 and Headlam also appear.
the church are the following other memorials:
window of stained glass to Christopher Salmon.
to Sidney Nelson d. at Waratah 2011/97 given by his Bischoff comrades.
Rex Thorpe Gregg, Sgt. 2/12th Battn. AIF aged 22 died of wounds at Tobruk.
William Fielder Mitchell, rector of this parish for 17 years. Bible given for Myrtle Elizabeth Undy, d
8/8/1952, by her husband and two sons, and her parents R.S. and Amy Eliza
windows over the alter showing the Resurrection.
centre window in loving memory of Margaret Ellen Isles. The one on the right is for Thomas and Susan
Nettlefold. The other to the pioneers of
Window William and Mary Nelson and family.
tablet to Edith Noamah Tapp, organist for many years d 22/10/1942.
for William and Mary Fisher
Hercules Bradshaw Moorhead, MD
William Henry Harrison, killed by a fall from a horse, 5/2/1868.
Rev. H.H. Butler is the present rector and his lying centres include Jericho,
Rose Hill (on the Lower Marshes road) that follows the Jordan towards
Strathbarton where th wooden church of St John was built chiefly through the
interest of John Jones, who gave the necessary land). Stoner, (no church) Baden (no church)
Pawtella (no church), Parattah (St George - a wooden building). Tuinbridge is
in the parish of Ross.
The Old Cemetery Beside Lake
Dulverton. 96 Stanley Street Oatlands.
is a fine vault near the entrance in memory of Samuel Page who died 31swt
March, 1878, at the age of 68, his wife who died at Hobart, aged 66 in 1882.
number of grave stones have been taken away or broght up and crops are grown
between most of those that remain. Still
legible, are a vault for the Kimberleys 1848. James Salmon
son of Thomas and Mary. Five
stones for members of the Sawford family (Henry William Sawford d 24th Dec.
1844) and the following cheering lines appear:
my friends and parents dear,
I little thought my time was
To weep for me is all in vain,
I hope in Heaven we'll meet
names are: Newry, Michael Hyland and his
wife Sutton, Powell and Palmer
Evan's tomb of 18235 quote the old favourite:
Stop my friends
As you pass by
As you are now so once was I
Prepare for death and follow me.
Evans tombstone reads
How frail the bloom
How short the stay
That terminates us all.
Today we flourish
Fresh and gay,
Like leaves tomorrow tall.
are Fisher, Easton, Littlechild, Madden, Barlow and Aitcheson, who apparently
was a member of the family that helped to build Oatlands.
Tasmanian Records at http://www.tasfhs.org/tamlist.htm#OATLANDS List of cemeteries.
Previous attempts to reveal some information regarding the date of the erections of the crypts proved quite difficult. However, while researching the crypt of Mr Anstey, also buried at St Peter's and starting to become in a worrying condition, it was noted that his crypt was called a sarcophagus.
During the restoration of the crypt, the "chest" as it was described in contemporary terms was removed. There were no bodies in the chest, rather they were buried underneath.
Thomas Jillett moved to Victoria in 1866, and it was always assumed that he had the crypt erected prior to relocating. An interesting find in relation to the Anstey research, might provide a suitable clue, as to who the stonemason was who erected the chest.
A sarcophagus (plural, sarcophagi) is a box-like funeral receptacle for a corpse, most commonly carved in stone, and usually displayed above ground, though it may also be buried.
Not only was it described as a sarcophagus, but the community of Oatlands raised the money to have it erected. The stone mason was Mr John Gillon from Harrington Street Hobart Town.
TASMANIA STONE AND MARBLE. Some excellent specimens of granite, freestone, and marble are to be seen at the yards of Mr. John Gillon, stonemason, Macquarie-Street, The granite was brought by Mr. Hedberg from the neighbourhood of the Seymour Coal Mines, where such granite is to be obtained In any quantity. It is said to be hard to work, but is much like the celebrated Aberdeen granite. A capital block of marble has been carefully polished, and is a good specimen of a material for chimney pieces, for which it is well adapted.
This marble abounds at Florentine Valley, in the new country, whence it was brought. There is also a small block of Sorell marble. Several specimens of freestone are in the collection, a large grindstone, included, and two blocks, to show the character of the Kangaroo Point flagging. The collection is intended to be forwarded to the Intercolonial exhibition at Otago, and we should think many persons will be astonished at the fine specimens of Tasmania's geological resources, for very few have any idea of this colony containing such marble and granite.
Some Church History
Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899), Wednesday 24 November 1852,
page 5
To the
Editor of the " Courier"
Newspaper. Observing in your journal of
the 28th January last, that a public meeting was held for some tribute of
esteem to the late Thomas Anstey, Esq,, and that a resolution was passed at the
said meeting, to place a memorial in St. Peter's Church, Oatlands, I beg to
state that the church at Outlands, of which I am lawful incumbent, is dedicated
to St. Matthias, and was so designated in documents during the Venerable
Archdeacon Hutchins' life
churches of St. Matthias, Oatlands, and St. James, Jericho, I was legally
appointed to by license in April, 1840 ; and under the 15th section of the
Church Act of Van Diemen's Land (1 Vict., No. 16) I am still the only legal
chaplain. As Mr. Anstey was a liberal contributor to Oatlands Church, I am
quite agreeable that a memorial of him maybe placed therein, and the meeting
above named can have my sanction towards doing so, without paying the fees
usual in such cases.
In a
letter also in your journal of February 7th last, I perceive the Rev. John L. Ison,
in commenting upon this proposed measure, publicly states that he (r. Ison) was
Mr. Anstey's legitimate pastor. With all deference and good will to Mr. Ison, I
beg leave to say that I alone am the legitimate chaplain of Oatlands and
Jericho in Van Diemen's Land. This opinion I always entertained, as being
acquainted with law; but it is much more confirmed to the public by the
observations made by the Attorney-General in the House of Commons, on the May
19th, 1852, in a debate upon Mr. Gladstone's Colonial Bishops' bill.
These are
the lion and learned member's words : "But the attention of the government
having in 1847 been turned to that subject, the law officers of the crown were
of opinion that the power so conferred by the patent (meaning the bishop of
Tasmania's) was unlawful, and that the crown had no power by patent to
establish ecclesiastical courts in the colonies. An illustration of this
difficulty had been stated in the cases of Mr. Bateman and Mr. Wigmore.
The licenses
of both those persons were withdrawn by the bishop-with respect to one, on
account of some misconduct which was alleged against him, and with respect to
the other on account of his insolvency. But the stipends possessed by those
persons were given to them by government ; and they being chaplains, and not
holding rectories or curates, the bishop could exercise over them no power at
All the
effect of withdrawing their licenses was to produce an ecclesiastical
disability, but it accomplished no secular deprivation." These words are
sufficient to show to you that I am still chaplain of Oatlands and Jericho,
that the stipend under the act (1 Vict., No. 16) is mine, and I shall in due
time compel its payment in full.-
I remain,
Sir, yours faithfully, Gregory Bateman, AM. A., Trin. Coll. Cambridge, Chaplain
of Oatlands and Jericho, V. 1). Land, and Curate of Tansor, Northamptonshire.
Tensor Rectory, near Rundle, Northamptonshire, January 15, 1852.
Tablet to the Late Mr Anstey.-A Meeting was held at Oatlands on Wednesday last, for the purpose or taking measures to erect nine public tribute of esteem in memory of the late Thomas Anstey, Esq , of Anstey Harton, in the district of Oatlands, John Whitefoord, Esq, in the chair when it was unanimously resolved that a marble tablet should be erected in memory of the deceased gentleman, with inscription, in St. Peter's Church, Oatlands; that a subscription, limited in the maximum to one guinea, by any single subscriber should be entered into or defraying the expense and incidental charges incurred thereby; that the following gentlemen should be a committee for that purpose, namely, John Whitefoord, James Maclauachan, J. R. Roe, J. Mackersey, E. Bisdee,und Geo. Scott, Esquires, and that they be requested to invite the co-operation of H. Pitcairn, W S Sharland, and Alexander Reid, Esquires, and that James Maclauchan, Esq be Secretary and Treasurer to the Committee. It was announced to the Meeting by one of the Churchwardens in the names of himself and another, that the usual fees would not be charged for erecting the tablet. 'He thanks of the Meeting were given lo the Chairman, and thee meeting dissolved
Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Wednesday 5 October 1853, page 2
The Late T. Anstey, Esq.-The tablet to the memory of the late Mr. Anstey, received in the colony by the Ken, has been safely erected at St. Peter's Church, Oatlands, by Mr. Gillon, of this city. It is a most tasteful piece of monumental sculpture, far excelling anything of the kind at present existing in the colony, and reflects highly upon the care and judgment of Mr White, of the firm of Burns and White, under whose superintendence it was executed.
It consists of a sarcophagus in polished white marble, exhibited upon a ground of dove-coloured marble, and surmounted by a chastely carved figure in white marble, seated by an urn, emblematical of grief. Upon the sarcophagus is the following inscription-
" To the memory of Thomas Anstey, Esquire, of Anstey Barton, who was born at Highercombe, in Somerset-shire, 31st December, 1777, and died at Anstey Barton, in this district, 23rd March, 1851, in the 74th year of his age." He was Police Magistrate of Oatlands from 1827 to 1833, and rendered signal service to the community by the energy and success with which he discharged the duties of that important office. He was seventeen years a member of the Legislative Council of the Colony, and in this, as in every other part of his public life, he was distinguished for intelligence and probity, liberality of sentiment, independence of character, and zeal for the public good while his private virtues endeared him to a large circle of friends, who have dedicated this tablet to his memory.
The design and construction of the three crypts is very similar, and it was always an assumption that the brothers would have wanted their crypts to be suitably impressive. The only difference was that John Jillett's crypt base was concreted after 1890, perhaps when the church was restored, or later, as his relatives were still living in Oatlands.
Thomas's crypt was not concreted on the base. All his family were interstate.
Anstey -
Town Pioneer
This article was published
in Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 1, (MUP), 1966
Thomas Anstey (1777-1851), pastoralist, was
born on 31 December 1777 at Highercombe near Dulverton, Somerset, England, the
son of John Anstey and his wife Elizabeth, née Branscombe. Although bred to the
law, he was not attracted to it. He married Mary Turnbull at Edinburgh on 12
March 1811, and then became a partner in a Bond Street house for the sale of
printed calicoes. When the firm dissolved, he decided to emigrate and practise
agriculture on a large scale. With letters of recommendation from the Colonial
Office and influential friends, and with implements, furniture and goods worth
more than £8000, he sailed in the Berwick with his wife and three
children, arriving at Hobart Town in June 1823. He was given a maximum grant of
2560 acres (1036 ha) which he selected on a tributary of the River Jordan near
Oatlands and called Anstey Park. Next year he imported fifty pure bred merinos
from the flock of Sir Thomas Seabright, and claimed another maximum grant. He
also bought much land and by 1836 had more than 20,000 acres (8094 ha),
including some choice pastures that he later planned to irrigate. His fine
hospitable home, Anstey Barton, knew no want, but he had much trouble with
sheep stealers, Aboriginals and convict servants.Appointed a justice of the peace in 1824, Anstey shared in the ambush and capture of the bushranger William Priest. In 1826 he became coroner and next year police magistrate at Oatlands where he was largely responsible for building a township. To complaints that he used his office as a cloak for malice, he retorted that he had only contempt for ne'er-do-wells and always sought to suit punishment to the crime. Anguish came to his own home when his six-year-old daughter was debauched by assigned servants; in great distress, he and his wife had to give evidence at the trial in Launceston, where the three guilty men were sentenced to death.
In 1829 Anstey proposed to Lieutenant-Governor (Sir) George Arthur that civilian parties be organized for the pursuit and capture of stock thieves and other marauders. The plan was successful, the parties being placed under Anstey's command, four of them based on Oatlands under his constable and clerk, Jorgen Jorgenson. In 1825 Anstey had suggested to Arthur that the Aboriginals be transported to the southern coast of New Holland, somewhere near the present Fowler's Bay, where there was little chance of contact with Europeans; if left to their own operations in Van Diemen's Land, he predicted 'something like a maroon war'. When it came in 1831 Anstey Barton was the headquarters for the central districts. After he resigned as police magistrate in 1833 Anstey offered to raise a public subscription for George Augustus Robinson for 'unparalleled and successful exertions' in conciliating the Aboriginals.
Anstey was prominent in petitioning for the continuance of William Sorell's administration in 1824, and was nominated to the Legislative Council in 1827, with one short break through ill health continuing as a member until 1844. He sometimes complained that land was granted to doubtful characters, but usually acquiesced in Arthur's policy. Under Sir John Franklin he supported the introduction of undenominational education in the British and Foreign Schools system, and deplored the 'cumbrous machinery' of alternative proposals. His dislike of sectarian rivalry for state aid never weakened, but he was never averse to state aid for rural employers. When the supply of assigned labour was reduced by the probation system he declared that masters were paralysed by the loss of their convict servants and merited compensation 'like the slave-owners'. He also spoke darkly of resisting the 'fearful doings of the Colonial Office'.
After retirement from the Legislative Council, in 1845-46 Anstey visited South Australia, whence in 1849 Judge (Sir) Charles Cooper came to recuperate for three months at Anstey Barton. As a leading settler Anstey espoused many good causes and helped to promote agricultural associations and country fairs with vice-regal support. He was a founding shareholder of the Bank of Van Diemen's Land and a director of the Derwent Bank.
As a devout Anglican he subscribed to the first church at Jericho in 1831 and, because no ordained clergyman was available, he succeeded in having William Pike appointed as stipendiary catechist. Later he was largely responsible for obtaining Rev. George Morris for Oatlands, and for the building there of St Peter's Church; tradition credits him with donating the site and much of the funds on condition that the tower was visible from Anstey Barton.
His declining years were saddened by the dispersion of his family, but he remained widely respected and an acknowledged leader, outstanding among the enterprising private settlers for his livestock and efficient management as well as for his urbanity, humour and wise counsels. He died at Anstey Barton on 23 March 1851 and was buried in the family vault in the Anglican churchyard at Oatlands. His wife returned to England where she died in 1862, aged 85. In 1860 Anstey Park had been subdivided and sold, and its hospitable homestead passed from the family's hands.
Of Anstey's three daughters, the eldest, Ellen Lucy, was born in 1812 in London and died in Paris; the second, Clara, was born in 1817 in London and died in 1836; the youngest, Julia Capper, was born in 1824 at Anstey Barton, married Dr John Doughty on 19 November 1842 and had three children; after her death at Oatlands on 3 June 1850, aged 25, she was buried in the family vault in St Peter's churchyard.
The eldest son, George Alexander (1814-1895), was born at Kentish Town, London, and arrived at Hobart with his next brother in the Admiral Cockburn in February 1827. At 16 he led one of his father's roving parties and captured a small tribe of Aboriginals, winning a 500-acre (202 ha) land grant and official praise for his 'humanity and kindness'.
He took his sister to England in 1834 and on his return was shipwrecked in D'Entrecasteaux Channel. Early in 1837 he took sheep to Port Phillip, sold them to the Learmonths and returned to Oatlands. He then took sheep to South Australia, but could not sell them and had to pay dearly for having them shepherded in places unlikely to be selected for special surveys. By 1840 he had 150 acres (61 ha) at Highercombe and, with 9000 sheep, was one of the colony's biggest stock-holders. His flocks grew and by 1851 he had extensive pastoral leases. The produce of his orchard and vineyard at Highercombe was also winning a wide reputation. Although a 'true liberal' he was defeated in two successive polls at Yatala in the first elections for the Legislative Council. Nominated to the first vacancy, he soon resigned, despairing of 'a reasonable constitution for the people'. On 12 September 1837 he had married Harriet Kingham, daughter of W. J. Ruffy, sometime editor of the Farmers' Journal in London; they had nine children. After his father's death he returned to Van Diemen's Land with his wife and two sons, but soon went to England where, after years of constant travel, he died in 1895.
Anstey's second son, Thomas Chisholm (1816-1873), was born in Kentish Town, London, and arrived in Hobart with his elder brother in 1827. 'A singular creature', he studied Hebrew under a tutor Rev. James Garrett at Bothwell and was said to have learnt shorthand from Jorgenson. After some uncertainty, 'Chiz' decided to make law his profession, returned to London, entered University College and in 1839 was called to the Bar at the Middle Temple. Influenced by the Oxford Movement he became a Roman Catholic, and on 25 September 1839 he married Harriet, daughter of J. E. Strickland of Loughlinn, County Roscommon, Ireland. He returned with her next year to Hobart where they made their home at Loyola and their first child was born.
He also assumed political leadership of the Catholics. In his successful defence of John Espie on an assault charge he was eulogized for brilliant oratory. After three months as commissioner of insolvent estates he was dismissed for eccentric conduct. He returned to England to become professor of law and jurisprudence in the Catholic College at Prior Park, near Bath.
Among his many legal tracts, one of the most important was A Guide to the Laws of England Affecting Roman Catholics (London, 1842). He was made a knight of St Gregory by Pius IX. In 1847-52 he was member for Youghal in the House of Commons, 'a malcontent of the highest bore-power', often caricatured by Punch. In 1854-59 as attorney-general at Hong Kong he again failed to control his restlessness. He settled at last in a successful practice at Bombay, where he died on 12 August 1873.
The third son, Arthur Oliphant (1819-1838), born at Lympton, Devon, was his mother's favourite. As a boy his head was injured by an exploding powder flask. In 1834 he was sent to Robert Walond's school in Hobart and three years later to London for further study. After serious illness in Edinburgh, he died on 21 October 1838, and was buried with Roman Catholic rites.
The youngest son, Henry Frampton (1822-1862), was born at Lympton, Devon, and educated at Longford Hall Academy in Tasmania. He visited England in 1845 and returned to Anstey Barton. He became a justice of the peace and was elected to the Legislative Council for the Oatlands district in 1851. After responsible government he represented Oatlands in the House of Assembly in 1856-59 and was secretary for lands and works in the Champ ministry in 1856-57.
On 19 November 1853 at St Joseph's Catholic Church and afterwards at St David's Cathedral he married Adelaide, the second daughter of Peter Roberts, deputy commissary general, of Ashgrove, Oatlands. He died a papal knight at Rome in 1862.
The Callington Mill
The mill
is situated on a rise in Oatlands. The
land is on two blocks, one facing High Street, owned by Charles Mc Donald and
the other fronting Lake Dulverton, on the Esplanade, previously owned by Samuel
Richards. In 1836 John Vincent acquired
the land and commenced construction of the mill. It began operating in 1837.
Vincent and his wife and seven children arrived at Hobart Town on the “Elizabeth”.
He came to the colony quite a wealthy man. Later when his family increased to nine, he
hard cleared part of his five hundred land grant at Sorell Springs. Three years later he was the licensee of the
Norwood Inn at Bothwell and by 1831 he had erected the Bothwell Castle Inn as
well as a stone house at York Plains.
1839 John tried to sell or let his mill, without success. In 1840 he transferred the holding to his son
John Vincent. At that time the mill was
producing twenty to thirty bushels of flour an hour.
A few
years later his son mortgaged the mill to his father, and went to live in Glenorchy. The mill was then let to Henry Fox for some
time. In March 1850 thomas Jillett
purchased the mill, and in order to boost production, Thomas built a steam
mill, fitted with a fourteen horse-power engine which it claimed could turn out
from five to seven tons of flour daily.
Water to
supply the steam mill was drawn for a well, sunk to a depth of 72 feet, only a
few feet from a newly erected two storied building.
following description of the mill and the outbuildings can be found in “The Mercury ” of 17th January
1862 .. “Steam and wind flour mills
consisting of a two story built flour mill with steam and wind power for
deriving two pairs of stones, dressing and smut machines, hoisting gear and
every necessary convenience on the most approved principle. Two roomed cottage for the residence of the
miller with large store over, three stall stable, dwelling house, baker’s shop
and two cottages fronting the main street with stable and coach house
adjoining, a large and well arranged dwelling house of twelve well proportioned
rooms, four stall stable with hay loft, cow shed, piggeries and yard.”
kept the mill a little over ten years, disposing of them on 31st
December 1863 to John Bradshaw, a licensed victualler of Oatlands. The mill was on sold four more times until it
was damaged during a violent wind storm in 1909, when the sails were torn from
the dome and were deposited in the nearby Lake Dulverton.
interior of the building was gutted by fire in 1912. It then sat unused and a daily reminder to
visitors and locals alike, of the history that surrounded the unique
structure. Since 1960’s attempts have
been made to restore the mill, and various grants have been won and used to
enhance some of the features.
the current $2m+ restoration project will ensure that this remarkable building
will be retained for the enjoyment of future generations.
The mill
is the only remaining mill still located within its surroundings in the whole
of Australia
Extract from "A History of the Lower Midlands" by J.S.
"During March 1850, John Vincent sold the Mill to Thomas Jillett of "Springfield", and in order to boost production, the new owner erected on the same location a steam mill fitted with a fourteen horse-power engine which it was claimed could turn out from five to seven tons of flour daily. Water to supply the steam mill was drawn from a well which was sunk to a depth of 72 ft, only a few yards from the imposing two storey building which contained the grinding mechanism, dressing and smut machines in addition to storage space for wheat and flour.
One interesting feature associated with the steam mill was that the top floor in the building was movable. By removing or adding wooden wedges the floor could be lowered or raised in order to obtain correct working pressure for the wooden driving clgs.
The following description of the flour mills is taken from The Mercury of 17th January 1862 -
"Steam and Wind Flour Mills .. consisting of a two storey built flour mill, with steam and wind power for driving two pairs of stones, dressing and smut machines, hoisting gear and every necessary convenience on the most approved principle, two roomed cottage for the residence of the miller, with large store over, three stall stable, dwelling house, baker's shop and two cottages fronting the main street with stable and coach house adjoining, a large and well arranged dwelling house of 12 well proportioned rooms, four stall stable with hay loft, cow shed piggeries and yard"
Thomas Jillett kept the mills a little over ten years, and disposed of them on 31st December 1863 to his nephew John Bradshaw of Oatlands.
"During March 1850, John Vincent sold the Mill to Thomas Jillett of "Springfield", and in order to boost production, the new owner erected on the same location a steam mill fitted with a fourteen horse-power engine which it was claimed could turn out from five to seven tons of flour daily. Water to supply the steam mill was drawn from a well which was sunk to a depth of 72 ft, only a few yards from the imposing two storey building which contained the grinding mechanism, dressing and smut machines in addition to storage space for wheat and flour.
One interesting feature associated with the steam mill was that the top floor in the building was movable. By removing or adding wooden wedges the floor could be lowered or raised in order to obtain correct working pressure for the wooden driving clgs.
The following description of the flour mills is taken from The Mercury of 17th January 1862 -
"Steam and Wind Flour Mills .. consisting of a two storey built flour mill, with steam and wind power for driving two pairs of stones, dressing and smut machines, hoisting gear and every necessary convenience on the most approved principle, two roomed cottage for the residence of the miller, with large store over, three stall stable, dwelling house, baker's shop and two cottages fronting the main street with stable and coach house adjoining, a large and well arranged dwelling house of 12 well proportioned rooms, four stall stable with hay loft, cow shed piggeries and yard"
Thomas Jillett kept the mills a little over ten years, and disposed of them on 31st December 1863 to his nephew John Bradshaw of Oatlands.
The Callington Mill has been owned by two members of the Jillett
Thomas's nephew John Bradshaw operated the Mill for some time, and in 1857 he advertised the mill for sale in the local papers. The advertisement stated that the mill had a lease of 3 years and 4 months.
John Bradshaw married Maria Bacon, and their eldest son George became a millwright at the mills.
After being in the Jillett Family for 17 years the mill was sold again in 1881 for only £1040
Research indicates that when Thomas bought the complex for £2400, that included several homes.
Thomas's nephew John Bradshaw operated the Mill for some time, and in 1857 he advertised the mill for sale in the local papers. The advertisement stated that the mill had a lease of 3 years and 4 months.
John Bradshaw married Maria Bacon, and their eldest son George became a millwright at the mills.
After being in the Jillett Family for 17 years the mill was sold again in 1881 for only £1040
Research indicates that when Thomas bought the complex for £2400, that included several homes.
The Mill A Pictorial Look over the years.

The Oatlands Researchers
research on the family was carried out by Joan Jillett, she was a teacher and
they lived in Oatlands. Over the years
Joan did an incredible amount of work.
were two houses erected on the York Plains property owned by the Jillett
family. The property extended to what is
now known as St Peter’s Pass.
first house built was "Springfield" in 1837 by Thomas Jillett, his
children who were born there were registered as being born at York Plains. Thomas only built half of the home known as
Springfield in 1837, the later owner Askin Morrison built the remainder.
and his family would have been living at Springfield in the years 1845, 1847,
1848 and 1850. In 1850 he purchased the
Callington Mill in Oatlands. There are
births recorded in Oatlands for 1854, 1856, 1858 and 1860. There was also a birth recorded at Cathrine
Vale in 1852, presumably at the home of Grandfather Triffitts as he had a
property of that name.
Jillett (Thomas’s brother) built Eldergrove in 1867. John died in November 1868, and left his home
to his wife, Phoebe, however she died one month later.
In 1880
when Eldergrove was put up for sale, the property consisted of 1200 acres. The Main Line Railway passed through it and
the York Plains siding was immediately opposite the Inn.
homestead comprised a comfortable dwelling, with the Inn, which was doing a
good business.
the newspapers revealed in the Properties for Sale April 1880)
was auctioned and a Mr Jones bought the property however Thomas Jillett,
(John’s uncle) placed a notice in the paper saying that Eldergrove could not be
sold as it was left to them by Robert Jillett (his father).
It was revealed that the estate owed Thomas Three hundred and twelve
pounds 8 shillings and 10 pence.
was the subject of a long court case which the original researchers were not
aware of the full details)
was a fairly large property and ran right through to the York Plains Station
(or where it was going to be).
Jillett had leased property and some had been granted to him at York
Plains. However all grants of that
period were incorrect as they had been issued in the name of Lord Brisbane,
Governor of Australia, and they should have been granted in the name of the
King. Everyone had to return his or her
grants for re-issue.[1]
It took
a number of years for this to be done and a lot of people never followed it up
and they were not re-issued with the grants.
Robert died before the re-issue and it would seem that the family never
was re-granted the land. John Jillett
purchased 1200 acres at a later stage and built Eldergrove.
and John Jillett had a falling out, and it would seem that it was to do with
the lands[2].
Governor of Tasmania (Sir Henry Young 1856 – 1861) had morning tea at
Eldergrove in 1876,[3]
and this may have been when the first train ran to the north of Tasmania. Tasmania had its own Governor by then, as
opposed to the former Lt. Governors
reveals that in 1865 Askin Morrison bought the house and property known as St
Peter’s Pass from Thomas Jillett. The
family lived there for many years. He
may have purchased 160 acres of the original portion.
Mercury, Saturday 31 October, 1891
The death is announced of Mr
Thomas Jillett, after a long illness. He
was born at New Norfolk on September 24, 1817, and commenced sheep farming at
an early age and was very successful in that industry.
In 1866 he moved to Victoria with
his family, and purchased a sheep station on the Wimmera River. This property he sold, and bought two large
runs in New South Wales; these he also disposed of, and in 1880 he purchased
Greendale Sataion, on the Barcoo River, Queensland, his sons assuming the
Three years ago he returned to
his native land, and has passed his last days in a life of ease and
When a young man he was
passionately fond of horse racing and possessed a large silver cup that he won
at the New Town races in 1843. He leaves
a widow, and nine children to mourn their loss.
His sons are the owners of two
valuable sheep stations in Queensland
. (
few lines in the newspaper in 1891, summarised the life of Thomas Jillett. For his descendants, this is not the end, but
merely the beginning of a story rich in history, and strongly woven into the
fabric of Tasmania. From hardships
encountered in the 1820’s until his death in 1891, Thomas, together with his
wife and children played a very significant and important part in the history
of Australia.
was born 24th September 1817 at New Norfolk, probably at Back
River. He died in Hobart on 20th
October, 1891, aged 74.
Mary Ann
Shone was born 1 November 1821 at New Norfolk, at Back River. Her parents owned Stanton. She died in 1911. Records in the newspapers of the early 1900’s
state that she was one of the oldest Tasmanians alive at that time.
Charles B 1845 D 1921
George B 1847 - 1935
Thomas B 1848 - 1917
Shone B 1850 - 1897
Powell B 1852 11 Feb 1859
Mary B 1854 26 Feb
Susanna B 1856 16
Feb 1859
James B 1858 25
June 1929
Ellen B 1860 1948
Frank B 1862 Sept
Amy B 1864 1954
Tasman B 1867 Melb 1937
In 1859
three of their young children died within three weeks of each other. Thomas and Mary Ann built a crypt in memory
of the children.
crypt is in the St Peters Anglican Cemetery in Oatlands, Tasmania
were married June 1st 1844 in St Matthew's Church, New Norfolk.
[1] Not quite what current research has revealed, as it
was more to do with Administration and backlogs.
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