Story from Ann Williams Fitzgerald about her 2*Great Grandmother
Life in Ireland in the 1840's was
judged by history to be the time of the Great Famine. No more evident is that unless you visit one
of the many Workhouses in any of the Counties.
The stories are of desperate
people, who have done desperate things in order to survive. Imagine having all your crops wiped out, no
money to feed and clothe the family, and them eating dirt to survive. That wasn't living that was not even an
Seeking help from the workhouse
was the only solution. At the matron's
office decisions were made. Children
over two taken from their parents. Boys
to live in one wing, girls in another.
All their clothes removed, and
sold. So many died, that every morning,
the bodies were loaded onto the carts for mass burials. And we wonder why researching our family
from Ireland is difficult.
One such soul was Margaret
Bradburn. Margaret was Ann
Williams-Fitzgerald's 2xGreat Grandmother.
Her son Alfred Boulter married Jessica Sarah Smith, and their daughter was Elsie Margaret Boulter.
Elsie married Cecil Alfred Bradshaw, and as such is the grandmother of many Bradshaw Family members.

Margaret was born in Ballyhaise,
in County Cavan, in Ireland around 1832.
Her parents were Richard Bradburn and Mary Leveston.
Richard was the son of Edward
Bradburn and his wife Elizabeth Hunter, and their DNA has been proven.
Richard and Mary had several
Bessy 1825
- 1880,
1830 - 1919,
1831 m Agnus Owens 1860 and in
1851 he was defendant in Court
Margaret 1832 - 1911 In
1856 m John Boulter in New Norfolk and
died in 1911
In 1852 Margaret was tried twice
for stealing clothes, once from Catherine Reilly in March and then again in
April, for stealing a coat, petticoat and a shawl. That resulted in 7 years transportation to
Van Diemen's Land.
It was the accepted thing, that
if you had been arrested, you were sent to the Workhouse before being accepted
for any of the migration schemes.
Margaret left Kingstown Harbour
in Dublin on 17th November 1852.
She arrived in February 1853 on
board the Midlothian, along with
other convicts, and listed as unmarried, and unable to read and write and a
house maid. At the time, the ladies who
arrived were virtually offered "for sale", by others in Hobart. If they missed they were sent to the Cascade
Female Factory until assigned.
Initially Margaret was assigned to Mr Horace Rowcroft. He was a Gold buyer and trader in Hobart.

She received her Ticket of Leave in January 1855.

Margaret married John Boulter in 1856, in New Norfolk, and they had a large family, including Alfred Boulter.
Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954),
Thursday 19 July 1866, page 3
Sadder news than this is, that a
poor little child about 2 years and 4 months old, named Boulter, whose father
works for Mr. York, at Sorell Creek, wandered away yesterday afternoon into the
hush, and by this time has undoubtedly perished. Of course diligent search has
been made by the neighbors who have been solicitous to appease the anxiety of
the grief-stricken parents ; but at the moment while I am writing this (Tuesday
evening) the bellman is parading the township and soliciting volunteers to meet
to-morrow morning to renew the search,
Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Friday 20 July 1866,
page 2
NEW NORFOLK. LOST CHILD FOUND. (From a Correspondent.)
I am happy to be enabled to inform you that the lost child of John
Boulter has, we may say, most miraculously escaped the death which was thought
to he inevitable. The poor little fellow was lost about noon on Monday, and
found about the same time on Wednesday. He had then been exposed to two most
bitter cold nights, clad only in two garments around his body with no covering
for his head, nor any covering to his feet. He had wandered about a mile and a
half from his home, which is about five miles from New Norfolk.
When found he was sitting on the sunny side of a tree breaking up a
little twig. He had not tasted food for 51 hours, from eight o'clock on Monday
to twelve o'clock on Wednesday, and yet, comparatively unclothed and
unsheltered, he not only lived, but was perfectly sensible. He could not stand,
but knew his father instantly. Some small portions of bread moistened with tea
were given to him, which he ate with voracious eagerness. Too much praise
cannot be bestowed on the inhabitants generally of the neighborhood in which
the unfortunate child was lost.
Some of the inhabitants of the township, too, never broke their fast
from seven in the morning until six at night, while scouring the bush in search
of the lost child Amongst the foremast of these was Mr. Richard Thompson, of
the Union Inn. We must not omit to mention the untiring zeal and energy
displayed by Mr. Superintendent Evendon and the small police force under his
It so happened that just as the child was found, Dr, Moore was humanely
riding down with the intention of rendering any assistance he could, Of course
his medical skill was soon brought into activity, and under his care the child
was removed to New Norfolk, and is believed to be doing well at the house of
Mr. J. Wild. Both Dr. Moore and Mr. Thompson considerately carried with them
the necessary stimulant in case a restorative should have been required.
In 1879, Margaret's nieces arrived in Maryborough in
Queensland. They came on board the Scottish Hero.
John Boulter ~
Timeline ~ CONVICT #1900 ai06076 (by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald)
1813 Birth
Leicestershire, Middlesex England
22/06/1821 Baptism
(Middlesex) Father: John Boulter Mother: Elizabeth
18/10/1832 Conviction
– Old Bailey, Newgate. Larceny (3pair shoes), 7 years Transportation.
23/11/1832 Prison Hulk
‘Leviathan’ #11668 | hulk report: Orderly
13/04/1833 Departure
from Portsmouth UK ‘Enchantress’
Surgeon report: Orderly
31/07/1833 Arrival
Hobart Town, Van Diemen’s Land.
13/11/1834 Found at
New Town after hours, to be sent to P.W. at Gatton?
To be strictly looked after & not to be [<nnn??>] after
hours from house. P.D
14/11/1834 P.B. Making
away with a pair of Gov boots, 24 lashes on the [<Brceah? >] P.D.
24/11/1835 Absent from
his gang, <[3 ??? >]Reiley’s Ford, Received forty probation ?>} ???
09/07/1836 R’d
Disobedience of orders, 1 month additional to former sentence | J.R.|
1839 Certificate
of Freedom #828
20/06/1839 Permission
to Marry (ANN BRIMMER) she ended up marrying Joseph Pedder
08/04/1856 Permission
29/04/1856 Married
to Margaret BRADBURN, (convict Police #1206) St Matthews Church New Norfolk
22/04/1857 Birth son –
William Boulter (1857 - ?)
10/01/1860 Birth son –
John Boulter Jr (1860-1891)
21/04/1862 Birth son –
Thomas Boulter (1862-1917)
13/04/1864 Birth son –
(Alfie) Boulter* (1864-1954) (my great grandfather-AWF)
1865 Birth daughter
- Edith Lilly Boulter (1865 - 1933)
15/5/1866 Birth
daughter - Frances Jane Boulter (1866-1922)
18/07/1866 Lost Child
(Alfred 2years 4months) in bush for three days. Found safe on 20 Jul 1866.
John is working for Mr York at the time at Sorell Creek.
06/09/1868 Birth
daughter – Mary Ann Boulter (1868 - ?)
19/11/1870 Birth
daughter – Margaret Mildred Boulter (1870 - ?)
09/08/1873 Birth
Daughter – Elizabeth Boulter (1873 - 1873)
22/03/1876 Birth son –
Walter Boulter (1876- 1946)
23/03/1898 Death
of John Boulter (84yrs) (my 2nd great
grandfather- AWF)
25/03/1898 Buried,
North Circle Cemetery, New Norfolk (cause death: Diarrhoea & Decay)
Times (Hobart, Tas. : 1828 - 1857),
Thursday 2 June 1853, page 2
Such is the cry. Having taken a warm interest in' the emigration measures of the last two years, we rejoice to find that the government and people are now as one on this subject. We rejoice to find that the backwardness of settlers In former years was truly described it was not reluctance to act, but a conviction that action was use-less.
They said, and said truly, that while the colony was deluged with convicts the importation of free laborers was perhaps morally wrong-and certainly unavailing. This crisis is now past ; Tasmania, if -not a free country, will be so soon. The last convict ship has anchored-the last British convict has landed-the rag flag is down, and although the department -will be able to flutter it a short time longer, it will never look quite so red, it will only be half-mast high, soon not a rag will remain. Those who have struggled to ruin the social freedom of Tasmania, will hardly realise for some time the great and glorious change. This victory without violence or bloodshed ; this triumph over sordid interests and ferocious passions"! Who can tell how much is included in that one word Freedom ?
Soon all the convict supply will shell out ; the better part will become "the free among the free," not the freed slandered on an isthmus between emigrant distrust and convict envy. An English ship freighted with human beings will be-not a source of regret to one party or the other-but of general joy. We have seen the time past when the arrival of a convict chip -was a scene of un-seemly contention among employers ; when the officers of the convict department could gratify their corruption, pride, and vengeance. The time, too, is past when the arrival of an emigrant vessel drew down to the beach -a mob of villains to scowl and blaspheme and curse the " interlopers." All this is past, and, in fact, will soon be forgotten. Who "can count the price of that liberation which breaks not a foreign but a domestic yoke, which will revolutionise every village and homestead-which will make us all again conscious of British sentiments and principles-which has externally divorced the notion of crime and poverty ; and given honesty once more to our social Decalogue.
The struggle has indeed been long, but great is the victory ! And now we must all join heart and hand and encourage the settlement of our countrymen. We shall certainly And no disposition to depart whenever the circumstances of Van Diemen's Land are not less favourable than those of other colonies. We believe that our numbers will be at least doubled in five years; our fifty thousand will become a hundred thousand. What nonsense it is to talk of the country as nearly occupied : we remember that such was the cry 30 years ago. Centuries will elapse before the country will be filled ; and were land gradually put up, and always purchasable, in small sections as it ought to be, we should no more waul labour than they have generally done in South Australia. We want the 80 acre section plan. This would fill the colony with ploughs, harrows, and waggons lo be let ; and reduce farm service to one half.
The management of the emigrants on their arrival will demand great circumspection, jft is on this point our fears are great. The stoppage of transportation will reduce the feelings of asperity, with which convict servants usually regard emigrants ; but the system of indentures will expose those who happen to fall into bad hands, to much injustice. We say, positively, that the present police laws and officials are not to be trusted with free men. The emigrant in-denture system will enable masters to make unjust bargains if they are so inclined, and some plan must he devised of relieving the [emigrant in such cases-or all the employers' will be injured by the rapacity of a few tyrannical masters who may keep the emigrants constantly before the police, and propagate throughout the laboring community, a sense of insecurity, and thus render indentures worthless in the long run.
We should strongly advise every employer to limit the term to one year, or to insert some clause giving* a servant . remedy against a bargain, which time may show to have been unfair. The emigrant is an individual, will have no chance with a single master ; but where they form " the labor power," as a body they will ultimately break through all restrictions imposed to their secret conviction of right. it is in the power of a few Turkish masters to destroy confidence in the employers ns a class, and make nil workmen discontented and distrustful.
When the general good treatment shall inspire them with confidence, public opinion will support the execution of the law. This subject will be worth the notice of the council.
If a special magistrate were appointed to determine all questions between servant and masters, and were permitted to adjust certain difficulties in relation to contracts, it would probably be useful to all parties. The " pulling" plan must be dispensed with, if any expectation of smooth water is indulged. The least of all would be to bind an emigrant to pay his passage or serve his time, and give him his choice after the first year j and to this the matter will one day come.
We congratulate the colony on the movement in the right direction.
Colonial Times (Hobart, Tas. : 1828 - 1857),
Friday 26 November 1852, page 2
We found Sir W Denison writing despatches
against immigration. Earl Gtey re-fusing to assist free emigrants, although his
government was solemnly pledged to send one free for one bond. Why, while a
ship is quitting England daily for the neighbouring colonies with freights of
emigrants, is our share a few Irish work-house girls ? Were we free from the
convict curse, then, of the tens of thousands who are descending on the
opposite shores, many would within a few days land on our own.
In Dublin the Famine Emigrants are remembered
as they are in Hobart, when they arrived.
As happened, many of the Bradburn/Leveston Family emigrated, and there is a line in Ontario in Canada.
*There appears to be many intermarriages in Cavan between
members of the Bradburn Family and of the Leveston Family
Coming down a level of the Bradburn/Leveston Family is George
Bradburn who was born 1817 and he married Ann Levistone in 1844. They arrived in Australia on the "Elisabeth
in 1845
George was the son of Richard Bradburn and Margaret
McDowell. Richard perhaps to be a cousin
of Richard who married Mary Leviston.
On the Levistone lineage there is a relationship between
Francis Leviston 1787 who married Sarah Argue 1799. Francis was the son of Henry Leviston 1762
and Abigail. They married in 1794.
The Bradburn's had land in
northern Cavan, mention is made of George Alexander. The Bradburns appear to be English
Protestants and the Levestons from Scottish planters. Cavan was settled in the
early 1800's by natives of Ireland and their descendents. Among the U.E. Loyalists and military
claimants to when early grants of land were made in Cavan, were Alexander, George and John Bradburn
John Bradburn b 1788 married
Elizabeth Foster, and his parents were George Bradburn 1762 and Mary
Levinston. The Bradburns were settlers
of Cavan Township, Durham County Ontario Canada.
(When the settlers from Ireland and Scotland resettled in America and in Canada, they were granted new lands, and they called them the same name as the place where they originally lived)
Good afternoon, many thanks for all this information. Margaret Bradburn was my husband's great grandmother. Her daughter Edith Lily Boulder married James Arthur Clark and the youngest of their four children Alfred Roy Clark was my father in law. So close connection. Many thanks, Gill Clark
ReplyDeleteThis is the best bio of Margaret Bradburn I have seen, may I extract/add it to the Bradburn in Ireland Study website for the (future) biography section ? I also would like to know more about Bessy, I only have a workhouse death record, no parentage info. In addition there are Drung and Castleterra records showing a Richard b1833 with Richard as father or Richard/Mary Leviston as parents. Could this be another brother?
I am happy to share my research with family members. I can be contacted on
ReplyDeleteMargaret was my 2x great grandmother. Cheers Ann Williams-Fitzgerald