An Oatlands Hotel is not A Hotel in Oatlands
a small item necessitates a great deal of work.
Nothing more so than trying to determine which hotel that Albert and
Merion Jillett owned in Oatlands.
Weeks of
research failed to find any mention of his name associated with the Midland
Hotel. The reference was however
provided on a street sign in Oatlands.
The sign outside the building
called Oatlands Coach House.
The design of the home of
Albert Jillett was no different than that of many others built years earlier.
For comparison, Clarence House
and Stanton, in fact there are numerous buildings throughout Tasmania all built
in a very similar fashion.
was born in 1884 and died in 1975. She was the daughter of Robert Bayles and
his wife Sarah Ann Stock. Robert was a
butcher in Oatlands. Marion and Albert
had four children.
was a Fellmonger. That is a fancy word
for a dealer in skins and hides. In
1928, there were only 3 Jilletts living in Oatlands. His sister Alice, Albert and Marion.
children were:
- Ruth
Hope Bayles Jillett 1918 1984
m George Crosley Campbell and Reginald
James William Baker.
- Lawrence
Albert Jillett 1919 - 2004 m
Edna Joyce Hale
- Myrtle
Rayma (Bett) Jillett 1922 m Harry Inman
- Robert
John William Bayles Jillett 1923
- 2005 m Joan Ellen Williams d
Their Home in Oatlands
Jillett lived and worked the Midland Hotel from 1911, or that is what the signage
He was a skin buyer and there may be evidence on another building of the signage.
He was a skin buyer and there may be evidence on another building of the signage.
There was
a series of events which took place in Oatlands while Albert was living in High
Street. There was a terrible fire in the
building adjoining his home.
In 1914,
there was a terrible fire at the Drapery store next door to Albert's hotel.
Mercury’ (Hobart) Monday, 21
September 1914, page 4 FIRE AT OATLANDS/ DRAPERY STORE AND DWELLING DESTROYED/ NARROW ESCAPE OF OTHER BUILDINGS: Mr. J. Burrill’s drapery store and dwelling at Oatlands were destroyed by fire on Saturday night. The business part of the building comprised shop and showrooms, and the residential part six rooms. It was built of stone, and roofed with iron. The fire broke out about 8.30 p.m. and all the inmates were away at the time.
The flames spread very rapidly and the building soon completely enveloped. A large number of people gathered, and by carrying water from neighbouring dwellings endeavoured to check the fire, but were unsuccessful. The heat was so great that it was impossible to save any of the contents of the shop and the dwelling. The fire is supposed to have started in the showroom, but its origin is a mystery as the shop was closed at 1 o’clock on Saturday afternoon. The storerooms at the back of the building were kept saturated with water and saved from destruction. A grocery store belonging to Mr. Burrill which was separated from the main building by a cart entrance was saved.
The dwelling house of Mr. A. Jillett containing 10 or 12 rooms adjoining Mr. Burrill’s premises was in great danger, the woodwork around the spouting catching fire. As a precaution the contents of the whole of the contents were removed to the street. Fortunately, the home was composed of stone and roofed with iron and thereby escaped destruction.
Only the walls of Mr. Burrill’s premises were left standing, except the front portion, which has since fallen in. The loss is estimated about £1,000. The amount of the insurance at present is not known.
that, the location of his home is known, to be next door to the Drapery Store
of Burrill's. Mr Burrill's son held a
hotel license.
The Pubs in Oatlands
The only
way to be assured that information would be correct, was to then research the
pubs and who held the licences in Oatlands.
following names of pubs were featured in different stories in the newspapers.
Hotel Oatlands now Wood's Hotel 1854
Hotel 1860 William Jones 1864
William Barwick 1873 Rodda's
Hotel 1854 1921
Mr Mills 1922 Now Mills Hotel
1928 OH
Hotel Oatlands 1859
Hotel Oatlands
Hotel 1866
Hotel 1867
Horse Inn 1868
Kentish Hotel 1876
Hotel 1915 1923
Hotel 1930
Hotel 1893
Dulverton Inn
Midland Hotel was mentioned in 1860 then William Jones, William Barwick, Mr
Rodda and Joseph Law were the licences with the last being issued in 1895.
Kentish Hotel was mentioned in 1876, and is still operating. In 1925 the licensee was L.J. Jones.
Oatlands Hotel was changed to the Mills Hotel when Mr Mills took over in 1922,
and then in 1928 it was once again known as the Oatlands Hotel. Samuel Page ran his stage coaches from the
Oatlands Hotel.
up to 1949, proves that the following hotels are operating:
Kentish Hotel Still
operating as it had since 1876.
Oatlands Hotel Had a
name change in 1920's then rebadged as Oatlands Hotel.
Midlands Hotel Not the
Midland Hotel.
A Check
of the Licensees over time revealed varying details. The details have been sorted into sequence
relative to Oatlands.
Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Saturday 5 December
1863, page 2
A meeting
of Justices was held at the Court House, Oatlands, on the 1st instant for the
consideration of applications for public house licenses for the ensuing year.
Mr. James Maclanachan, in the chair, Mr. Tabart and Mr. Harrison, Justices.
were read by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace from the following, and considered.
- John Bailey, for the house called the Kentish
Hotel, High-Street. Granted
- William Jones, of the Midland Hotel, High street,
Oatlands, was granted the Justices' certificate.
- Joseph McEwan received a certificate for the
Oatlands Hotel, in the same street.
- John Newby applied for a certificate for a
license to the house, in the same street, by the sign of the Wilmot Arms.
- Edmund White applied for a certificate
approving of a license for the house called The White Horse Inn,
High-street, Oatlands.
The applicant was not present when his name was
called. It appeared, however, that he had attended but had temporarily retired. The application was acceded to.
- William
Mark White applied for a license for the house known by the sign of The
White Horse, High-street. Granted.
MEETING, December 1, 1885.
hereby give notice that the following applications for a Justices' Certificate
for receiving a Public-house License have been received by me :
From George Cross
Sturgeon, White Horse Inn, Oatlands.
From Henry and E.
and F. Sturgeon, Kentish Hotel, Oatlands.
From John Smith,
the Oatlands Hotel, Oatlands.
From Joseph Law,
the Midland Hotel, Oatlands.
From George
Rubens, the Wilmot Arm, Oatlands
at Oatlands this 10th day of November, 1885.
JOHN L. B TABART, 23n Deputy
Clerk of the Peace.
LICENSING, MEETING, to ho held at the Police Office. Oatlands, on WEDNESDAY,
the 1st day of December, at 10 o'clock forenoon.
hereby give Notice that I have received the following APPLICATIONS for
JUSTICES' CERTIFICATES, approving of Licences being granted for Public-houses
in the above Municipality :- ,
Joseph Law,
Midland Hotel. Oatlands
George Reuben,
Wilmot Arms, Oatlands
John Smith,
Oatlands Hotel.
John Sturgeon,
Kentish Hotel. Oatlands
following are NEW APPLICANTS for old houses :
Lodge, York Hotel.
Sutton, Victoria Inn. . ,
Tremaine, Wilmot Arms. Oatlands
following is a FRESH APPLICATION for a house formerly licensed, :
J. Nap, The White Horse Inn. Oatlands
at Oatlands, ; tho 20th , day of No\ember, 1880. JOHN L. B. TABART, -. Deputy
Clerk of the Peace.
(Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Wednesday 24 November 1886, page 4
LICENSING MEETING, to be held at the Police Office, Oatlands, on WEDNESDAY, the
1st day of December, ' at 10 o'clock forenoon. J '
hereby give Notice that I have received the following APPLICATIONS for
JUSTICES' CERTIFICATES, approving of Licenses being granted for Public-houses
in the above Municipality
Joseph Law, Midland Hotel. Oatlands
George Ruben, Wilmot
Arms. Oatlands
John Smith, Oatlands Hotel. ,Oatlands
John Sturgcon, Kentish
Hotel. Oatlands
following are NEW APPLICANTS for old
houses :
Lodge, York Hotel.
Sutton, Victoria Inn.
Tremaine, Wilmot Arms.
following is a FRESH APPLICATION for a house formerly licensed :
J. Wass, The White Horse Inn.
at Oatlands, the ' 20th ''day of November,',
- Ferdinand Bailey Bailey's Hotel Oatlands
- James Burrill Jnr Oatlands Hotel Oatlands
- Thomas Alfred Jones Kentish Hotel Oatlands
- Joseph Law Midland
Hotel Oatlands
- Ferdinand Bailey Bailey's Hotel Oatlands
- James Burrill Jnr Oatlands Hotel Oatlands
- Thomas Alfred Jones Kentish Hotel Oatlands
- Ferdinand Bailey Bailey's Hotel Oatlands
- James Burrill Jnr Oatlands Hotel Oatlands
- Thomas Alfred Jones Kentish Hotel Oatlands
- Ferdinand Bailey Bailey's Hotel Oatlands
- James Burrill Jnr Oatlands Hotel Oatlands
- Thomas Alfred Jones Kentish Hotel Oatlands
that evidence, Mr Joseph Law held the last license for the Midland Hotel,
expiring 1896.
are though, 3 pubs in 1898: Bailey's
Hotel, Oatlands Hotel and Kentish Hotel.
to 1915, and the consequences of the serious and questionable fire which burnt
the drapery store of Mr Burrill's, there was an inquest, a claim made on the
insurers, who subsequently they appealed the claim. Albert Jillett was on the jury, and his
sister, Miss Alice Jillett was called to give evidence.
Mercury (Hobart,
Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Friday 12 March 1915, page 3
INQUEST From Our Special Reporter
March 11
inquiry which was opened yesterday into the cause of a fire which destroyed the
drapery store and dwelling of James Burrill in High Street Oat lands on
September 19 last was resumed today. The fire burned the building and contents
right out and Burrill a few weeks after
the fire, made an assignment to a Melbourne firm, but the Tasmanian creditors
declared him in solvent The building and contents were insured for 3,250
district coroner (Mr James Lynes) presided at the inquiry. Inspector Griffiths conducted
the proceedings on behalf of the Police and Mr Cecil Allport (Messrs Dobson
Mitchell and Allport) appealed for the London and Lancashire Fire Insurance
Company with which the buildings were insured. Mr Allport was instructed by Mr
F F Leslie of Melbourne
Mr C.S. Page
and Mr Clyde Gibson (instructed by Messrs A B and C Crisp of Hobart appeared
for James Burrill and Mr E.T. Tinning (Messrs Tinning and Propsting; for the
trustees of the bankruptcy.
Jury Messrs
William Fisher (fore man) Albert Jillett,
John Weeding and Valentine Tapp)
John Fish
butcher, living at Oatlands described having received news of the fire while he
Jack Pennicott, Snowy Boswood and young Burrill were in the bar of Bailey's
Hotel from two men named Tom Spencer and Jack Brown, who called to see if Mr
Burrill was in. Witness with several others left the hotel and ran down to the
shop and found it blazing. They shouted out "Fire" for a minute then
ran round the back where witness helped a man named Whitney through a window.
The latter passed him out an armful of books with a few papers and a cigar box.
The room
was very thick with smoke It was very hot inside while in front of the building
witness could smell fire burning. The only sign of actual fire as distinct from
the smoke to be seen when he arrived was through the back window of the show
room .While witness was looking on the glass door of the showroom cracked and
broke up. Witness did not see anyone in the back yard when he first went across
to the store. Both the front and back doors were shut.
The fire
spread very rapidly and a few minutes after witness arrived it seemed to jump
suddenly all over the shop. Someone was supposed to be in the building Mrs
Burrill-he believed, and as everyone was singing out for ladders, he ran up to
the Townhall to get one.
by Mr Page. The class of goods in the shop were such as to cause the fire to
spread rapidly. Sergt. Rooke had never asked witness whether he smelt kerosene
or petrol burning.
Forcman; When you went round to the back did you notice any fire in the
kitchen?-Only a lamp burning.
Huon Philp late manager of Jas. Burrill 's store at New Norfolk said that his
store was stocked from the Oatlands business but there was no record kept of
the goods which were forwarded from one store to the other.
To Mr
Page There was nothing to prevent him keeping a record but as Mr Burrill was
satisfied he did not consider it necessary. At the store at New Norfolk of
which he was now the owner.
estimated that he was carrying £700 worth of goods, and if the store were to be
burnt down before his return he would estimate his loss at that figure without
the aid of books or invoices. There was nothing wonderful about Mr Burrill
being able to do the same thing. He did not think that Mr Burrill 's estimate
of the stock was an over estimate.
Allport; Do you think on the look at Mr Burrill 's stock which you had that you
were competent to give an exact estimate -I do not think I was.
Emery, farmer, of Oatlands said that on the night of the fire he met Mr Burrill
in his billiard saloon next door to his shop at about 8 o clock. They went
together to the Oatlands Hotel, then on to Bailey's Hotel and while there Jack
Harding told Mr Burrill that his place was on fire and witness and Mr Burrill
hastened to the scene .There was a crowd of people about but not very much
could be seen of the actual fire.
Allport continued his cross-examination of Mr Burrill and the latter, in reply
stated that he doubted the whole of the declaration with reference to the fire
which he had taken on September 23. Mr Leslie read it over to him and it took
about an hour, but he (Burrill) certainly had not described him- I self as a
gambler as it appeared in the declaration now, and Mr Leslie may have altered
or failed to read out something else. That was his reason for doubting the
He could
not say whether the statement in the declaration -but he had taken stock in
July 1915- was true or false. Witness complained that another statement in the
declaration re the carrying over of £1000 worth of summer stock was not true,
and that the declaration had been filled up falsely.
Allport: Did you tell Sergt. Rooke after
the fire that you were a ruined man'-I may have done. I am ruined If I get
every penny of the insurance I will lose £1,000.
Did you
tell Miss Jillett that the property
was only insured for 500 pound.-Never.
Did you
tell anyone after the fire that the property was not insured? I never did.
Did you
not know that the insurance company was suspicious'-Certainly not.
Mr Page
said that ostensibly all the evidence about cheap clothing and sales had been
adduced to show a motive . He contended that it had been presented for a very
different purpose and that the insurance company was endeavouring to evade its
Allport ;That is a very improper remark.
In reply
to Mr Page the witness said that the business had been a prosperous one but
since the fire he had been ruined .His wife lost about 30 pound in cash and
practically everything she had ,while he lost everything except what he stood
up in. Some 25 or 27 was recovered from the debris. The insurance company had
still continued to receive premiums on the 1910 policy, not withstanding the in-formation re previous
fires appearing on the 1912 proposal. At the time of the fire he owed the bank
100 pound less than he did a year before and the bank had as security the deeds
of the shop and house and a policy for 750 pound in the event of a fire .
He could
not benefit because the bank held the policy upon the house. He did not read
the declaration nor did Mr Gibson read it to him when witness signed it. He was
relying entirely upon what Leslie had read to him. The clothing and drapery in the
upper storey of the Oatlands shop were used to feed the New Norfolk store .The
front door of the drapery shop had no blind on its glass top, and it would be
quite possible for anyone looking through it to see a light in the dining room.
Mr. Page;
Something has been said about your remarks to Sergt Rooke. Is he friendly
towards you-No he is not He swore to make it hot for me, because I reported him
to his superior officer
Rooke And were not game to substantiate the charge.
witness was further examined by Inspector Griffiths Asked about Sergt Rookc's
alleged threat witness said that when Sergt Rooke was in his shop he had hit
the counter with his fist, and exclaimed 'By God my turn is coming.
Westly Smithies manager of the Oatlands branch of the Commercial Bank of
Tasmania gave evidence as to some of Mr Burrill's banking transactions, prior
to the fire Mr Burrill did not comply with the request of the bank to reduce
his overdraft from 900 to 500 pounds, but he gave the bank a satisfactory
explanation .Within a few days after the fire, operations upon Mr Burrill 's
account ceased The witness was examined at some length re Mr Burrill 's pay- in
Sadie Vida Cantwell, who was employed as an assistant in Mr. Burrill's
shop at the time of the fire, said that early on the day of the fire Mr Burrill
and his wife had a difference in the house. The card (produced) was a sale
price card off clothing. The pencil mark on it,namely. "35s" was the
price which the customers were asked for first and the private private mark
denoted the price at which the assistant was to sell the article if the
customer would give no more for it. (Laughter )
Gibson; We will be careful in buying drapery in future.
witness (continuing, said that she had never told anyone that she had heard Mr
Burrill say that he was going to close his business up in consequence of his
quarrel with his wife.
Mr Page;
It has been suggested that cases full of drapery were sent away from the shop on
the morning of the fire .Did you see any?-No.
Do you
think you would have noticed if they had been sent away -I think so I was in
the shop.
Allport; It was only suggested that one box had .
Sydney Smith storekeeper and farmer of Tunnack said that he remembered
purchasing seven overcoats at 5s each from Mr Burrill during last August.
Griffiths; What did you sell them at ?-1 sold some of them at more than they
were worth (langhter)
What were
the figures?(-I sold one at 22s two at 12s 6d one at 10s one at 5s and I have
two still on hand which 1 would selI at les, than I gave for them (Loud
Laughter )
Mr Page;
He is only doing the same as Mr Burrill did.
Griffiths Did you not make a statement to Sergt Rooke that you could have
bought 20 or 30 pound worth of goods from Mr Burrill but that you thought that
something was wrong and that you might have to return the goods, as Mr Burrill
was selling below cost? Yes I did. I was only a new store keeper then but I
have since found out that I could get them cheaper still.
Alice Jillett single woman said she lived next door to Mr Burrill's shop. On the
night of the fire she noticed a strange smell like linoleum smouldering and
about 30 minutes later-about 9 50-a fire broke out. The shelves in the shop
were not so full just before the fire as they had been six months previously.
Mr Burrill told her he was a ruined man.
Alice May
Broadribb, single woman said she passed the shop at 7.30 pm on the night of the
fire with her sister when she noticed that all the lights were out.
Merridale Thomas labourer, said he was in the billiard saloon when Arthur
Thomas, drew his attention to smoke coming out of Mr Burrill's shop door.
Witness ran out and tried to get into the house with John Fish but the flames
prevented the attempt, some days later witness found a bag containing drapery,
which find he reported .He remembered taking, a trunk to Miss Salmon' s in his
cart on the day of the fire, but could not remember whether he had a case as
well or not.
Griffiths ;You have given a sworn written statement to Detective Harmon .Now
since then have you held a conversation with any person about it?-I think not.
Yes or
no''-Well no then.
Did you
ever see a case of naphtha on Mr Burrill 's property? Yes.
How long
before the fire?-That is hard to answer.
In your
statement you say that you saw it a few days before the fire. Was that true or
not -I cannot say that
Was it
true'-No answer
Was It
true' Will you answer '- Well, I cannot swear that on oath. I must have thought
it when I gave the statement.
And what has altered your opinion? I have been
studying the question ever since then. The last time I cleaned the shed out it
was there.
When was that- About three weeks before the fire.
Is the statement you made true to the best of my
belief, or I would not have made it.
Thomas Chilton Button of Button Bros general
storekeepers, Oatlands was questioned re his trading in Tasmanian skins with Mr
Burrill. Quite apart from his books, he said he had a fair idea of how much
stock he carried and its value.
Walter Fish butcher said that when the alarm of
fire was raised on September 19 he hurried to the shop and got into it. There
was a great deal of smoke inside, and he could not get beyond the counter. There
was a smell that a man could not stand against for ten seconds. He could not
describe the smell, which was poison to him .He could see no sign of fire
nothing but smoke, which he thought was coming from a room at the back of the
shop. When the fire broke out of that room it seemed to fly at once from end to
end of the house .He believed that the gas pipes had burst.
To Mr Page ;The smell in the shop did not seem like
acetylene gas or naphtha o burning pine. It seemed to have sort of
"taste" about it (Laughter )
Mr Page It was not whiskey? (Laughter)
Witness ;I tried to open the door to let some of it
out but the top bolt was too hot for me to bear my hand on.
Thomas Smith proprietor of Bailey's Hotel Oatlands;
said that on the night of the fire or next day Mr Burrill told him that he was
a ruined man . Witness asked him if the place was insured and he understood the
reply to be No.
To Mr Page; Mr Burrill was so excited and upset
that he hardly appeared to know what he was saying.
Sergt Louis Henry Rooke Oatlands said that on the
night of the fire at about 9.45pm. he heard the cry of "Fire" and saw
Mr Burrill 's shop afire. There was a crowd about and some person was breaking
the front windows to get goods out. The fire was then burning inside.
Next evening, when witness asked Mr Burrill the
amount of insurance on the contents, Mr Burrill replied, £2,500 but do not tell
anyone". On September 21 Mr Burrill
called him, and took him to a shed at the rear of the shop. The witness found a chaffbag containing a
quantity of drapery. Mr Burrill claimed,
"This looks as if someone robbed my shop, and then set fire to it."
The morning after the fire, witness found two cases
of drapery in another shop and Mr Burrill explained that they had been there
for some weeks, and that they had not been unpacked because they contained
summer clothing, which had come to hand earlier than was expected, and that he
was not ready to put it in the shop. For
roughly a month before the fire witness noticed the stock in the shop
To Mr
Page: He did not suggest that there was any concealment about the boxe4s of
drapery fund in the ship. The inquiry
was instituted at the investigation of the insurance company.
Mr Page:
Have you any doubt about Mr Burrill's honesty?
Yes and I can prove it from the statements he made.
Then that
is why you sought employment for your daughter with him. That is an absolute lie.
Then you
say that the witness who made that statement (a young girl) was committing
perjury? I say so, absolutely.
But you
do dislike Mr Burrill? Yes and I do not
deny it. He has said damaging things
about me to my superior officers, and has never been game to substantiate them
when pressed to so. He is a waster, and
nothing else.
witness and Mr Burrill started to argue the question and argue with each other
about an incident at a horse race in Hobart, and the inquiry became rather
Coroner said that as the two were becoming quarrelsome and it was late, he
would close up for the night. Accordingly,
on the stroke of 12 (midnight) the inquiry was further adjourned until 9.30 am
the next day, after a sitting which had occupied nearly fifteen hours,
including two short breaks for meals.
July 1915
Fire Sequel Arbitration Concluded
application under the Arbitration Act to determine the dispute between the
London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Company on the one part and James Burrill
of Oatlands, and the trustees in his bankrupt estate - Mrs E.T. Tinning and A.
Outhwaite on the other part, was concluded yesterday. Mr Burrill's shop building and contents were
destroyed by fire last September and were insured for £750 and £2500
respectively. The amount of both claims
is disputed by the company, and the matter was placed before Merssrs. E.
Mulcahy MHA
umpire and H.J. Payne MHA and JHG Murdoch magistrates for a decision. Mr C.S. Page instructed by Messrs A.B and C
Crisp appeared for the insurance and trustees and Mr NK Ewing, KC instructed by
Messrs Dobson Mitchell and Allport and Mr FF Best insurance assessor for the
The last
witness was John Lockwood, who gave evidence as to buying the old Midland Hotel in 1902 for £475. It was in very bad order, leaking all
over. He spent £100 on putting the
building to order. He sold it for £600 and found very great delight in
getting the £600. He considered his
place to be the same value to Burrills.
That was after taking into account the money spent on his place.
But Burrill's place would bring more money for
rented to anyone who wanted a residence and a shop combined would bring £25 per
week, that was to anyone who wanted a dwelling and a shop.
Mr Page
- What interest would you expect
on your money. Ten per cent
Mr Page You cannot get it anywhere else.
Burrill's claim was settled in his favour.
proves conclusively that Albert and his sister Alice bought a building from Mr Lockwood, and
they paid £600, for it, in 1911. They
did not buy the Midland Hotel, general consensus would possibly be that the
inference on the signboard is a bit ambiguous.
and Alfred Jillett's home in High Street Oatlands
building in question is now signposted as Oatlands Coach House.
Old photos were compared, in
order to prove the information of the old Midland Hotel.
There is
no mistaking that these photos taken at different times are all of the same
Which brings
the story back to the three pubs mentioned in Oatlands in 1949.
Oatlands and
Oatlands in 2018 there are just two
oldest hotel in Oatlands is the Kentish Hotel, with Licence records from 1863
Albert died in 1934
(Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954), Wednesday 21 March 1934, page 8
CAUSES Death Under Anaesthetic Evidence at Inquest HOBART, Tuesday. A finding
of death from natural causes was returned by Mr. G. Crosby Gilmore, coroner, at
the inquest to-day on Albert Edward Robert Jillett (62), skin buyer, formerly a
resident of Oatlands, who collapsed and died while undergoing an operation at
the Hobart Public Hospital on March 13 last.
deceased had been suffering from serious natural internal ailments, and the
operation was considered imperative. Dr. V. R. Batten, Surgeon Superintendent,
said that before the operation was commenced on the deceased its serious nature
and the danger of administering an anaesthetic had been stressed to the
relatives. He had disliked asking any doctor to administer an anaesthetic owing
to the grave risk of the patient collapsing, but had done so as it was the only
chance the patient had of living. The patient had been only slightly under the
anaesthetic when he died, and he did not believe that it had caused death. In
his opinion death had been due to heart failure consequent upon a complication
of bodily ailments. The Coroner, in giving his verdict, stated that the
evidence showed every care had been taken by the hospital authorities. If the
operation had not been performed the deceased would have lived only a very
short time.
(Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Friday 16 March 1934, page 7
at Oatlands.
funeral of Mr. Albert Edward Robert Jillett, of High Street. Oatlands, took
place at the Church of England Cemetery, Oatlands, yesterday. The late Mr.
Jillett was for many years secretary of the Oatlands Hack and Trotting Club and
the Midland Jockey Club respectively. There was a large gathering, and the
chief mourners were Messrs. John and Lewis Jillett (brothers). The services in
St. Peter's Church and at the graveside were conducted by the Rev. L. A.
Burgess. Committeemen of both racing clubs were the pall-bearers. Among the many wreaths
were tributes from the Tasmanian Trotting Association, the Oatlands Trotting
Club, and the Midland Jockey Club. Mr. J. T. Weaver represented the Tasmanian
Trotting Association. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs.
Alex. Clark and Son Ltd., In conjunction with Mr. J. Tremaine, Oatlands.
Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954), Wednesday 14 March 1934, page 6
MR. ALBERT EDWARD JILLETT Sincere regret was expressed at Oatlands yesterday
when it was learned that Mr. Albert Edward Jillett had passed away at the
General Hospital. Hobart, in his 63rd year. Mr. Jillett was the second eldest
son of the late John Jillett, and was born at York Plains, near Oatlands, in
1871. He was well known throughout the state as a prominent sporting man. In
his younger days he was a keen footballer, and captained the Oatlands club for
many years. He was the pioneer of hack racing in Southern Tasmania, and was the
first secretary of the Oatlands Hack and Trotting Club when it was formed some
29 years ego, which position he held up till the present. Several years ago he
was also elected secretary of the Midland Jockey Club, and had managed the
affairs of both clubs up till the present. He was for many years handicapper of
both gallops and trots for the Southern Tack Racing Association, and he has
also acted as handicapper of the hack gallops for the St. Marys Trotting Club
for the last few years.
Jillett was keenly interested in registered trotting, and raced several of his
own horses in the registered ranks with considerable success, amongst them
being the well known pacing sire, Emulate. Mr. Jillett had been in business in Oatlands
as a skin buyer for upwards of 30 years. He had been ailing for several months,
and on Monday was taken to Hobart to undergo an operation. He married Miss M.
Bayles, of Oatlands. who survives him, and also leaves a young family of two
sons and two daughters Collapse Under Anaesthetic While undergoing an operation
in the Hobart Public Hospital Mr. Jillett collapsed under an anaesthetic and
His wife
tells how after his death she was penniless, and her son was the owner of the
Mercury (Hobart,
Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Wednesday 23 September 1936, page 9
at Oatlands Described in Hobart Supreme Court
described by her counsel as "remarkable" was unfolded by Merion
Bayles Jillett, a widow, of Oatlands, before Mr. Justice Crisp in the Supreme
Court at Hobart yesterday, when she claimed £47 8s. for board and lodging
supplied to Frederick Jones, an elderly farmer, of Belle Vale, Jericho. In her
evidence, Mrs. Jillett explained that she took defendant, his dying wife, and
other relatives into her home when asked to do so, and that during the six
weeks before the woman died her residence was besieged by members of the Jones
family, sometimes nearly 50 being present at the one time at meals which she
provided. Defendant claimed that the £12 which he had already paid, and the
many provisions that had been taken to plaintiff's house, completely covered his
indebtedness to Mrs. Jillett.
Mr. J. D.
MORRIS (Ogilvie, McKenna, and Morris) appeared for plaintiff, and Mr. M. D.
Weston (Law, Weston, and Archer, Launceston) for defendant.
that she lived in an 11 roomed house in High St., Oatlands. On December 10,
1935, she returned home after an illness to find defendant and several women,
at her residence. Defendant asked her if he could have a room in her house for
one night only, as his wife, who was in a motor-car drawn up in front of the
home was too sick to be moved to his property at Belle Vale, near Jericho, some
seven miles distant. Witness gave her consent, and Mrs. Jones sen. was moved
into the house. Two of the women stayed with her that night, but defendant went
to an hotel. The next day the doctor called, and said that the sick woman was
too ill to be moved.
George Jones and the Misses Vera and Nin Jones took up residence in the sick
woman's room, and slept there until Mrs. Jones sen. died. Three or four days
after he had first called defendant also came to stay at plaintiff's house;
From then
on there were always members of the Jones family living in and calling at the
house. On the first Sunday after the sick woman arrived witness counted 17
visitors who all had afternoon tea. There were at least five or six visitors,
each day. "On two occasions," continued witness, "the old lady
was expected to die. The first was a false alarm, but we had the house crowded
with relatives all that night. Before Mrs. Jones died the whole family slept
and lived in the house for a week. Apart from the "regulars", those
who did so were Mr. and Mrs. Monty Jones and their three children, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Jones ,and their child, Mrs. T. Jones, Mr. George Jones, Mrs. Monks and
three children, and Messrs. H. and J. Jones. Three Mr. Flemings stayed one
night only. Mrs. Charles Jones and her boy stayed the week-end. Then there were
the Misses Jones from Oat-lands, Mr. Peter Brown, and Mr. Oscar Jones.
Honor:, You had a house full, in fact?
Yes they were like a swarm of bees. On Christmas Day there were 42 members of
the Jones family at the house, and they all had afternoon tea. On December 28
seven car loads of people, men, women, and children, arrived, and there were so
many on that occasion that some had to have their tea in the cars. At times
some of the visitors brought cakes and produce, but I kept a complete list of
these things and credited defendant with £6 for that.
said that on one occasion two of the women were quarrelling about who would pay
for the board and lodging, and defendant came to her in the kitchen and said
that he would be responsible for payment for everything for as long as they
stayed in the house. On Christmas Eve-defendant gave, her £1, saying that he
would give her the balance when, he got his wool cheque. She knew that he was a
farmer in a substantial way near Jericho, and presumed that everything would be
all right. Mrs. Jones sen. died on January 18, and the funeral was held, from
her house the following Sunday. All members of the family "rolled up"
that day, and there was a big dinner.
On January
31 defendant came to her and asked how much he owed. She informed him, that she
had not made, up the account, but her charge would be 30s. a week for the sick
woman, and £1 a week each for those who had stayed with her.. She did not, know
what the charges for the visitors would be until she made up the account.
Defendant gave her £6, but when she said that this would only about pay for one
person he gave her another £5. She told him that this money, with the £1 she
had already received, would not pay for two persons, and the next day she sent
him an account for the balance. She did not hear from him, and wrote him three
letters before, taking action. She included in the account the cost of the bed
and bedding which the sick woman had used.
To Mr.
Weston: When her husband died, about two
years ago, she was left penniless. The house belonged to her son, who was aged
about 16 years. She had charged 2s. a meal for visitors, and considered
that and her other charges reasonable. - On one occasion she refused a few
shillings that one of the Jones had offered her "as a present."
Bayles, plaintiff's sister, gave corroborative evidence.
Fisher, trained nursing sister at Oatlands, said that when Mrs. Jones sen.
died, plaintiff asked her to say that the bed, mattress, pillows, and blankets
should be destroyed. Witness said, that such a course was unnecessary, as the
deceased's complaint was not infectious.
To Mr.
Morris: There always seemed to be a crowd of visitors at plaintiff's house.
said that he stayed at an hotel in Oatlands for the first four days after
December 10, but plaintiff suggested that he should stay at her place so that
Mrs. Jones sen. would be more contented. Sufficient food was brought in twice a
week to feed all members of his family who were in the house.
he nor his family asked any friends in to meals or to afternoon tea. On
Christmas Eve he gave plaintiff £1 and was told that she would leave it to him
as to what should be paid. He replied that he would sooner she put a price on
it. After Mrs. Jones died, witness went to see plaintiff for the specific
purpose of fixing up for the accommodation.
He asked how much he was in her debt, and she
said that she did not know. She told him that she would charge him £2 a week,
and he immediately paid her £11, which brought his total payment to £12 for the
six weeks. About a fortnight later he received an account from plaintiff.
On one
occasion Harry Jones offered Mrs. Jillett money for stopping there the night,
but plaintiff refused to take it saying that Jones had been too good to her
already. Mrs. Jillett had been very kind to them all the while they were
staying with her.
Morris asked Mr. Weston if he would produce a letter, dated February 24, 1938,
received by defendant from plaintiff.
Weston commenced to comply with the request, but then refused to produce that
Morris-(to His Honor): If there is a person, in the Court with a required
document in his possession have I not the power to put him in the box to
produce that document.
Honor: Yes.
Morris: Then I will call Mr. Weston to produce the document that I want.
Honor: Well, no doubt Mr. Weston will produce it if he has it there.
Weston thereupon produced the required letter and with it two others.
Morris pointed out to defendant that the first of the letters was dated
February 1, 1936, the day after defendant had inquired of plaintiff as to what
he owed her, and that the other two were directing attention to the
out-standing account.
Morris (t1 defendant) : "When you got that first letter , and the account,
the day after you say you settled finally with Mrs. Jillett, did you go to her.
and tell her she was an imposter?- No.
stated further that plaintiff had pressed many of the visitors to stay to
afternoon teas and meals. Any provision that was made, in this regard would be
done at plaintiff's expense and not at his. His sister Nin worked very hard
during the six weeks she was at Oatlands, and did a good deal of the work.
Jones, wife of George Jones, a son of defendant, gave evidence along similar
lines. She stated that both she and her sister Vera slept on couches in her
mother's room at Oatlands. She bought a quantity of food while staying at
plaintiff's house.
Jones, defendant's daughter, said that no arrangement as to payment was made
with plaintiff. Twice weekly she took a substantial quantity of food to the
house at Oatlands. She stayed only for meals once or twice, and then only at
plaintiff's request. For about a week she slept in a chair and on the floor in
plaintiff's dining-room. Several other members of the family slept, in chairs
and on couches, and only one or two had beds.
was reserved.
History of the Jillett Home in
Barwick, it has been said was the builder of the property later known as The
Midland Hotel.
indicate that William Barwick, at one time held the licence on a building known
as Lake Dulverton Inn.
Courier (Hobart,
Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Wednesday 6 December 1854, page 3
AT the
annual licensing meeting on Friday the following magistrates were present; John
Whitefoord, Esq., Chairman, H. F. Anstey, Esq., J.P.,M.L,C, and John Doughty,
Esq., J.P.
following licenses were granted ; William Barwick, Lake Dulverton Inn ; Charles
Lutten, Wilmot Arms; N. A. Woods, Oatlands Hotel; Charles Madden, Kentish
Hotel; E. White, Wardour Castle; James Hill, London Inn, Spring Hill ; George Frost,
Coach and Horses, Lemon Springs: Joseph Barwick, Halfway House, Antill Ponds.
The last
application was from Mr. D. O'Connor of the Victoria Inn, Tunbridge, which was
refused, the bench expressing their respect for the applicant, an old and
respectable resident and formerly a worthy landholder in the Oatlands District,
but the Police Magistrate said that, from circumstances which had come to his
knowledge, he could not consistently vote for him, an opinion in which the
bench unanimously concurred.
Where was the Lake Dulverton Inn?
Licence in Oatlands George Atchison the York Inn and in 1833 it was called the
York and Albany
In 1833
Mr McEwan had the Inverary Castle.
Dulverton Inn
The Lake
Dulverton Inn was owned and built by Mr John Vincent. John Vincent was the same person who built
the Callington Mill.
Page then took over the hotel in 1837. In
1840, the property was being let for a term of years. George Aitcheson was the owner, and he was
relocating to Victoria.
George Aitcheson was still listed as the owner and it was located in High
Street Oatlands.
In 1849
William Barwick was the licensee.
In 1855,
William Barwick was leaving the Lake Dulverton Inn and operating as Midland
Hotel. The does not appear to be mention of it being called Oatlands Coach House, other than it had the Coach houses well described.
By 1858, William Barwick is at a
property named Midland Hotel.
Which he then in 1860, transfers license to William and Thomas Jones.
Hobart Town Daily Mercury (Tas. : 1858 - 1860), Thursday 12 January 1860, page 4
MESSRS. Wm. and Thos. JONES HAVING obtained tho Licence for the above well-known Hotel recently held by Mr. WILLIAM BARWICK, respectfully solicit a similar amount of PUBLIC PATRONAGE with which their predecessor has been so liberally favoured.
The Hotel affords every accommodation, and is replete with nil the conveniences of a first-rate road-side Inn for families and travellers in general.
EXCELLENT STABLES for 40 or 50 Horses, and attentive Grooms.
There is a capacious IRON STORE upon the Premises most desirable for storing purposes, and particularly adapted for wool storage.
Wines, Spirits, Ale, Porter, Cordials, Ginger Beer, Lemonade, i.e., of superior quality, and not to be surpassed.
Ladies travelling will find every attention paid to them, and their comfort and convenience properly studied by Mrs. W. JONES,
Messrs. W. and T. JONES beg to say that the high reputation which tho "MIDLAND HOTEL" has always borne under the management of the former Proprietary it shall be their sincere endeavour to sustain, by strict attention to the requirements of the public, combined with uniform civility and politeness.
N.B.-Three Carriers put up at this Hotel weekly. To persons desirous of having their GOODS conveyed with expedition, either to Hobart Town or Launceston, or delivered at inter-mediate places along the main line of road, would do well to avail themselves of this convenience.
Having let the above Hotel and the eligible premises therewith, upon lease, to MESSRS W. and T. JONES, I have the pleasure to recommend them to those Ladies and Gentlemen who are accustomed to travel, and to all those customers and friends who have so kindly honoured me by their liberal support and patronage during the lone period that I carried on business in tho " MIDLAND HOTEL," and for which, on retiring from that business, I now have to return them my grateful thanks and acknowledgments, at the same time hoping that my successors will experience a continuance of that very liberal PUBLIC PATRONAGE where it has been my good fortune to enjoy.
January 4th, 1860. '
happened to the Oatlands Hotel?
Oatlands Hotel that Pauline Buckby lived in has been demolished
and is the site of the current police station. Supplied: Pauline Buckby (Source ABC)
Jillett Reunion
On Friday 5th October, the descendants of the Jillett/Bradshaw's will be visiting two establishments in Oatlands.

The Kentish Pub is our "meeting point" during the day, and at 6.00pm we are having a Reunion Dinner at the Midland's Hotel.
Here is
the more modern version of the Midlands
Hotel and the location on 5th October 2018 for our Family Reunion Dinner.
Efforts are being made to meet the owners of Albert and Alice's home in Oatlands, however it may be that she lives interstate.Of interest is an etching in stone at the Oatlands Lodge.

Efforts are being made to meet the owners of Albert and Alice's home in Oatlands, however it may be that she lives interstate.Of interest is an etching in stone at the Oatlands Lodge.
Was this perhaps carved by Bob Jillett? he and Joan lived in High Street Oatlands. This is to be found at Oatlands Lodge. Another lovely old building which from 1910 to 1976 was the Drapery store owned by the Fish family. He used the surname Bayles-Jillett. Or did they live in the house?
And thank you to these travellers, who have written a very interesting story with loads of photos about Oatlands.
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