Roll of Honour
War Heroes of
Susannah Jillett
Susannah Jillett and
Charles Dowdell
While compiling the Roll of
Honour for the descendants of Susannah Jillett and Charles Dowdell, it appeared
that not many may have realised who their great grandparents were. Charles Dowdell suffered the most gruesome
death imaginable, outside of War. He
left an incredible legacy in his descendants.
Susannah and Charles had three
daughters and a son.
Dowdell m William Belbin,
Dowdell m Thomas Patterson,
Dowdell m Edwin Rogers
Dowdell m Martha Marshall.
Of note were the number of Belbin
children who died in the same period of 1850 - 1859, no doubt victims of
scarlet fever or diphtheria, and who like their cousins, never had a chance at
Four of Susanna and Charles's
great grandchildren died and are buried in Turkey, Egypt and South Africa.
A. Rebecca
Dowdell and William Belbin
1. Ada Alice Belbin married Edwin John
1.1 son Lionel Scarr Rogers married Jessie Mary
1.1.1 Lieut
Bombardier Peter Kenneth Rogers
2/8th Battalion Born Died
17 July 1942 Buried El Alamein. Egypt
TX 2588
2. Rosetta
Belbin married Tasman Morrisby
Morrisby and Rosetta Belbin had a family of 11 children, 8 sons and 3
family consisted of
Thomas Morrisby 1869 - 1956 m Ethel
Ruby Hull
Rose Morrisby 1870 - 1950 m Benjamin
Clayton Morrisby 1872 - 1950 m
Dorothy Ruth McCall d 1909 m Mabel Elliston
William Morrisby 1874 - 1900
Morrisby 1877 - 1950 m William
Frederick Dennis Butler
Clark Morrisby 1879 - 1934 m Alberta
Evelyn Morrisby 1881
- 1938 m Emma Joan Toan
Raphael Shaw Morrisby 1883 - 1954 m Hilda
Leone Nicholson
Bertram Morrisby 1886 - 1965 m Marjorie Blakwell
Elizabeth Morrisby 1888 - 1960 m Gerald Dillon Tayler
Leyden Morrisby 1890 - 1970 m Winifred
Bertha Angel
There would not be many families
in Tasmania, who had three sons involved in the Boer War.
2.1 Percy Tasman
Morrisby Member
of the Rand Rifles
2.3 Private Bernard
William Morrisby 1877 - 27 Feb 1900 Killed at Plewinan's Farm, Colesberg
Mafeking South Africa, as a member of French's Lookout.
2.4 Raymond Clarke
Morrisby Boer War 2nd Tasmanian Bushmen's Regiment
Clarke Morrisby
Eric Leyden Morrisby Gunner Eric Layden
Morrisby WWI 6th Field Artillery Brigade returned on Shropshire 1919
![]() |
Raymond and Leyden Morrisby |
enlisted in WW I
2.7 Rupert Evelyn Morrisby
Enlisted in New Zealand 2nd Division WWI
2.7.1 sons
Alex Rupert Babington Morrisby 1913
WW2 NX204963
2.7.2 Tasman
Fairfax Morrisby b 1915 WWII Medical
2.11 Eric
Leyden Morrisby Enlisted in both WWI and WWII
2.11.1 Ivan Alfred Morrisby Enlisted in WW2 ..........
2.10 Dorothy Elizabeth Morrisby's husband Gerald Dillon Tayler enlisted in WW2
Frank Walter Tayler enlisted in
the RAAF WW2
2.2. Elsie Morrisby married a a sculptor
Benjamin Sheppard
2.3 Arthur Clayton Morrisby became a Mine
Manager in Rhodesia
2.5 Constance Morrisby married William Butler
The stories of the grandsons of
Charles Dowdell and Susannah Jillett,
are possibly quite unique.
They had three sons serve in the
Boer War, and one lays forever buried in a small grave alongside other
Australians. His name is remembered on
a Memorial at Colesberg, in South Africa[1]. It is on the lower right of the base.
A rather large report of how Bernard was killed
appeared in the Tasmanian Mail June 23, 1900, page 19. The account is by a
Theodore Buxton of French's Scouts who relates that having been shot, Morrisby
was founded by a party of Australians the following day, alive, but
unconscious. He was brought into camp by ambulance having been shot through the
head, but with such a wound he could not survive. He died quietly at 3 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon February 27, 1900.
Buxton goes on to say... "About half-an-hour after Lieutenant H.E.
Spencer brought me a large bunch of roses he had gathered from the farm garden
and asked if I would like to make a wreath for him which I did by twisting some
vines from the willow tree into a wreath and twining the roses in them. We then
went and dug the grave just at the side of the farm and buried him at 6
All the scouts that were in camp attended the funeral, the service being
read by the Rev. Mr Wilson of Colesberg, who led the procession the coffin
being covered by the Union Jack with the wreath of roses on top. We followed
the firing party and also many others that knew him. He lies buried by the side
of Australians and his grave is marked by a large wooden cross painted white
and his name and corps when he died cut deep and legibly on it.".
"Tasmanians in the Transvaal War" JOHN BUFTON. Ph.D.. F.L.S.. F.G.S., F.R.G.S.. 1905
In answer to my enquiry as to Bernard Morrisby's name being absent from the official returns of killed
and those who died, I have received the following very interesting communication from Mr. Tasman
Morrisby, of Kettering, under date of April 13, 1903: —
"Dear Sir, — In answer to your enquiry of the 7th re Tasmanians in the Transvaal War,' my son,
Bernard W. Clair Morrisby, joined the South African Light Horse as a scout at Capetown, and was shot
while scouting at Plewinan's Farm. He was a refugee from the Transvaal on the outbreak of war.
My eldest son, Percy T. B. Morrisby, is a member of the Rand Rifles, and was not in active service.
My son, A. Clayton Morrisby, was Q.M.S. of the Remount Camp at Worcester, and resigned to occupy
a civil appointment in Rhodesia just before declaration of peace. R. C. Morrisby is my son —the G. is an error
(in list of men). F. E. Morrisby was my nephew.
My dear boy Bernard was not found until two days and a night after he was shot, and was still alive,
but unconscious. The report in the 'Mercury' of June, 1900. has been confirmed by other private letters.
Tasmanians have well borne their share. — Yours, etc.,
Tasman Morrisby."
This is a military record of which any father may be proud. I shall have much pleasure in including
the young hero's name in the Roll of Honour, though he went not forth with our boys.
He is of their company in the army of the noble dead.
TASMANIAN. AN ANXIOUS TIME. Mr. Tasman MORRISBY, of Glenorchy, has received a
letter from his son, Mr. Percy MORRISBY, cyanide manager of the Jumper’s Gold
Mining Co., at Johannesburg, dated September 17 [1899], which will be read with
special interest at this time. Mr. Percy MORRISBY has been four years in the
Transvaal, and his brother, Mr. B MORRISBY, three years.
Their father has (states the
"Mercury") also spent some time in the Boers' country. Mr. Percy
MORRISBY writes - "The last time I wrote, I fully expected that ere this
troubles would have been in full swing, but here we are still squabbling along.
Everyone is in a state of depressed suspense. I doubt now that this will reach
you before war really commences. During the last week the situation has
ripened, and the cloud must burst very soon. Things cannot go on much longer as
they are. It is only the mines that are keeping the place together. There is no
business doing. The exodus is increasing, and next week's, I expect, will be a
record one. Trains are still leaving, crowded, daily. Yet there are crowds here
still. We are still running the mines, but it cannot last much longer.
Miners are leaving fast. I can
only say the sooner the end comes the better now; for it will give us a chance
of shaking the Johannesburg dust from our feet. If we are at our posts to the
last, well, we will stand a poor show of getting away at all. If we get 24
hours' notice to leave, there are not trains enough in this Republic to carry
us out. Personally, I will be thankful if I am fortunate enough to get into a
coal truck. The time is growing short, and within the next few days, it is
predicted, martial law will be proclaimed. Fancy being compelled to work under
a burly old Boer, with a rifle and the point of a bayonet at your head! It is
not unlikely, in the least. It is generally believed that by Wednesday or
Thursday next we shall know definitely about it. Of course, thousands and
thousands of men are leaving, but I feel it my duty to stand by until I get my
discharge from the company.
The fact of our miners leaving
will, I expect, mean we will have to close down sooner than anticipated. This,
of course, in a sense will he in our (the staff's) favour; for it will give us
a chance of getting away a bit earlier. All the leading mines (ours included)
have offered the, following terms - Miners, fitters, carpenter - all day pay
men - who remain till the declaration of war, will receive a bonus of £25,
provided the mine works up till then; and the staff, a month's salary extra,
and half-pay for four months. We can reside where we choose, but have to report
ourselves every fortnight by letter. The Government threaten that if we shut
the mines down they will work them themselves. This is where I think martial
law will come in. They will commandeer the employees, and work them for their
good. The state of things has now gone to such a pitch that we don't want to
see any peaceable settlement. It must be a fight to the end, in spite of the
horrors of war.
The Transvaal is not the only
object. It will combine with the Orange Free State and the Cape Colony Dutch -
in fact, there will be a united South African Dutch war. You have no idea of
the gigantic preparations going on. England speaks of 50,000 troops, but there
will be more than that, whilst the Dutch can only rake up 33,000. All the
latest warfare appliances will come into actual operation; wireless telegraphy
for instance, and Lyddite shells - the latter good stuff for the Dutchman. Make
no mistake, there is going to be some stubborn fighting. The British will be
repulsed in certain engagements, but all for an object. I could say a lot more,
but I dare not.
I got my wife and child away safely to
'Maritzburg, where they are now placed comfortably. There is plenty of anxiety
amongst us all just now. I want to see B, (his brother), to-night and will
persuade him to try and leave, provided he does not go against his duty. (Mr. B
MORRISBY is also a cyanide man in a large company at Johannesburg.) This time
is no comparison with the late crisis. We have no guns, and provisions are
remarkably limited. So, with no means of defence and no food, if there is any
chance of leaving it is not considered cowardice.
If I am fortunate enough I will enrol as a
volunteer if I can get out. Well, such is the state of things here. Nice,
exciting country this is to live in! Always something to rouse one up. I expect
you will feel anxious, but B. and I cannot show the white feather. We can only
hope for the best. If martial law is proclaimed - this is the only fear I have.
Yesterday (Saturday) there was a real row in Market Square. BAINE, a labour
agent, called a mass meeting to enlist for the Government, but when he appeared
on the scene he nearly got killed.
He drew his revolver, which was
quickly wrenched from him. He then drew another, but the rough Utlanders got
it, all the time pummelling him. Zarps (policemen) came to his assistance. Then
a detective blew a whistle, and at full gallop came 61 mounted zarps, who fell
in line and charged the crowd. One noble zarp drew his sword and cut someone.
The mob must have numbered 5000 to 6000. Another incident happened at this
The Mines Secretary of the Consolidated Gold
Mining Co. was returning from Johannesburg with money (gold) to pay the men on
the mine, and at a certain point on the road five footpads stuck him up. He was
being driven in a Scotch cart, and his black boy was shot and disabled,
Whereupon the secretary took the reins and drove with one hand and fired at the
desperadoes with the other. After knocking one fellow over he made his escape.
The boy got two shots in his chest and one in his leg. After the incident, according
to the man who witnessed the affair, a cab drove up, and four of the robbers
put a corpse in, and drove off at a furious rate.
Everyone is writing, thinking it is the last
chance of getting a letter away. We are all well, and in good spirits;. no use getting
the blues. I have heaps of unanswered letters, but I have really not the time
to answer them yet." Mr. MORRISBY's letter was unsigned, as at the time he
wrote letters passing through the post were liable to be opened and read by the
Secret Service.
11 Aug
1874 Glenorchy, Glenorchy City, Tasmania, Australia
27 Feb
1900 (aged 25) South Africa
Unit: French's Scouts/Remount Unit; Boer War. Service: South African Colonial Forces
Bernard Morrisby is one of those Tasmanian casualties whose records are
scattered, no doubt, because he served with French's Scouts of the South
African Light Horse. There is no mention of him in the South African Field
Force Casualty List nor Murray's and Bufton's work. The Office of National
Monuments Council in South Africa does not record him either, although record
is found of him in the local newspapers of the time.
Bernard, a very handsome young man, not to be confused with Frank
Morrsiby his cousin (see following inclusion), was born August 11, 1874 at
Glenorchy probably in the house "Ravensdale" (Chapel Street) or
possibly "Tolsa" both of which have long since been demolished. His
father was Tasman Morrisby, his mother Rosetta Victoria nee Belbin. An elder
sister, Elsie, a pianist, married Ben Sheppard senior, the designer of the
Memorial on the Hobart Domain. Ben died in South Africa from T.B. but the
family believes he used Bernard as a model for the bronze war memorial, Hobart.
Bernard was shot while scouting at Plewinan's farm and died the following day, February 27th 1900. He was buried at Colesberg.
Bernard was shot while scouting at Plewinan's farm and died the following day, February 27th 1900. He was buried at Colesberg.
A rather large report of how Bernard was killed appeared in the
Tasmanian Mail June 23, 1900, page 19. The account is by a Theodore Buxton of
French's Scouts who relates that having been shot, Morrisby was founded by a
party of Australians the following day, alive, but unconscious. He was brought
into camp by ambulance having been shot through the head, but with such a wound
he could not survive. He died quietly at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon February
27, 1900. Buxton goes on to say... "About half-an-hour after Lieutenant
H.E. Spencer brought me a large bunch of roses he had gathered from the farm
garden and asked if I would like to make a wreath for him which I did by
twisting some vines from the willow tree into a wreath and twining the roses in
We then went and dug the grave just at the side of the farm and buried
him at 6 o'clock. All the scouts that were in camp attended the funeral, the service
being read by the Rev. Mr Wilson of Colesburg, who led the procession the
coffin being covered by the Union Jack with the wreath of roses on top. We
followed the firing party and also many others that knew him. He lies buried by
the side of Australians and his grave is marked by a large wooden cross painted
white and his name and corps when he died cut deep and legibly on it.".
An Examiner report of April, 2 1900 (P.6) relates that he left Hobart in
1896 or late 1895 to join his brothers who were engaged in the mining industry
in Johannesburg
"It may interest the many friends of the late Bernard Morrisby to
read the following extract from a letter written by the officer commanding French's
Scouts to his father, Mr. T. Morrisby, Glenorchy:--"I am extremely sorry
to have to inform you that your son was severely wounded whilst doing his duty
at Arundel. He died two days afterwards in the hospital Arundel, having, I am
glad. to say, suffered no pain whatever. He was a great loss, as he always did
his work extremely well and was a most useful scout." This letter came
unexpectedly from Bloemfontein, and had no date, and is not a reply to any of
the letters of enquiry sent to the front, so further particulars are' anxiously
Apparently he met with considerable success, but with the coming of the
war he left the city to escape (so says family records) conscription into a
Boer Commando unit. He then went to England arriving back in Cape Town January
5 1899. He then joined Major Little's Scouts under the command of General
Bernard was related to another South African veteran with the same
surname, Captain Arthur Morrisby who was in charge of the Second Federal
Contingent (3rd). It was to this contingent that Cundy and Hodgman belonged.
His father went to South Africa soon after the war had ended and sought
his son's grave. Morrisby senior was a keen photographer and recorded his
mission for other members of the family. An interesting report on this is found
in the Mercury April 25, 1990.
Bernard Morrisby's name is contained on the Hobart Memorial, but not on
the Launceston one.
* Brothers would have been Percy Tasman, Arthur Clayton and Fred Bertram.
Hon. A. Morrisby, M.L.A., has received a letter from his nephew (Mr Clayton Morrisby) dated Remount Depot, Stellenbosch, Cape Colony, March 5, in which he states that his experiences have been many, some interesting ones too. He had seen more horses and mules than most men, and remarks that one, can only form a small idea of what war really means after a few months work with the military at the front. During the course of his duties Mr Clayton Morrisby has taken hundreds of horses to Kimberley. Da Aar, Orange River, and all the other large camps, and had seen several of the large battle fields, among them being Paardeburg, Belmont, and Magerefontein.
He also passed by his brother's grave (Bernard Morrisby) be is buried in a little Dutch garden, with two other Australians, close to the Arundel railway station. Two months ago, in company with another conductor, be proceeded to Picquetberg road to look after the remount there, where they commandeered most of the animals from the farmers. Picquetberg has been, he says, one of the important militia camps, and thousands of troops have passed through. Major Dobbin, of Victoria. and Lieutenant Sweetland, of New South Wales, were the officers in command of the depot.
2.5 Constance Morrisby's husband
Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Tuesday 7 October 1941, page 2
MR. W. F. D. BUTLER DEAD Prominent
Hobart Lawyer Avid Churchman
The death took place yesterday at his residence, Bishop St., New Town,
in his 64th year, of Mr. William Frederick Dennis Butler, for many years a
partner in the Hobart legal firm of Butler, McIntyre, and Butler. Born at Bagdad, where his father, the late Mr.
Francis Frederick Butler, had landed interests, Mr. W. F D. Butler received his
early education at the Bagdad school, and afterwards at the Hutchins School. At
the University of Tasmania he took the degree of B.A., M.Sc., and LL.B. After a
world tour he joined the legal firm with which he was associated until his
death, first as managing clerk and in due course as junior partner, and senior
On the death of his father he took over the management of the Korongee
orchard property at Glenorchy, to which earlier the family had removed. During
his period of residence there he was a member of the Glenorchy Council, of
which he was treasurer at the time of his retirement in 1910, when he left the
district to live at New Town. In 1896 he married Miss Constance I. Morrisby,
daughter of the late Mr. Tasman Morrisby, and Mrs. Morrisby, of Ravensdale,
For many years Mr. Butler was president of the Southern Tasmanian Law
Society; he was also a founder and one- time president of the Australian Legal
Convention. He was one of the conveyancing counsel to the Supreme Court of
Tasmania and took a prominent part in the consolidation of Tasmanian statutes.
While president of the Law Society he closely studied new legislation and
advised regarding its form and incidence. His political standpoint was strongly
independent. In association with other Tasmanian advocates he vigorously
supported the movement to-wards Australian Federation. He was leading supporter
also at the time of its introduction of the Hare-Clark voting system.
Mr. Butler filled a prominent position in Church affairs. A member of
the Anglican Synod in Tasmania for 34 years and of the general Synod of
Australia and of the Tasmanian Diocesan Council for 31 years, he was appointed
Church Advocate in 1916 and Diocesan Chancellor in 1940.
He was a trustee of Church property from 1914 onwards and from 1936
Chairman of Church Trustees. He was also chairman of the Clergy Provident Fund
Board and member of the Diocesan Insurance Board and of the board of Christ
College, to whose interests he devoted himself unsparingly.
In addition to giving his services in these many offices, he gave
personal support to successive rectors of St. John's parish, New Town, as lay
reader and churchwarden. He was chairman of the Hutchins School Board and was
Warden of the University Senate.
His range of interests was wide. In earlier years he was an active
supporter of the A.N.A. Rifle Club. An ardent bush lover, over a long period of
years he undertook expeditions to unfrequented areas of Tasmania. With Prof. L.
F. Giblin and others he resurveyed the heights of Ben Lomond and Barn Bluff. He
was an active member of the Royal Society, a life member of the Royal
Agricultural Society, and a charter member of the Hobart Rotary Club, of which
he was a past president. He was also president of the Tasmanian section of the
League of Nations Union.
He is survived by his wife and by his son, Mr. Eustace G. Butler, of
Smithton, his daughters, Miss Dorothy Butler, who is a nurse on overseas
service with the A.I.F., and Miss Margaret Butler, of New Town, and by his
sister Mrs. B. Wall, of Hobart.
The cremation, at Cornelian Bay to-morrow afternoon, will be preceded by
a memorial service at St. John's Church, New Town.
Their daughter was
2.5.1 Dorothy
D Butler. (Sister) of Hobart (A.A.N.S.), (A.I.F.) TX2168
Dorothy was a Sister at the Repatriation Hospital in
Hobart, and left in 1940 for active service.
She married Lieutenant Douglas
Anderson Mc Bride. VX3707 He served in Greece and Libya,
and returned in 1942, when he was appointed Liaison Officer.
2.5.2 Eustace Gamaliel Butler, his son was a
solicitor and admitted to the Bar in 1930, the Chief Justice mentioning at the
time that the Butler family had been in the law profession in Tasmania for over
100 years. He served in WWII as a
In another family relationship, the grandparents of
William Frederick Dennis Butler were Edward Paine Butler and Martha Sarah
Edward and Martha Butler were the uncle and aunt of
John Hutton Bisdee. He and William were
therefore second cousins.
2.2 Elsie Morrisby her husband Benjamin Sheppard.
The Hobart Boer War Memorial was the work of sculptor Benjamin Sheppard, who was Bernard's brother in law.
Benjamin (Ben) (1876–1910) by R. H. Ewins
This article was published
in Australian
Dictionary of Biography, Volume 11,
(MUP), 1988
It was inevitable in Hobart's small community, self-consciously striving for a cultural life, that the presence of a talented London-trained artist would be noticed. In 1898 he was commissioned to paint a small mural (still extant) in St Mary's College and another, larger one in St Joseph's Church (since obliterated). His appointment in 1900 as art master at the Hobart Technical School was not surprising. An energetic and inspiring teacher, he had among his pupils Mildred Lovett and Florence Rodway. On 11 December 1901 at St Paul's Church, Glenorchy, Sheppard married Elsie Rose Morrisby, a talented pianist and member of a socially noteworthy family. Sheppard himself was a violinist, and the marriage was commended in the press as a 'marriage of the arts'.
Despite heavy teaching commitments, Sheppard worked prolifically. Portraits included Sir Phillip Fysh (presented by the artist to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery) and Premier Sir Neil Elliott Lewis, as well as sixty portrait-supplements for the Launceston Weekly Courier. A much-admired large painting, 'The Return of Colonel Cameron and the first Tasmanian Contingent sent to the Anglo-Boer War' (present whereabouts unknown), took eighteen months to complete.
Sheppard taught himself 'modelling' for teaching purposes. In 1903 his plaster statue of King Edward VII was placed outside the Treasury Buildings. It disintegrated, but in August he won a commission for a memorial to Tasmanian soldiers in the South African War. On 1 February 1905 this memorial, which he executed in London, was unveiled with great fanfare on the Hobart Domain, where it still stands. Undoubtedly Sheppard's masterpiece, a sensitive piece of work in a normally uninspired genre, it received generous acclaim in Britain and Australia. A replica was erected at Halifax, Yorkshire.
In 1905, joined in London by his family, Sheppard enjoyed recognition, with portrait commissions, work exhibited in the Academy, and election to the Society of British Sculptors. But in mid-1906 he contracted tuberculosis. After a year in sanatoriums, he went to South Africa where by 1909, working and exhibiting again, he achieved considerable acclaim. Then his health failed rapidly, and on 18 March 1910 he died at Cape Town, widely mourned and eulogized. His wife and son survived him.
The Monument is located in:
& Aberdeen Streets, Queens Domain, near Hobart Aquatic Centre, Hobart,
Tasmanian contingents.
Numbers, names of Commanding Officers and dates of departure.
Tasmanian Contingent : 80.
Capt. C. St Clair Cameron. 27th Oct 1899
Capt. C. St Clair Cameron. 27th Oct 1899
for 1st Contingent : 47
Capt. A. H. Riccall. 18th Jan. 1900
Capt. A. H. Riccall. 18th Jan. 1900
1st Tasmanian Imperial Contingent : 122
Capt. R. C. Lewis. 26th Apr 1900
Capt. R. C. Lewis. 26th Apr 1900
Tasmanian Imperial Contingent : 254
Lt. Col. E. T. Watchorn. 27th Mar. 1901
Lt. Col. E. T. Watchorn. 27th Mar. 1901
Company 1st Battalion A.C.H. : 122
Capt. A. W. B. Perceval. 16th Feb 1902.
Capt. A. W. B. Perceval. 16th Feb 1902.
Company 3rd Battalion A.C.H. : 121
Capt. A. Morrisby. 8th Apr. 1902.
Capt. A. Morrisby. 8th Apr. 1902.
Squadron 8th Battalion A.C.H. : 120
Capt. K. A. Ogilvy. 21st May. 1902.
Capt. K. A. Ogilvy. 21st May. 1902.
After the death of Rebecca,
William's married as his second wife Mary Finigan
Their son was Private Francis Aubrey Belbin in Wellington Regiment
Expeditionary Force and also AIF joined November 1915
![]() |
The brothers of Tasman Morrisby -Arthur Above |
The Morrisby boys were in South Africa
with their uncle and cousin.
Their uncle became a MP in
Tasmania, Arthur Morrisby, enlisted aged 54 in the Boer War. He was in command of E Squadron, Major of 3rd
Battalion, and obtained the rank of Major.
And his son, their cousin,
Frederick Morrisby died from infection, 1902
Edward Morrisby Service number, 1184. Rank,
Company Quartermaster-Sergeant. Unit, 1st Battalion, Australian Commonwealth
Horse. Place, Tasmania Eastern
Shore Sun
The Premier has received through His Excellency the Governor, advices from South Africa, notifying that Quartermaster Sergeant Frank Morrisby died on the 25th inst. It will be remembered that advices were recently received to the effect that the above-named non-commissioned officer was lying dangerously ill (with hepatic abscess on the liver) at Klerksdorp. The news will be learned with great regret in Hobart, where the deceased gentleman (who belonged to Bellerive) was highly popular. The Premier has also received a cablegram from South Africa direct, notifying that Corporal Holmwood, who was reported to be dangerously ill, has been discharged from hospital, and has obtained leave to visit Pretoria. Holmwood also comes from Bellerive." - from the Tasmanian News 27 Jun 1902 (
EASTERN Shore author and historian Reg A. Watson has recently launched a re-release of his 1995 book, “Heroes All”. Centred on the casualties of the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902), the book details the story of two boys from the Eastern Shore who died as a result of their service in the war.
Mr Watson said that since its first release more than 20-years-ago, much more information had come to light surrounding the circumstances of the Anglo-Boer War. “The book has additional information, corrections and photographs, as well as being a more attractive, perfect-bound volume,” he said.
Edward Frank Morrisby and his cousin, Bernard Morrisby, are commemorated in the Boer War Memorial in Bellerive. Edward Morrisby was the last Tasmanian to die in the war on 25 June, 1902, while Bernard was shot and killed on 27 February, 1900. Mr Watson said the book was a very important addition to Tasmania’s military and social history, as very little had been published on Tasmania’s involvement in the war.
Mr Watson will be presenting a copy of his book to the Rosny LINC. Caption: Tasmanian author and historian Reg A. Watson at the Boer War Memorial in Bellerive with his re-published book “Heroes All”.
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