When William Bradshaw, and Mary Ann Gunn's
sons, John and James Bradshaw, married,
they chose for their wives, sisters Eleanor and Maria Bacon.
The girls were the daughters of Dennis Bacon and
Maria Cobbe. Dennis and Maria, came to
Tasmania, in 1833, from Dublin in Ireland, under an immigration scheme, along with his
brother John.
Dennis and John were stonemason's and they
constructed some beautiful buildings.
They also were involved in the hospitality industry, - a fancy name for
a publican.
Dennis centered his business activities around the
town of Ross. He held the licence of the
Ross Hotel. He later moved to the
"Half-Way House" at Antill Ponds.
John and his wife, Honoria firstly settled in Ross,
and he was the licensee of the Macquarie Hotel.
They went to America, in a rather difficult voyage, and later, when he
was not well, they returned to Tasmania.
John and Honoria bought the property, Belle Vue at Lake Dulverton in
Both men were involved in the community, and many
Dennis and Maria had
Eliza Bacon 1827
- 1880 m
Charles Hudson d 1853 and Henry Coop.
Henry was involved in the
community of Oatlands.
Anne Bacon 1829
- 1855 m
James Soper a Sergeant in the
9th Regiment.
Margaret Bacon 1833
- 1911 m
James Horatio Westbrook who was
an official in Ross
Dennis Bacon 1837
- 1880 m Mary Anne Morony and Mary Ann Johnstone
James Bacon 1840
- 1897 m Sarah Ann Sophia Herbert and Julia Ann Tucker
Charles Bacon 1842
- 1893 m Caroline Warner
Bacon 1835 - 1864 m
James Bradshaw
Bacon 1831 - 1899
m John Bradshaw
The stories relating to the different family
members, highlight just how difficult it was in those times. Tasmania went through a depression. So many people were forced to declare
themselves bankrupt, and lose everything they worked so hard to achieve.
All the Bacon family settled in the areas around
the Midlands Highway. The towns
included, Oatlands, Antill Ponds, Lemon Springs and Ross.
The Bacon Family in
Contrary to what a lot of people think, Tasmania was
not all convicts in chains!
It took a lot of different personalities, talents,
and hard work to lay the foundations of Australia.
The Bacon family ancestors came to Tasmania, from
Dublin in Ireland, to supplement the services available, as they were stone
masons. They arrived in 1833 under the
£20 Advances Scheme.
People were not encouraged to immigrate to Tasmania
prior to 1820. They needed a letter of recommendation from the Secretary of
State unless they were a convict or involved in the penal system. Some people
could not land in Van Diemen's Land because they did not have these papers.
sponsored immigration 1831-1837
In 1831 the British government started to
encourage immigration by poorer Britons due to unemployment problems in the
UK. There were two schemes:
The Bounty System
- For single females to be employed as domestic servants. These women generally
paid half their fare (about £8) and the Colonial Government the other half.
The ‘£20
advances’ scheme for skilled married men with young families. These were
skilled labourers mechanics, then later agricultural labourers.
Money from land sales was used to pay for the
schemes.The government trialled large-scale family emigration. Their arrival glutted the labour market so most could not find work. The Colonial Government suspended assisted immigration until there was a better scheme.
Chelsea pensioner immigrants also became a burden on the Colonial Government. They came out to Van Diemen’s Land in the years 1832-3 on the ships Science, Cleopatra, Waterloo, Wellington, Manfield and Adelaide. These retired soldiers had free passage to the colonies but few resources when they arrived.
In 1837 Lieut.-Governor Franklin suspended assisted immigration to Van Diemen’s Land, save for a few single female domestics, because:
There was not
enough money from land sales for the various schemes.
Many immigrants were
a burden on the government.
Settlers were
unwilling to take whole families into service.
Higher wages in
New South Wales and South Australia attracted people to leave the state,
leaving the Colonial Government bearing the cost of the passage from England.
People in the
colony thought the wrong type of people were immigrating.
In 1835 Governor Arthur asked that labourer
immigration stop as labourers displaced convicts in assignment. Van
Diemen’s Land was primarily a convict colony. Arthur wanted the immigration of
wealthy people who could employ convicts.
The Bacon Family began with a voyage on the Strathfieldsaye in 1833
When they arrived, not all were satisfied with their new arrangements.
Tasmanian (Hobart Town, Tas. : 1827 - 1839), Friday 5 July
1833, page 5
To the Editor of the Tasmanian.
Sir, —It is with feelings of pain that my attention has been called to a
subject that demands immediate attention. Several of the late emigrants, are
like so many evil spirits, to be seen wandering through the town, without any
occupation; starvation staring them m the face, unless their wants be
immediately attended to. This has called my attention to the subject of
emigration:—Has the industrious mechanic a more rational prospect of success by
remaining at home, where his mind has learned to form its earliest
associations, or by coming out to Van Diemen's Land ?
The wages of several of the passengers per the Strathfieldsaye, have
been fully, or at least, very nearly equal to what they will receive here. But
money, or the circulating medium, is in itself of little intrinsic value, and
only to be estimated as it procures for us the comforts and luxuries of life.
Now let us take a comparative view of the facilities afforded the tradesman of
procuring these in Ireland, and in this Colony. I have already said the
earnings of a skilful one, is nearly the same in both places.
But nearly all the necessaries of life can be obtained in the land of
their nativity, where is every endearing tie of relationship and friendship,
that create a fairy land around us, at one half the expense they can be had for
in Hobart Town. Lodging, that here costs from 7s. to 12s. a week, can be had in
Dublin for 2s. 6d.; vegetables, milk, clothes, and education, can be had, in
the latter place, at one -third the price they can be had for here!
What then is the meaning of Government holding out such inducements to
emigrants, especially to married men, for it is to such almost exclusively it
extends its patronage? They find themselves suddenly in the midst of strangers,
saddled, with to them, a considerable debt, to use the language of
Shakespear—"played upon by the Government," possessed of one
virtue,—" prudence, whose glass presents the approaching goal;"
literally speaking, their first salutation of a morning, is—" this is too
bad!" .
Hobart Town Chronicle (Tas. : 1833), Tuesday 2 July
1833, page 2
List of tradesmen by the Strathfieldsay:—
Stonemasons—Dennis .Beacon, John Beacon, Michael Malone, John Hughes, Michael
Dalton, Benjamin McCarwell, John M'Cann. Stone cutter - John Whealan. Farmer -
Martin McLoughlin, John Clem-ents, Isaac Shaw. Richard Logan, Michael Dunne,
Charles Hinton, Dennis Dulby, J. Shaw, Edward Henton, Richard Logan, Wm. Owesley,
Terence Macguire, John Colclough, James Darby, John Camphilon. E. Byrne. Slaters and Plasterers - Michael Kelly, John Leaghey, John M'Dowell. Carpenters - John Carrol, James Keogh, Thomas O'Leairy, Isaac Bomford, H. Ryan, Andrew Halpen, Michael Andrews, Edward Carrol, Robert Bannan,. Edward Davis, A. Whitelaw, Angus Kennedy, William Milray, Thomas Jelly, Richard Walsh, R. Mullock, Lawrence Keianes, James Hill, Wm. Rollins, William Murphy, O O'Reilly.
Cabinet Makers - Richard Kearney, Thos. Booth. Upholsterers—Edward o'Brenton, Daniel Cuny. Painters—Thomas Hamilton, Philip Brady William Bowden, Thomas Gray, Joseph Red-monds. Hatter—William Tracey. Smiths—Robert Hayes, William Cross, Daniel Rock, John Hobson, Thomas Hobson, Thomas O'Benns, Patrick Ryder, Patrick Reynolds, William Newell. Nailers—Joseph Fowler, Jobs O'Neal.
Shoemakers—William Fulton, J. O'brien Robert Fullam, Thomas Kendrick, William Tellon. Sawyers—Patrick Legette, James Burnett. Skinner—William Kearney. Tanner—Edward Byrne. Bricklayers—Hugh Anderson, H Traver-ay, James Barry, Henry Joyce, William Simpson.
Millwright - John Dunne. Coopers - Thomas Leaghey, Peter Fengan. Teacher - Michael Dunne. Writer.--William Morgan, Taylors - James Scully, John Robinson, Thomas Davis Horse Doctor - Michael Monaghan. . Butcher - John Tancard. Harness Makers - Nathaniel Douglas, John Smith Coach Maker - James Thompson Miner - Thomas Wallace. Gauger,- Dennis McCartling. . Baker - Charles Higgins with their families: and several others whose trades we have not been able to ascertain.
Being stonemasons,
Dennis and John Bacon were involved initially in buildi
g, and in 1837, built the property "Beaufront", in Ross.
g, and in 1837, built the property "Beaufront", in Ross.
was built for Arthur Smith in 1837 by stonemasons, Dennis and John Bacon. Smith
sold the property to Thomas Parramore in the 1850's, who owned it until 1914.
A prominent feature and the social centre
of Antill Ponds was its Half Way House, a three storey hotel which serviced
both travellers and locals with accommodation, meals and liquor. Adjacent
stables were also a changing station where hard-driven coach horses were
changed for fresh animals.
Only the highway separated the railway
station and platform from the front door of the hotel, a distance of about
twenty metres. The attraction and proximity of warmth and hospitality for train
crews, railway staff, the travelling public and the local community resulted in
numerous accounts of humorous behaviour, especially so in the earlier years
when the hotel was licensed to sell alcoholic refreshments. The licence lapsed
at the end of 1932 and was never subsequently granted.
Early accounts of the Half Way House are
scanty, receiving only brief mentions in various publications. Two of the best
coverages are to be found in Early Buildings ofSouthern Tasmania by E.
Graeme Robertson, 1970, which gives some useful references and quotes; and A
History of the Lower Midlands by J. S. Weeding 1988 who mentions that the
earliest Midlands Highway was routed by way of York Plains, through Sorell
Springs, several kilometres to the east of St Peters Pass, thus avoiding the
steep and more difficult terrain through the St Peters Pass. A half kilometre
section of this original road can still be clearly seen, cut into the hillside
to the east of the present highway, a few hundred metres south of Antill Ponds
and which originally extended outwards across the plain to Sorell Springs.
Northwards it followed the valleys to the east of the present highway to exit
onto the Salt Pan Plains a few hundred metres west of the present 'Lowes Park'
homestead. A striking panoramic view northwards from this point is illustrated
by Joseph Lycett in his Views in Australia (1824 plate 19).
At this period the 'half way' house was at Sorell Springs, having
been built by John Presnell, a blacksmith by trade, who arrived from England on
the Midas on 13 January 1821. He was granted 300 acres of land at Sorell
Springs on which he built the White Hart Inn.
Antill Ponds and
the Half Way House by R. H. Green Curator Emeritus
Occasional Paper No.7 Queen Victoria Museum and Art
Gallery Launceston 1997 The Half Way House
A licence to sell spirits,
wine and beer was granted in 1822 but following the subsequent realignment of
the highway through St Peters Pass and the bypassing of Sorell Springs,
Presnell acquired land at Antill Ponds in 1830, pulled down the first White
Hart Inn and had it re-erected at Antill Ponds so to again catch the
travelling public and supply them with refreshments
and accommodation. This building comprised seven rooms, suitable for an inn and
valued at 500 pounds, together with a six stall stable and other outbuildings.
This was also called the White Hart Inn; it bore this name until 1842 when it
was changed to the Half Way House.
Presnell died on 20 may 1831 (Hobart
Town Courier) aged 45 and was buried
in Oatlands, leaving a wife and five children. His wife, Eleanor, continued to
manage the premises and, after several applications, was granted a licence on
29 April 1833 to sell wine and spirits (letter Jean Gibbs). Subsequently it was
let to David Solomon for 140 pounds per annum until sold by auction in 1838
(see below). The Hobart Town Courier of 18 May 1838,
p. 3 col. 6, carries an advertisement:
SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION. On the property, on Wednesday 6 June, all those
well-known Premises, now in full trade, THE WHITE HART INN, Antill Ponds, with
upwards of 15 acres, in lots, and positively without reserve'.
Apparently Solomon bought the Inn as the Hotel Index
in the Archives Office of Tasmania, citing the Hobart Town Gazette of 13 October 1837 and 5 October 1838, records him as the occupier,
followed by Anne Solomon 17 October 1839. (For a list of further successive
occupiers see Appendix 1.)
In 1842 ownership was in the name of James Hamilton
with Edward Greenbark as proprietor. At this time the premises were raided by
bushrangers, Martin Cash, Kavanagh and Jones, seeking refreshments as they were
travelling north and surviving by raiding and stealing from settlers following
their escape from Port Arthur (Fenton 1891 p. 114).
In March
1852, when occupied by Denis Bacon, the Half Way House was gutted by fire. In
the Hobart Town Courier of 31 March 1852 tenders were invited for its
rebuilding and completion. Unfortunately there is apparently no detailed
description of the original building. The new Inn comprised three storeys,
having two small bedrooms beneath the gables. The single-storey section on the
northern side, which was added at a later date, contained a large dining room
and further bedrooms.
The Mercury of
24 January 1861 p. 3 col. 7 carries an advertisement for the sale of the
HalfWay House:
'Mr Lewis Cohen to sell From
the insolvent Estate of Henry Valentine by Auction at Engleberts Assembly
Rooms, Campbell Town on Tuesday 5th. February at 12 O'clock prompt Without
reserve The Half Way House Let to Mr. C. Drable, one of the best hotels on the
road and commanding a large business.'
The Hobart
Town Gazette shows Drable as the
licensee form 1858 to 1866.
With the completion of the main north-south railway
line in 1871 and the establishment of the station opposite the hotel, together
with an expanding farming industry, the Half Way House entered what was
probably its most prosperous and noteworthy period.
My memories of Antill Ponds and the Half Way House
date from about 1929, when I was little more than three years old and living at
Middle Park, a small farm about a kilometre to the south. I often accompanied
my father, Geoff, to the station where he collected mail, and occasionally,
into the hotel to buy cigarettes and a drink.
The then proprietor was George Saunders who kept
free-ranging, but very tame domestic pigeons, some of which occasionally
entered the house by way of a broken pane in the lantern above the front door.
(see Sharland 1952, opp. p. 26.) Saunders often wandered across the road to
meet the passenger and mail trains to the entertainment of people, especially
myself, with one or two pigeons perched on a shoulder and his hat. The birds
had become so accustomed and trusting that, although he stood on the platform
little more than three metres from the noisy, steaming locomotive, they were
rarely disturbed from their resting place.
In those
years several nearby properties produced considerable quantities of wheat, a
commodity with which Saunders used to feed his pigeons. One of the property
owners, recently reminiscing about his memories of the Half Way House, told of
how he and his brothers sometimes exchanged wheat for beer on occasions when
they 'patronised the bar', saying 'and my word, old man, a bag of wheat could
buy a lot of beer' . 4
Another lifetime local, recalled an occasion when two
nearby residents, having greatly enjoyed an evening of hospitality and feeling
unwilling to return home at a late hour, decided to take a room for the night.
There was then, of course, no inside toilet, just a chamber pot under the bed,
which had to be emptied each morning. The two had consumed much liquid during
the evening and the chamber soon reached its capacity. The obvious solution was
to toss the contents out of the window; an unfortunate act as the publican's
wife happened to be passing beneath the window at that time and was the
'receiver' .
It is my
understanding that, upon his death about 1932, Saunders left the half Way House
and land on the eastern side of the highway, about 14 acres, to his daughter,
Mrs George Lodge, in trust for his granddaughter, the infant child of Mrs
Lodge, with the provision that it not be sold until the child attained the age
of 21 years.
family later moved to live on the mainland and management and administration of
the property was then left in the hands of an Oatlands solicitor. The Mercury
newspaper of 12 July 1956, reporting on the Oatlands Council Meeting of the
previous day, quotes the owner, Mrs G. A. Lodge of Williamstown, Victoria as
intending to visit the property for discussions with Council staff regarding
its sale or demolition.
Subsequent to Saunder's occupancy, the property was
leased without a liquor licence but the tenants continued to serve occasional
meals and to sell soft drinks and confectionery, etc. I well remember, about
1933, enjoying a fine New Year's Day dinner with my family and others, served
to us in the big dining room, to the north of which was an extensive garden
with fruit and ornamental trees, flower and vegetable beds, between which ran a
pathway leading to a double toilet on the northern side.
Water for the hotel and gardens was provided from iron
tanks filled from a roof catchment, and from a windmill at the rear of the
building which drew water from the nearby creek.
The last family to make a home at the Half Way House
was that of William Carnes who, during his tenancy from 1935 to 1938 and 1941
to 1948, became recognised as the virtual patriarch of Antill Ponds. They were
the last to sell soft drinks there and were well known for their friendly
hospitality and a welcome cup of tea, served in the kitchen, warmed by a large,
black wood-burning stove.
During World War II the Half Way House was the venue
for may fund-raising functions, thanks to the generosity and cooperation of the
Carnes family. The principal activities were on Saturday evenings when about
twenty local residents would gather in the 'big room' for cards, playing
'euchre' and 'five hundred'. Occasionally large functions were held, such as
dancing, Queen Carnival formalities and other fund-raising events. By these
means, from 1940 to the end of October 1945, a period of great austerity, the
local Woodbury-Antill Ponds branch of the Australian Comforts Fund raised a
total of 1860 pounds, 6 shillings and 11 pence ($3720.70). My mother was
Secretary treasurer and as funds were raised, distributions were progressively
made to various wartime appeals. The following amounts were extracted from the
minutes she kept:
Australian Comforts Fund 1039 pounds 1 shilling and 9
pence; Red Cross 781-11-5; New Sydney Fund (1941) 24-0-0; London Relief Fund
(1941) 20-0-0; Lord Mayor's Fund (1942) 2-10-6; Lord Mayor's Allied Appeal
(1943) 10-13-6; Chinese Relief (1945) 26-14-9; Oatlands Memorial Hall Fund
(1945) 2-15-0.
Early in the twentieth century a rather primitive
cricket ground and pitch (probably concrete) was established in a paddock on
the northern side of the garden, between the main road and creek. My father
told me that this pitch was eventually dug up and a crop grown in the paddock.
About 1934 the local community decided to build a new pitch on the same site
and I well recall that they (illegally and inconspicuously) helped themselves
to some of the heaps of crushed dolerite stone left over from the sealing of
the highway and conveniently dumped by the roadside fence. The pitch was not
used during the war years but afterwards, about 1946, an active club was formed
and for several years played competitive cricket in an association with clubs
at Tunbridge and Mount Pleasant. The Antill Ponds Cricket Club disbanded about
1949 after which the pitch fell into disrepair and was subsequently removed.
As a
licensed hotel, the Half Way House had been fully furnished, mostly with cedar;
the doors, skirting, balustrades and bar being made of cedar.
solid walls were principally of rough stones, broken bricks and rubble,
plastered over their mortar; good sandstone blocks were used only on comers and
over doors and windows. However, the walls of the nearby stables, facing the
southern courtyard, were built of good
The Mercury
of 13 August 1966, reporting Oatlands Council business stated that the
Tourist Promotion Council suggested the Half Way House be converted into a
coaching museum. Council considered this impractical as, by then, the building
was in a very bad state and much of the valuable interior had been removed.
quality stones were eventually removed and used to build large pillars either
side of the front entrance to 'Shene', Pontville,
while others were donated by the then owner, David Carnes, for a church-yard
fence at St John's Church of England, Ross. (See the Mercury of 11
September 1966, p. 10).
The Mercury of 9 July 1975 p. 25 has a
photograph of the Half Way House when partly demolished, saying that it was
then owned by Mrs J. V. Burbury of Sandy Bay who had bought it some years
previously in the hope of restoration.
Some timbers from the structure were eventually
salvaged by the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service and used in the
restoration of the old Callington Mill in Oatlands and some stones were used to build the
public toilet block erected in the roadside rest area in St Peters Pass.
The Half Way House, Antill Ponds, Tasmania 1966.
the necessary and considerable expenditure required to maintain such an old
building it had progressively fallen into a state of increasing disrepair and
the furnishings had been progressively sold until it became no longer tenable.
Occasionally squatters and often vandals and graffiti artists took an interest,
gradually stripping out the old lead-condute-covered wiring from beneath the
floors and plastered walls, removing cedar fixtures, mantles, the bar and
balustrades and eventually setting the remains alight. The structure was, by
then, in a dangerous state and, for public safety, the remains had to be
knocked down.
The Hobart Mercury reported on Saturday 31 December 1932:
TIME, GENTLEMEN!” – One of the oldest
hostelries in the State, Half-way House, Antill Ponds, so named because of
its equal distance between Hobart and Launceston, will closed its doors to
the public on December 31, as a result of the decision of the Oatlands Licensing
Court that the hotel was not required. Its passing as a public-house awakens
indefinable sentiments, in view of its historical associations.
– Story adapted from Antill
Ponds and the Half Way House by R. H. Green.
A prominent feature and the social centre of Antill Ponds (Tasmania) was
its Half Way House, a three storey hotel which serviced both travellers and
locals with accommodation, meals and liquor.
Adjacent stables were also a changing station where hard-driven coach
horses were changed for fresh animals. Only the highway separated the railway
station and platform from the front door of the hotel, a distance of about 20m.
The attraction and proximity of warmth and hospitality for train crews,
railway staff, the travelling public and the local community resulted in
numerous accounts of humorous behaviour, especially so in the earlier years
when the hotel was licensed to sell alcoholic refreshments.
The original Half Way House was at Sorell Springs, having been built by
John Presnell, a blacksmith by trade, who arrived from England on the Midas on
13 January 1821. He was granted 300 acres of land at Sorell Springs on which he
built the White Hart Inn. A licence to sell spirits, wine and beer was granted
in 1822 but following the subsequent realignment of the highway through St
Peters Pass and the bypassing of Sorell Springs, Presnell acquired land at
Antill Ponds in 1830, pulled down the first White Hart Inn and had it
re-erected at Antill Ponds so to again catch the travelling public and supply
them with refreshments and accommodation.
This building comprised seven rooms, suitable for an inn and valued at
£500, together with a six stall stable and other outbuildings. This was also
called the White Hart Inn; it bore this name until 1842 when it was changed to
the Half Way House. The old inn was delicensed in the 1930s, and eventually
demolished in the 1970s.
Dennis and Martha's children were
1. Eliza Bacon born 1827 in Dublin Ireland. She married Charles Hudson in1843 at Avoca, Tas. She married secondly, Henry Coop (a convict) in 1856 at Campbelltown, Tas.
1. Eliza Bacon born 1827 in Dublin Ireland. She married Charles Hudson in1843 at Avoca, Tas. She married secondly, Henry Coop (a convict) in 1856 at Campbelltown, Tas.
Henry Coop,
one of 400 convicts transported on the Moffatt, 4 Jan 1834 Warwick Assizes
They lived
at Oatlands. She died in 1880 at Oatlands. They are buried at St Peter's.
Henry lived on a property in the Dulverton
Parish in 1836. He farmed at Drayton
Farm. In 1859, he was declared bankrupt and again in 1865. An old identity of the village was one Henry Coop, whose farm was quite close to the township. He was an old character! I fancy he must have been a butcher by trade in the old country. Anyhow, he used to come out to Inglewood in my early days whenever a beast was to be killed for rations, and remain to cut up the beef next day. We kids would watch him, fascinated, as he cut strips from a joint of raw meat and ate them! "How long will that one last" we used to wonder. Coop was a notorious trencherman. It was said that he once made a wager that he would keep on eating between the departure of one coach and the arrival of another at Melton Mowbray. The return coach was late, so Coop rang the bell "Have you got any topeika, or something soft to fill up the cracks" he asked. Coop once lent his chaise cart to an irresponsible member of our family who wanted to break his horse to harness. The horse ran away and Coop roared: "Go it, Dan, the hoss ain't mine and the cart ain't yours". He was the official brander of colts for the district. Once at Inglewood he had thrown a powerful colt and had uttered his usual strident yell for the brand: "Iyon" (Iron) he yelled. Just as he was about to apply the brand, an overseer from a neighbouring station, who was helping, let a rope slack, and the colt kicked Coop in his ample buttock. "You hound!" he roared, and made at John Yow like Bailie Nicol Jarvie at the Clachan of Aberfoil with the "hot pleugh culter". John, who might have sat for the portrait of Mr. Pickwick, made off at top speed, the colt got up, and there was the devil to pay!
In 1875, Henry Coop, John Bradshaw and Edward Dowling were all trying to get elected for one spot on Council. Mr Dowling won convincingly
In 1878 he was taking Mr Pillinger to task!
2. Annie Bacon born 1829 Ireland, married James Soper 1847 Campbelltown, Tas
died 1855 Campbell town, Tas They are buried at Ross Anglican Cemetery.
At the time of their marriage
James Soper was a Sergeant in the 9th Regiment.
He later owned a hotel called the Roy Roy Inn, in Longford. James Soper was declared bankrupt in 1854. They had 3 sons, one died as a baby and is
buried at Oatlands. The others went to
New Zealand and Victoria.
Piece of Tasmanian History circa 1840
Pateena Road Longford. This gracious Georgian residence with 6 bedrooms and
numerous outbuildings on just over an acre of land was originally built by the
Saltmarsh Family as schoolhouse, with accommodation for the teacher, and has
also seen life as the Rob Roy Inn. Surrounded
by agricultural holdings of rolling pastures and with exceptional views across
to the Great Western Tiers
3. Maria
Bacon born 1830 England married by 1859 to John Bradshaw
4. Margaret Bacon born at sea in 1833 married James Horatio Westbrook 1853, Oatlands, Tasmania in the Catholic Church. James was a superintendant.
4. Margaret Bacon born at sea in 1833 married James Horatio Westbrook 1853, Oatlands, Tasmania in the Catholic Church. James was a superintendant.
I deeply
regret to have to announce the death of Mr James Horatio Westbrook, after a
long and painful illness, aged 59 years. Mr Westbrook was for many years Warden
of Ross Municipality, which office he filled for some years with ability and
uprightness. He was an honourable man, liked and respected by all who knew him.
He breathed his last on Sunday, and the interment takes place in the Church of
England Cemetery to-morrow (Tuesday). August
4. 1884
His father, was Dr Samuel
Westbrook - Arrived per "Calista" 24 October 1829 with wife and three
children. Addresses: Hobart, Tas 1836 Sorell, Tas 1845 Prosser's Plains 1846-51
Pittwater 1852-1863. 169 Macquarie St, Hobart, Tas 1866
Positions held: Medical Officer
Police, Sorell 1845 Medical Officer to the Police Watchhouses and Goals,
Prosser Plains 1845-52 JP, Sorrell 1854 His father was Henry Westbrook (1756- )
and his mother was Sarah (1750-1836) He was the brother of James Henry
Westbrook (q.v.) He married Mary Margaret Mason (1799-1853) London Applied for
allotment in Launceston, Tas in 1830 References: Walch's Tasmanian Almanac 1864
Rimmer WG. Portrait of a Hospital: The Royal Hobart. Hobart: Royal Hobart
Hospital 1981.
Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Tuesday 15 July 1930,
page 2
Mr. H. F. Westbrook Son of First
Civilian Medical Practitioner... (His Brother)
During the last week-end the death occurred of Mr. Henry Fookes
Westbrook, at Murrumbeena, at the age of 103 years and eight months (writes
S.C. in the "Age"). He was regarded as Australia's oldest male
native. Probably the oldest native woman is Mrs. Catherine Woods, of Young
(N.S.W.), who was born at Colac nearly 105 years ago.
The son of Dr. Samuel Westbrook, Tasmania's first civilian medical
practitioner, Henry Fookes Westbrook was born in Elizabeth Street, Hobart, on
November 4, 1826. His uncle (Dr. James Westbrook) was also one of Tasmania's
first doctors, whilst his brother-in-law (Joseph Downward) was at one time
superintendent of Port Arthur prison hospital. When the first Hobart Town
Cricket Club was formed Mr. Westbrook was a boy of six. This club was
Australia's pioneer cricket club, for there were none on the mainland then. In
1840 Mr. Westbrook joined the club, which played the first international game
contested in this country. Then known as the Break o' Day Club, it defeated an
eleven drawn from the crew of the visiting British ship Hyacinth and a recently
arrived English regiment of soldiers. The Break o' Day Club was fortunate in
having the first English professional brought to Australia (by name Marshall)
to instruct its players, and young Westbrook, under his tuition, became a good
cricketer. In-deed, it was his boast that he was never once clean bowled.
When the Henty brothers left Launceston to settle at Portland, young
Westbrook was a little chap of eight years. When Batman sailed from Launceston
in the Rebecca and signed the historic treaty on the banks of the Plenty, he
(Westbrook) was nine, and he was but 11 when Sir John Franklin arrived in
Hobart to become Governor. Sir John Franklin later achieved fame as an Arctic
explorer. In one year alone, when Mr. Westbrook was 18, no fewer than 15,000
prisoners arrived.
He remembered watching the chain gangs of convicts constructing the road
between Hobart and Launceston, and dared not offer any of them tobacco, for if
it were discovered in their possession, the penalty was a flogging at the
triangle. He also remembered the Port Arthur penal establishment, some of the
ruins of which remain to-day, and when it was broken up in 1877.
In the Derwent in 1847 no fewer than 47 vessels engaged in the whaling,
industry were anchored. Mr. Westbrook remembered them, for Hobart was at that
time one of the principal whaling ports of the world. The Derwent Whaling Club
offered a prize of eight dollars (Mexican or Spanish coinage) to the first
person reporting the presence of a whale in or near the river. Going in for
squatting, Mr. Westbrook became manager of Parker's station at Cressy, and
later was made overseer on William Grubb's run. During that time Tasmanian
stone was sent to Melbourne to build the Elizabeth Street Post Office - then,
of course, the G.P.O. When Lanne, the last of the Tasmanian male aborigines,
died, Mr. Westbrook was about 43, and he was about 50 when Truganinni - the
last female Tasmanian black - passed away.
At the age of 85 Mr. Westbrook arrived in Melbourne, in 1911, and lived
for many years at Heidelberg with one of his married daughters, Mrs. Olive
Nielsen. Eight of his family of eleven children are living, and are scattered
about in the different States. Up to the time of his death he often travelled
unaccompanied between Heidelberg and Malvern.
5. Ellen (Eleanor) Bacon born 1835 Tas married James Bradshaw,
Oatlands, Tas 1857
6. Dennis Bacon b 1837 Tas married 1860 Victoria to Mary Morony d 1880 New Norfolk Tas
6. Dennis Bacon b 1837 Tas married 1860 Victoria to Mary Morony d 1880 New Norfolk Tas
Antill Ponds and Ross
Dennis and his family settled at
initially at Ross. He then became the
owner of "Half Way House" in Antill Ponds.
Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Saturday 12 June
1847, page 3
A BILL of EXCHANGE, dated Ross, 4th June, 1847, drawn by Dennis Bacon, at three months,
for £10 10s,., and accepted by John Digney, payable at the Commercial Bank,
Launceston. It is of no use to any one but the owner, as it is not endorsed,
and notice has been given to the bank. ' Any person finding the bill will much
oblige the undersigned by forwarding it to
D Bacon, Ross.
Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas. : 1835 - 1880), Wednesday 16
June 1847, page 2
There were but few cases for the Police Magistrate
on his weekly visit last Tuesday. Thomas York, free, in the employ of Mr.
Clarke, of Ellenthorpe Hall, was amerced in the drunkard's fine of five shillings.
A ticket of leave man, named James Bradley was charged by his master, Mr.
Dennis Bacon, with refusing to do his work at quarrying according to agreement,
and the case being proved, Mr. Henslowe sentenced
him to one month's hard labour on the roads and at the expiration of that time
to return to his work. The accused had very little to say for himself at the
hearing, although according to his own account previously, he was the injured
Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859),
Wednesday 8 January 1851, page 2
ROBBERIES -The hut of a shepherd who is in
the employ of Mr. Dennis Bacon, of the Half-way House, was robbed on the 28th
of December last, by William Stevens, of one single-barralled gun, powder,
shot, and some flour. On the 28th December Stevens stuck up a poor man named
Moore, on the high road between Antill Ponds and Tunbridge, and robbed him of a
pair of boots, which he made Moore take off his feet, threatening to shoot him
if he did not. Stevens then proceeded to
Ellenthorp Hall, and represented himself as it constable.Constable Hunt, who is stationed there, suspecting all was not right, invited him to a cup of tea, and watched an opportunity of snatching the gun away, and discharging its contents he then took him into custody. There cannot be too much said in commendation of Constable Hunt's conduct in securing one of the most notorious fellows that ever traversed this island. Stevens has been twice transported he is now in Campbell Town gaol. Examiner.
According to a roll of residents 17
Apr 1856 his address was in Ross. John Bacon lived in a house owned by William
Ross lived in a freehold house
also owned a house at Ross which John William Bertrand lived in.
Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899), Thursday 30 September 1858,
page 3
In 1858, he was a witness in an insolvency case against
1st April 1862 his estate being
BELL & WESTBROOK are favoured
with instructions from the Executors of the late Dennis Bacon, to sell by
auction, at his late residence, Ross Store, Ross, the whole of, the
stock-in-trade, &c., &c., without the slightest reserve, on MONDAY,
14th April,. at 11 o'clock, consisting of Drapery of all kinds, including: Hosiery
Slops Calicos Prints, &c., &c. Also Flour Bran and pollard Wheat Salt
Starch Blue Coffee Mustard Pitch and tar Crockery of all kinds, ironmongery,
&c. In fact every article usually found in a well stocked country store.
Also well-known entire horse "Tom Thumb," 6 years old 2 mares and
foals 1 ditto, 3 years old 1 ditto, 4 ditto 8 bullocks, hows, yokes, and chains
complete 4 cows, and several mixed cattle 1 waggon . 1 day 3 carts Plough and
harrows, &o., &c. Terms as usual. The attention of residents in the
Midland district is directed to the above positively un. reserved sale of
general merchandise, as the whole of the goods are of the best description, and
in capital order. (a Stock at St. Leonards. Wednesday, 17th April.
30 Apr 1862 his son James married. At Ross, on 30th ultimo, by the Rev. J. J. Cope,
Wesleyan Minister, James, second son of the late Mr. Dennis Bacon, to Sarah Ann
Sophia, only daughter of Mr. Daniel Herbert, stone cutter, Ross.
The eldest son was Dennis Bacon, and he was the
licensee of the Coach and Horses, a pub at Lemon Springs.
PURSUANT TO A PROVISO for that purpose contained in an Indenture of Mortgage bearing date the fifteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and 1 seventy and made between William Dawson ' Grubb of Launceston in Tasmania Solicitor of the first part Martha Bacon of Ross in Tasmania Widow of Dennis Bacon lately of the same place storekeeper deceased of the second part James Maclauachan of Balloch-myle near Ross in Tasmania Esquire and
James Bacon of Ross aforesaid farmer Trustees of the Will of the said Dennis Bacon deceased of the third part the said James Bacon of the fourth part and James Hope formerly of Ross aforesaid but now of Hobart Town in Tasmania Esquire of the fifth part NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default having been made in payment of the principal and part of the interest moneys thereby secured it is the intention of the said' James Hope to cause the piece of land firstly there-in comprised and described to be exposed for safe by private contract in pursuance of the power of sale therein contained on the thirty-first day of December now next ensuing and that the land and hereditaments to be sold consist of ALL THAT one acre one rod three perches and a half porch of land situate and being in the township of Ross in Tasmania and bounded on the west or front by two chains and seventy-five links southerly along Church-street
Dated this twenty-eighth day of November one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven
CHAS. H. ELLISTON, 8981 Solicitor for the Mortgagee.
1893, son Charles committed suicide.
Tasmanian (Launceston, Tas. : 1881 - 1895), Saturday 4 March 1893, page 16 Distressing
ROSS, Feb. 24..
A feeling of gloom spread over the township..: to-day when the news
spread that Mr Charles Bacon, storekeeper of Ross, had committed suicide by
shooting himself in the head with a gun about seven o'clock this morning.
Reliable particulars cannot be obtained until the inquest, but financial
difficulties are supposed to have been the cause of the unfortunate ma
n's act.
n's act.
An inquest will be held on the body tomorrow. Great sympathy is
expressed for the bereaved family. The deceased gentleman was an old and respected
resident of the district, having. taken over the Ross Hotel from his father as
far back as 1865. ~ After carrying on this establishment for about seven years
he relinquished it and commenced business as a storekeeper, and has been so
engaged for about 17 years. Lately he formed the impression that he could not
meet his liabilities, and coming up to the city on Monday last he met his
creditors and made an offer of a composition. The creditors decided to 6end a
competent man to take a rote of the stock in the store, and after completing
this task yesterday Mr Thurston was able to inform Mr Bacon that his estate
would pay nearly double his liabilities.
This evidently caused the deceased much distress of mind, occasioned by
the thought that he had placed himself in a false position by making the offer,
and when parting with him before retiring on Thursday night Mr Thurston noticed
that he was much worried. At about 6.30 a.m. yesterday Mr Thurston, who was the
guest of Mr Bacon, rose and heard the deceased moving about the store. Having
gone for a walk down the yard, Mr Thurston returned about three quarters of an
hour later and met Miss Bacon the daughter of the deceased, whom he asked to see
her father. The young lady on going into the store found her father dead on the
floor with a gun lying by his side. The deceased leaves a wife and seven or
eight children.
ROSS, Sunday. An inquest was held at the Ross Hotel
on Saturday before Mr Thos. Riggall, coroner, and a jury of seven, touching the
death of Charles Bacon. After hearing the evidence of James Bacon, the
deceased's brother, Amy Bacon, daughter of the deceased, Wm. Thurstun, W.
Price, Sub-Inspector Stubbs, and Dr. Byrne, the coroner summed up the evidence
and the jury returned a verdict that the deceased shot himself with a gun on
Friday, February 24, whilst labouring under a fit of .temporary insanity. The
funeral took place this afternoon and was very largely attended.
Maria Bacon married John
Bradshaw. John became the miller at the
Oatlands Mill, and worked for his uncle Thomas.
The family lived in Oatlands, and he was involved in many community
roles, including serving on the Council.
They had 8 children. John died in
1892, and Maria in 1899. They are buried
in St Peter's at Oatlands.
Bacon married James Bradshaw. He was the
son of William Bradshaw and Mary Jane Gunn.
They married in 1857. They had a daughter Henrietta Louisa Bradshaw
in 1858, and Eleanor died in 1864. He
then married in 1867 Jane Hay. He had a
family of 11 children with Jane.
John Bacon
John and Denis Bacon were stonemasons and
builders and arrived with their families aboard the Strathfieldsay, 31 Dec
1831. In 1848 they both moved to Antil Ponds and John became a farmer. John was
a trustee, along with others, to land granted by the Government for the
erection of St Paul's Catholic Church at Oatlands of which the foundation stone
was laid by Bishop Willson on 10 Apr 1850.
Bacon b 1840 Tas marr Julia Annie Tucker 1862 Campbelltown Tas
The corner was originally owned by the Bacon family and the building used as a store, residence, and bakery. It was converted to create the Church in 1920. The Church is generally locked but the key is available from the Ross Newsagency nearby so that you can view the interesting interior.
The appearance of the Catholic church at the corner of Church and Bridge streets has been considerably enhanced during this week by the placing in position of a marble figure on the top of the tower. The figure depicts the Saviour standing with out- stretched arms, and forms a most at tractive and significant finish to the Church. It was placed in position under the direction of Mr. Patterson, contractor of Launceston – and it weighs over half a ton; a good deal of care and judgment were necessary in hoisting it so high.
Daily Telegraph, 20 March 1920
(The figure can be seen on top of the tower in this photo)
From the Weekly Courier, 2 June 1921, the corner of Bridge and Church Sts:
item from: Allport Library and Museum of Fine Arts, Tasmanian Archive and
Heritage Office
Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Friday 15 January
1926, page 10
Interesting Experiences
Historic Midlands Landmark (From
Our Midlands Representatives.)
Of the many romantic experiences associated with the days of early
settlement ir! Tasmania there are probably few more interesting: than those
which fell to the lot of Mr. Michael Francis Bacon, of Belle Vue, Oatlands. Mr.
Bacon, who is in his 81st year, remembers among other things, thc construction
of the main road from Hobart to Launceston, and can speak of thc coaching days.
Though he declares that he has never suffered a day's illness in his life, he
is not very clear, as may-be expected, on some of the events which ' happened
many years' ago, but, with the aid of his son, Mr. J. S. Bacon, some interesting
reminiscences were told. Mr. Bacon said it was a pleasure to recall the early
times on account of the splendid men with whom he was associated.
His father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Bacon, came to Tasmania in 1833
in the Strathfield Sayo from England, and owing to being several times becalmed
the ship was seven months in making the trip. On arrival in Tasmania they went
to Mona Vale, where Mr. John Bacon supervised the construction of the Mona Vale
mansion, that beautiful country residence built of Ross freestone, and
considered to be the finest mansion in Tasmania. He also had charge of the
construction of the dam at Toombs Lake. He said that tho specifications for the
structure were not sufficiently solid, and that it would give way, which it did
some time afterwards. Mr. Robert Kermode, father of the present Mr. Robert
Kermode, of Mona Vale, was very highly esteemed in the district. On the site of
the Roman Catholic Church at Ross Mr. Bacon ran a store for several years, and
the name "Bacon" can still be seen on the building adjacent. Although
there were several bushrangers operating at the time, among them the
redoubtable Brady, the Bacon family never experienced any trouble with them.
Mr. Michael Francis Bacon. Who related this story, was born at Mona Vale
in 1845. From there his father went " to Antill Ponds, where he' owned
some land, and,. among other stock, a line lot of horses.. While he was on this
property the Californian goldfields were discovered, and he was offered £100 a
head for every horse up to a suitable standard that hc could land at San
Francisco. So he decided to ship the horses from Hobart in a vessel called The Widgeon,
commanded by Captain Capes. The ship sailed in 1850, and a day out from Hobart
a storm (arose which, lasted three days and nights. So violent was the wind
that all thc masts were broken, and most of the bulwarks wore smashed off thc
boat. Mrs. Bacon and family were battened down below in the dark, and the male
passengers had to stand to, and work the pumps to prevent the boat from
sinking; This happened in Storm Bay. Such was the distressing condition of
affairs that, in order to save thc ship, the captain ordered all the
horses" worth several thousands of pounds, to be thrown into the ocean. Mr.
Michael Bacon was then a boy 5 years old, and he remembers seeing the horses
surging in the mountainous seas and beating their hoofs against the sides of
the ship. It was expected any hour, that the vessel would be lost, but the
fourth day broke finer, and all hands stood by to cork the leakages. After that
thc ship drifted for a number of weeks on the high sea until at last it was
blown off the coast of New South Wales, picked up by a passing boat, and taken
into Sydney- for repairs. In Sydney Harbour Mr. Bacon said, he was playing on
the deck of the vessel, from which the bulwarks had. been e washed, when he
fell head over heels into the water, and was rescued by a Russian sailor.
After having the ship repaired they proceeded on to San Francisco, landing
on Christmas morning, 1850. San Francisco at that time, he said, was composed:
of weatherboard and slab houses, and in parts of the streets boards were laid
along on top of the mud. Several
earthquake shocks occurred while they were there. After about a year's stay in
America the health of Mr. John Bacon gave way, and the doctors ordered him to
return to Tasmania. .Mr. Michael Bacon produced some beautiful specimens of
gold glistening in quartz taken from tho mines in California.
On arrival back in Tasmania Mrs.
Bacon noticed an advertisement in' "Tho Mercury" advertising Belle
Vue at Oatlands for sale. She showed it to
her husband, and said: "This would be a good home and property, how
about buying it?" But he replied, "How can wc? We have I04} our fortune."
It was then that Mrs. Bacon sprang a great surprise on her husband (the
narrator's father) by producing an old stocking containing a thousand
sovereigns, with which the deposit was paid on the Belle Vue property in 1851.
The property., which was then many years old, was originally held by Mr.
William Foord. Mr John Bacon died in 1864.
Mr. Michael Bacon can remember, while at Ross and Oatlands, seeing the
main Hobart-Launceston road being constructed by many hundreds of convicts. He
was then a little boy, and most" of the information he got from his
father. He states that the convicts used to draw "drays containing tho
stone, and rollers, lone; strings of them, being hooked on like horses. Long
bridge girders were carried considerable distances out of the hill sides. He
recalls the building of the famous Ross bridge, ' which was carved by artists
of great skill. The convicts, he said, were mostly splendid fellows, men of fine physique, and excellent
tradesmen and artists in stone work; The criminal class were mostly in the
gaols. Mr. Bacon has seen the convicts flogged, and has seen them hanged. Some were. hanged
in the Oatlands gaol, but he was not a spectator.

Many of them, he said,were buried alongside the main road. The foundation of the road, he stated, was excellently laid with good stone, and the workmanship was of the best. If these men who built , the road so beautifully with only primitive methods could wake up to-day and see its bad condition, with all the modern facilities at command, one could imagine their, feelings. Mr. Bacon remembers driving in his father's carriage, and dropping plugs of tobacco into the shirt pockets of the convicts along the roadside.
Many of' the convicts, on their release, went to the Victorian gold
fields at Bendigo. Some of them did very
well, and returned to' Tasmania and settled on the land. .
Tho Hobart-Launceston coaches are other interesting connections with the
past which Mr. Bacon remembers. The coaches in his time, he said, were owned by
Mr. Samuel Page. They entered the town with the horses in full canter, and a
bugler blowing a bugle to announce their
arrival. They were looked upon like an important express or steamer.
Sometime after the purchase of Belle Vue, Mr, Bacon went to the
mainland, and had different interests in Victoria, South Australia and New
South Wales. He was at Bourke in 1870. the year of the great drought, when
practically all the stock were lost, and the record heat of 125 degrees in the shade
was reached. Many people were sunstruck. and on one station just out of Bourke, 75,000 sheep perished. In
a good season, the same locality was a paradise. He later settled over the
border of Queensland, and has now returned to Belle Vue Oatlands.
A typical old-fashioned Midland dwelling, the Belle Vue homestead is
very interesting. Tile floors of the hall and verandahs are of solid freestone,
most of the wood-work is beautiful cedar, and there are doors opening in and
out of each room, so that one can go right round the house without coming to a
dead-end. This method of construction was adopted so that there would always be
an escape in case of a visit from bushrangers.
The residence stands at the eastern end of Lake Dulverton, about VA
miles' from Oatlands, and following the custom of the early days, it was built
next to a running stream, as there were no tanks to be bad at that time. On one
wing there is a solid stone dairy , with walls 22 inches thick. Mr. John Bacon
was robbed of a good deal of wheat stored in barns, so to prevent these thefts
he built the dairy with a loft on top for housing the wheat. There is a pipe
inserted in the floor of the loft, and through this the wheat was run into
drays, which were backed into the dairy.
When Mr. Bacon bought this
property, in 1851. the best cold-water scoured wool was 6d. a lb., and on one
occasion 5.5d. a lb. Among the furnishings of Belle Vue, most of which are of
cedar with horse-hair upholstery, are large sideboards complete with massive
old-fashioned crockery and silver, and beautiful heavy cutlass ware seldom seen
nowadays. Included is a huge earthenware teapot, purchased by Mrs Beacon in
California in 1856, as a memento of the trip. There is also a blackthorn
walking stick brought from. Ireland in 1833, and a reed walking-stick brought
from England.
Perhaps the most interesting relic, how-ever, is a Colt's muzzle-loading
revolver; silver-mounted, with six chambers. Etched on the revolving chamber is
a detailed picture of a band of
bushrangers holding up a coach. It is complete, with bullet mould, caps and
powder flask, and has been in the family
for 80 years.
Immigrated to Hobart on June 26, 1833.
Father of Eliza (Bacon) Hudson Coop, Anne (Bacon) Soper, Maria (Bacon) Bradshaw, Margarotte (Bacon) Westbrook, Eleanor (Bacon) Bradshaw, Dennis Bacon, James Bacon, and Charles Bacon.
Son of
Dennis Bacon and Martha (Cobb) Bacon.
Married Caroline Kezia Warner on Aug. 11, 1864 in Ross, Tasmania.
Father of Infant Girl (1) Bacon, Annie Amanda (Bacon) Davis, Ada Rose Bacon, Charles William Cobb Bacon, Minnie Elizabeth Bacon (1874-5), Albert Robert Bacon, Infant Girl (5) Bacon, Infant Girl (6) Bacon (1860), and Sarah Edith (Bacon) Webb.
Married Caroline Kezia Warner on Aug. 11, 1864 in Ross, Tasmania.
Father of Infant Girl (1) Bacon, Annie Amanda (Bacon) Davis, Ada Rose Bacon, Charles William Cobb Bacon, Minnie Elizabeth Bacon (1874-5), Albert Robert Bacon, Infant Girl (5) Bacon, Infant Girl (6) Bacon (1860), and Sarah Edith (Bacon) Webb.
Dennis Bacon on Apr. 22, 1827 in Dublin, Ireland.
Immigrated to Hobart on June 26, 1833.
Immigrated to Hobart on June 26, 1833.
Northern Midlands Council, Tasmania, Australia
Northern Midlands Council, Tasmania, Australia
Bradshaw buried
21 Dec
Norfolk, Derwent Valley Council, Tasmania, Australia
21 Jun
1892 (aged 64)
Launceston City, Tasmania, Australia
Southern Midlands Council, Tasmania, Australia
Daughter of Dennis Bacon and
Martha (Cobb) Bacon.
Married John Bradshaw on July 12, 1855 in Ross, Tasmania.
Mother of James George Gregory Bradshaw, Albert William Race Bradshaw, Frederick Charles Bradshaw, Frances Maria "Fanny" (Bradshaw) Bradshaw, Ada Mary Ellen Bradshaw, Norman Percival Dennis Bradshaw, and Louis Henry Bradshaw.
Married John Bradshaw on July 12, 1855 in Ross, Tasmania.
Mother of James George Gregory Bradshaw, Albert William Race Bradshaw, Frederick Charles Bradshaw, Frances Maria "Fanny" (Bradshaw) Bradshaw, Ada Mary Ellen Bradshaw, Norman Percival Dennis Bradshaw, and Louis Henry Bradshaw.
Bacon was a resident of Oatlands, in 1854, living at the Lagoon Farm.
Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 -
1859), Wednesday 13 September 1854, page 3
Another inquest was held on
Thursday by the same Coroner, J. Whitefoord, Esq., on a poor man named Joseph
Newman, in the employ of Mr. John Bacon, at the Lagoon Farm near Oatlands. It
appears that the deceased had been carting dung for some days, and that on
Saturday, having finished work, he was in the act of turning the horses into a
paddock to allow them to run the following day, when he was kicked by one of
them, the injury received leading to death. It is presumed that after taking
off the bridle he had given one of them a friendly slap with it, for he was
found in the paddock by a child of the over-seer's, the horses standing not far
away, and the bridle close beside him. He lingered till Tuesday, but never
spoke after the accident. He was a very steady man, and was particularly
partial to his team. Part of the skull was found to be driven into the brain.
Verdict-Accidental death.
John Bacon became the licensee of the Macquarie
Hotel in Ross, in 1854.
transferred the license in 1859
Hobart Town Daily Mercury (Tas. : 1858 - 1860), Tuesday 15 May 1860, page 2
correspondent.) OATLANDS.
The evidence of the witnesses for the prosecution went to show that on
the morning of the 3rd instant in consequence of some information received by
Mr. Bacon of Bellevue, he went to his barn and discovered that ten bags of
wheat were missing. He immediately sent one of his sons for Mr. C.D.C. Kenny
from Oatlands, and put a second on the track of a cart's wheels, going in the
direction of the Blue Hills where Crealy lives. The prisoners were overtaken
riding in the cart, about three-quarters of a mile from Crealy's house, but the
cart contained nothing else. The wheat was subsequently found secreted in the
bush, about four miles from Crealy's in two different places, five bags being
in one lot and five in another. When the tracks of the cart were discovered
they were traced from the barn, ninety yards along the road in the direction of
Oatlands, then across some of Mr. Bacon's paddocks into the Swanport road, and
along towards the Blue Hills, where the prisoners were over-taken by young
Bacon. The prisoner's footsteps were all plainly visible near the barn.
Mr. Kenny who apprehended the prisoners proved that the width of the cart
track traced from Mr.Bacon's exactly corresponded with the width of' the tyre
of Crealy's cart. He also produced a small quantity of wheat taken from the
bottom of the cart which exactly corresponded with the stolen property and was
identified by Mr. Bacon as belonging to him.
The prisoner Martin was in the employ of Crealy.
When called upon for his defence Crealy made the following statement : I
left the township on the 3rd in a state of liquor and on the road lay down and
fell asleep. When I awoke I found my cart and horses were gone. I followed
their tracks and I came up with the cart on Sandford's run. Martin and
Henderson were in it, and also ten bags of wheat. I said to Martin " this
game won't do, I can't allow my horses to be employed in this way and you must
unload the cart." He did unload the wheat and planted it. I went on, but
was shortly afterwards joined by the prisoners who followed me to my house.
The prisoner Martin fully confessed having with Crealy stolen the wheat
from the barn and planted it.
The female made no defence. The prisoners were all fully committed for
James Bradshaw m
Jane Hay
marriage merged so many families. The
Hay, Triffitt and Bradshaw's all married siblings of each
The Lawitta Church Cemetery at Back River, Magra and Malbina Cemetery were
used predominately for the burials.
Robert Hay
From Scotland to Van Diemen’s Land – A History of Robert
Born on March 31st in Kirkmicael, Scotland in 1774, Robert Hay was the
son of James Hay and Ann (nee Riach). He was the sixth child of James and Ann,
and had three sisters and four brothers
He grew up in Kirkmickael in Perthshire Scotland, where his father was a
gardener, a trade which he entered under his father’s tutelage at a young age.
Work was difficult to find, and times were tough for most of the country
during these years.
In 1798 Robert married Katherine Ogilvy, the daughter of a landowner,
and was provided with lodgings on the property. They had two daughters, Barbara
born in 1798 and Ann in 1801. Whilst Robert dearly loved his family, money was
tight and he struggled to support them.
Needless to say, Robert resorted to crime in attempt to better provide
for the family. In October of 1801 Robert appeared in court in Perth, charged
with stealing 24 sheep. It was alleged that Robert had stolen the sheep and
sold them under the alias of James Colvin. He claimed that he had been asked to
drive the sheep to the Spittal of Glenshee and sell them to either a McHardy or
Fergus Ferguson. He was then to send the money to the owner of the sheep.
Robert was found guilty and sentenced to 14 years and was to be transported to
Robert was then transferred from Perth to the hulk “Prudentia” moored at
Woolwich in the Thames. Here he spent 17 months in horrid, filthy crowded
conditions until the next convict fleet was ready to sail in February of 1803.
One can only imagine the suffering Robert went through, with not being able to
see his wife and two young daughters, and wondering what was to become of them.
February 5th 1803 he was put on the HMS Calcutta, captained by Daniel Woodruff. This fleet was not bound for Botany Bay, but was to form a new settlement at the newly discovered Port Phillip. The fleet was led by Lieutenant Colonel David Collins. During his time on the journey, he became a good friend of Robert Knopwood who was the chaplain on board the Calcutta. Reverend Knopwood would later marry Robert to Maria Hopper Heazlewood in Tasmania.
The fleet
departed England on April 27th 1803 and arrived in Port Phillip on October 9th
1803. Lieutenant Collins was not happy with the site at Port Phillip and
decided to move to Hobart, where a colony was already established. Two trips
were required to move all the people to Hobart, and Robert sailed on the
“Ocean” on the second trip. He was punished with 80 lashes for theft whilst
awaiting the sailing to Hobart. He arrived in Hobart on June 25th 1804.
Calcutta and the Ocean at anchor, Sullivan's Bay, Port Phillip with Arthur's
Seat in the background.[1]
Whilst not much is known of Robert’s time in the colony, he was reported
along with 4 other convicts as missing from Hobart Town on March 24th 1805. It
is believed all five voluntarily returned as conditions were too harsh outside
the settlement. He was listed in the muster roll for 1811 amongst “Settlers who
have been convicts” During the remainder of his time in Van Diemen’s land
following his return in 1805, there are no records of any criminal activity for
Robert, and apart from tardiness in paying some of his bills, he appears to
have become a responsible citizen.
In 1808/09 it was believed that Robert was assigned to William Heazlewood at New Norfolk, who had been granted 30 acres of land at Back River (now Magra).
In 1812 Robert was granted a free pardon and 30 acres of land adjoining
William Heazlewood. In 1815, at the age of 40, Robert married Maria Hopper
Heazlewood, who was the daughter of his neighbour William. At this stage they
already had three children, Mary Ann (born in 1810), Jane (born in 1812) and
William (born in 1814). As mentioned earlier, this ceremony was performed by
Reverend Knopwood, who Robert had become a friend of on the journey from
England. Robert and Maria went on to produce a further 10 children up until
In 1822 Robert was granted a further 60 acres of land at the Back River,
and records show that he also held a grazing lease at the Fat Doe River (now
In 1819 records show that Robert grew wheat and was running 50 male and
50 female cattle as well as 200 male and 200 female sheep. He is also recorded
as having supplied meat to the Government stores. Whilst exact details are
unknown, he served as District Constable of New Norfolk for a period of time.
I often wonder did Robert ever miss his first wife and two daughters,
and would have liked to know what had become of them after he left Scotland all
those years ago.
Notes and Bibliography:
Sims, Peter C., The Norfolk Settlers of Norfolk Island and Van
Diemen’s Land, Quoiba Tas. 1987
State Records Authority of New South Wales; Registers of
Land Grants and Leases; Series: NRS 13836; Item: 7/447;Reel: 2561
Hopper Hay
Maiden Name:
Birth Date:
15 Nov
Birth Place:
Norfolk, Derwent Valley Council, Tasmania, Australia
Death Date:
30 Aug
Death Place:
Derwent Valley Council, Tasmania, Australia
Church Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place:
Derwent Valley Council, Tasmania, Australia
Has Bio?:
Colonial Times (Hobart, Tas. : 1828 - 1857), Tuesday 17 June
1834, page 4
Domestic Intelligence.
A magistrate lately made a complaint to the Government, of a Police
Magistrate improperly employing a field-constable, in the pay of the
Government. In answer to this charge the complainant was told, that the
preferring such frivolous complaints by any in-dividual, were highly
prejudicial, as it might cause his more serious statements to be lightly
regarded. This is one way of answering a complaint; but the Police Magistrate
is a favourite at head-quarters. Now the complaint, frivolous as it was, is as
follows :-A constable was placed at the Back River, New Norfolk, for the
protection of that disturbed neighbour-hood. Mr. Dumaresq called this constable
away from his station, on the ground that the police force was insufficient at
New Norfolk, and, at the very time, the Back River Settlement was deprived of
this protection, another field-police constable, or, as he is called, Mr.
Dumaresq's constable, but who is in the pay of the Government, was employed
driving a horse and cart, and occasionally carting manure from the Court-house
to Mr. Dumaresq's private residence.
Ever since the constable has been
withdrawn from the Back Rive?, numerous outrages have been .committed. So much
for the frivolous com-plaint of a Magistrate. Now for the frivolous complaint
of a private individual. A person lately complained that a constable, named
Buxton, was employed cutting wood for Mr. Dumaresq, at some distance from the
town-ship of New Norfolk, in lieu of attending to his duties in the Police. The
case was investigated; the defence was, that "the man was . cutting wood
for himself-but what "came out on the investigation ?
That Buxton, and an assigned servant of Mr. Dumaresq, were employed
cutting wood-that they carted the wood with Mr. Dumaresq's horse and cart to
his own house, and the wood' was piled in Mr. Dumaresq's yard. But (here's the
gist of the defence) Buxton was allowed to take wood for his own fire from Mr.
Dumaresq's pile, so that he was cutting wood for himself. Capital defence
indeed 1 Why, Buxton is Mr. Dumaresq's own constable, or what may be called his
body guard, and we believe took his meal&, and lived with Mr. Dumaresq's
At all events, if he did not live in the kitchen, we know not where he
did live ! The Police Magistrate, of course, had the best of it, arid when he
arrived back in his principality, wrote a most extraordinary letter to the
Chief' Police Magistrate. But of this more anon.
Bent's News and
Tasmanian Three-Penny Register
(Hobart Town, Tas. : 1836 - 1837), Saturday 14 May 1836, page 4
The case of Dutton v. Triffett, was for the
recovery of a cart and four working bullocks, which had been given to the
plaintiff five years ago by the late Mr. Barnes of the Back River, New Norfolk.
Dutton is a young man who ,was brought up by Mr. Barnes, and about two years
and a half ago when he be tookc himself to the occupation of a whaler, he had
left the cart and bullocks behind him, which were refused to be given up by the
defendant, on the ground that they had been devised to him in the will of Mr..
Barnes, who was his father-in-law, and with whom Mr. Barnes now resides. The
gift of the cart and cattle being clearly ascertained, the verdict was for the
plaintiff accordingly. Damages £60. .
A moiety
has been agreed to be paid of the expense of constructing a chapel at the Back
river, in the district of New Norfolk.
immediately, a person to contract for the erection of a large Stone Building,
at the Back River, New Norfolk—For further particulars apply to Mr. TURNBULL.
New Norfolk, August 17, 1836.
1839 A small Farm of 30 acres at the Back River,
New Norfolk, now in the occupation of Mr. Bradshaw. (for sale)
1850 William Bradshaw Junior was appointed Pound Keeper at Back River
Colonial Times (Hobart, Tas. : 1828 - 1857), Friday 11 May 1855,
page 2
NEW NORFOLK. Saturday. May 5,
Hayes v. Bradshaw-This was another Back
River squabble, brought under the adjudication of the police magistrate,
by information, whereby the plaintiff sought to recover the sum of five
shillings from the defendant for knocking down or removing a portion of a side
line fence on the Sunday previous on his way to the Wesleyan Chapel. From the
evidence, which was of the usual Back River character (which is rather
crooked), it appeared a right of road had existed across a field in the
occupation of plaintiff, who has upon more than one occasion endeavoured to
debar the very peaceable inhabitants of that sylvan spot of its use-it is what
may be called short cut John Collins.
sworn, (but asked for his expenses before giving evidence.
Police Magistrate-.You must look to the parties who summoned you, I
cannot allow expenses.)-Remembered the day in question, and seeing Bradshaw
cross the field and remove the fence as complained of, he broke through it, or
pulled it out, it was a dead log fence with wattle boughs on the top ; he
removed enough to enable him to pass through, the fence could be repaired again
in five minutes. Police Magistrate (after giving the case and it's not very
bright instigators a most patient hearing) remarked-The case had been brought before
him upon a previous occasion, (the evidence in that investigation was produced
and handed to the police magistrate for perusal), and it was much to be
regretted the in-habitants of the Back River could not live in a more peaceable
manner; their quarrels would occupy half the time of a police magistrate. And
upon that occasion it was decided a right of road)' then existed, which
plaintiff could not take away ; besides it appeared Mr. Bradshaw had used no
more violence, or removed any greater portion of the fence than was absolutely
necessary for him to pass. By plaintiff's own witnesses no more damage was done
than would take fire minutes to repair. Case dismissed.
Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Thursday 27 March 1856,
page 2Murder at New Norfolk.-On Saturday evening last, about 6 o'clock, two men named Patrick Fallon and John Curtis, both in the employ of Mr. Bradshaw, farmer, at the Back River, New Norfolk, left their master's premises, where they had been for rations, for their hut, about one mile and a half from the farm. A short time after they had readied their hut they disagreed about the rations, and fought a round or two inside. They subsequently went into the open air and renewed the contest, when Curtis pulled a knife out of his pocket, and stabbed Fallon several times m the lower part of the, abdomen.
After being struck, the unfortunate man got away from Curtis, and made the best of his way to another hut, about half a mile distant He was met on the road by one of Mr. Shone's men, who assisted him to the but in question, kept by a man named Weekes, who refused admission to the deceased.
Fallon lay down outside the door while Shone's man went for further assistance, and to inform Curtis, being ignorant that Curtis was cognizant of the circumstance that his fellow servant was hurt He met Mr. Bradshaw and Curtis proceeding to Weekes' hut, and they (Mr. Bradshaw and his servant) carried Fallon to the house, and Dr. Moore was sent for directly.
The doctor remained with the deceased for three hours, and then left deceased and Curtis in charge of the Chief District Constable, Fallon having stated several times in his presence, that he had been stabbed by Curtis. Dr. Moore returned on Sunday morning with Dr. 'Officer and the Police Magistrate of the district, who remained with the deceased until one o'clock in the afternoon, when, after making his dying declaration, be expired.
A coroner's inquest was held on the body of the deceased, at the house of Mr. Shone, Back River, on Monday, before W. Tarleton, Esq., and the following respectable jury, namely, Messrs. Shoebridge, (foreman), Griffiths, Russell, Smith, Allwright, Newburn, and Moray, when verdict of " wilful murder" was returned against John Curtis, who stands committed for trial accordingly. The man Weekes, who refused admission to the deceased, was severely reprimanded for his inhumanity.
Robert Hay Contemporary research
Contemporary research This research is online.
[@1773 –
1839} Carrier, aged 28, of Alyth, Scotland. Literate.
Calcutta to Australia. Hay remained at Port Phillip to assist Lieut.
Sladden’s group during the removal. The Ocean
log reported that while there he had a conviction for theft and received 80
He attended the
Hobart musters in 1811, 1818 and 1819. He received an absolute pardon in
February 1812 and a land grant from Gov. Macquarie from Jones Springs to the
Fat Doe River run at Elizabeth Town, New Norfolk, By the following year he was
growing mostly wheat crops and running 50 male and 50 female cattle, 200 male
sheep. and 200 ewes. He employed a government servant and a free man and
supplied the Commissariat with meat.
In March 1805 he
was among those whom Knopwood reported were missing for three months and who
saw a Tasmanian tiger. [They returned voluntarily after three months, convinced
life in the bush could not be sustained without receiving assistance from the
settlers]. Possibly
[definitely] assigned to William Hazlewood,
Back River in 1811. In 1812 Gov Macquarie granted him a free pardon. 1813
received a grant of 30 acres from Gov Macquarie, next door to William
Hazlewood. Both grants are dated 20th Sept 1813. Quit rent was set
at one shilling. By 1813 he was a constable in the New Norfolk District and
gave evidence at the case against Denis McCarty when the local inhabitants
expressed their distrust in his business methods.
Robert Hay obtained his ticket of leave
Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Wednesday 10 November 1948, page 2
Mrs SUSANNAH HAY Tasmania's oldest woman, who died
at Hobart yesterday, had 10 children, 37 grandchildren, and 18
WIDOW of Mr. Isaac John Hay, formerly of New
Norfolk and Pontville, Mrs. Hay was 103 last June.
Born at Bream Creek, a daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. A. Eaton, Mrs. Hay lived for some years at New Norfolk after her marriage.
She then went to live at Bagdad and later to Pontville. The funeral tomorrow
afternoon will leave her residence at Pontville for St. Mark's Church and the
Pontville cemetery.
Three of Mrs. Hay's 10 children died in infancy.
Surviving daughters are Mesdames T. Hughes (Sydney), M. Campbell (New Zealand),
J. J. Dickson (Snug), C. Manning (Pontville), and W. Pearson (Queenstown).
Last year, while she was living with Mrs. Dickson
at Snug, Mrs. Hay had a slight seizure but she re-covered in time for a family
reunion, in honour- of the 102nd anniversary of her birth.
1832 William Bradshaw Theft
Edward Fowler was found guilty of stealing wearing
apparel, which was hung to dry on the :
fence of
Mr. William. Bradshaw, of the Back River, and received sentence of imprisonment
and hard
labour in Hobart Town Jail, for twelve calendar months.
Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Tuesday 6 May
1873, page 2
columns contain to-day an announcement of the death in her seventieth year of
Mrs. Jane Bradshaw, relict of the late Wm. Bradshaw, of Back River, New
Norfolk. The deceased lady claimed to have been not only the first white female
born in the colony, but the first child of European parents born after the
landing of the passengers of the ship Lady Nelson in 1803. While that vessel
was in the river, and before landing, a son was born to Dr. Bowden, who was
about a month the senior of Mrs. Bradshaw. The deceased lady was the mother of
sixteen children, of whom seven survive her, and her grandchildren number
between thirty and forty.
1909 A
well-known Tasmania sportsman, Mr William Bradshaw, passed away at his
residence, Hodge Farm, Back River, New Norfolk, on Tuesday last. Mr Bradshaw
had been in indifferent health for some time past, and he succumbed to haemorrhage
of the lungs, lie was the owner of the well-known horse Gold wing, which has
run with varying success on all the Southern racecourses of late
William Hazelwood (1748 – 1836)
Contemporary ResearchWilliam was born in 1748 and baptised on the 17th June 1748 in Mollington, Oxfordshire. His parents being, Thomas Hazlewood and Hannah Hayward. He was the youngest child and had four known siblings, Elizabeth Hazlewood 1743, Mary Hazlewood 1744, and Anna Maria Hazlewood 1747. He also had an older brother also confusingly named William who was born in 1745 and baptised on the 17th November 1745 but who died as an infant of one year and was buried in Mollington on the 13th April 1746. (This has proven very confusing for researchers trying to find the right William).
Thomas and Hannah were married 25th April 1742 in the village of Moreton Morrell
If ever there was a person who was born it seems to bump from one blighted tragedy to the next, I reckon William must have been a decent contender. The child who was named for a dead brother was barely a year old when his own father met his demise at the tragically young age of 35 in the October of 1749. His mother Hannah was left with four children to raise the eldest being only six years of age.
The village of Mollington was and remains a small hamlet in landlocked Oxfordshire where the primary occupation was agriculture. It can be safely assumed that William’s father Thomas was a Labourer employed in this area. How Hannah got on after the death of her husband one can only wonder and figure that she would have been reliant on the support of her family in the village.
On the 15th March 1790, forty-two-year-old William fronted the Maidstone, Kent Assizes and was convicted of stealing a bay mare. He was sentenced to seven years’ transportation to the very distant, remote, and barely colonised Australia. In fact, so remote and far away that William managed to get himself written into history by his inclusion on the third fleet of convicts to the colonies. It was only a mere handful of years since Captain Cook himself had sailed into Botany Bay. I’m sure that at the time William probably didn’t see the historical value of his impending journey.
On the 27th March 1791 after a year in Gaol waiting, William was transported from Plymouth in Devon by the ship “The William and Ann” to Port Jackson. One of seven ships in the third fleet. On the 28th August 1791, the ship sailed into Port Jackson in Sydney Cove and William disembarked into the late and temperate winter season with spring just on the cusp. He wasn’t to linger long and by September he once again was aboard a ship, in this case it was the Salamander and he was enroute to his new home on the new settlement of the isolated Norfolk Island to the north.
The rush to populate vs perish and settle these new lands was in full swing and before he’d even had time to see a decent summer on the 5th November of the same year he was married off to his new bride and fellow convict 37 year old Elizabeth Hopper. Elizabeth had already been on Norfolk Island for a year before William arrived. The fact that Elizabeth and William had left their first families behind in merry old England and Scotland was conveniently discarded and their nuptial presided over by the Rev. Johnson on Norfolk Island. Elizabeth herself had also just arrived in the colonies so whether William was the love of her life is dubious at best.
Miss Elizabeth Hopper
I have an obscure reference to Elizabeth Hopper hailing from the village of Lady on the island of Sanday on the Orkney Islands of Scotland. This must just remain an obscure reference now until I can gain better proof of this. By 1787 what is certain is that Elizabeth was living in London in England and was tried at the London Old Bailey sessions for stealing. As to more of her background at this stage I am not yet informed. Elizabeth ended up in London Gaol sentenced to 7 years’ transportation.
Records as follows: –
ELIZABETH HOPPER was indicted for stealing, on the 5th of October, one piece of muslin, containing, in length, two yards and a quarter, value 4 s. the property of Anthony Twydell .
I am apprentice to Mr. Twydell; on the 5th of October last, the prisoner and two other women came into my master’s shop together, and looked at different prints, they liked none; they then looked at remnants, and bid 20 d. for what cost 2 s. 8 d.
They then talked concerning how much would make the child, which the prisoner had in her arms, a frock; I took one piece, consisting of a yard and quarter of muslin, and folded it out of the rest; I was on the other side, and said, I thought they were thieves, the prisoner then went out, and the other two followed:
When they went out our man followed them, and took from the other two women, two pieces of muslin: I did not see him take them; he is not here; and he brought them all back into the shop; and when the prisoner came back, I saw her drop that piece mentioned in the indictment, containing two yards and a quarter of muslin dimity; it was measured and marked at the time, and the constable has had it ever since; his name is Williams; she had a long red cloak on, and it fell before her from under her cloak, the other women were in the shop at the time, and one of them took the child from her; I am positive that it was she that dropped it; they had not purchased anything;
I sent for a constable, and said they should all go to the Compter; she said she was sorry to part with her child; on the 6th they were examined before the Lord Mayor, and the prisoner escaped, and the others were discharged, because she could not be taken again; she was taken again on the 14th; I am positive she is the woman.
(The property proved.)
I took the prisoner in Mr. Twydell’s shop; this piece of muslin was given me with her, I have kept it ever since.
The woman in the shop in the black cloak dropped the muslin from under her cloak.
GUILTY . 12 December 1787
Transported for seven years .
Tried by the London Jury before Mr. ROSE
Old Bailey Online
Whether Elizabeth was married in England and Hopper was her married name? I am yet not certain.
It's possible she had a child who was left behind in England when she was transported. Elizabeth was around 35 when she left England. Elizabeth Hopper was transported aboard the Lady Juliana which was also given the rather insalubrious moniker of ‘the floating brothel’.
The Lady Juliana was the first of the Second Fleet ships to arrive in Port Jackson on the 6th June 1790. She departed England in 1789 with a cargo of 226 female convicts. She took a remarkable 309 days to reach Port Jackson. One of the slowest journeys made by a convict ship. She called in at Tenerife and St Jago enroute and spent forty-five days at Rio de Janeiro and nineteen days at the Cape of good Hope. Unlike the other ships in the second fleet the women on the Lady Juliana were treated very well and given fresh rations when available.
This was largely since there was an attitude of each man aboard being able to take a ‘willing wife’ from amongst the ladies for the duration of the journey.
They were free to move around openly and it was remarked that the sailors made no attempt to suppress their licentious activity with the convicts. The Doctor on board kept the women in good health with only five dying throughout the journey. There were also a considerable number of babies born on this journey. Upon their arrival in Port Jackson the nearly starving colonists greeted this first shipload of useless women from the second fleet with open disdain. It had been over two years since they had had supplies or news from England and it was food and seed and supplies that they had looked for not a cargo load of more to be fed and victualled. This was quickly rectified a few days later when the Justinian sailed into Port Jackson with the much-needed supplies.
Within a week or so the remainder of the Second Fleet sailed into Port Jackson. The drought which had affected the growth of their first crops broke and soon the colony was growing enough food to feed themselves. Before long the Hawkesbury land was opened and it became the food bowl for the colony. The ships steward John Nicol as an older man recalled a fascinating account of the voyage which makes for a detailed description of the journey.
Furthermore, I recommend you read Sian Rees book, The Floating Brothel. It is a truly descriptive and engaging read. a documentary from Timewatch, “The Floating Brothel“ which documents the story of the women aboard the Lady Juliana and gives insight into the life that its inhabitants were living on her journey to the colonies. Most of the female cargo of the Lady Julian were convicted as petty thieves and prostitutes. Whatever society may have thought of them, they were certainly resilient and went on to be the early pioneering women who were the mothers to our nation in its early days. There is a physical memorial to the women of the Lady Juliana in the gardens of Wallabadah in New South Wales. This originally was opened with a rather impressive set of gardens and memorials to the first fleeter but this was extended in 2009 to the second fleeter as well. A stone memorial has the names engraved of the women aboard ‘the floating brothel.’
William and Elizabeth had it would appear a few years of married life together before they were blessed with the news that a baby would soon be born toward the end of the year. On the 15th November 1795, almost four years to the day of their marriage, little Maria Hopper- Hazelwood came into the world. Tragically it would appear Elizabeth died on either the day of birth or not long after and was subsequently buried and William cast with the role of sole provider for the tiny infant.
Throughout the time that William was living on Norfolk Island he was frequently ‘on the stores’ or receiving victuals from the colony store. This was common on Norfolk Island among the settlers. He was granted five acres of land on Norfolk Island on the 1st November 1803. He would later be recompensed for this when they were resettled in Van Diemen’s Land.
William was on the last ship of the fleet out of Norfolk Island with Maria on the City of Edinburgh. One of the interesting things about those aboard the City of Edinburgh was that they were mostly very reluctant to leave Norfolk Island. To the point where in many cases they had to be rounded up from the surrounding bush where they had disappeared to and forced to board and evacuate the island. I kind of like the idea of William hiding out in the bush with a wee grubby-faced Maria, refusing to be ‘moved on’.
When William and his daughter Maria were resettled in New Norfolk in Tasmania in 1808 they continued to be supplied by the stores for some years. Life was very tough on the tiny island and very little was in place to receive them. They were on the fifth embarkation from Norfolk Island and sailed to Van Diemen’s land aboard the City of Edinburgh. Apparently, the trip that took around a month to get to the southern isle was through poor conditions and wretched weather. The complaints of those aboard were loud and frequent. They arrived on an isle where supplies were not in good order and a rapid influx of persons had taken the tiny population in the greatest apace of time to over 1000. Those disembarking the City of Edinburgh were remarked to be in a desperate state and some of them near naked in remnants of apparel.
Eventually William established a small holding for himself where he farmed on the Back River are of the Derwent and this would one day make up Maria’s inheritance. It would also be where William and Elizabeth’s daughter Maria would meet her husband fellow convict Robert Hay. To date I’ve not been able to find any reference to William remarrying or having any more children. At his death, his only family were listed as his daughter Maria and her husband Robert Hay.
William Hazlewood
William Hazlewood, Convict, William
& Ann 1791Tried: 15 March 1790 Maidstone, Kent. Sentence: 7 years transportation.
He arrived on Norfolk Island in Sept 1791 aboard the Salamander.
In 1792 William Hambly (Carpenters mate, Sirius 1788) was granted 60 acres on the South side of the Cascade Run, with a rent of one shilling a year commencing after five years being Lot 45, this land was located near Phillipsburgh today known as Cascade in the area around New Cascade Road and Harper’s Road Norfolk Island. This land was sold for £100 to Arthur Robinson in October 1798. The grant was sold to Arthur Robinson in Oct 1798 for £100; the land was sold again by William Mitchell in smaller parcels on 1 November 1802:
- 10 acres for £18 to Richard Wilson.
- 5 acres for £35 to William Hazlewood.
- 15 acres for £55 to Zachariah Sponsford.
- 25 acres for £75 to Robert Cox. [1]
Hazlewood (name as John) with unnamed
child (Maria) left Norfolk Island for Hobart aboard the City of
Edinburgh in Sept 1808, which from ‘Norfolk she sailed with 254
passengers, with their property, for Hobart, where she arrived the 5th of
October, with a very acceptable supply of salt provisions shipped here by
Government for the use of His Majesty’s Settlement at Hobart Town.[2]
William Hazlewood: Living at Hobart
1818 William Hazlewood: Hobart, on stores
William died 9 Dec 1836 New Norfolk, age 88 years
1818 William Hazlewood: Hobart, on stores
William died 9 Dec 1836 New Norfolk, age 88 years
Child of
William Hazlewood and Elizabeth Hopper
- Maria
HOPPER, born 15 Nov 1796 Norfolk Island.
was baptised 30 May 1802 Norfolk Island by Rev Fulton with parents
recorded as William Hazlewood and Elizabeth Hopper.
1802 Maria Hopper, Child over 10 years, on stores.
1805 Maria Hopper: Child above 10 years and orphans, on stores.
1806 Maria Hopper: Orphan child on 2/3 rations.
Maria Hopper married Robert Hay, 20 Nov 1815 St David’s Hobart
1802 Maria Hopper, Child over 10 years, on stores.
1805 Maria Hopper: Child above 10 years and orphans, on stores.
1806 Maria Hopper: Orphan child on 2/3 rations.
Maria Hopper married Robert Hay, 20 Nov 1815 St David’s Hobart
Marriages on Norfolk Island Nov 1791
City of Edinburgh 1808, individuals not holding land
People of the City of Edinburgh 1808
Convicts aboard the City of Edinburgh 1808 from Norfolk Island to VDL
City of Edinburgh 1808 to Hobart Town passenger numbers
City of Edinburgh 1808 Norfolk Island
2nd and 3rd Fleeters aboard the City of Edinburgh from Norfolk Island to Hobart Town in Sept 1808
[2] Sydney Gazette, 13 November 1808, p. 1.
Cite this article as: Cathy Dunn,
'William Hazlewood and Maria Hopper, City of Edinburgh 1808', Australian
History Research, http://www.australianhistoryresearch.info/william-hazlewood-and-maria-hopper-city-of-edinburgh-1808/, accessed [June 2018]
Back River Cemetery
Information from Gravesites of Tasmania
Back River Methodist
Built in
1837 to cater to the large community living at Back River .
The most striking feature of this church is the windows which really are
not windows at all but what is known as “Blind Gothic” and are usually seen in
churches in England
Many names seen on headstones in the cemetery such as Triffitt, Clark,
Maddox and Rayner are still known in the district today
Amelia Margaret
Thomas John
There are 15
headstones in
this cemetery
Family of Robert Hay New Norfolk
and Mary's Children
1. William Hay b 1795 Norfolk Island m Ann Banks
2. Barbara Hay b 1798 m Robert Wedderburn
3. Jane Hay 1812
m John Norris Ireland Buried
4. William Hazlewood Hay 1816 m Ann Banks
5. John Hay
1816 m Sophia Morgan
6. Robert Hay 1818 married Clara Rebecca Abel
and Emma Jane Rodgers. Buried at the
Back River Methodist.
Hopper Hazelwood (1795-1880)
Rebecca Abel (1824-1850)
Married 1843 |
Jane Rodgers (1839-1914)
Married 1859 |
Rachel Amy Maria Hay (1862-1947)new Caroline Matilda Hay (1864-1914)new Elizabeth Emmeline Amelia Hay(1867-1950)new Mary Ann Selina Maud Hay (1869-1961)new Rhoda Ruth Janette Hay (1871-1958)new Ada Alberta Phoebe Hay (1873-1941)new Oliver Thomas Robert Hay (1877-1936)new Sidney Walter Edward Hay (1887-)new |
Hunter Hay 1844 m Kate Collins
James Hay 1847
Matilda Hay 1849 m
Thomas Tate
Johnson Hay 1850 m Ann
Second marriage
1. Alice Annie Jane Hay married John
Thomas Triffitt
was the son of John Frederick Triffitt and Elizabeth Hay
Hay was the daughter of Robert Hay and Maria Hazlewood
Frederick Triffitt was the son of Robert Hay and Maria Hopper Hazlewood
Rachel Amy Maria Hay 1862 m John Maurice
He was the son of John Oakley and
Mary Ann White. What an interesting life
they had, and their children all intermarried in the Hay and Kingshott Families
Mary Ann and John moved out to ‘Black Hills’
Macquarie Plains, New Norfolk to start their lives together and raise a
family. They didn’t waste any time and the following April 1855
their first child Hannah (Annie) Oakley being born at Macquarie
Plains. A son, Edward Arthur Oakley born in New Norfolk in 1856. John
Morrice Oakley Macquarie Plains in 1857. Sarah Ann Oakley, New
Norfolk 1859, James Oakley in Hamilton 1861. A daughter Elizabeth Margaret Oakley born on the 25th April 1863 but dies a year later on the 2nd May 1864. Mary Jane Oakley born in September of the same year, 1864 at Hamilton. Thomas Francis Oakley born October 1866 in New Norfolk. Their final child Alfred George Oakley born in Macquarie Plains in 1869. Nine children with eight surviving childhood.
John and Mary Ann took up farming and whom should the younger people meet up with but the nearby Kingshott’s and Hay families all of whom inter-marry into the Oakley family.
Caroline Matilda Hay 1864 m William Walter Parsons
Elizabeth Emma Emmaline Hay 1867 m Alfred Henry Manser. She died in Victoria
Mary Ann Selina Hay 1869 m
Gerald Ahern
6. Rhonda Ruth Janet Hay m Wallace Brownlow
7. Ada Alberta Phoebe Hay 1873
m Henry Albert Young He was the son of Thomas Henry Young
Thomas Henry Young was the son of John Young
and Maria Hay.
Oliver Thomas Robert Hay 1877
7. James Hay b 1821
married Mary Triffitt She was the
daughter of Thomas Triffitt and
They had
5 children die in infancy and two who died as teenagers.
Hay (1774-1839)
Hopper Hazelwood (1775-1880)
Triffitt (1820-1893)
Married 1841 |
Susannah (1840-) Matilda Elizabeth (1842-1843) Emma Amelia (1844-) Rebecca Ruth (1845-1870) Arthur William (1851-1916) Georgina Frances (1853-) Frederick Thomas Mylam (1856-1856) Henry Joseph (1857-) Oliver Charles Asia (1861-1862) |
2. Arthur William Hay
married Annie Maria Young.
was the daughter of Maria Hay and James Young.
Hay was the daughter of Robert Hay and Elizabeth Hopper Hazlewood
Elizabeth Hay 1823 m John Frederick Triffitt.
10. Caroline
Hay 1828 m Benjamin Brooks
Thomas Hay 1832 m
Catherine Lynch m Mary Squires
(Victoria) Camberdown Cemetery
12. Ann Hay
1835 m Samuel William Triffitt
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