Arrival in Tasmania
Landing at Sullivans Cove
Landing by Governor David Collins, Feb 29 1804. Small vessel is 'Lady Nelson', large vessel is the ship 'Ocean'. Maritime Museum of Tasmania.
Landing by Governor David Collins, Feb 29 1804. Small vessel is 'Lady Nelson', large vessel is the ship 'Ocean'. Maritime Museum of Tasmania.
at Sullivan's Cove 1804
Janet Patterson and
her Brothers
Trying to locate the parents of
some of the branches of the Jillett/Bradshaw Family Tree is quite difficult.
Janet Patterson is another, along
with Mary Higgins, whose parentage is either unknown, or incorrect.
Janet Patterson married Samuel
Gunn, and they had children.
Most contemporary researchers
indicate that she was born in 1780 and the daughter of William Joseph
Patterson, who married Elizabeth Fielder in 1803, and Elizabeth must be another
While that might be a good
position to accept it is far from the truth.
Then research indicated that
Janet Patterson arrived with William Patterson and his wife on the
Calcutta. The First Fleeters acknowledge
that arrival, along with her brothers Frederick and William.
Two William Patterson's arrived
in Van Diemen's Land, one was none other than Col. William Patterson, who was
appointed the Governor of the Colony. He
had served some time on Norfolk Island, and did not have a very good
reputation, as numerous records indicate.
Col. Patterson has an entry in
the Biographies of England, and is mentioned numerous time in matters in
Australia. He came up against Captain
Bligh, and his mutiny.
Col Patterson like his rum, and
there are reports of his being drunk, and not carrying out his duties.
He died in 1810, enroute to
Col William Patterson first arrived with the
On the
25th of October, the Surprise transport arrived from England, having on board
sixty female, and twenty-three male convicts, some stores and provisions, and
three settlers for the colony. By this vessel advice was brought that
Governor Hunter, with the Reliance and Supply, (two ships intended to be
employed in procuring cattle for the colony,) might be expected to arrive in
about three months. It was also stated, that, the two natives in England were
in good health, but they had made very little improvement in the English
language. On the 15th of December, the lieutenant governor and his family
went on board the Daedalus to return to England, and with him embarked Mr.
White, the principal surgeon of the colony; the Rev. Mr. Bain, the chaplain;
Mr. Laing, assistant surgeon of the settlement; three soldiers, two women and
nine men, The master of the transport had permission to ship twelve men and
two women, whose term of transportation had expired.
Previous to the lieutenant-governor's
departure, such convicts as were confined in the cells, or who were under
orders for punishment, were set at liberty; several small portions of land
were granted to such soldiers as had made application for them ; and some
leases of town lots were given. The direction of the colony during the
absence of the governor and lieutenant governor devolving spon the officer
highest in rank then in the colony, Captain William Paterson, of the New
South Wales corps, took the oaths prescribed by his majesty's letters patent
for the person who should so assume the government of the settlement.
on 21 October, 2017 at 21:20
As the son of a gardener from near Glamis Castle in Scotland, Paterson’s first love was botany. And it was as a botanist he spent several early years in South Africa collecting plants and sending them back to England. He was sponsored by the Countess of Strathmore who had an interest in botany and associated with luminaries, such as Sir Joseph Banks, the president of the Royal Society.
In 1789, Paterson actually published a journal based on his African trip, entitled, ‘Narrative Of Four Journeys into the Country of Hottentots and Caffraria’, and he dedicated this book to Banks rather than his patron, the Countess, as she had lost control of her fortune to a new husband who refused to reimburse Paterson for debts incurred on her behalf in Africa.
Paterson was now broke and professionally embarrassed and instead of a career as a botanist, he joined the army as an ensign and went to India. He continued his correspondence with Sir Joseph Banks and wrote of further specimens he had acquired from the sub-continent region. He was promoted to Lieutenant while there and later in 1789 when he returned to England, he was promoted to Captain in the New South Wales Corps. He sailed to join the Corps in 1891, where he was immediately given command of Norfolk Island.
He continued to collect and send botanic and insect samples to Banks, until he returned to Sydney in 1793. Here he continued his botanic habit and also attempted to cross The Blue Mountains, but like so many others, he was unsuccessful. He also became second in command of the NSW Corps and when his boss, Major Francis Grose left Sydney, Paterson assumed command of the colony in an administrative role until Governor John Hunter arrived 9 months later.
It was during this time that the NSW Corps became an almost evil entity in its own right.
Paterson was not a strong leader and bowed down to his junior officers. He gave out land grants to all and sundry and did nothing to control the empire building or illegal activities relating to the rum trade of those under his command. When Hunter arrived, the new Governor was unable to repair the damage Paterson had allowed to grow and the NSW Corps continued to fester.
Paterson meanwhile, was promoted to Major and in 1795 returned to England on sick leave. His botanic interested continued in England where he liaised with Banks regarding which trees and plants would do well in the Colony, and in 1798 was promoted once more, to Lieutenant Colonel and elected as a fellow to the Royal Society. In the scientific community, this was almost as good as a knighthood.
But he was still a soldier, and in 1799 was sent back to the colony at Sydney Town with orders to investigate the activities of NSW Corps officers trading in spirits, rum, to control it and repair the good name of the NSW Corps. In retrospect, it seems to some that Paterson was sent back to investigate conditions that had their gestation while Paterson himself was in charge!
He became highly critical of Hunter’s governing, complaining to Sir Joseph Banks of the excessive importation of spirits and the high cost of living. Even the Irish were threatening an armed coup!
Governor Philip Gidley King replaced Governor Hunter and Paterson was appointed Lieutenant Governor but the controversies continued. In 1801 John Macarthur, the man who introduced the Spanish Merino to colonial Australia, also a member of the NSW Corps, had a to-do with Paterson based on letters containing volatile information between the wives of the above gentlemen. Paterson challenged Macarthur to a duel, which resulted in Paterson being wounded and Macarthur being arrested and sent back to England. All very dramatic!
Paterson was still non-confrontational with officers of the NSW Corps, even though his was generally honourable in his activities, which included continuing to collect and catalogue specimens from the Hawkesbury region. His health however was deteriorating and in 1803 was relieved of his duties to convalesce.
Then, in 1804, following instructions from London who were concerned that the French were showing a keen interest in establishing a presence in the region, Paterson was chosen to lead a settling party to Northern Van Dieman’s Land.
In late 1804, 50-year-old Paterson established as beach-head at Georgetown, and then Yorktown, both of which were unsuitable for settling, so in 1806 he moved down to the confluence of the North and South Esk Rivers at Patersonia, which he quickly changed to Launceston.
The weather and rough conditions took their toll on Paterson’s health, but he kept his botanist eye open and collected many more specimens back to Banks, and even found a great outcrop of iron near Port Dalrymple.
The turmoil in Sydney town continued with Governor Bligh being arrested by the NSW Corps. He was called in 1808 to return to Sydney and take over, but ill health and the possible arrival of a new governor were his excuses for not taking up the top job. He eventually left Port Dalrymple in 1809 for Sydney and took command.
He was not a strong leader, with his health keeping him under medical care at Parramatta for most of the time, and the group of officers that had thrown Bligh out were really running the show. When Gov Lachlan Macquarie arrived he described Paterson as ‘such an easy, good natured, thoughtless man, that he latterly granted lands to almost every person who asked’. William Paterson was quite unsuitable for the position in such a precipitous time.
After Macquarie arrived, Patterson left with the NSW Corps for England, but in May 1810, he died at sea off Cape Horn.
Paterson was a scientist first and a soldier second and a leader last. He was in contact with leading scholars in England for most of his time and a number of specimens he sent back are still on display at the Natural History Museum in South Kensington, London. He introduced the peach to the colony, and planted a Bonaparte pear tree in the governors garden which is now located in City Park, Launceston. The tree no longer produces fruit, but still stands tall in the park.
Incidentally, his wife Elizabeth was refused a pension after he died and was ordered to repay 200- pounds that he had paid in public salaries without authority!
In March 1814 she married Mr Grose, but he died 2 months later in May. She remained close friends with the Macarthurs and died herself in 1839.
An Official
William Paterson, (1755–1810) by David S. Macmillan
This article was published in Australian Dictionary of
Biography, Volume
2, (MUP), 1967
William Paterson (1755-1810), soldier, explorer and lieutenant-governor,
was born on 17 August 1755 in Scotland. As a boy he became keenly interested in
botany and in 1777, through the patronage of Lady Strathmore, he was enabled to
visit South Africa. He made four journeys into the interior; after he returned
in 1780 he prepared an account of his experiences, entitled Narrative of
Four Journeys into the Country of the Hottentots and Caffraria, which he
published and dedicated to Sir Joseph Banks in 1789.
In 1781 Paterson became an ensign in the 98th Regiment. He served in
India and next year wrote to Banks about specimens from the island of Johanna
and his hopes of further finds on the Malabar coast. In 1783 he took part in
the siege of Carour (Karur) and was promoted lieutenant. After the regiment was
disbanded in 1785, he returned to England and in 1787 was transferred to the
73rd Regiment. In June 1789 he was gazetted captain in the New South Wales
Corps, probably owing his appointment to Banks. After spending some months
recruiting he sailed for Sydney and arrived in October 1791. He was immediately
given command of the detachment on Norfolk Island, where he served from
November 1791 until March 1793.
While there he collected and sent home botanical, geological and insect
specimens for Banks, and in 1794 discussed with him the publication of his
memoranda on the natural history of Norfolk Island. Meanwhile in September 1793
he had led an expedition to find a route through the Blue Mountains; he failed,
but named the Grose River and discovered several plants new to Europeans. He
became second-in-command of the New South Wales Corps at the same time, and
when Major Francis Grose left the colony in December 1794 Paterson acted as
administrator until Governor John Hunter arrived nine months later. During this term he granted
4965 acres (2009 ha) of land and made no attempt, either then or after Hunter
assumed office, to check or to control the trading and farming activities of
his officers or the propensity of the troops under his command to take the law
into their hands when they felt aggrieved. In 1795 he was promoted major and
next year went home on sick leave. While in England he advised Banks on plants
and trees for the colony and in 1798 was gazetted lieutenant-colonel and
elected a fellow of the Royal Society. In March 1799 he was ordered to return
to Sydney, with specific instructions to investigate the officers' trading in
spirits, to check this practice and so to restore the 'sullied' credit of the
British officer.
He reached Sydney in November 1799 and became extremely critical of the
last phase of Hunter's administration. He complained to Banks of the excessive
importation of spirits, the high prices of commodities, and the threat of armed
insurrection by the Irish convicts. When Governor Philip Gidley King succeeded Hunter he appointed Paterson
lieutenant-governor. In July 1801, in the controversies over the trial of
Lieutenant James Marshall, R.N., Paterson supported John Macarthur and his officers, but disagreed with Macarthur's
suggestion that the officers should break off social relations with the governor.
A quarrel developed between Paterson and Macarthur, in which the
lieutenant-governor alleged that Macarthur had disclosed information contained
in a private letter written by Mrs Paterson to Mrs Elizabeth Macarthur, and in September Paterson challenged Macarthur to
a duel. Paterson was wounded in the shoulder, and Macarthur was sent to England
under arrest. King complained that though Paterson was critical of Macarthur,
and 'whenever he acts from his own sentiments he does what is justly right and
honourable', he would not strongly oppose the officers of the regiment; as a
result relations between the two deteriorated and, though they preserved an
outward appearance of friendship for the sake of the government, they found
renewed causes of friction in the behaviour of the officers towards Nicolas Baudin and in the publication of 'pipes' allegedly
libelling the governor.
At first Paterson had kept up his scientific interests, collecting
plants from the Hawkesbury in 1799, seeking coal there in 1800 and exploring
the Hunter River in 1801 with Lieutenant James Grant, but his health steadily deteriorated and during
the first half of 1803 he had to be relieved of his duties.
In May 1804 instructions were received from London that a new settlement
should be founded at Port Dalrymple in Van Diemen's Land and that Paterson
should be put in charge of it. After an attempt made abortive by bad weather,
Paterson sailed from Sydney on 15 October with a detachment of soldiers and
seventy-five convicts to found this outpost. He first selected a site at
Western Arm, which he named York Town; in 1806 he formed a new settlement on
the present site of Launceston but, though frequently there, he kept his headquarters
at York Town. Paterson and his party experienced many difficulties, including
shortage of supplies, and the hardships told on Paterson's health, but the
commandant showed a keen eye for the natural resources of the island, as usual
sent specimens to Banks, and noted the great outcrop of iron ore near Port
Dalrymple, which he reported to King. 'If I had carts', he wrote, 'I could load
the whole navy of Great Britain'. He believed that the new settlement, with its
iron deposits, could become a special punishment colony for unruly convicts,
'by working them in irons, like they do in the mines in many parts of the
world'. For lack of mining and quarrying tools nothing came of Paterson's
suggestion, and he was not able to explore the outcrop further.
In February 1808 he received news from Major George Johnston, the officer commanding in Sydney, that Governor William Bligh had been arrested. Paterson ordered H.M.S. Porpoise
to proceed to Port Dalrymple so that he could sail for Sydney, but he was
reluctant to become involved in the doings of the provisional government.
Though he insisted on his right to office as lieutenant-governor, he used the
excuses of his poor health, and the possible arrival of a successor from
England, to postpone his departure for Sydney despite repeated and urgent
requests from Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Foveaux that he should take command. He finally left Port
Dalrymple on 1 January 1809 and assumed office in Sydney nine days later. He
refused to reinstate Bligh when pressed by him to do so, but he insisted that
Bligh and Johnston should return to England. In poor health and drinking
heavily, Paterson was a weak ruler. He spent most of the year at Parramatta as
an invalid, and the clique which had overthrown Bligh had the real control of
affairs. As Governor Lachlan Macquarie reported later, Paterson was 'such an easy,
good-natured, thoughtless man, that he latterly granted Lands to almost every
person who asked them, without regard to their Merits or pretensions'. In this
way 67,000 acres (27,114 ha) were disposed of, more than Governor King had
granted in six years. Paterson was quite unsuitable for such a position in so
difficult a time. After Macquarie arrived, Paterson sailed with the New South
Wales Corps in the Dromedary on 12 May 1810, but died at sea off Cape
Horn on 21 June.
Science was Paterson's chief interest. He maintained contact with Banks
and other scholars in England, and sent specimens to them from India, New South
Wales and Van Diemen's Land. As a member of the Royal Society, he met many of
the leading scientists of the day during his sojourns in England, and his botanical
collections are preserved in the Natural History Museum at South Kensington. He
introduced several fruits into the colony, including a peach which did very
well, and as early as 1794 he started a six-acre (2.4 ha) garden. Later he
experimented with imported plants and trees on his 100-acre (40 ha) estate at
Petersham, now a Sydney suburb. Unlike most of his colleagues Paterson neither
participated in trading nor enriched himself while serving in the settlement,
and he died a poor man.
About 1787 he had married Elizabeth Driver (1760?-1839), and she
accompanied him to New South Wales in 1791. She took a prominent part in the
life of the colony, helped to found the Orphans' School in 1800 and served on
the committee of the Female Orphans' Institution in 1803. In 1809, according to
John Oxley, she did
her best to restore unanimity in the settlement after the arrest of Governor
Bligh. While her husband was in poor health Elizabeth looked after him with
great care. She was a devoted and conscientious wife, described by Ralph Clark in 1791 as 'a good, cosy, Scotch lass, and fit for
a soldier's wife'.
Foveaux granted her 2000 acres
(809 ha) in Van Diemen's Land in 1808, and this was confirmed by Macquarie in
1810. However, when her husband died she was refused a pension and was ordered
to repay some £200 that he had paid in public salaries without authority.
In March 1814 she married Grose
and took up residence at Bath, but her husband died in May. She remained a
close friend of the Macarthurs, lived quietly in retirement and died on 14 May
1839 at Liverpool, England.
He wrote a book, on his Botany discoveries, and dedicated it to Sir
Joseph Banks.
1801 17
Vol IV. Hunter and King. 1800, 1801, 1802. Ed by F. M. Bladen. pp 404 - 409
Went to
Ash Island with Lieutenant James Grant where they found many species of
21 June
At sea
Monthly Magazine
Died at
sea, on-board his Majesty's ship Dromedary, Colonel William Paterson, lieutenant
colonel of the 102d regiment, fellow of the Royal Society, member of the
Asiatic Society, and many years lieutenant-governor of New South Wales, from
which colony he was returning to England in the command of the 102d regiment.
Vol IV. Hunter and King. 1800, 1801, 1802. Edited by F. M. Bladen.� p. 355
examine Coal River in June. To go by the Lady Nelson when she is refitted
1801 15
Vol IV. Hunter and King. 1800, 1801, 1802. Ed.by F. M. Bladen. p. 448
and named Freshwater Bay. Named 'Sheep Pastures Hills' at Newcastle - 'The
Hill'. Put colliers to work at 'Colliers Point'
21 June
At sea,
on board the Dromedary off Cape Horn
Universal Magazine
Lieutenant-Governor of New South Wales. Died at sea on board the Dromedary on
his return to England from the colony
South Wales
Wonders of nature and art: or A concise account of whatever.....Volume 11 -
Thomas Smith
Wife of
Col William Paterson Elizabeth Driver
Elizabeth Paterson in 1799 (William Owen, Art
Gallery NSW).Elizabeth Driver was born on 24 April 1770 in Maryton (Old Montrose), County Angus, Scotland, one of five children of Elizabeth and William Driver. After her father died in 1780 when she was aged ten, her mother took over from him as publican of the Ship Inn tavern in Montrose, and young Elizabeth lived for a time with her uncle in Liverpool. Young Elizabeth's early years among the travellers who stayed at the tavern gave her the same 'human touch' that had made her parents successful innkeepers. Later her friendly, outgoing nature would brighten colonial society in Australia.
Elizabeth Driver married Captain William Paterson of the NSW Corps on 28 September 1789 at Saint Martin in the Fields, Westminster, London. She was 19 and he was 34. Elizabeth was a minor at the time of her marriage and wed with the consent of her mother.
Elizabeth and William Paterson sailed from England in March 1791 on the Admiral Barrinton which was one of nine ships in the third fleet to transport convicts to New South Wales. They arrived in Sydney in October 1791 and after a short stop-over, reached Norfolk Island the following month.
Elizabeth spent just over two years on the Island while William commanded a Company of the New South Wales Corps stationed there to guard convicts and assist the running of the penal settlement which was an extension of the Sydney settlement. During this time Elizabeth became close friends with Anna King, wife of Philip Gidley King who was the lieutenant-governor of the Island. The two women would remain lifelong friends.
Elizabeth returned to Sydney with William in March 1793 after he was recalled to the mainland. At the age of 24, on Christmas Day 1794 Elizabeth Paterson became First Lady of New South Wales when William took office as acting governor of the colony.
As vice-regent and consort, the Patersons maintained the social face of government. At Government House they entertained visitors to the colony such as naval officers and ships' captains. They hosted functions for the resident civic and military officers and their wives, and officially celebrated the king's birthday, his accession to the throne and other formal occasions. Elizabeth performed the role with ease, her outgoing nature and spirited personality making her a sensible vice-regal hostess.
At that time Government House was a two-storey brick building on high ground overlooking Sydney Cove (now Circular Quay). Today the archaeological remains of the house lie beneath the corner of Phillip and Bridge Streets near the Museum of Sydney. The Patersons' vice-regal duties ended in September 1795 when John Hunter was sworn in as Governor.
In September 1796 Elizabeth Paterson left Sydney, sailing with her husband who was returning on sick-leave with a severely inflamed eye, and they reached England in June 1797. They returned to Sydney in November 1799 where William rejoined his regiment as its commanding officer after his promotion to lieutenant-colonel.
In 1800 the childless Elizabeth Paterson focused her energies on the establishment and management of the Sydney Female Orphan School. It was the first welfare institution on mainland Australia and it was the first time that women participated in the governance and management of a public institution on the mainland. The orphanage committee, formed in 1800, comprised Rev. Richard Johnson, William Balmain, Rev. Samuel Marsden, John Harris, Anna King and Elizabeth Paterson.
A large two-storey house overlooking Sydney Cove was purchased and fitted out as the orphanage, which opened in August 1801 with about 50 girls in residence. The orphanage became a showpiece for visitors to Sydney. After several visits to the orphanage in 1802, François Péron (the naturalist with the Baudin scientific expedition) praised Anna King and Elizabeth Paterson's commitment to the work. He wrote:
Every day without fail, either
separately or together, the two went to visit their young family, as they call
them. They neglect nothing to ensure the girls' cleanliness, education and
well-being. I accompanied the two respectable ladies to the institution several
times, and each time I have been greatly moved by their calm concern and tender
translated from French].
translated from French].
Now the established
research starts to unravel. Elizabeth
and William Patterson did not have children.
However, three
children were recorded as arriving with a William Patterson, in 1803 according to the First Fleeters
PATTERSON, Superintendant
PATTERSON (wife of William Patterson)
PATTERSON (child of " )Frederick PATTERSON (child of " )
William PATTERSON (child of " )
Clearly Elizabeth
Driver is not Elizabeth Fiedler who married a William Joseph Paterson in London
in 1803.
Elizabeth was
however, a kindly woman. Together with
Mrs King, she cared for the many orphan children who were left abandoned on
both Norfolk Island and in Sydney.
She and Mrs King
established Orphan Schools. and were the first women in the Colony to hold an
elected committee position.
success as others who had
received a more fortunate start in life.
The Rev. Samuel Marsden wrote
about this establishment in these words:
In one part of (Norfolk) Island
Governor King has built a school for the girls, and committed them to the care
of Susannah Hunt, who appears to be well qualified for her situation. The
number of children in August 1795 was seventy five, some of whom have neither
parent nor friend to superintend their bringing up. The girls lived in this
institution, and they attended the school which was conducted within this
setting, whilst Mrs Anna King, the commandant’s wife, presided over it.
Thus it was on Norfolk Island
that King became acquainted with the ‘problem’ of some of the convicts’
children, and his provision of care for these children, whose numbers were
increasing, enabled him to develop his approach to improving the wellbeing of
such children.
In order to secure funds for the
operation of this school King levied taxes on imports; he imposed fines on
people who were guilty of breaches of the peace; imposts were placed on illegal
trading; and he also sought subscriptions from his officers. King not only
showed vision as to the means whereby the orphan girls could receive care in an
institution, but he also displayed a practical approach to the funding of such
an orphanage and school. This practice used by King to fund the school, set a
precedent for the taxes and imposts he was later to impose in New South Wales
to provide initial support for the Female Orphan School.
In writing about the provision of
care, especially the clothing, provided on Norfolk Island for the destitute and
abandoned female children, Lieutenant-Governor King also reported:
A third institution on a
permanent footing is added to those, for the reception of such female orphan
children as have lost or been deserted by their parents … .
After the committee meeting on 9
September 1800, Mrs Elizabeth Paterson wrote enthusiastically to her uncle,
about the proposed orphan school in these words:
The children are to be entirely
secluded from the other people, and brought up in habits of religion and morality
… the boys will learn different trades; the girls housewifery and the use of
the needle, as well as instruction in the basic subjects
Mrs Paterson finished in this
hopeful vein:
I cannot help looking forward to
the time when the young men will become useful members of society, and the
women faithful and industrious wives. Everyone must hope for our success in so
laudable an undertaking.
In these words of Mrs Paterson,
we can see similarities with the operation of the Charity Schools of Britain.
The girls were to be completely removed from their environment and placed in a
closed institution. As their environments and their parents were considered to
be unsatisfactory if not ‘evil’, such drastic action was deemed to be
necessary. Elementary education in reading and possibly writing was to be
provided. Practical training in domestic skills for girls and in trades for
boys was considered to be essential. The manual or practical training and the
elementary education in basic subjects, was to be provided in an atmosphere
where religious training was to be to the forefront. The children were to have
moral values instilled in their education and training.
It would appear that Mrs King was
also a loyal wife and a compassionate person.
Before she gave birth six weeks
after landing to her son Phillip Parker King in December 1791, she took care of
Norfolk (son of Ann Inett), who was the elder of her husband’s two illegitimate
children. Norfolk was then nearing two years of age. Mrs King was also
apparently a very generous person because she considered that both Norfolk and
his brother Sydney, should be provided for by the King family. These boys and Mrs
King’s children developed a kindly loving relationship, and this has been
attributed to Mrs King’s wise and generous example.
On Norfolk Island Mrs King was
able to develop a friendship with Elizabeth Paterson the wife of Captain
William Paterson of the New South Wales Corps. Captain Paterson had command of
a detachment of soldiers, and the Patersons had sailed to Norfolk Island from
Port Jackson with the Kings and the Rev. Richard Johnson. This friendship may
have helped Mrs King as she adjusted to a life which was so vastly different
from her Devonshire background.
When the Patersons left Norfolk
Island in March 1793 Mrs King had no other officer’s wife to share her life in
the penal settlement of Norfolk Island. When the ‘orphanage’ was established on
Norfolk Island Mrs King took an active interest in its daily operation,
although she had to take care of a young family of her own.
This experience was to stand her
in good stead when she returned to Port Jackson as the wife of the
Governor-elect of the colony.
Mrs King was able to renew her
friendship with Mrs Elizabeth Paterson and it has already been indicated that
both these ladies were original members of the Orphan School Committee.
Furthermore their participation in the operation of the School was evidenced by
their ‘daily attendance’ at that institution. Mrs King and Mrs Paterson were
two women of the governing class, who were the wives of authority figures. They
were able to take a very active interest in the welfare of the girls, and their
involvement had a positive impact
on the operation of the School in its formative years.
Early in January 1809 Joseph
Foveaux handed over control of the colony to Colonel William Paterson, who had
at first been ‘reluctant to become involved in the doings of a provisional
government’. However, Paterson finally left his post at Port Dalrymple in Van
Diemean’s Land on 1 January 1809. Colonel Paterson tried to improve the funds
of the Female Orphan School by instructing that ‘the fines levied on offending
bakers are to be paid into the Orphan School Fund’.
by BM
Bubacz - 2007
Grose (1758-1814), by unknown
engraver, 1790s National Library of Australia, nla.pic-an9597965
This article was published
in Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 1, (MUP), 1966
Francis Grose (1758?-1814), soldier and lieutenant-governor, was born in England, the eldest of twelve children of Francis Grose and Catherine Jordan. His father was a well-known antiquary, and his grandfather a fashionable jeweller, among whose clients was George II. For neither of these pursuits did Francis display any bent. Instead he turned to the army, perhaps encouraged by his father, sometime adjutant and paymaster of the Hampshire Militia and later captain and adjutant in the Surrey Militia. Just as his immediate forbears won repute in their chosen fields so Francis too made a success of his career. In 1775 he was commissioned an ensign in the 52nd Regiment, and was promoted lieutenant the same year. He saw active service in the war of American independence and, when sent home in 1779 because of wounds received at the storming of Fort Montgomery and at Monmouth Court House, he was captain in the 85th. He then spent two years as a recruiting officer. This experience proved valuable. In 1789, the year of the birth of his son, after nearly six years on half-pay as a major in the 96th Regiment he was appointed lieutenant-governor of New South Wales and commandant of the New South Wales Corps which he helped to raise. The lure of being restored to full pay and the prospects of returning to full service induced him to serve in a distant penal settlement that was regarded with much disfavour by those then garrisoning it.
Grose reached Port Jackson in the Pitt in February 1792 and at first was mainly preoccupied with the routine of garrison duty. His presence must have been welcomed by Governor Arthur Philip whose patience had been sorely tried by the testy and unco-operative Major Robert Ross, commander of the detachment of marines which the New South Wales Corps replaced. Grose, unassertive, affable and easy-going, gave Phillip little cause for complaint and the two men enjoyed more amicable relations than those which had hitherto existed between the civil and military leaders.
Their only recorded difference of opinion occurred in October 1792 when Grose sanctioned and Phillip disapproved the officers' chartering the Britannia.
In December 1792 the departure of the sick Phillip left Grose for two years in control of the settlement. Upon assuming command he replaced civil magistrates with military officers, gave the senior officer at Parramatta control over the convicts there when he himself was not present, and appointed Lieutenant John Macarthur inspector of public works. By this means he at once reduced his own burdens and associated certain of his aides more closely with the administration of the settlement. Some historians hold that henceforth the military officers deeply influenced his moves, and one has asserted that the energetic Macarthur became the real ruler of New South Wales. Although both claims are plausible, the evidence is generally insufficient for determining whether at any given moment the lieutenant-governor was following his own inclination or acting on the advice of others.
Grose showed a greater concern for the welfare of his troops than Phillip had displayed. He increased the weekly ration to give them more food than the convicts and he improved their housing conditions. Without specific instructions and apparently on his own initiative he issued land grants of about twenty-five acres (10 ha) apiece to serving members of the corps who requested them. In accordance with Home Office instructions he provided the officers with farms and, despite orders to the contrary, allowed each the use of ten convicts provisioned at government expense.
The civil staff were treated to the same indulgences as the military hierarchy. Emancipists and the handful of migrants who arrived were encouraged to take up small holdings on terms previously laid down by the British government. The opening of the rich Hawkesbury River region, for which Grose must take some of the credit, induced large numbers to settle there.
Behind these moves lay the conviction that the community stood to benefit far more from the exertions of private individuals than from government enterprise. Public farming, which to date had failed to produce sufficient for the settlement's needs, was not abandoned, but it was reduced. Although unimpressed with the quality of smallholders, Grose placed great trust in the officer farmers whose exertions, he felt, promised quickly to render New South Wales self-sufficient in foodstuff. This belief, as well as the desire to promote their well-being, disposed him to facilitate their pursuits. Partly through their efforts, partly through a rapid expansion in the number of small settlers, the number of acres farmed and livestock grazed increased during his regime. By December 1794 New South Wales was still importing essential requirements, but the spectre of famine no longer hung over the settlement, which several independent observers reported as becoming more prosperous in appearance.
It is possible that in placing greater reliance on the officers and settlers than on the government's farming, Grose sought to decrease his administrative tasks. Still suffering periodically from the effects of his wounds and indolent by nature he displayed no desire to follow Phillip's practice of maintaining a close personal watch over every aspect of the settlement. The inhabitants were not slow to take advantage of his laxity. Some of the civil and military staff began to engage in trade, especially in liquor, at substantial profit to themselves. Although Grose derived no personal benefit from these practices, he was responsible for failing to curb them. Perhaps his advisers persuaded him to turn a blind eye to abuses which acted to their advantage; but, since spirits proved an excellent incentive payment for convict labourers, it was probably for this reason that he allowed the officers to acquire it.
The British government disliked the means by which Grose had helped the settlement's progress. The reduction of public farming forced him to draw on the Treasury to buy food which the convicts might have raised for nothing; his practice of providing maintenance for the officers' convict servants increased the burden on the stores, and perturbed the Home Office who thought that such people should be supported by their employers.
Assessments of the other aspects of his rule have been too strongly coloured by the writings of contemporaries such as Richard Johnson, Samuel Marsden and Thomas Arndell and it is unlikely that New South Wales in this period experienced murder, drunkenness and rapine on the scale they indicated. The smallholders were not exploited by the officers to the extent often suggested, and were better placed in 1794 than is generally realized, but the picture drawn by contemporaries, though exaggerated, was not entirely untrue. By encouraging the officers' farming pursuits and allowing them to engage in trade, Grose enabled them to secure a hold over the colony which they were soon to exploit in their own interests. Unwittingly he helped to create problems that none of his immediate successors was able to surmount.
In December 1794, debilitated by his wounds, he departed to recuperate and resume his military career; but he took no direct part in either the Revolutionary or the Napoleonic wars. He served first in England where he was promoted colonel, then in 1798 he was transferred to the staff in Ireland as a brigadier-general. He proceeded to Gibraltar in January 1805 as a major-general and staff officer. Dogged by ill health he was obliged to return to Britain in May 1807.
During an enforced stay of two years he twice attempted to secure the post of governor of New South Wales, first early in 1808 when William Bligh's recall seemed likely, and then in April 1809 when he offered himself as a substitute for the sick Brigadier-General Nightingall. Both requests were rejected and Grose went to Ireland on military duties in May 1809. By April 1814, as a lieutenant-general, he was living at Croydon, Surrey. Here his first wife died in January 1813, and on 8 May 1814, a month after marrying his second wife, Elizabeth, widow of William Paterson, Francis Grose died also, leaving an estate of £2000 to the only son by his first marriage, Rev. Francis Grose, who died on 2 December 1817.
The Anxious Mrs Paterson
Her portrait shows Elizabeth
Paterson as a strong, mature woman, her features chiselled into lines of both
patience and repose. From the time of her marriage to William
Paterson—naturalist, Rum Corps officer, alcoholic, and ranking officer towards
the end of the Rum Rebellion—her life was a series of crises. When she wrote
this letter, to her uncle in Liverpool, she had come a long way from the ‘cosy
Scotch lass’ Lt. Ralph Clark of the Marines admired on her arrival in 1791—see
his Journal on the Friendship.
Now she was afraid, and with
cause. The colony changed in 1799 when the transports landed the bitter
betrayed ‘rebels’ of the crushed Irish Rebellion of 1798. Elizabeth was the
first woman to express a sense of insecurity, and the growing disturbances, and
the full rising of April 1804,
proved how discerning she had
Mrs Paterson was many-sided. She
shared in her husband’s work in plant acclimatisation, and in Mrs King’s hopes
for the Female Orphan School; and she showed unusual perception in judging the
future importance of the wool from the first merino sheep.
Port Jackson 3d Oct. 1800
My Dear Uncle
H.M. Ship Buffalo, returning to
Europe with Governor Hunter, gives me an opportunity of writing again to you
and I should be happy if it was in my power to send you information that would
be satisfactory on our account, but we certainly are at present nearly as
uncomfortable and harass’d as the People in Ireland were at the time of the
owing to the late importation of
united Irishmen into this country for these last six months
we have been under some
apprehensions, but Governor Hunter, disbelieving their intentions took no steps
to prevent their designs, until last Sunday which was the day fixed upon for the
Destruction of the military and the private familys at Parramatta, a
considerable settlement fifteen miles from this,—the alarm being given
prevented their meeting, and thirty of the most desperate were taken up, and on
examination confessed the whole Plot;
they are now in confinement with
their Priest, a crafty villain, who was no doubt the sole command of these
bigotted creatures—an attempt to release him has been some time expected, which
the military and Loyal Associations, would not be sorry for.—But I have no idea
myself that they will ever appear in numbers or in noonday—my terror is private
assassins breaking into our houses in the dead of the night—in which they were
but too successful in their own country—Government I trust as they have now
sent them will take some steps for our protection, either by sending more
Forces, or stationing a man of war, as a guard ship in the Harbour, as on the
departure of the Buffalo we are left without any ship whatever so that we are
cut off from all communication with any part of the World.
Governor King who now has the
command, will make many regulations for the security, as far as in his power,
of the Colony—and likewise some attention to the rising generation, to which
hitherto none has been paid, for certainly if we ever hope for worth or honesty
in this settlement, we must look to them for it, and not the present degenerate
mortals—a school is now established on a very extensive plan, for the reception
of all orphans, and other children whose parents are not proper for such a
charge, under the management of the Governor and a committee—these children are
to be entirely secluded from the other people—and brought up in habits of
religion and industry—some branches of manufactures will be by means of this
seminary put on foot particularly linen and woollen cloths the latter to be
procured from the Fleece of a remarkably fine breed of Spanish sheep already in
the Colony—and the former from the Flax which grows spontaneously in the Woods,
this with
their education and the Boys
learning different trades, and the Girls Housewifery and the use of the needle,
will be full employment. This arrangement gives me great satisfaction—as there
are now above a thousand children in the place.
I cannot help looking forward to
the time when the young men will become useful members of Society and the Women
faithful and industrious wives. Everyone must hope for our success in so
laudable an undertaking— and if no material interruption takes place—we shall
soon have it on a permanent establishment—
I hope when an opportunity offers
to hear from you—it is now fifteen months since we left England, and 1 have not
heard from any Friend I have—Col. Paterson’s whole time is totally taken up
with his two capacities, particularly under the present circumstances, either
hearing evidence, or in the Field with the men, and I am often lonely enough,
and sometimes perhaps fancy things worse thain they are—but however with
respect to my Dear Sister I am always easy, under your protection I can have no
fear.—I have now only to add Col. Paterson’s best respects. If anything more
happens before the sailing of the ship I will mention it to my sister.
Believe me, my Dear Uncle,
your affectionate niece
E. Paterson
Source: Letter to her Uncle, Lt. Johnson
(ML). Details of the Irish conspiracies are to be found in
HRA I, 2 and J. Waldersee, Catholic
Society in New South Wales 1788-1860, (Sydney, 1974).
Col Patterson was also responsible for the naming
of many sites around Newcastle.
Patterson River Flats, is now the area of Morpeth, and home of the
settlers who arrived in Dr James Lang's immigration schemes.
Lieutenant Paterson was under orders from Governor King to collect useful information about the area.......
Memorandum by Governor King ( King papers)
9th June 1801
Objects to which Governor King requests Lieut-Colonel Paterson, Lieut. Grant, and the other gentlemen going in the Lady Nelson to Hunter's river will pay a particular attention....... The nature of the soil in general. Whether the grounds are overflowed, either by high tides or by land floods Whether the place may be thought healthy or unhealthy on account of the mud banks which I am told surround the sides of the river. If the water is sweet and good The size of the trees and whether there is plenty of timber for building, stone, limestone, or shells How far it may be practicable for vessels to frequent that port with safety, the quantity of coals that may be procured there, the facility of procuring them, and what proportion of labour would be necessary to keep a supply ready for vessels going thither for that article. To assist the gentlemen in forming an idea on this head, a miner who has been there before will accompany them. To examine where the most eligible place would be to form a settlement, both with respect to procuring coals and/or agricultural purposes [1]
On 14th June 1801 Lieutenant Grant and Dr. Harris disembarked at Coal Island (Nobbys) and raised the new Union on top of the island.....
15th June 1801 - The Lady Nelson was taken round Pirate Point to the small bay with fresh water named by Colonel Paterson Freshwater Bay
17th June 1801 - James Grant and Colonel Paterson examined Ash Island
19th June 1801 - Lieut-Col Paterson sighted natives in the distance at Hunter River
22nd June 1801 - Francis Barralier and Mr. Grant sounded the entrance to the Hunter river
29th June 1801 - Lieut- Paterson, Mr. Harris and Mr. Lewin made an excursion of seven days using a launch and small boat belonging to Mr. Harris
30th June 1801 - They proceeded about 14 miles up Hunter river
1st July 1801 - Lieut-Paterson, Mr. Harris and Mr. Lewin arrived at Schank's Plains.
Lieut-Col. Paterson later informed Governor King of the excellent coal available at Coal Island (Nobbys) and the northern point of land he named Colliers Point which can be seen on the map above situated bottom left near Sheep Pasture Hills (The Hill)
A settlement under orders of Corporal John Wixtead was established at Newcastle and convicts were sent soon afterwards to begin mining the coal.
Lieutenant Paterson was under orders from Governor King to collect useful information about the area.......
Memorandum by Governor King ( King papers)
9th June 1801
Objects to which Governor King requests Lieut-Colonel Paterson, Lieut. Grant, and the other gentlemen going in the Lady Nelson to Hunter's river will pay a particular attention....... The nature of the soil in general. Whether the grounds are overflowed, either by high tides or by land floods Whether the place may be thought healthy or unhealthy on account of the mud banks which I am told surround the sides of the river. If the water is sweet and good The size of the trees and whether there is plenty of timber for building, stone, limestone, or shells How far it may be practicable for vessels to frequent that port with safety, the quantity of coals that may be procured there, the facility of procuring them, and what proportion of labour would be necessary to keep a supply ready for vessels going thither for that article. To assist the gentlemen in forming an idea on this head, a miner who has been there before will accompany them. To examine where the most eligible place would be to form a settlement, both with respect to procuring coals and/or agricultural purposes [1]
On 14th June 1801 Lieutenant Grant and Dr. Harris disembarked at Coal Island (Nobbys) and raised the new Union on top of the island.....
15th June 1801 - The Lady Nelson was taken round Pirate Point to the small bay with fresh water named by Colonel Paterson Freshwater Bay
17th June 1801 - James Grant and Colonel Paterson examined Ash Island
19th June 1801 - Lieut-Col Paterson sighted natives in the distance at Hunter River
22nd June 1801 - Francis Barralier and Mr. Grant sounded the entrance to the Hunter river
29th June 1801 - Lieut- Paterson, Mr. Harris and Mr. Lewin made an excursion of seven days using a launch and small boat belonging to Mr. Harris
30th June 1801 - They proceeded about 14 miles up Hunter river
1st July 1801 - Lieut-Paterson, Mr. Harris and Mr. Lewin arrived at Schank's Plains.
Lieut-Col. Paterson later informed Governor King of the excellent coal available at Coal Island (Nobbys) and the northern point of land he named Colliers Point which can be seen on the map above situated bottom left near Sheep Pasture Hills (The Hill)
A settlement under orders of Corporal John Wixtead was established at Newcastle and convicts were sent soon afterwards to begin mining the coal.
Price is $45, available from
McDonalds Bookstore in Maitland and from Paterson Historical Society. [224 pages, 2018, ISBN 978-0-6482580-0-1].
Elizabeth Paterson and Anna King's participation in the governance of the Female Orphan School gave women a voice in public affairs and represented a milestone in the emergence of women's authority in New South Wales.
In 1803 Elizabeth Paterson adopted one of the orphans, a ten year-old girl named Elizabeth Mackellar. The girl's father, Neil Mackellar, was a close friend of the Patersons. He disappeared at sea enroute for England and his partner, the girl's mother, abandoned their daughter to marry another man. With the adoption, the Patersons were no longer childless.
In 1805 Elizabeth Paterson and her daughter joined William Paterson at Port Dalrymple in northern Van Diemens Land (Tasmania) where he had earlier taken possession of the land for Britain and become lieutenant-governor of the penal outpost located there.
At Port Dalrymple, Elizabeth Paterson's special ability to repair torn relationships came to the fore. In her warm correspondence with John Piper on Norfolk Island she signed as 'your very sincere friend', a remarkable recovery of friendship with the man who was John Macarthur's second in his duel with William Paterson in 1801 that nearly killed near husband. Even more remarkable was Elizabeth's now cordial relationship with John Macarthur himself that saw her sending him regards and organising to send him a tame kangaroo and swans.
While the Patersons were at Port Dalrymple, Governor William Bligh granted Elizabeth 1,000 acres of land there but he was removed from office before the grant could be issued. Later Governor Macquarie confirmed Elizabeth's grant at 2,000 acres. She named the grant 'Spring Grove' and the Launceston suburb of Youngtown now sits on part of it. As further evidence of Elizabeth's current-day footprint in northern Tasmania, in 2008 a subdivision near Launceston was named 'Driver's Run', mirroring the name of a local creek that initially took Elizabeth's maiden name.
In May 1810 the Patersons sailed for England following the recall of the 102nd Regiment (formerly the NSW Corps) and Elizabeth became a widow when William died at sea a month later. The British government denied Elizabeth a pension, probably because William had refused to reinstate Governor Bligh.
In 1814 Elizabeth remarried, to William's former commanding officer, Lieutenant-General Francis Grose. Unfortunately he died two months later, leaving Elizabeth widowed once more. She lived in Bath until mid 1819 when she moved to Liverpool (England) to live near her sister's family, the Bannings. By at least 1821 she had sold her 2,000 acre property in Launceston, Australia, and by 1823 Mary Reibey owned it. Elizabeth Paterson/Grose died at her home in Liverpool in 1839 at the age of 69. She died a wealthy woman, her estate for death duty being valued at £9,732.
that report, William Paterson, his wife and his daughter did land at Port
Dalrymple in 1805.
William Patterson Superintendant
The records confirm that William
Patterson, the Prisons Superintendent was the father of Janet, Frederick and
William. That then indicates all three
children were born in England, prior to the ship leaving.
But who is Joseph Patterson, and
his wife Elizabeth Butler?
The Colonial Secretary's Records
indicate the following entries for Patterson's
PATTERSON, James. Master, "Surrey"
Taken ill and confined to bed; dying (Reel 6044;
4/1731 pp.53, 55)
1814 Aug 20
Letter to and commission of Thomas Raine to take
command of "Surrey" (Reel 6004; 4/3493 pp.260, 263)
1814 Oct
Deceased. Referred to in testimony given in the
case against "Surrey" (Reel 6044; 4/1731 pp.58, 64, 71, 73, 75, 98)
1821 Nov 4
Inquest on body of held at George Gambling's
house, district of Petersham (Reel 6021; 4/1819 pp.515-8)
In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land
(Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.73)
1824 Jan 8
On list of persons in Van Diemen's Land
recommended for grants of land, never having received any before (Reel 6017;
4/5782 p.25)
In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land
(Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.73)
1813 Feb 15
On return of members of the 73rd Regiment who
have left stock, wheat, maize and corn at Norfolk Island (Reel 6020; 4/6977A
PATERSON, William. Of the Derwent
1810 Oct 10
Soliciting additional aid from the Government
(Reel 6003; 4/3490A p.120)
In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land
[1813] (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.70)
On list of persons owing quit rents in Van
Diemen's Land; for land in the District of Argyle (Fiche 3270; X19 p.20)
So there is another possibility, was William
Patterson of the 73rd Regiment, associated with any of these children?
In 1819 William Paterson was the Superanuated Wharfinger. (Was he paid out for using his wharf?)
And his son William
married Elizabeth O'Brien.
William Patterson signed a petition to Mr Loane, in regard to an
upcoming trial where a precedent of the distribution of land in 1809, may set.
Sir, Hobart Town, Van
Diemen's Land, 30th June, 1818.
We, the undersigned Settlers
and Landholders, beg leave to express the sincerity of our sentiments,
respecting certain differences, which have lately occurred in this Settlement,
between you and Mr. Gunning, which involve the peculiar Interests of the
Colony, as
Sales of property may, if such Conduct be allowed, become the Order of the Day.
Respecting your
Conduct as a Merchant in the year 1809, when this Colony was in a state of general
dearth. We remember your behaviour with gratitude; and on your last arrival you
completely for our Service put down by the Sale of your property, at a very reasonable rate, all
that Systematic extortion so regularly practised in this Settlement, injurious to our best interests.
W e therefore request
you will be pleased to lay before His Excellency the Governor in Chief this
humble expression of our Sentiments.
D e n n i s M c c a r
t y.; G e o r g e Salter.J a m e s Lord. D a v i d Lord. Thomas Peters.Francis Baixes.
Wm. Thos. Stocker. Andrew Whitehead. Charles Coxolly. William Maum. Charles Williams.
James Templemax. John-
Conliff. Bar.vakd Walford. James Healey. Richd. Morgan". Saml. Gunn.
Willm. Holsgrove. Richd.
Morgan*. Jun~.Willm. Morgan. George Kobley. Thomas Williams. Willm. Frazer. Jas.
Mccormack. Archd. Campbell. Wm. Bryant. Jno Bingham. Willm. Horn. Willm. Slake.
Hugh German. Robt.
Evans. Geo.
John Robley. George Robley. Joseph Genders.
Mattw. Mcmahon. John Whaley.
Ralph Dodge. Jno. Mccoy. Chas. Dowlin. Jas. Waterson. Jas. Waterson, jnr W m .
Waterson. Wm. Needham. Thos. Fowls. Augst. Morris. Jas. Shirley. Wm. Cooper. Jno.
Gibson. Edd. Westlake. Joseph Biddle. Benjn. Briscoe. Mask Custer. Wm.
Edd. Garth. Edd.
Garth, junr. John Williamson. Richd. Burrows. George Lowe. Wm. Bellamy.
Danl. Ankers. Charles
Humphry. Thomas Williams 2nd. Charles Fluhartt. John Every. Saml. Pyers.
Wm. Patterson.
The next that William
Patterson becomes involved with is to do with the resurvey of Hobart.
The full file can be
read at the link below.
In 1820, there was Evidence, regarding the claims of W. Paterson,
and his lands in Hobart. Some land was
lost when the town was re-surveyed.
26 May. Evidence re
claims of W. Paterson.
[3] Evidence on
Claims of W. Paterson.
THOMAS CROWDER , 26 May, 1820.
Q. Do you remember an
allotment that was occupied by William Patterson in Hobart Town Previous to the opening of Collins and Argyle Street? .1. I remember it when I first came
down here
in the year
Q. Do you remember it
after the Division of the Streets was made? A. I do, part adjoined Mr. Kemp's
allotment and it ran down to the water of the Rivulet.
Q. Was that part that
adjoined the water and next to Mr. Kemp's occupied in any manner by Patterson after the Division of the streets? .1. I cant say. I have heard Mr. Patterson say
that he would have liked to have built upon that Portion of the land as being his Property.
Q. How long after your
arrival in the Settlement, Did Mr.' Patterson occupy the Portion near the water? A. I
cant speak Positively, but it was till it was Divided.
Q. What was the
Cultivation that was in it? A. I think it was in wheat and Q. Was
there a paling round it? A. There was round that part towards the Street. 1820.
Q. Do you recollect that
Patterson complained when this Portion of Land was 20 May. taken from him? A. I do,
and he
said he shd. complain at some future period when he
cd. get
Q. Do you recollect the
allotment of land occupied by Wm. Patterson in Hobart Town previous to the
opening of Collins and Argyle St., and since the division of the Streets? A. I do very well, there
was some wheat upon it.
Q. Did Patterson occupy in
any manner that part adjoining the water and next to Mr. Kemp's and wh. is
separated from the upper piece bv Collins Street? A. He did occupy it,
and it was in cultivation about a year before the Streets were divided but there was no House on that
part. He had cultivated great part of it from the period of the grant and he
had cleared the whole of the timber off, especially near the stream which was
very heavy timber and thick brush.
Q. Was there any paling
round this lot of ground? A. There were some posts and rails and paling and
I am positive they were up in 1811.
Q. Did you ever remark
that Patterson's paling had been destroyed on this piece of ground? A. I
did, about the latter end of 1812 or beginning of 1813, and I understood it was
done by some Soldiers of the 73d.
Q. Subsequently to that
time had Patterson renewed this fence? A. After the Streets were marked out, I saw
some posts prepared and they were put in the ground.
Q. After the paling was
destroyed did Patterson Cultivate it? A. No, there was a saw pit on it and only a few
Q. Do you recollect the
period at which Patterson complained of this land being taken from him? A. I
am certain it was in 1813 and after the streets were laid out. He told me that
Mr. Evans intended to take it away from him and said he shd. complain to the
Lt. Govr. and, if that wd. not do, he shd. complain to the Govr. in Chief.
Q. Do you know whether
he ever made any formal complaint to Mr. Evans? A. I heard him say he
had ; but I do not know it
of my own knowledge.
0. Do you recollect
the allotment of land occupied by Wm. Patterson previous to the opening of
Collins and Argyle Street? A. Yes, I do.
Q. Did Patterson occupy
in any manner that part adjoining the water and next to Mr. Kemp's? A. He
had cleared the Timber from the whole of it, which was very heavy and the brush
very thick near the River. He had cultivated nearly all the land, and I saw
Wheat, Potatoes, turnips and cabbages and tobacco growing on it, particularly
near the River.
Q. Was any house erected
on it or any paling round it? A. There was no house on it. but the whole was fenced
in with posts, rails and a paling on both sides down to the River.
Q. Do you recollect
the fence being destroyed by some soldiers of the 73d? A. I only heard
so; but I recollect seeing Mr. Patterson's ground lying open at that period and
heard that the soldiers had destroyed it and robbed him of a portion of his
Q. You are acquainted
with the situation of his allotment since the division of the streets? A. I
0. Do you recollect
any fence being put up on the lower part of the land near the water? A. I
lived little in Town at that time and I cannot say I noticed any.
Q. Was there any
cultivation going on after the fence was destroyed? A. I did not notice
any, but I noticed a Saw Pitt on it.
Q. Do you recollect
Patterson ever complaining that this piece of land was taken away from him? A.
I recollect, about two or three months after the present plan of the Town was
laid out, he told me Mr. Evans had unjustly taken it away from him, but I do
not know that he made any complaint to Mr. Evans.
Q. Was the upper or
lower ground mostly in cultivation? A. They were both in Cultivation, a
Stock Yard was in the middle where Collins Street now runs.
Q. Are you acquainted
with the allotment of land belonging to Wm. Patterson? A. I am.
Q. Can you state whether
it was cultivated? A. Up to the period of 1811 when I went to England,
it was then cleared of timber and fenced in down to the rivulet, and the whole
cultivated. On my return in 1814, Collins Street had been formed thro' it and
there only appeared a few posts put up as if in preparation for enclosing..
Q. W a s the lower part
near the River then in a state of Cultivation? A There was no appearance
of it. There was only a Saw Pitt on it and the whole was open
Q. Did you ever hear
Patterson complain that Mr. Evans had taken this piece of land away unjustly? A.
Soon after m y arrival I heard Patterson complain heavily of it and this very
frequently. j. BELBIN
[4] Memorandum by
Dep. Surveyor-Genl. Evans.
In the Year 1812, I
purchased the Premises now occupied by Mr. Kemp from Mr McCarty and Mr. Ayres
(who were in co-partnership) for £200 ; that part claimed by Mr. Paterson was
pointed out to me as Vacant Land, and certainly appeared so, being unenclosed ;
neither was there proof of improvements visible, the whole laying open in a
Wild state and uncultivated; Mr. Paterson never made any representation on the
Subject, until after I had enclosed the Ground at a considerable expense; On laying
out the Streets, Mr. Paterson was allowed to enclose a back Street as a
compensation, that considerably enlarged his present plot, on which he had a
Thatched Hutt and has now a Wood House, built over it in an unfinished state.
No allowance were made to any one for the Land Cutt from them by the new
arrangements in the Town, neither were the former Allotments marked off by a
Crown Surveyor; in consequence numbers of Persons claimed more Land than they could
be entitled to. However, if Mr- Paterson had stated his' disatisfaction to me,
I should have been ready to make any reasonable compensation in m y Power.
Mr. Paterson had
transmitted a Memorial of complaint to the Rt. Honble. Earl Bathurst through a Mr.
Wilson, which was returned to His Excellency Governor Macquarie for to be
repiy'd to in Feby., 1817. I was then at Port Jackson and the Governor directed
m e to write a statement on the back thereof, previous to its being returned,
which was done. G. W . EVANS, Dy. Survevor Genl.
Hobart Town, 18th
May, 1820.
Area of land claimed.
[Memo, in pencil on
back, apparently by Mr. J. T. Bigge.]
It is admitted that
Mr. Evans left Hobart Town in 1813. Mr. Meehan and Mr. Evans laid out the Town by Govr. McQuarrie's
Directions in 1812-13. Mr. Birch, as Agent to Mr. Evans, did .not fence the allotment of Patterson in Mr. Evans' absence. Mr.
Evans returned in Sepr., 1814. The Govr. gave Mr. Evans a Lease of the Land in 1815.
Patterson admits that
he had no other occupation of the allotment than by a saw Pit and the Posts.
Patterson admits that
he has reed, remuneration in Land for the Street cut through his Ground and that he has sold a strip of it for £25.
[5] Memorandum by
Dep. Surveyor-Genl. Evans.
Mr. Paterson's Land
altogether was Three Roods, Thirteen Rods, the Old Street afterwards included made Three
Rood, Thirty Three Rod; having now One Rood, Twenty Rods left, out of which he has sold a strip Eight feet wide, containing about Three Rod to Andrew Bent
for £25 Stg.
Roods. Rods.
1 20 = Left. 1 ,, = Taken by Collins Street. 3 13 = in dispute. 32 G. W. EVANS.
1820. 23 May.
Statement of
Paterson, Alexander recommendation of, as settler, 2.
Paterson (Patterson),
William address from, to Loane, R. W., 754.
certificate of
loyalty given to, by Bligh, W., 842.
claims of, to land at
Hobart town,
840 et
examinations of
witnesses re claims of, 844 et seq.
letter from— to
Bigge, J. T., 840, 843.
to Goulburn, H., 844.
location for, from
Davey, T., S42.
memorial from—
to Bigge, J. T., 840 et
to Macquarie, L.,
843, 844.
statement by Evans,
G. W., re
Patterson Deceased.
In the Administration of William.' Patterson, late
of Hobart-town, Van Diemen's land, settler, deceased, to Elizabeth Patterson
the widow of the, said William Patterson, deceased, William Patterson, Joseph
Patterson, Frederick Patterson, Charles Ross, and Sarah his wife. George
Patterson, John Patterson, Edward Patterson, and Eliza Patterson,
This indicates that Joseph, may
have also been known as Joseph William, and as they often did, to avoid errors,
names were often changed. Janet
Patterson was not named in the will. She
was this William/Joseph's sister.
In 1821, Frederick Patterson, a youth was charged
with stealing boards from the Wharf.
By 1824, the sheriff is to sell the house belonging
to William and Joseph Paterson, indicating that their parents had died, or had
left the Colony.
Frederick Patterson was also
mentioned in many newspaper articles, and in 1835, Joseph Patterson was the licensee
of The Traveller's Home at Sorrell.
Jillett Marriage
In 1818 William Patterson married Elizabeth O'Brien,
their son, Thomas married Rosetta Dowdell, daughter of Susannah Jillett and
Charles Dowdell.
Janet Patterson married Samuel Gunn
Samuel Gunn was born 1781 in England and he died 15th March 1859.
It would appear from the inquest of his death on 25th March 1859 that he
drowned in the Derwent River at New Norfolk. He is buried in St Matthew's
cemetery, New Norfolk.
He arrived in 1804 on the "Calcutta" having been sentenced to
7 years. The journey took 168 days, and was scheduled to go to Port Phillip,
but Collins found it unsuitable for a settlement, and transferred the
expedition to Sullivan's Cove on the banks of the Derwent River, thus becoming
the founder of Hobart instead of Melbourne.
Samuel was 18 years old when he became an apprentice carpenter's mate at H.M. Dockyards at Woolwich, England. He served on several ships as a carpenter, and went to the Battle of Copenhagen under Capt Bligh and to Gibralter with the "duke of Kent". On 1st July 1802 while working as a labourer, he was charged by John Wright, a farmer of Forham, for stealing a saddle worth 9 shillings from his stable. Six months after arriving in Sullivan's Cove he married Jannet Patterson, their's being the third marriage in the colony.
A report in the Hobart Town newspaper of 1804 indicates that Rev Knopwood married Samuel Gunn (prisoner) to Janett Paterson, a free woman, and daughter of Superintendent William Paterson. They married on 23 July 1804. Janett and her father were on board the HMS Calcutta he a Superintendant she free.
Samuel Gunn was an ex-navy shipwright who soon became a trusted tradesman on the waterfront. When it appeared that Janett was pregnant, a hasty marriage was arranged, and their daughter Mary Jane was born later in 1804 and Christened on 1st January 1805. Samuel Gunn was a hard worker who soon had his own house built near the waterfront. It was so large that he was able to rent some space to the Grove family, another convict and trusted friend of Governor Collins.
Jannet and Samuel Gunn had 5 children, 2 married into the Jillett family.
Mary Jane Gunn Christened 1st January 1805 in Hobart
Samuel was 18 years old when he became an apprentice carpenter's mate at H.M. Dockyards at Woolwich, England. He served on several ships as a carpenter, and went to the Battle of Copenhagen under Capt Bligh and to Gibralter with the "duke of Kent". On 1st July 1802 while working as a labourer, he was charged by John Wright, a farmer of Forham, for stealing a saddle worth 9 shillings from his stable. Six months after arriving in Sullivan's Cove he married Jannet Patterson, their's being the third marriage in the colony.
A report in the Hobart Town newspaper of 1804 indicates that Rev Knopwood married Samuel Gunn (prisoner) to Janett Paterson, a free woman, and daughter of Superintendent William Paterson. They married on 23 July 1804. Janett and her father were on board the HMS Calcutta he a Superintendant she free.
Samuel Gunn was an ex-navy shipwright who soon became a trusted tradesman on the waterfront. When it appeared that Janett was pregnant, a hasty marriage was arranged, and their daughter Mary Jane was born later in 1804 and Christened on 1st January 1805. Samuel Gunn was a hard worker who soon had his own house built near the waterfront. It was so large that he was able to rent some space to the Grove family, another convict and trusted friend of Governor Collins.
Jannet and Samuel Gunn had 5 children, 2 married into the Jillett family.
Mary Jane Gunn Christened 1st January 1805 in Hobart
Jemima Lydia Gunn Christened 22 nd June 1806 in Hobart
Samuel James Gunn Christened 8th July 1808.
Samuel James Gunn Christened 8th July 1808.
Sarah Ann Gunn
Christened 26th
April 1810 in Hobart
Daniel John Gunn Christened 23rd August 1813
In 1812 Samuel Gunn built the "Campbell Mac Quarie" a square rig ship. Governor Davey granted him 50 acres of land and Samuel built a large house in Hunter Street.
Daniel John Gunn Christened 23rd August 1813
In 1812 Samuel Gunn built the "Campbell Mac Quarie" a square rig ship. Governor Davey granted him 50 acres of land and Samuel built a large house in Hunter Street.
In 1823 Samuel Gunn had built on land at MacQuarie Point Hobart Town
Janett Gunn died aged 46 years on 4th April 1826.
Janett Gunn died aged 46 years on 4th April 1826.
Samuel then married Ann Hart in 1827 in Hobart.
From May 1848 to October 1857 Samuel had 13 convicts assigned to him. Records show that in 1817 Samuel Gunn departed Hobart as a seaman on the "Spring" a whaling expedition.
On 27th June 1837 a Samuel Gunn departed Hobart aboard the "Emma" for Kangaroo Island in South Australia. This area provided the salt required for the whaling fleets. It may be that this is Samuel Gunn Jnr.
Two of the Gunn children married into the Jillett Family
Mary Jane Gunn m William Bradshaw
Jemima Lydia Gunn m James Bradshaw
Sarah married Thomas Green in Hobart 1827. She died in 1840.
She had 5 children and her youngest was only 1 year old when she died.
Daniel Gunn married Emma Henrietta Proctor in Hamilton Tasmania on 24th September 1849. Daniel died in 1852.
Daniel Gunn married Emma Henrietta Proctor in Hamilton Tasmania on 24th September 1849. Daniel died in 1852.
The first ship to be built in V.D.L. was the Henrietta, 40 tons, under construction in
1812 by Dr Birch. The first square
rigged ship built in Hobart Town was the Campbell Macquarie, 133 tons, in 1813 by Samuel Gunn,
made from blue gum trees.
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