A Notable Event
Celebrating a
Bi-Centenary is rather special. In 1988,
Australians celebrated a special occasion, and for many of us at that stage in
our life, we had no inkling of, nor particular interest in our Ancestors.
Perhaps nothing has
changed, however the older one becomes, the higher the interest in learning about
all those great grandparents whose blood flows through our veins.
There must be
something rather special about a year ending with "8" in the
Historical Accounts of Robert and Elizabeth Jillett.
Their adventure to
the Land Down Under began on a ship. It
was the Convict ship "Hillsborough", which sailed from Portsmouth in
December 1798. 220 Years Ago.
They boarded the ship
separately. Elizabeth was married to
Thomas Bradshaw, a Highway man sentenced to life in the Colony, and his wife
Elizabeth and their daughter were granted permission to travel with them.

300 people boarded
the ship, 205 stepped off in Botany Bay.
95 were buried in the Ocean along the way.
Governor Hunter reported
The Hillsborough
transport, being just arriv'd in this port with a cargo of the most miserable
and wretched convicts I have ever beheld, I am constrain'd to recur to my many
official letters on the subject of slop cloathing and blankets. Were you, my
dear sir, in the situation in which I stand, I am convinc'd all the feelings of
humanity, every sensation which can occasion a pang for the distresses of a
fellow creature, would be seen to operate in you with full force. Figure to
yourself a ship having out of three hundred people embarked in England, and
having stopped for their refreshment several weeks at the Cape Good Hope, yet
having upon her voyage buried of the above number ninety five and four since
landing; those who still survive are in the most sickly and wretched state, put
on board the ship in England with the cloaths only in which they stood,
consequently arrived here naked, where cloathing is not to be found. Nor is it
possible, my dear sir, when you look back to our last general supply which was
by the Sylph near three years ago and very moderate in point of quantity that
you can wonder we should at this time be without.
Life in Sydney
changed in 1800, when Mrs Bradshaw began a relationship with Mr Jillett, which
caused Mr Bradshaw some grief!
However, after only 4
years in Sydney, where Elizabeth was prospering nicely, Robert decided to
change the situation by being arrested for theft once again, and sentenced to
be hung. Another reprieve followed. In 1803 they were sent to Norfolk Island.
On a ship they went,
this time to Norfolk Island. Once again
Elizabeth had lands, and seemed to prosper.
Then an announcement that caused great concern, when it was stated that
they were to be relocated to Van Diemen's land.
They travelled on the
"Lady Nelson", and arrived in Hobart in 1808. 210 Years
In place of her lands
relinquished on Norfolk Island, Elizabeth was granted new land in Van Diemen's
Land. She may have been the holder of
land in both Hobart and in New Norfolk.
Between 27 November, 1807 and 2 October, 1808
some 500 people from Norfolk Island (23 were convicts) were settled at what is
now New Norfolk. It was known as The Hills at the time. On 30 April, 1808 the settlement became known as New Norfolk. 210 Years ago
Unfortunately there
are no records indicating at when the family took up lands in New Norfolk.
In 1812, she and
Robert married in St Davids Church, in Hobart.
In 1815, they were living at New Norfolk, as Rev Knopwood reported that
a bushranger had held their house up, and "Stayed all night".
Robert was pardoned
in 1814. From that date, as a pardoned convict, he could then apply for land
grants, which he did, and his first grant was at Risdon Cove in 1816 However, he did not take that lease.
In 1816, they were
living at New Norfolk, and was mentioned in dealings with John Massey, who was
Thomas Shone's uncle.
In 1817 Robert was
contracting to the Government to supply meat.
At the grand price of 6d per lb. For the week ending 28th March 1817,
his quota was 1500lb. To supply such a
large quantity, he must have had a considerable amount of land to graze the
By 1818, he had a
lease in the area for a run between Macquarie Springs and Meehan's Valley, York
Plains. That lease was renewed 29th September 1819 for a further 12
His lease in the York Plains area from
September 1818 200 Years ago
Significant Historical Milestones
Leaving England 220 years ago
Left Sydney for Norfolk Island 215 Years ago
Leaving Norfolk Island 210 years ago
Arrival at Hobart 210 years ago
Settler at New Norfolk 210 years ago
Settler at York Plains 200 years ago
Leaving Norfolk
Elizabeth and her family were on the Lady Nelson and left for
Tasmania in 1808.
The Norfolk Island Evacuation List of 1808/1808 shows:
Elizabeth Bradshaw
Norfolk Settler, 3rd
Class, 5 children
15 1/2 acres cleared, 68 1/2 acres not cleared
House (Maten boaded) & Flaxed 17 x 11 Outhouse thatch & logs Value £8
3rd Embarkation for VDL Lady Nelson 14th February 1808
2 Male and 28 female sheep
17 Male, 2 female sheep, 1.2 grown Value £59
11 acres maize
15 1/2 acres cleared, 68 1/2 acres not cleared
House (Maten boaded) & Flaxed 17 x 11 Outhouse thatch & logs Value £8
3rd Embarkation for VDL Lady Nelson 14th February 1808
2 Male and 28 female sheep
17 Male, 2 female sheep, 1.2 grown Value £59
11 acres maize
Elizabeth was a remarkable woman. The trip on the Lady
Nelson, with her 5 children and the farm animals must have seemed like a bit of
a breeze from her first voyage to Australia aboard the "Hillsborough".
Just consider for a moment how difficult it must have been just to
board the ship at Norfolk Island. Trying
to manage 5 young children would not have been not easy. There was no jetty, no wharf, nothing
except the row boats. Her eldest daughter was around 10 years of age.
Many ships had perished just a few metres from the coastline.
The most famous among them the ss "Sirius", in 1790, before
Elizabeth's time on the island, but which she would have been familiar.
The Sirius went down in 1790, with the island losing all its supplies.
Elizabeth Bradshaw was allocated land in Van Diemen’s Land, in
compensation for property abandoned on Norfolk Island. Her land provided
the basis for the family’s livelihood, the couple becoming farmer and
stock-keepers, deriving their cash income from selling meat and produce by
tender to government stores.
Elizabeth Bradshaw was one determined lady. Firstly she
encountered all the hardships by following her husband on a death ship half way
around the world to Botany Bay accompanied by her 2 year old daughter.
With her husband half dead from
the voyage, and she a "free settler", Elizabeth might very well have
been a lady worth pursuing.
Perhaps that is what Robert Jillett thought!
He became her partner, fathering in
January 1800, the first of two sons. nine months later William was born,
followed by James, and he worked in her businesses from 1800 until 1803, where
once again he committed an offence serious enough to see him hang!
Instead of letting him go to Norfolk Island and face the consequences,
she decided to sell everything and follow him. That surely speaks of her
nature! Was it love? or was it her devotion to her young children?
One wonders what may have been if she had stayed on her large allotment
in Sydney.
So once again her strength overshadowed adversity and she prospered on
her different allotments on Norfolk Island.
One thing to remember is that there was no official currency at the
time. Trade was done from the commandant's store in barter, or more often
in rum. Currency was not introduced until 1817.
The landing might not be what she expected. After 5 years of
living in a fairly warm climate, except for the chilling south eastern winds,
she steps out into the cold clime of Van Diemen's Land. Tents became the
As a free settler Elizabeth was granted land in Hobart Town in lieu of
the lands that she had left behind on Norfolk Island, she appears also to
have taken land at New Norfolk.
![]() |
Hobart 1817 |
Opposite them on the Hobart Rivulet in Collins Street (near where the Royal Hobart Hospital stands) a Mrs. Catherine Kearney (previous contributors alluded that she was a free woman, but that is incorrect) was granted land. She also came from Norfolk Island with her two sons, William and Thomas.
The Bradshaw/Jilletts would probably have known her on Norfolk
Island. Her grant was discovered with ti-tree and convicts cleared
it. She became known as the Dairy-woman of the Settlement and supplied
the Government and the officers with milk from her herd.
Not far from the Bradshaw/Jillett residence, at the end of Hunter Street
was Hunter Island, it has since been filled in and joined up near the
I.X.L. Jones Jam Factory. This Island was the place where all the
criminals were hung.
The house was in Wapping at that stage. Wapping was bounded by
Campbell, Park, Liverpool and Macquarie Streets. Park Street may have been the
street in which St. Davids Burial ground was.
In 1811, when G.W. Evans, the
Government surveyor was given the task of drawing up streets etc, it was found
that the Bradshaw land was to be bi-sected by Collins and Campbell streets and
it was found that one of the angles of the house projected onto Collins Street.
There was quite a lot of communication regarding this land and house, and
eventually in 1827 the Government decided to give 500 acres at Green Ponds
(now Kempton) in compensation for the house and land. Unfortunately
that Grant has not been found as yet.
On April 4, 1812, Robert Jillett and Elizabeth Bradshaw were married by
the Reverend Robert Knopwood at St. David's Cathedral. From their
marriage certificate, it appears both could write, although often Robert was
known as Gillett, or Jillet or in this case someone has changed the name to
Robert and Elizabeth were to have a further five children in Van
Diemen’s Land, the last four being born after their marriage in 1812.
On 31st January, 1814 a CONDITIONAL PARDON No 323 was sent by the ship
ACTIVE and arrived in the River Derwent on 22nd March 1814. It had been sent to
November 1814, Comment from some Official Quarters, "There are no
titles on record, whereby a right can be claimed, as individual property by Mr.
Jillett", re the house in Collins Street.
With her marriage to Robert assured, the life of Elizabeth seemed to
take a backward step.
Here she was a battler, a business person in her own right, a free
settler, and by marriage he was able to lay claim to all her property.
Wonder who was the smart one in that relationship?
In October 1815, Mr Robert Knopwood
noted in his diary - "JILLETTS HOUSE AT NEW
The first person to build a house
at New Norfolk was Denis McCarty, an Irish rebel who had been transported to
New South Wales. By 1808 McCarty had become a police constable and been
appointed to administer justice in New Norfolk.
What an amazing life their
"acquaintance" Mr McCarthy,
He made a claim this year for stores supplied to the Hobart Commissariat Department, 1816.
On August 3rd 1816, there was a notice in the Hobart Town Gazette warning people not to take up notes drawn on Robert Jillett of New Norfolk. (It was quite legal, he had made them out to John Massey, a settler at New Norfolk and they had been lost) There were 4 notes - three for £50 pounds each and one for £28/6s a total of £178.6s. (A lot of money in 1816!)
Robert then put in an account to the Commissariat Department for payment of supplies given to parties out in search of the bushrangers at New Norfolk.
In 1817 he tendered to supply 1500lb of meat to the Government Stores by 28th February 1817.
A notice in the Hobart Town Gazette, 6th Dec, 1817 and 13th December, 1817 Re: Friendly Farms, Prince of Wales Bay, Newtown, formerly Robert Jillett's Martha Hayes, William Littlefield and Martin Hunt's farm - any cattle and sheep found on them will be impounded! Signed Thomas Wells and Adam Brodribb.

In 1818 and probably earlier, Robert Jillett had a grazing licence to September 29th 1819, for a run between Macquarie Springs and Meehan's Valley,York Plains. That licence was renewed again in 1819
Tasmanian Land Grants records of 1819 -
1821 indicate that Robert Jillett was granted 140 acres between New Town
The boys each received 60 acres in Methuen at Back River. The land was granted to them as Freemen. This was also in 1823.
The deeds of Robert Jillett, and William and James Bradshaw are different because theirs stated "Freemen" and his "Emancipated convict".
The three grants were all signed by Thomas Brisbane, Governor of New South Wales at that time.
The boys each received 60 acres in Methuen at Back River. The land was granted to them as Freemen. This was also in 1823.
The deeds of Robert Jillett, and William and James Bradshaw are different because theirs stated "Freemen" and his "Emancipated convict".
The three grants were all signed by Thomas Brisbane, Governor of New South Wales at that time.
Hobart Town Gazette, &
Southern Reporter. Robert Jillett tendered to supply meat to His Majesty's
18 Jan - 28 Feb, 1817 - 1500lbs
19 May - 8 Aug 1817 - 1000lbs
and other notices in separate issues
An account with the
Commissariat's Department, Hobart in respect of supplies to parties out in search of bushrangers
Reference to ownership of land. "Robert Jillett, late partner with
Martha Hayes, William Littlefield and Martin Hunt of FRIENDLY FARMS situate at
Prince of Wales Bay and from thence to the Rivulet at New Town". (Martha Hayes was considered by visiting
Irish exile General Joseph Holt in 1806 to be "a beautiful girl: the
prettiest violet I saw growing on the Derwent". She had been mistress to Lieutenant Bowen,
together they were the parents of the first (illegitimate) European child born
in Tasmania, etc. etc.)
Archive Microfilm records, not pursued in detail.) An old map of location of land granted in the
New Town/Glenorchy district shows Robert Jillett as the grantee of Grant No.
19, 140 acres, located on the south side of Prince of Wales Bay, near the
present site of the Electrolytic Zinc Company's works. [See later for trespass notice from Hobart
Town Gazette, December 20, 1823, giving location and name of "Jillett's Point"].
[Note: Land was grazed by Robert Jillett at York
Plains 1817-1823.
(As listed in:Wright, Reg.,1986. The Forgotten Generation of Norfolk Island
and Van Diemen's Land. Library of
Australian History, Sydney). Record
AONSW Ref.4/1235.2
Robt GILLET, arr. Hillsborough,
Master's name - Armstrong(sic), convicted at Middlesex, 1797, sentenced 7
yrs(sic), off stores. (Note: since this is a list of free persons, it seems that Robert Jillett
must have been granted a pardon at some time since leaving Norfolk Island. No mention of life sentence at Sydney, 1803).
Wm BRADSHAW, Born at Pt.J.
Jas. BRADSHAW, Born at Pt.J.
Elizabeth JILLETT, listed amongst
women off stores.
Robt. JILLETT, listed as parent of six children off stores.
as the two Bradshaw brothers and a Chas Horam are listed immediately
after Robt. Gillet on this list, it seems that they reported to the muster
station immediately after one another.
The married Bradshaw sister Mary Ann Horne cannot be reliably recognised
in the list, but its seems almost certain that she was the My Ann Horam listed
next but one after Elizabeth Jillett on the separate list of women. Though they are not named individually, the 6
children of Robert Jillett would have been Susanna, Rebecca, Eliza, Robert,
Charlotte and Thomas).
No. Sex Name Transp. Master
Where Tried When Sent
54 F
Jillett, Elizabeth
- - - - Hobart
539 M
Jillett, Robert
Hillsborough Hingston London
1797 7 y Hobart
Stores Remarks Ref. P:I
1819 Off
- AON 4/1235.4 432.19
1819 Off
- AON 4/1235.4 421.19
HTG JILLETT, Robert, Action
for recovery of debt, from List of Causes, VDL Assizes, Jan 1819.
HTG JILLETT, Robert, grazing
licence renewed for 12 months from Sep 29, 1819 for run from Macquarie Springs
to Meehans Valley, York Plains. (Similar
notice in 1820, and other years - Joan Jillett).
Ann Smallman, convict, assigned to Mrs Jillett, Hobart Town -
HTG JILLETT, Robert, paid
debt due to crown, between 5 Nov 1819 and Apr 24 1820.
JILLETT, Robert, Hobart Gazette, 3 March 1821, [Hobart Town Intelligence].Criminal Court,
Thurs Jan 23, 1821.
"William Williams, alias Scrammy
Williams, was capitally indicted for feloniously stealing, in the month of
August 1819, at YORK PLAINS, 150 sheep, the property of Robert Jillett, a
The evidence in this prosecution
did not appear at all to criminate the prisoner, except that of an accomplice
Thomas GRANEY, who positively swore to the prisoner and to John Scott, (the
sheep stealer who drowned himself in the Derwent when under a warrant of
execution) being concerned with him in committing the robbery in question.
The prisoner protested his
innocence and stated that GRANEY had said that he would hang 50 innocent men so
that he could get through the charges against himself.
The Judge Advocate, amongst other
remarks observed that in this case, charging the prisoner capitally for
stealing sheep, the property of Robert Jillett, the evidence rested
almost entirely on the approver; but the court would have to determine how far
he was entitled to credit; or how far he was generally borne out by other
The court retired for a few
minutes and returned a judgement of NOT guilty."
HTG Sat, August 24, 1822: Robert
Jillett, James Bradshaw, Wm. Bradshaw, were charged with assaulting Charles Horan, and bound over to keep the
peace and to be of good behaviour, for
6 calendar months - themselves in 10 l.
(£10) each and two sureties of 10 l
(£10) each.
Charles Horan was son-in-law/brother-in-law to this lot, the husband of Mary
Town Gazette, and Southern Reporter. Saturday, October 12 - Peter Bodecin and Robert
Jillett were convicted of selling spirits without license so to do; the former, being his first
offence, in the mitigated penalty of £10; the latter, being the third offence,
in the full penalty of £20.
30JUN1823 William
Bradshaw 60 acres Methven (York
30JUN1823 James Bradshaw
60 acres Methven (York Plains)
30JUN1823 Robert
Jillett 50 acres District of New Norfolk
McKAY, Anne (Ed), 1962. Journals of the Land Commissioners for Van
Diemen's Land 1826-28. University of
Tasmania, in conjunction with the Tasmanian Historical Research Association,
Hobart. 151pp. Index: "JILLETT, or
GILLETT, Robert, (c.1769 -1832) arr. 14 Feb 1808 (sic); O.(riginal) G.(rant)
York Plns.
1823: notice cautioning all persons
"against trespassing upon my farm of 120 acres (sic) of land, being my
wife's claim from Norfolk Island, situate at Prince of Wales Bay, and known by
the name of Jillett's Point, upon pain of prosecution to the utmost rigour of
the Law. R.JILLETT".
Reporter. January 9 - Unclaimed letter at PO - Robert Jillett.
The Colonial Secretary's Papers indicate the following land matters:
1815 Jun 6
Re assignment of
land in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3261; 4/433 pp.84-8)
On list of persons
who have had their lands measured in Van Diemen's Land but have not received
their grants (Reel 6048; 4/1742 p.296)
In index to land
grants in Van Diemen's Land; also listed as Jellett (Fiche 3262; 4/438 pp.46,
On list of persons
owing quit rents in Van Diemen's Land; for land in the District of Argyle
(Fiche 3270; X19 p.13)
from Original researchers
their early days in Tasmania, land and leases has featured in the lives of both
Elizabeth and Robert.
a settler from Norfolk Island, she was entitled to lands. Finding details to confirm those land grants,
has not been obtained, despite the huge amount of initial research.
was a theory that the original grants were incorrectly signed by Governor
Brisbane, and then Robert did not renew them, however with more information available,
the following stories about the situation regarding land grant issues, is
pretty explanatory.
issued in 1813 were still not processed in 1817.
were given land by the Governor, and that is what happened to Elizabeth in
Hobart with her land at Collins Street.
It was located close to the existing Barracks, as this exerpt shows.
doubt it was the same situation which applied to their lands in New Norfolk and
York Plains.
In the Words of
Governor Macquarie
In those times, Van Diemen’s Land (VDL) was
administered by a lieutenant-governor, with the New South Wales governor having
ultimate jurisdiction. Port Dalrymple was virtually autonomous. By the time of
Lachlan Macquarie and his wife Elizabeth’s visit to VDL in November 1811, the
island was administered by Captain John Murray. Their journey from Sydney
had been a rough passage and they were received with great enthusiasm.
They climbed Mt Nelson and Lachlan ordered the erection of a signal staff on
its summit. He was not impressed with the street layout of Hobart Town and the
erratic erection of buildings. He set about laying the town in a regular
manner, centring it on St George’s Square, now Franklin Square, and the public
buildings. Mrs Macquarie took an interest in the settlers, inquiring personally
into their needs and concerns. From Hobart Town they journeyed to Launceston
and it was Lachlan who was not in favour of the northern settlement being
independent from the southern one. Returning to Sydney he ordered the VDL
colony to be under one government.The Macquarie’s’ legacy to Tasmania is enormous. He had the strength of character and enthusiasm to mould events. Hobart streets Macquarie, Murray, Elizabeth, Argyle, and Antill were named by Lachlan, besides designing the city. Just outside the town, he stopped on a small hill and to his aide-de-camp, Captain Antill, he said, “This is the spot for a barracks”.
This became Anglesea Barracks. Travelling to Launceston, they named Mt Dromedary, Macquarie Springs, Antill Ponds, and the Elizabeth and Macquarie Rivers. York Plains, Epping Forest, Breadalbane and Corra Linn were also named. The governor and Elizabeth, rising at five each morning, rode several miles before breakfast at ten.
Surveyor Meehan was instructed to mark out the main highway between the two main towns. Elizabeth explored with her husband, and he organised communication across the island, including the setting up of finer-posts and establishing military camps to be set up along the route. They left the Tamar for Sydney on the Lady Nelson, but it was a slow journey, taking a full week to sail the river, spending Christmas in Bass Strait.
That was his first visit to VDL, visiting the last time on the cessation of his office. Accompanied now by Lachlan junior, he named and mapped out Campbell Town, Ross, Oatlands, Brighton and Elizabeth Town (later renamed New Norfolk).
Notes from Governor Mcquarie's trip
I set out early this morning on my Tour of Inspection to the Settlement of Port Dalrymple attended by Mrs. Macquarie and Lachlan in the carriage, and by Lt. Govr. Sorell, Mr. Judge Advocate Wylde, Lt. Robinson, Lt. Macquarie, Doctr. Redfern, and Mr. Evans, in Gigs or on Horseback; Lt. Govr. Sorell having his son Edmund along with him; and our Baggage having been sent on two days before us. ---
We set out from Hobart Town a qr. before 8 in the morning -- and arrived at Austin's Ferry on the Derwent a qr. past 9; the distance being 9 miles. We Breakfasted at Austin's, and crossed the Ferry immediately afterward -- Our Carriage and Horses Crossing before us. ---Passing over Bagdad Plains, Constitution Hill, Green Ponds, Cross-Marsh, Serpentine Valley, and Spring Hill, we Halted on the Northside of it and on the edge of Jericho Plains, at 6 p.m. encamping there for the Night; the distance from Hobart Town being 40 miles. We found all our Baggage before us -- but our own Horses greatly fatigued & knocked up almostt. ---We did not dine till near 7 o'clock. ---Mrs. M. Lachlan and myself slept in a small Hut lately erected here, as one of the stages to Port Dalrymple. ---
Sunday 6 May !
out after Breakfast at, 9 o'clock, from last Night's Halting Place, and passing
over Jericho Plains, the River Jordon, Woodford Plains, Westmoreland Plains,
and Macquarie Springs, we arrived at Wright's Farm on York Plains where we
halted for the Night -- distance from Spring Hill 15 miles.---
Monday 7. May !It rained in the Night, and continues to do so this morning. We therefore postponed setting out till it cleared up a little, which it did at 11 a.m. ---We then pursued our Journey, our Baggage having set forward about an Hour before us. ---
Passing over Antill Ponds, Salt Pan Plains, Blackman's River, Mount Henrietta, Macquarie River, arrived in Argyle Plains, and Halted for the Night at the Government Stock-Yard, distance from Wright's 16 miles.
Tuesday 8th. May.
At 11 a.m. We pursued our Journey -- our heavy Baggage having been sent off before us at 9 o'clock. ---We travelled over Antill Plains, Maclaine Plains, leaving Mount Campbell on our left, crossed the Elizabeth River (Kempton's Station), then passed over Macquarie Plains, and Halted at the Edge of Epping Forest, where we encamped for the Night. ---Disce. 15 miles.
Leases of Land
1805 the English Government decided to require
the inhabitants of Norfolk Island
to remove, with their
and livestock, to this State. At
first the settlers were 'coaxed by the offer of larger
areas in this island
they had at Norfolk Island; ultimately sterner measures had to be
used, and, by the end of 1808, . 554 persons were landed on
this island. This necessitated
the issue of 356 separate. grant deeds.
Norfolk, Sandy Bay, Sorell, and Clarence Plains in the south, and Norfolk
Plains, near Longford, in the north, were the localities chosen for these
settlers. These grants were at' first small, seldom
acres, but some of the settlers who had · prospered
on Norfolk Island were given much larger areas.
Government was most liberal to these settlers, and
advanced them stock and stores for a considerable
time after their arrival
the year 1819 the British Government sent Commissioner
J. T. Bigge to Van Diemen's Land to take evidence,
report upon, and make recommendations, if necessary, for the better government
of New South
Wales and
its dependencies. In the course of
his duties he called upon Deputy-Surveyor George William Evans to explain
the procedure of allotting land grants in this island-
" How long have you held the situation of Deputy-Surveyor?"
" About 15 years."
"What is the course observed by you when applications are made for grants
in the country?"
" A person desirous of obtaining a grant of land here
applies to the Governor-in-Chief through
Lieutenant-Governor. A particular time of the year (the month of June, or as
nearly as may be to it)
set apart for this purpose by the Commander-in Chief.
these applications the Governor-in-Chief makes a list of the names of persons
to whom he orders
the land should be granted and the quantity they are
to have. Which is signed by him and transmitted
his secretary to the Lieutenant-Governor, who either hands over the original or
a copy of it, with
that I should proceed to mark off the quantities of
land when at leisure in the situations that
the persons may have chosen, provided their
choice will not interfere with any government arrangement.
the quantities are measured and marked off, I make out the descriptions and
boundaries, which I
to the Surveyor-General at headquarters. From
him they are sent to the Governor, who directs grants
to be madeout in pursuance of the description."
Question: "
Are the grants sent down from Sydney to this place, or do they remain until application
is made for them and the fees paid? "
Answer: " The
grants that were sent down in 1817 ·bore date September, 1813. Since. that time about
160 grants of land have remained at
Sydney, and
are there
Question: " Are many
applications made to you by .the persons who have obtained land and have not
obtained grants?
"Almost daily."
Question: "I
suppose that, when the land is measured and marked off, the people immediately repair
to it and cultivate it?
Answer: "They
do, and if I have not time always to go, they will begin to cultivate upon my promise
to measure it."
Question: " Do
not instances occur of these lands so occupied being sold or transferred or taken in execution before the grants arrive?
Answer: " Yes; such instances do
occur, but it is at the risk of the party purchasing, for it is a well known condition
in all
grants that
the land
shall not be sold, transferred, or alienated until after the
term of five years."
Question: "
Does that term run, or is it supposed to run, from the period of occupation of the land or from the date of
Answer: " From
the date of grant."
Question: " Do
you think the defect of
cases where the grant is delayed, affects the value of lands
or increases the
difficulty of . obtaining security upon them?"
Answer: " It does not. In such cases they usually bind themselves in a penalty
of double the amount secured to make over the grant when it arrives."
Question: " Is
the occupation of land permitted by the Lieutenant-Governor before the list containing the
names and quantities of land ordered is returned
by the
Answer : " Yes; to
persons of good character, and for whom he is desirous of obtaining land ; he does not allow a larger extent of land to
be occupied in this way than from 30 to 50 acres."
In the year 1820
the sum of £20,000 was
received from
for wheat exported to that port.
following order by Governor-General Macquarie, dated
from Sydney on 8th . May, 1819, caused consternation among
prospective settlers:-
The applications for land
made to the Governor at the prescribed
time in June last having been 150
as to surpass very far what he expected; and consequently requiring his most serious consideration
previous to his giving a final answer on the respective claims of the applicants. Furthermore, there
being· much difficulty in accommodating those
whose claims to such indulgences may 'be admitted owing to the present very great scarcity of disposable
Crown lands, and many of those persons who were then promised grants of land not having yet had them measured, owing to the scarcity alluded to, His Excellency feels himself compelled
to give this public notice that no application for either land or cattle will be received by him in the ensuing month of June in the year 1820. In consequence of this unavoidable
determination on the part of His. Excellency, the magistrates were required to withhold
their signature of
recommendation from all applications for land or cattle during the current year."
The question
has often been asked if the early governors were imposed upon by persons who applied for
were successful enough to obtain grants of land Well! it is said open confession is good
for the soul,
and this is what· Governor
Macquarie said in a despatch to Lieutenant-Governor Sorell on 13th October,
I fear I have been imposed upon by persons who were traders and not r eal settlers, sending in fictitious
of their property. I have determined in future to
force applicants to make
this despatch he directed the Lieutenant-Governor to
be more economical in the areas
expansion of agriculture brought in its train the necessity of roads.
Lieutenant-Governor Sorell
called to his aid the officers of the Royal Engineers,
who were stationed on the island with him, and about the year 1817 began
the construction of what is now the main road from Hobart to Launceston.
Thomas Bell was most active as an Engineer of
Roads, and, with the cheap labour of the times, good,
well-graded roads were constructed between the various
groups of settlement.Gradually
New Norfolk. Richmond, and Kingston . were
connected by road with Hobart Town, and in the north Launceston was similarly connected
with Westbury. Major Bell was rewarded with a grant of 800 acres of land on the Jordan River in
the year 1821.
analysis of the grants and the grantees issued during
1821 can lead the student to but one conclusion,
and that is, if the public servants received small salaries,
they certainly received large grants of land.
dealt out his favours with a truly regal hand,
. but take it all for all, the public servant was not
a successful farmer. Of course, there were a few notable exceptions, but
the property of most of them quickly passed into the hands of the competent
commercial men of the period who were carrying on various
kinds of business ventures in Hobart Town and Launceston.
gave place as Governor-General to Sir Thomas Brisbane on 1st December, 1821.
first quit rents began to be due about the year 1815, and
Governor Arthur calculated that, if every
settler liable paid his rent, the Government would
receive an annual sum of £13,000. The
land owners
very reluctant to pay this rent, and Governor Arthur
decided that no quit rents should be demanded
persons who obtained their grants prior to
the year 1825
have confined myself up to the present to settlement in
the country districts of this island. It seems
to say a few words about the grants of
land in the Cities of Hobart and Launceston.
feel I cannot do better than to quote evidence given before Commissioner Bigge
in 1817 by Deputy Surveyor G. W. Evans.
"By whom was Hobart Town laid out?"
"By Mr. Meehan and myself, in 1812, after receiving instructions
from Governor Macquarie."
"What is the breadth of the streets? "
" Sixty feet, · except Macquarie-street, which is 66 feet."
Commissioner: " I observe a great many more brick
and wood houses built than are described in your
as held under leases or grants. Upon what tenure are they held, and have they been granted? "
Upon a verbal permission only to build given by the several Lieutenant-Governors.
of them are about to apply for leases.
The majority of
these persons consider that the permission to build and occupy is
equal to a grant or lease."
" What course is it intended that the town should in
future take in extending it?"
"To the north-west and to the south-west."
" Is there plenty of land in
the immediate neighbourhood of the town not granted
available for
location of convicts when they apply?"
" There is a sufficiency for two or three thousand
by WN
Hurst - 1938 -
Hobart Town Gazette and Southern Reporter (Tas. : 1816 - 1821), Saturday 18 January 1817,
page 2
Thursday, 16th January, 1817
AN Application having been made to His EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR in CHIEF
by Acting Assistant Commissary General BROUGHTON, of which the following is an
"I also enclose for your Excellency's Consideration a Demand
"for a Summer and Winter's suit of Slop Cloathing; and a suit of
"Bedding on account of the Norfolk Island Settlers who have "Claims
more or less on Government. In recommending this "Measure, I am aware
there are some who are not so well entitled "to the Indulgence as others,
but from the loose Manner the
"Accounts have been Kept, or more properly speaking, for the want
"of the necessary Accounts to refer to, it is impossible to decide upon
"the Merits of each Individual's Claim; I am therefore induced to
"suggest to your Excellency to adopt this Mode as a final Settlement,
"and most earnestly recommend them to your favourable
HIS EXCELLENCY having acceded to the above request, as a final
liquidation of their Claims; and a Part of the above Cloathing having been sent
for this Purpose, the Acting Assistant Commissary General will on Saturday the
25th of January Instant, Issue to each of the above Settlers who were in the lawful
Possession of Land at Norfolk Island, and made a Surrender of the same to
Government, the following Articles; viz. -
Two Blue Jackets; two pair of Trowsers; two Linen Frocks; one pair of
Sheets; one Bolster Case; one Leather Cap; and ¼lb, of Thread.
The Articles required to Complete the Cloathing and Bedding for each
Person being one pair of Shoes, one Blanket, and one Coverlet, the same will be
Issued to them as soon as they are sent from Head
THOMAS DAVEY. Lieutenant
Hobart Town, Wednesday, HIS EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR, in a Dispatch
received by His Majesty's Brig Kangaroo, having directed that from and
after the 25th of the present Month, no more than SIXPENCE per Pound shall be
paid for FRESH MEAT received into the King's Stores at Hobart Town and Port
Dalrymple; I am therefore Commanded to make the same Public accordingly.
By Command of His Honor the Lieutenant Governor,
Assistant Commissary General (APPROVED) "THOMAS DAVEY."
Town, Van Diemen's Land, 15th Jan. 1817. THE Quantity of Wheat required for the
Current Year, for the Purpose of Victualling those necessarily Supported at the
Public Expense, being about EIGHT THOUSAND BUSHELS, such Settlers as are
desirous of Supplying any Part thereof, are * requested to give in written
Tenders of the Quantity:- And as this early Notice is given with a View to
afford impartial Benefit to the Growers of Grain ONLY, by receiving such
Proportion of their Grain as may be fair and equitable, according to the Number
of Acres each individual may have had under Cultivation this present Season.
Tenders will be received from any other Description of Persons whatever; nor
will Tenders be received from Settlers from and after the 12th Day of March
next ensuing; when the time is completed for the Delivery of the Tenders on the
above Account.
A List
will be published of the Names of the Persons and the Quantities which will be
received from each respectively, and the Time when the same is to be delivered
into the King's Magazine.
By Command
of his Honour the Lieutenant Governor,
Assistant Commissary General. (approved) "THOMAS DAVEY" ACTING
Town, Wednesday, 15th January, 1817. A LIST of Persons who have delivered into
this Office tenders for Supplying His Majesty's Magazine with FRESH MEAT with
the Quantities which will be received from them, and the Dates when the same is
to be delivered.
21st - lbs Mr. Hogan - 5000
Lascelles - 1800; John Blinkworth - 750; Francis Cobb - 500
McNeelance 1800 Edward Miller 1800.
14th John
Wade - 4700
Barnes - 750
Thomas Croft - 800
Ballance - 800
Presnell - 800 George Reynor - 800 Edward Garth - 800
Connolly - 750 George Porter - 750
Jillett - 1500
Clarke - 1000 Mrs. Anne Billett - 1000
Margaret Watts - 750 Mr. John Faulkner - 750 Francis Cox - 500
Command of His Honor the Lieutenant Governor, WILLIAM BROUGHTON,
Assistant Commissary General, (APPROVED) "THOMAS DAVEY."
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